Initial Appointment Date-

Curriculum Vita

October 2009

Ken Cearley

Program Specialist III- Wildlife

Texas AgriLife Extension Service

Texas A&M System

Personal Information

A. Ken Cearley

B. Program Specialist II- Wildlife

C. Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences

D. Date of Initial Appointment: February 1998

E. Date of Last Promotion: September 2009

Position Description

A. Percent Appointment:

Extension: 100%

B. Major Areas of Work:

Responsible for development and delivery of Extension programming in wildlife ecology and management. Duties include: (1) providing support to County Extension Agents and the development of County-level programming in the area of wildlife management; (2) development of innovative Extension programming materials directed at enhancing wildlife resources in Texas – programs of focus will include native species of economic importance, and wildlife—livestock interactions; (3) collaborating with a network of wildlife biologists and other natural resource managers and scientists within Texas Parks & Wildlife Department and other state and federal agencies; (4) contribute to expansion of existing youth conservation education programs; (5) development of external funding sources for supporting Extension and applied research activities in faculty member’s area of expertise; and (6) provide general support to the land grant mission of the Texas A&M System.

Education, Experience & Award Recognition

A. Education

1. Sul Ross State University, Alpine; MS Range Animal Science, 1998

2. Texas A&M University; BS Wildlife Science, 1976

B. Teaching

1. Courses Taught

a) Sul Ross State University. Beef Cattle Production Lab. Graduate Teaching Assistant. 1 semester hour.

b) SRSU. Upland and Wetland Habitat Management Lab. Graduate Teaching Assistant. 1 semester hour.

c) SRSU. Wildlife Management Techniques Lab. Graduate Teaching Assistant. 1 semester hour.

d) SRSU. Natural Resource Policy and Administration. (substitute instructor) 3 semester hours.

e) SRSU. Agricultural Statistics. (substitute instructor) 3 semester hours.

f) SRSU. Introduction to Range Management. Lecturer. 3 semester hours.

g) SRSU. Big Game Management. Lecturer. 3 semester hours.

h) SRSU. General Animal Science. Lecturer. 3 semester hours.

i) SRSU. Wildlife Diseases. Lecturer. 3 semester hours.

j) SRSU. Natural Resource Policy and Administration. Lecturer. 3 semester hours.

C. Positions held

1. 2005 to present: Extension Program Specialist II and Adjunct Faculty for West Texas A&M University

2. 2003 to 2005: Extension Program Specialist I- Wildlife

3. 1998-2003: Extension/Research Associate- Wildlife (TCE/TAES)

4. 1994-1998: Graduate student, then Lecturer (Sul Ross State University)

5. 1989-1994: Rancher/Wildlife Biologist-Manager

6. 1980-1989: Ranch Manager/Wildlife Biologist-Manager

7. 1977-1980: Research Assistant (TAES), Dept. WFSC, under Sam Beasom and Jack Inglis

D. Awards and Recognitions

1. Superior Service Award- Texas Brigades Youth Wildlife Leadership Camps Team. 2000

2. Camp Dedication Award for 12th Battalion Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade. 2004

3. Outstanding Team Award, Gold category, from Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals for Extension’s Wildlife & Fisheries Management Workshops for Absentee Landowners held in 2004. 2006

4. Superior Service Award- Wildlife Management Team. 2007

E. Certifications held

1. Certified Artificial Insemination Technician- Medina Valley Genetics A.I. School, 1983

2. Certified Wildlife Biologist- The Wildlife Society, 1989

3. GPS/GIS User Training- Corvallis Microtechnology, 2000

4. Introductory GIS (ArcView 8.2/ArcView) - TAMU Spatial Sciences Laboratory, 2002

5. Advanced GIS (Spatial Analyst)- Land Information Systems, Institute of Renewable Natural Resources, TAMU, 2006

Career Accomplishments

A. Extension Activities

1. Development of Programs, Services, Products, and/or Processes (since last promotion)

a) 2005

1) Coordinated North Region Agent Training dealing with the realistic potential for Nature Tourism as an income source for landowners and some of the wildlife-related enterprises otherwise which might be considered for the ranching operation.

2) Initiated and coordinated Quail Appreciation Day- to include introduction to an appreciation for quail, quail biology, a lab practical, habitat management, summaries of recent studies pertaining to quail management (predation, nesting ecology, etc.), and a field tour to see examples of good quail management. Meeting hosted by Crane and Pecos counties.

3) Coordinated Feral Hog Appreciation Day hosted by Garza and Crosby counties. Activities included feral hog origin and status, feral hog biology, effective control measures, and opportunities for hunting to contribute to control measures as well as provide additional ranch or farm income.

4) Initiated and coordinated- Predators in the Classroom: A Primer on Ecology for 4-7th grades was presented as a science enrichment curriculum to teachers at two of the regional education service centers in the state, San Antonio and Richardson.

5) Initiated and coordinated Pheasant Management Workshop was held in Lamb County. Information presented included origin and biology of pheasants, current population status, pheasant habitat management, economic importance, relevant Farm Bill provisions, and a panel discussion of local landowners and operators who have experience in pheasant-based enterprises.

