Mr. Hoover's Science Classes

SNC1D: U4-L Date:


A Page from a Newspaper/Class Presentation


You are a science writer for the local newspaper. This week your editor wants a piece on space. Choose a topic from the list below (one topic/2 student group) and create a newspaper page that includes the following information:

An introduction that includes relevant background information for the page

4 subtopics that will be covered in different articles on your page

A conclusion that includes information about what the future holds in relation to this topic

You will also create a presentation that you will present to the class. The presentation must include an introduction, background information, slides for each of your topics and a conclusion. Adding pictures and diagrams will help to make your presentation more interesting.

The presentation must be between 3-5 minutes long and both group members must contribute equally.

Topics Ideas:

|Update on Spirit rover |Humans living in space – health issues |

|Update on Opportunity rover |Cassini Equinox mission |

|Probe sent to the moon recently |Satellites |

|Space junk |Building of the ISS |

|Shuttle program update |Asteroids in our solar system |

|ISS update |Solar flares effect on earth |

|Hubble telescope update |Speeds reached when traveling through space, types of space craft |

|First private citizen in space – space tourism |Plasma rockets |

|NASA’s next visit to a celestial body |SETI project |

|Finding planets outside of our solar system |Deep Space One Mission |

|Colonization of Mars |Viking Mission |

|Best time to see meteor showers, what are meteor showers |Galileo Mission |

|Best time to see Northern lights, what are Northern lights |Becoming an astronaut |

|Humans living in space – day to day life |Types of stars |

| |Another topic of your choosing |

Selection of groups, topic and research of background information – Friday – Sunday, January 13th – 15th, 2012.

Written Work Due – Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

Presentations – Wednesday – Thursday, January 18-19th

Newspapers and presentations should be submitted to Mr. Hoover at: mrhoover.

A good program to use for this task is Microsoft Publisher. Find the newsletter template, and it will have columns set up for you already. Don’t forget to take a look at the examples, to get an idea of how it should look. Element of a newspaper page that need to be present are:

• Name of newspaper

• Date

• Title of article

• Subtitles for subtopic articles

• Pictures

• Newspaper formatting – small text, a variety of columns, advertisements, etc.

Planning Page – Use this area below to plan

Your Name:______________________ Partners Name: __________________

My topic is ______________________________________________________

My background information for my introduction will cover:

My first subtopic is _________________________________________________________________

My second subtopic is _________________________________________________________________

My third subtopic is _________________________________________________________________

My fourth subtopic is _________________________________________________________________

The information about the future that will serve as my conclusion is about:


Written Work: (30 marks)

Your written work will be evaluated on the following criteria:

• Newspaper style – formatting (columns, variety of title sizes, etc.)

(6 marks)

• Quality of writing (introduction, body, conclusion, organization, sentence structure, spelling, grammar) (10 marks)

• Quality of information (accuracy, choice of subtopics)

(10 marks)

• Interest (newspaper stories must be interesting!)

(4 marks)

Presentation: (30 marks)

The purpose of the presentation is to give you an opportunity to practice speaking in front of a group with emphasis on speaking naturally without reading! For this reason, the rubric is very simple:

Presentation Rubric

| |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Eye contact | | |The presenter made eye contact with the | |

|(6 marks) | | |audience almost all the time. | |

|Speaking naturally | | |The presenter used notes only to keep on | |

|(6 marks) | | |track. The presenter did not read from | |

| | | |notes. | |

|Delivery | | |The presenter was well prepared and was | |

|(6 marks) | | |able to move through the presentation | |

| | | |without excessive pausing. | |

|Content | | |The presentation was delivered in an order | |

|(6 marks) | | |that made sense. The presentation was | |

| | | |understandable and interesting. | |

|Introduction/ | | |The introduction and conclusion were | |

|Conclusion | | |present and used properly. An effort was | |

|(4 marks) | | |made to make them interesting. | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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