1. Using at least two different search engines that you have never used before, try to create a search to retrieve documents about the impact of the TRIPS Agreement on the sale of pharmaceutical products in India and the extent to which India is complying with the TRIPS Agreement.

(a) What search engines did you try?

I tried (1) and (2)

(b) In your opinion, which combination of search engine and search terms worked the best? (give the name of the search engine and the words that you used for your search that turned out to be the most successful)

In my opinion, and the search terms worked the best.

(c) Read some of the articles/websites that you found on this topic. Briefly describe one particular source that you found to have an interesting or insightful perspective on this topic.

One of the links on the first page of results returned from the above search in was to an abstract of a recent article published in SSRN (Social Science Research Network): “Harmonization and its Discontents: A Case Study of TRIPS Implementation in India’s Pharmaceutical Sector” (by A. Kapczynski of UC-Berkeley School of Law, 2009). The full text can be obtained through the SSRN website (linked via the SMU Law Library’s website).

2. Research perspectives on whether or not there is possible tension between the human rights concepts of: (i) freedom of religious expression and (ii) women’s equality with men.

(a) Read some of the articles/websites that you found on this topic. Briefly describe one particular source that you found to have an interesting or insightful perspective on this topic using a “one-step Googling process”.

A simple Google search using the search terms returned an interesting article published in SSRN on the first page: “The Conflict between Communal Religious Freedom and Women’s Equality: A Proposal for Reform of the Hindu Succession Act of 1956” (by A. Sridhar of the University of Toronto).

(b) Read some of the articles/websites that you found on this topic. Briefly describe one particular source that you found to have an interesting or insightful perspective on this topic using a “deep web source” (i.e., a source that you could only reach by using a second internal search box to look within a website or by browsing within a website using a directory or site map for the website).

After pulling up the above article in SSRN, I clicked on the “Search” tab for SSRN and did a search for: . This search in this one source, SSRN, returned 68 results including such relevant articles as:

On the Tension between Sex Equality and Religious Freedom

U of Chicago, Public Law Working Paper No. 167

Cass R. Sunstein

Harvard University - Harvard Law School

Date Posted: June 26, 2007

Last Revised: June 26, 2007

Working Paper Series

| |

| | |Between Petros and a Hard Place? Human Rights to Religious Liberty or to Gender Equality in Europe |

| | |GENDER, RELIGION, HUMAN RIGHTS IN EUROPE, pp. 63-83, K. Børresen and S. Cabibbo, eds., Herder, 2006 |

| | |Andreas Follesdal |

| | |University of Oslo |

| | |Date Posted: September 25, 2010 |

| | |Last Revised: September 25, 2010 |

| | |Accepted Paper Series |


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