6) Initiated and coordinated Playa Lakes Management Workshop to be held in Lamb County. Topics covered: playa lake features, function, and wildlife potential; field tour showcasing contrasting playa management/use scenarios—wildlife as a priority and livestock as a priority—and the impact on wildlife production.

b) 2006

1) Gem City Wildlife Management Association Organizational Meeting

a) Landowners and other public interested in the formation of a wildlife management association in the Gem City area. TPWD, NRCS, US Fish and Wildlife Service, county government, Texas Prairie Rivers Region involved

b) Gave presentation “Extension Resources for Wildlife Management”

2) CRP Alternatives publication

a) Coordinated advisory group made up of NRCS, FSA, TPWD

b) Met with agencies affected by CRP enrollment activities to formulate plans for publication aimed at helping landowners make decisions regarding alternative land use(s) should CRP contract not be renewed

3) TPWD Lesser Prairie Chicken incentives program

a) Participated in meeting of advisory group enlisted to assist TPWD determine dispensation of and program design for funds allocated for landowner incentives aimed at lesser prairie chicken management

4) National Wild Turkey Federation Canadian River Restoration

a) Advisory Committee member

b) National Wild Turkey Federation, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, National Parks Service, Texas Forest Service, Texas Prairie Rivers Region, Texas Tech University, Texas A & M University involved

5) Hutchinson County Rangeland Monitoring Workshop planning

a) Participated in planning meeting for upcoming Rangeland Monitoring Workshop

b) Collaborated with TCE range specialist, CEA Hutchinson, rancher/landowner, NRCS range specialist, and NRCS District Conservationist.

6) Pronghorn Symposium Steering Committee meetings- monthly from Mar-July

a) Coordinator and co-initiator

b) Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Natural Resources Conservation Services, University Lands, CDRCD, private industry, Texas Wildlife Association, Chihuahuan Desert Resource Conservation and Development Area, SRSU involved

7) RAWHIDE (Ranching Aimed at Wildlife Habitat Improvement and Diversification of Enterprises)

a) Initiator and coordinator

b) Phone and e-mail contacts to coordinate and plan upcoming RAWHIDE workshops

8) Playa Lakes Management Workshops initial planning

a) Initiator and Coordinator

b) TPWD, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Playa Lakes Joint Venture, Texas Coalition Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative

9) Pheasant Hunter Survey

a) Initiator and coordinator

b) Instrument design discussion with TCE Ag Economist

c) Mailing list compilation

c) 2007

1) WHEP location reconnaissance, Boy Scout Camp, Canyon

2) Coordinated Playa Programs planning discussion with TPWD; discussed potential playa management programming topics and strategies

3) Rolling Plains Quail Research Ranch visit

4) North Region Strategic Plan

a) Contributed to formulation of initial document

b) Served on Range and Wildlife Commodity Team

5) Co-coordinated a meeting to develop suggested Range and Wildlife programs that address Strategic Plan mandates

6) D-1 Specialist Scheduling for 2008 programs

7) D-2 Specialist Scheduling for 2008 programs

8) D-6 Specialist Scheduling for 2008 programs

9) Feral Hog program planning meeting- Hockley County, Met with CEA Hockley and IPM Agent Hockley to plan for a field day dealing with management of feral hog crop damage

10) Playa Lakes Symposium 2007- served as Coordinator; facilitated Advisory Committee meeting

a) Site search Castro County decided which playas would be used for field tour portion of upcoming PAD

11) WILD (Wildlife Intensive Leadership Development)

a) Assisted in planning upcoming events related to WILD programs

12) Panhandle Wind and Wildlife Conference- Co-coordinator with TPWD; Texas Wildlife Association serving as partner; meeting to be August 08

d) 2008

1) Texas Brigades- participation in monthly teleconferences as immediate Past President

2) Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade Steering Committee

a) Met at new camp location to plan logistical details, and discussion of curriculum needs/modifications

3) Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade steering committee

4) North Texas Buckskin Brigade Steering Committee

5) RAWHIDE workshops planning

6) Panhandle Wind and Wildlife Conference

a) Co-coordinator for the conference

b) Local arrangements chair

7) South Plains Wind and Wildlife Conference

a) planning for the Lubbock conference

b) Co-coordinator for the conference

c) Local arrangements chair

8) Coordinated planning for series of three publications After the Conservation Reserve Program: Land Management Alternatives with Wildlife in Mind.

