Infants Song List

Infants Song List

Version 1, 2021


Welcome song

Aim To welcome everyone into the group session

Participants Six ? eight

Formation Circle

Pool Depth Waist deep for adults

Equipment None

Instructions/ 1. Lyrics 2.

Carer to stand in a circle holding the child in front of them, facing the instructor. Instructor welcomes each of the children to the lesson by singing:

is here today, is here today Let's all splash our hands, is here today (can include both baby and parent name)

Hello song

Aim To welcome everyone into the group session

Participants Six ? eight

Formation Circle

Pool Depth Waist deep for adults

Equipment None

Instructions/ 1. Lyrics 2.

Carer to stand in a circle holding the child in front of them, facing the instructor. Instructor welcomes each of the children to the lesson by singing:

`Hello, how are you Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are today? It's nice to see here, It's nice to see here, It's nice to see here, How are today?'


Welcome train


To welcome everyone into the group session

Participants Six ? eight

Formation Follow the leader

Pool Depth Waist deep for adults

Equipment None

Instructions 1. /Lyrics


Instructor stands at the start of the line with the carers and children following Instructor welcomes each of the children to the lesson by singing:

`The welcome train is coming Get on board! Choo-Choo The welcome train is coming Get on board! Choo-Choo Welcome to Get on board! Choo-Choo'

Humpty Dumpty

Aim Participants

To teach a seated entry and learn to return to the pool edge, aiming towards independence Six ? eight

Formation Sitting in a line on the edge of the pool

Pool Depth Waist deep for adults

Equipment None

Instructions 1. /Lyrics


Children sit in a line along the pool edge with carers in the water facing them. Carers hold child's hands and everybody sings:

`Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, (child enters water with assistance) All the king's horses and all the king's men, Couldn't put Humpty together again' (child is turned towards pool edge to return to safety and encouraged to hold on)

Variation: As child becomes more confident and able, a step-in entry can be used.

Ten green frogs

Aim To teach a slide entry one at a time on cue Participants Six ? eight

Formation Sitting in a line on the edge of the pool

Pool Depth Waist deep for adults

Equipment None

Instructions / 1. Lyrics 2.

Children sit in a line along the pool edge with carers in the water facing them. Everybody sings:

`Ten green frogs sitting on the wall, Ten green frogs sitting on the wall, And if one green frog accidently falls, (with assistance child slides into the water and holds onto the pool edge) There are nine green frogs sitting on the wall....' (Eight, seven, six etc.)

Five little speckled frogs

Aim To encourage an independent jump in entry and return to the pool edge to exit

Participants Six ? eight

Formation Standing in a line on the edge of the pool

Pool Depth Waist deep for adults Equipment None

Instructions 1. /Lyrics 2.


Children stand in a line along the pool edge with carers in the water facing them Initially the carers assist the children to enter the water on cue and then aim towards independent entry into the pool, returning to the pool edge and safely exit. Everybody sings

`Five little speckled frogs, sittin' on a speckled log eating a most delicios fly, Yum, yum, yum, yum. One jumped into the pool, where it was nice and cool' (Child enters the water with carers assistance). Then there were four little speckled frogs.... (Then three, two, one)

Climbing monkeys

Aim To build strength in holding onto the pool edge and moving towards a safe place

Participants Six ? eight

Formation line along the pool edge

Pool Depth Waist deep for adults

Equipment None

Instructions 1. /Lyrics 2.

Carer to stand in water at poolside, holding child facing pool edge. Carer assists child to move hands along pool edge like a climbing monkey ? to the right and then to the left. Everybody sings:

`Climbing monkeys, Climbing monkeys, Climbing along the wall Climbing monkeys, Climbing monkeys, trying not to fall.

Teddy bear, teddy bear

Aim To encourage an independent jump in entry and return to the pool edge to exit

Participants Six ? eight

Formation Standing in a line on the edge of the pool

Pool Depth Waist deep for adults

Equipment None

Instructions 1. /Lyrics 2.



Children stand in a line along the pool edge with carers in the water facing them Initially carers guide the children to do the actions to their words and hold their hands when entering the water. Aim towards independent entry into the pool, returning to the pool edge and safely exit. Everybody sings

`Teddy bear, teddy bear turn around (child to turn around 360?) Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground (child touches the ground) Teddy bear, teddy bear stand up tall (child to stand tall with their arms up) Teddy bear, teddy bear jump off the wall' (child enters the wall with carers assistance)


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