9) Texas Quail Study Group Steering Committee

a) Participated in initial planning meeting with stakeholders/steering committee in Odessa

b) Numerous teleconferences

10) Planning associated with various CEA-initiated county-level programs

11) North Region strategic planning

a) Range and Wildlife subcommittee service

b) Participated in strategic planning for programming and reporting aimed at outlined objectives

12) Coordinated field tour planning for Playa Appreciation Day, Castro County

13) Assisted in planning numerous media releases

14) Trans-Pecos Wildlife Conference- participated in numerous teleconferences and assisted in planning ; served on steering committee

15) Planning associated with supporting county outcome plans that have wildlife emphasis

16) Coordinated result Demo, Oldham County- planning for quail-related project

17) Coordinated field tour planning and site visit- met with CEA Carson County to choose playas for field visit as part of upcoming Playa Lakes Appreciation Day

2. Faculty and Staff Training/Assistance (since last promotion)

a) 2005

1) Coordinated and conducted North Region Agent Training in Moore County (Dumas) on Nature Tourism and Wildlife-related Opportunities. Gave presentations:

a) “Quail Unlimited Expenditure Survey Results”

b) “Management of Your Wildlife Resources for Sustainable Production: Upland Gamebirds, Mule Deer, and Whitetails”

c) “Resources Available Through Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences”

d) “Wildlife Programming Opportunities in the Panhandle”

b) 2006

1) West Region Agent Training for Wildlife- Coordinator

a) Trained CEAs on general wildlife management principles and gave programming ideas

b) Gave presentations:

i) “Deer Appreciation Days”

ii) “Predator Appreciation Days”

iii) “Deer Surveys/Using Remote Cameras”

iv) “Use of GPS/GIS”

2) North Region Agent Training for Wildlife and Nature Tourism- Coordinator

a) North Region CEAs who direct wildlife-related outcome programs involved

b) Gave presentations:

i) “Nature Tourism Resources: Financial Planning and Nature Tourism Toolkit”

ii) “Deer Survey Calculator/Remote Cameras for Deer Surveys”

iii) “Texas Brigades Status and Bass Pro Shop DVD on Bobwhite Brigade”

iv) “GPS/GIS Technology and its Usefulness to Extension Programming”

c) 2007

1) North Region Agent Training- Matador WMA- TPWD- Coordinator

a) Gave presentations

i) “High Plains Wildlife Programming Focus Areas”

ii) “Applied Research / Result Demonstration Ideas”

iii) “Texas Brigades”

2) West Region D-6 Agent Training- Coordinator

a) Gave several presentations related to wildlife management, and programming focus areas

d) 2008

1) North Region Agent Training (above the caprock)- Coordinator

a) Gave presentations

i) What CEAs Need to Know about Pronghorns, Pheasants, and Predators

ii) Successful Programs- Feral Hogs, Playas, Pheasants, Pronghorns, and Predator Awareness Workshops

iii) Demonstration of Camera Census

iv) Texas Brigades as a Professional Development Opportunity.

2) North Region Agent Training (below the caprock)- Coordinator

a) Gave presentations

i) What CEAs Need to Know about Pronghorns

ii) Feral Hog Management and Wildlife Services Overview

iii) Coping with Feral Hogs and Predator Awareness Workshops as examples of successful programs

iv) Demonstration of Camera Census

v) Texas Brigades as a Professional Development Opportunity.

3) West Region Agent Training- Coordinator

a) Gave presentations

i) What CEAs Need to Know about Pronghorns

ii) Feral Hog Management and Wildlife Services Overview

iii) Coping with Feral Hogs and Predator Awareness Workshops as Successful Programs

iv) Examples of Demonstrations- Camera Census and "Watch this Brush/Riparian Area/other"

v) and Texas Brigades as a Professional Development Opportunities.

3. Implementation of Educational Programs

a) Individual Presentations, Products, Collaborations, and Media Interaction (since last promotion, see Table 1 and Appendix A)

Table 1. Summary of Extension programming effortsfor example period January 2005- August 2008.

|Outreach and Extension Programming |Jan-Aug 2008 |2007 |2006 |2005 |

|Clientele Reached (all) |7,597 |5,168 |1,738 |942 |

|Clientele Reached (Group Methods) |3,232 |2,908 |1,650 |not available |

|Clientele Reached (youth) |1,580 |~3,200 |71 |100 |

|Contact Hours |2,791 |2,269 |1,973 |1,936 |

|Sessions other than group educational meetings |35 |40 |131 |not available |

|Educational Meetings (Presentations) |22 (53) |32 (61) |38 (48) |35 (99) |

|Individual Clientele Assistance |1,214 |870 |825 |not available |

|Radio Interview |5 |7 |2 | |

|Video Interview |1 |2 |2 | |

|Print Media Interview |2 |6 |2 | |

|Media Releases Coordinated |1 |2 |2 |3 |

|Grants Awarded | |$15,500 | |$12,292 |

|Refereed Journal Articles | |1 | | |

|Extension Publications – Peer Reviewed, print |2 |2 | | |

|Extension Publications – Peer Reviewed electronic media | | | |1 |

|Extension Publications- Peer Reviewed, online | | |1 | |

|Symposium Proceedings | |1 |1 | |

|Popular and Internet Articles | | | |6 |

|Planning Groups Meetings and Clientele Panels |45 |25 |38 |~20 |

|County Extension Agent Training |3 |2 |2 |1 |

B. Example Quantitative Measures of Teaching Effectiveness and Economic Impact

1. 2003

a) Predator Awareness Workshops

1) 151 attendees

2) 543,210 acres affected

3) 6,205 animals estimated saved

4) Value $1,179,819.

2. 2005

a) Predator Awareness Workshops

1) 218 attendees

2) Five, day-long meetings

3) 36 % knowledge increase based on scores of pre/post-tests (range in test scores 19-60)

3. 2006

a) Predator Awareness Workshops

1) 78 attendees

2) Two day-long meetings

3) 33 % knowledge increase based on scores of pre/post-tests (range 23-43)

b) RAWHIDE Workshops

1) 54 attendees

2) Three day-long meetings

3) Participant self-appraisal of knowledge level pre- and post-workshop

a) 53 % knowledge level increase (range 33-83)

c) Pronghorn Symposium 2006

1) 130 attendees

2) Participant self-appraisal of knowledge level pre- and post-symposium

a) 51 % knowledge level increase

3) 6,181,871 acres affected

4) 4,624,096 acres affected by non-agency attendees

5) $302,900 economic impact estimated

6) Follow-up Survey

a) 8,887,412 acres managed by attendees

b) 68,364 acres was the average managed by each attendee

c) 45% had applied specific management practices as a result of the symposium

4. 2007

a) Texas / New Mexico Rangeland Monitoring Workshop June 2007

1) 14 attendees

2) Participant self-appraisal of knowledge level pre- and post-workshop

a) 39% knowledge level increase

b) Texas Brigades (served as President 2006, 2007)

1) Four camps (resumed six camps in 2008)

2) 117 cadets from 68 Texas counties plus Pennsylvania

3) 1,500 volunteer hours contributed per camp, valued at $112,620

4) Cadet outreach yielded 2,500 direct contacts, 49,965 indirect June- November

5) Earlier full year accounting: 13,191 direct; 242,464 indirect; and 50 media outlets 629,219.

5. 2008

a) Panhandle Wind and Wildlife Conference- Amarillo

1) Participant self-appraisal of knowledge level pre- and post-conference

a) 46-78% knowledge level increase

2) 240 attendees

a) 78% increase in understanding of wind energy installation

b) 75% increase in understanding of wind energy development on land appraisals and real estate values

c) 64% increase in understanding of legislative issues relative to wind energy

d) 48% increase in understanding of known and unknown impacts on wildlife populations

e) 91% said they probably or definitely will adopt wildlife management as a priority

f) 1,446,167 acres managed by attendees

C. Financial Support of Extension Activities

1. Grants/Contracts Funded

a) $2,300 in 2001 from the Sheep and Goat Predator Management Board to conduct Predator Awareness Workshops

b) $1,800 in 2001 from the Sheep and Goat Predator Management Board to conduct Predators in the Classroom Teachers’ Workshops

c) $7,000 in 2001 from the Sheep and Goat Predator Management Board to produce Coping with Feral Hogs video

d) $7,815 in 2002 from Renewable Resources Extension Act to conduct R.A.W.H.I.D.E.- A Symposium on Ranching Aimed at Wildlife Habitat Improvement and Diversification of Enterprises

e) $6,000 in 2002 from National Parks Service for production of Coping with Feral Hogs video

f) $3,200 in 2005 from Sheep and Goat Predator Management Board to conduct 4 Predators in the Classroom Teachers’ Workshops at selected Regional Education Service Centers around the state.

g) $375 in 2005 from Meatra D. Harrison for professional development, Advanced GIS Training.

h) $2,500 in 2005 from Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative Texas Coalition to conduct Playa Lakes Management Workshops in 2006.

i) $6,217 in 2005 from Renewable Resources Extension Act to conduct Pronghorn Symposia in 2006.

j) $8,000 in 2007 from Renewable Resources Extension Act to produce the publication, Playa Lakes in Texas: Managing for the Benefit of Wildlife.

k) $7,500 in 2007 from Renewable Resources Extension Act to produce the publication, After the Conservation Reserve Program: Land Management Alternatives.

l) $7,800 in 2009 from Renewable Resources Extension Act to conduct Trans-Pecos Prescribed Fire Symposium in 2009.

2. Grants/Contract Proposals Submitted but Not Funded

a) 2005- “Strategic Interagency Collaboration to Enhance Lesser Prairie-chicken Habitat and Management: An Innovative Model for Candidate Species Recovery in the Texas Panhandle” proposed to NRCS Conservation Innovation Grant program for $40,000 funding.

b) 2005- “Playa Lakes Management Workshops” grant proposal submitted to Playa Lakes Joint Venture/ConocoPhillips for $3,000 funding.

c) 2007

1) “Playa Lakes Symposium” grant proposal submitted to Renewable Resources Extension Act to conduct the meeting and to print the symposium proceedings.

2) Sheep and Goat Predator Management Board for funding for four Predator Awareness Workshops in the Panhandle and Trans-Pecos. $3,600

3) Renewable Resources Extension Act for funding for “After CRP: Management Alternatives for Land Formerly Enrolled” meeting, proceedings, and follow-up brochure. $15,000 (partially funded- see above)

4) Work with director of Ogallala Commons to submit a proposal to Playa Lakes Joint Venture/ConocoPhillips for funding to conduct playa lakes seminars in 2008

D. Supervisory Duties

1. 2005-2008- Administrative Assistant

2. 2006- Summer intern for Quail X Wildfire Study

3. 2007- Summer intern for Quail X Wildfire Study

4. 2008- Summer intern for Quail X Wildfire Study

E. Professionalism and Service

1. Membership and Activities in Professional and Job-related Organizations, and Honor Societies

a) The Wildlife Society, since 1974

1) Member of Wildlife Damage Working Group since 1999

2) Member Southwest Section since 1999

3) Reviewer for Wildlife Society Bulletin

a) Two manuscripts 2002

b) Two manuscripts 2005

b) Texas Chapter The Wildlife Society, since 1974

1) Member Excellence in Wildlife Conservation Committee 2008

2) Contributed critique of Texas Chapter- The Wildlife Society’ draft policy statement on high fencing

3) Candidate for Vice President in 2004 election

4) Co-Chair of Local Arrangements Committee 2004/2005

5) Secretary 2003/2004

6) Board Member at Large 2002/2003

7) Chair of various committees, including Membership (2002/2003), Local Arrangements (1999/2000).

c) Society for Range Management, since 1978

d) Texas Section Society for Range Management, since 1978

1) Member Activities Committee 2005

2) Nominated for 2nd Vice President 2008

3) Nominated for 2nd Vice President 2009

e) Texas Cooperative Extension Specialists’ Association, since 1998

f) Epsilon Sigma Phi, since 2006

g) Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals, since 2006

1) Participated in Triennial Conference of Extension Wildlife and Fisheries Specialists in 2006

h) Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade

1) Member of Steering Committee since 1998

2) Board Member at Large for Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade, Texas Brigades- 2003 to 2005

i) Texas Brigades

1) Member Texas Brigades Steering Committee: 1998 to present

2) Served as Board Member At Large for Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade 2003-2005

3) Chair, Inventory and Curriculum Committee 2005

4) President 2006-2007

j) South Texas Buckskin Brigade

1) Member Steering Committee 2000 to 2005

k) North Texas Buckskin Brigade

1) Member Steering Committee since 2003

2. Publication Reviewing

a) Southwestern Naturalist- articles in 2005 and 2007

b) Progressive Farmer Magazine- article in 2006

c) USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

1) Brush Management Guidelines and Considerations for Livestock, Wildlife, Water, and Aesthetics in Central Texas. 2006

d) Extension Publication

1) University of Kentucky faculty

a) Pheasant Management manuscript. 2006

3. Various Professional Development and Service Activities not mentioned elsewhere

a) 2005

1) Applied for and was awarded adjunct faculty status with West Texas A&M University

2) Reviewed Arkansas River Shiner Management Plan as member of advisory committee

3) Participated in annual meeting of Texas Cooperative Extension Specialists’ Association held in Fredericksburg

4) Served as mentor and guest speaker at meeting of WTAMU Wildlife Club

5) Met with co-author to work on manuscript stemming from Master’s thesis which will be submitted to Journal of Arid Environments for publication

6) Texas Chapter The Wildlife Society

7) Served as judge for Cottam Competition—scored extended abstracts submitted in advance of formal technical paper presentation at the upcoming annual meeting of TCTWS

8) Served as member of, and judge for Cottam Award Committee

9) The Wildlife Society

10) Attended Southwest Section The Wildlife Society meeting in Alpine- networked with attendees and planned upcoming meetings, and attended technical sessions for research updates

11) Texas Brigades

12) Participated in Texas Brigades monthly teleconference as BML for Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade

13) Participated in annual Texas Brigades Board Meeting as Board Member At-Large for Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade.

14) Texas Section Society for Range Management

15) Served on Activities Committee

16) Society for Range Management

17) Served as volunteer host at Society for Range Management annual meeting in Fort Worth 5-10 Feb

b) 2006

1) West Texas A & M University thesis defense participation

a) “Waterfowl and shorebird use of playa lakes in the Texas Panhandle”

2) Predator Management for Goat Producers online training resource

a) wrote module for online certification by Langston University of meat goat producers “Predator Management for Goat Producers”

3) Texas Chapter The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting

a) Attended plenary session, and technical sessions

b) Conducted meeting with collaborators to plan publication dealing with economically feasible wildlife-friendly options for management of lands which will not be re-enrolled in CRP (TPWD, TAMU)

c) Conducted meeting with Steering Committee for Pronghorn Symposium (collaborators present: TAMU, TPWD, NRCS, SRSU)

4) GIS/GPS training

a) Use of latest Trimble brand GPS software and equipment relevant to agricultural and general land management applications

5) Triennial Conference of Extension Wildlife and Fisheries Specialists

a) Attended program

b) Collaborated with Program Unit colleagues

c) Networked and collaborated with colleagues on the national level

c) 2007

1) Proposal Review

a) Reviewed proposal to TPWD for funding to continue Quail X Wildfire Monitoring study, TAES Collaboration

2) Professionalism and Service

a) Youth Conservation Education

i) Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade Steering Committee meeting

a) Participated as President of Texas Brigades (umbrella organization for Brigades camps)

ii) Texas Brigades Presidency

a) Misc. responsibilities as President of Texas Brigades organization

iii) WILD Graduation- Texas Wildlife Association

a) Gave congratulatory presentation to graduating members of the inaugural class of Wildlife Intensive Leadership Development program of Texas Brigades, upper level training for high achieving former cadets.

iv) Texas Brigades Monthly Teleconference

a) Served as President in coordinating administrative meeting to address current administrative issues

v) Served as instructor and mentor for North Texas Buckskin Brigade

vi) Served as instructor and mentor for Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade

b) Abstracts for West Texas Deer Study Group

i) Coordinated compilation of, and edited, abstracts for the meeting

3) Individual Professional Development

a) GIS refresher study- self directed study to maintain and increase proficiency in GIS

b) Ag Commodities Conference, Amarillo Farm and Ranch Show- attended overview of stocker cattle/wheat situation and presentations of the status and feasibility of ethanol production and its impact on land use, crop choices

c) West Texas Wind Energy and Wildlife Conference- attended conference conducted by Texas Wildlife Association and Texas Cooperative Extension re: many aspects of the wind energy business and its potential impact on wildlife and land values

d) Texas Section Society for Range Management Annual Meeting- participated in order to update and enhance knowledge base re: range and wildlife management, especially (this year’s theme) “playas, plains, and people.”

e) Wildlife Damage Management Conference- attended meeting held in Corpus Christi, sponsored by The Wildlife Society, to enhance knowledge of current wildlife damage management issues and best management practices

f) Reviewed Texas Quails- by invitation of Texas Chapter The Wildlife Society, for newsletter book review section

g) West Texas Deer Study Group planning- participated as steering committee member in planning the now-biennial event

h) Texas Chapter The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting- attended annual meeting in Beaumont to network with wildlife colleagues and to enhance knowledge

i) GIS Symposium, Conference related to latest GIS uses and developments

j) Review Southwestern Naturalist submission, Serve as Reviewer for Southwestern Naturalist peer-reviewed journal

k) West Texas Deer Study Group Moderated session, introduced speakers

l) Photography and Habitat Status/Range Condition overview of lower High Plains and Trans-Pecos

4) Resource Acquisition and Management

a) Playa photographs for future presentations

i) Collected photos of playas that will be used in future presentations

b) Abstract written for presentation given at Bollenbach Wildlife Symposium 2007, Nobel Foundation, Woodward, OK- White-tailed Deer and Mule Deer Interactions

c) Playa Lakes Symposium 2007 proceedings article and abstract written- Integrating Playa Management with Farming and Ranching

i) Contribution as presentation to Playa Lakes Symposium 2007, and as paper to proceedings of the meeting

d) Editor for Proceedings Playa Lakes Symposium 2007

i) Proceedings provided at Playa Lakes Symposium 2007 23-24 Oct in Amarillo

ii) Additional copies sent to all CEAs in counties with playas and made available at AgriLife bookstore online

5) Organizational Development

a) Annual Program Unit Planning Retreat 07

b) Participated in WFSC’s Annual Program Unit Planning Retreat

c) Quarterly Economic Impact Reports

d) Pheasant Hunter Survey and analysis

6) Professional Organization Involvement

a) Maintained familiarity with current literature

i) Examples

a) Journal of Wildlife Management

b) Wildlife Monographs

c) Rangeland Ecology and Management

d) 2008

a) Professionalism and Service

i) AgriLife Conference- attended and participated in program unit meeting

ii) Prescribed Burning Workshop- planned to help with demonstration burn which was ultimately thwarted by county burn ban

iii) Texas Wildlife Association Annual Convention- participated in annual business meeting and attended policy seminar

iv) Nomination for 2nd VP for Texas Section Society for Range Management- upon invitation, submitted nomination materials for the ballot to elect 2nd VP for Texas Section Society for Range Management

v) Wildlife Questions 4-H- helped formulate wildlife questions for 4-H curriculum

b) Individual Development

i) Texas Wildlife Association Annual Convention- participated in annual business meeting and attended policy seminar

ii) GIS-assisted Brush Sculpting- study to maintain proficiency with GIS and current applications relative to brush management for the benefit of wildlife

iii) Peer-reviewed Scientific literature study- maintained familiarity with relevant peer-reviewed scientific literature (e.g. Journal of Wildlife Management, Wildlife Professional, Wildlife Monographs, Rangeland Ecology and Management, Rangelands)

c) Organizational Development

i) Quarterly Economic Impact Reports

e) 2009

a) Professionalism and Service

i) Nomination for 2nd VP for Texas Section Society for Range Management- upon invitation, submitted nomination materials for the ballot to elect 2nd VP for Texas Section Society for Range Management

ii) Elected Director for Texas Wildlife Association

4. Papers presented at professional meetings (abstracts published):

Cearley, Kenneth A. Interpreting physical evidence of predation on pronghorn. Pronghorn Symposium 2006, Alpine, Texas, August 16, 2006.

Cearley, Kenneth A. Mule deer / whitetail interactions. Bollenbach Wildlife Symposium, Woodward, OK, October 19, 2007.

Cearley, Kenneth A. Integration of playa management with farming and ranching. Playa Lakes Symposium 2007, Amarillo, TX, October 24, 2007.

Cearley, Kenneth A. Scaled quail management in Trans-Pecos Texas. Trans-Pecos Wildlife Conference, Alpine, TX, August 14, 2008.

Cearley, Kenneth A. Bobwhites in the desert. Texas Quail Study Group, Odessa, October 2, 2008.

Cearley, Kenneth A. Intensive quail management. Texas Quail Study Group, Odessa, October 2, 2008.

Cearley, Kenneth A., D. Rollins, C. Snow, and B. Wilson. Bobwhite response to two large-scale wildfires in the Texas Panhandle. Texas Chapter The Wildlife Society, Lubbock, February 28, 2009.

5. Other professional activities:

a) Poster Presentations:

Cearley, Kenneth A., Robert J. Kinucan, Lynn E. Loomis. Banded vegetation patterns in the Stockton Plateau, west Texas. Annual Meeting Society for Range Management, Guadalajara, Mexico, February 9, 1998.

Cearley, Kenneth A., Chris Snow, Dale Rollins, Brandon Wilson. Bobwhite and scaled quail response to two large-scale wildfires in the Texas Panhandle. Annual Conference The Wildlife Society, Monterey, CA, 21 September, 2009.

b) Co-authored poster presentation:

Snow, Chris, Dale Rollins, Kenneth A. Cearley, Ricardo Hernandez, Corbin Neill, Ray E. Matlack, Laura a Barr. Bobwhite response to large-scale wildfires in the Texas panhandle: a GIS-based analysis. Presented at Annual Meeting of Texas Chapter The Wildlife Society, 14-16 February, 2008, San Antonio.

c) Co-authored presentations (given by senior author):

Taylor, B., D. Rollins, B. Wright, K. Cearley, and D. Ransom. 2005. Status and preliminary results from the Texas Quail Index. Presented at Annual Meeting of Texas Chapter The Wildlife Society, 24-26 February, 2005, Amarillo.

Henson, K. D. Rollins, and K. Cearley. 2005. Species visitation at free-choice quail feeders in West Texas. Presented at Annual Meeting of Texas Chapter The Wildlife Society, 24-26 February, 2005, Amarillo.

Buntyn, B. D. Rollins, K. Cearley, and C. Scott. 2005. Evaluation of moist-soil management for enhancing reproduction in scaled quail. Presented at Annual Meeting of Texas Chapter The Wildlife Society, 24-26 February, 2005, Amarillo.

Rollins, D., B. J. Higginbotham, K. A. Cearley, and N. Wilkins. 2006. Appreciating feral hogs in Texas: Extension education strategies for diverse stakeholders. Presented at 2006 National Conference on Wild Pigs, 21-23 May, 2006. Mobile, Alabama.

Rollins, D., K. A. Cearley, B. D. Taylor, and J. R. Sanders. 2006. TeamQuail: Role of Extension Education in Quail Conservation in Texas. Presented at Gamebird 2006: Managing Gamebirds in the 21st Century, 31 May-4 June, 2006. Athens, Georgia.

Reyna, Kelly, D. Rollins, B. D. Taylor, D. A. Ransom, Jr., and K. A. Cearley. 2006. The Texas Quail Index: A Citizen-Science Effort to Monitor Ranch-Level Quail Dynamics. Presented at Gamebird 2006: Managing Gamebirds in the 21st Century, 31 May-4 June, 2006. Athens, Georgia.

6. Bibliography of all published works:

Cearley, Kenneth A. 1996. Landscape factors controlling banded vegetation patterns in the Stockton Plateau, west Texas. MS thesis. Sul Ross State University. 85 pp.

Cearley, Kenneth A., editor. 1998. The role of genetics in white-tailed deer management. Second edition. Texas A&M University Agricultural Research and Extension Center, San Angelo, Texas, USA.

Cearley, Kenneth A., editor. 1999. Preserving Texas’ quail heritage into the 21st century. Texas A&M University Agricultural Research and Extension Center, San Angelo.

Cearley, Kenneth A. 1999. Does pricklypear protect quail nests? Pages 96-98 in K. A. Cearley, editor. Preserving Texas’ quail heritage into the 21st century. Texas A&M University Agricultural Research and Extension Center, San Angelo.

Contributed articles “Wildlife Habitat” and “Tools of Management” in McGinty, A., editor. 2000. Land management tips for small ranches in Texas. Texas Section- Society for Range Management. . 19 pp.

Cearley, Kenneth A. 2001. Predator control and game bird management in the Edwards Plateau of Texas. Pages 132-138 in Tim F. Ginnett and Scott E. Henke, editors. The role of predator control as a tool in game management. Texas A&M University Agricultural Research and Extension Center, San Angelo.

Cearley, Kenneth A. 2001. Coping with coyotes (VHS). Sheep and Goat Predator Management Board, San Angelo, TX. 29 min.

Cearley, Kenneth A., editor. 2003. R.A.W.H.I.D.E.: proceeding of a symposium on ranching aimed at wildlife habitat improvement and diversification of enterprises. Texas A&M University Agricultural Research and Extension Center, San Angelo. 111 pp.

Cearley, Kenneth A. 2003. Mechanical tools available for brush sculpting. Pages 63-66 in Kenneth A. Cearley, editor. R.A.W.H.I.D.E.: proceedings of a symposium on ranching aimed at wildlife habitat improvement and diversification of enterprises. Texas A&M University Agricultural Research and Extension Center, San Angelo.

Rollins, Dale and Kenneth A. Cearley. 2004. Integrating wildlife concerns into brush management. Pages 239-258 in Wayne T. Hamilton and Allan McGinty, editors. Brush management: past, present, future. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, USA.

Rollins, D., J. Brooks, R. Eldridge, M. Mapston, J. Allen, R. Kott, M. McDougall, R. B. Taylor, K. Cearley, D. Brandenberger, A. Gilliat. 2004. Predator control as a tool in wildlife management. Texas Cooperative Extension publication B-6146. 29 pp. Cearley, Kenneth A. 2005. Coping with feral hogs (VHS/DVD). Texas Cooperative Extension publications SP-209 and SP-210. 32 min.

Cearley, Kenneth A. 2006. Predator management: module for web-based training and certification program for meat goat producers. E.(Kika) de la Garza Institute for Goat Research, Langston University, OK. . 18pp.

Cearley, K. A. and S. Nelle, eds. 2006. Proceedings of Pronghorn Symposium 2006. Texas A & M University Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Amarillo. 100pp.

Cearley, Kenneth A. 2007. Predator Management for Goat Producers. Pages 267-278 in T. Gipson, editor. Meat Goat Production Handbook. Langston University , Langston, OK.

Rollins, D., B. J. Higginbotham, K. A. Cearley, and R. N. Wilkins. 2007. Appreciating feral hogs: Extension education for diverse stakeholders in Texas. Human-Wildlife Conflicts 1:192-198.

Cearley, Kenneth A. editor. 2007. Proceedings of Playa Lakes Symposium 2007. Texas A & M University Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Amarillo. 70pp.

Cearley, Kenneth A. 2007. Integration of playa management with farming and ranching. Pages 43-47 in K. A. Cearley, ed. Playa Lakes Symposium 2007. Texas A & M University Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Amarillo.

Cearley, Kenneth A. 2008. Scaled quail management in Trans-Pecos Texas. Pages 18-29 in B. J. Warnock, P. H. Dickerson, and L. A. Harveson, eds. Proceedings of the Trans-Pecos Wildlife Conference- 2008. Alpine, Texas.

Cearley, Kenneth A. 2008. Bobwhites in the desert. Pages 18-23 in J. Brooks, ed. Proceedings of the 2008 Texas Quail Study Group. Texas A & M University Agricultural Research and Extension Center , San Angelo.

Cearley, Kenneth A. and Chuck Kowaleski. 2008. After the Conservation Reserve Program: Land Management with Wildlife in Mind. Publication L-5008, Texas AgriLife Extension Service. 4pp.

Jones, DeDe, Steve Amosson, Kenneth A. Cearley, and Patrick Warminski. 2009. After the Conservation Reserve Program: Economics Decisions with Wildlife in Mind. Publication L-5511, Texas AgriLife Extension Service. 6pp.

Warminski, Patrick, Steve Amosson, DeDe Jones, Kenneth A. Cearley, and Nicholas Kenny. After the Conservation Reserve Program: Economic Decisions with Farming and Grazing in Mind. Publication L-5512, Texas AgriLife Extension Service. 6pp.

7. Invited Book Review

Texas Quails: Ecology and Management. Leonard A. Brennan, ed. 2007. 512 pp. Reviewed for Texas Chapter The Wildlife Society newsletter, March 2007

8. Popular articles and reports

Annual pre-hunting season packet sent by program unit to media outlets as media releases

2003, 2005 (revised). Hunter Relations and Wildlife Management

2003, 2005 (revised). Feeding Deer: Supplementing or Baiting

2005. In Search of the Ideal West Texas Mule Deer Hunting Location

2005. Wildlife on the High Plains: Playas Hold the Key

9. Co-authored popular articles

Sections in TPWD’s Lesser Prairie Chicken Management Plan, popular version

“The Opportunities and Challenges for Ensuring a Future for Lesser Prairie Chickens in Texas” 2005

“Strategies for Gaining Public Support for Prairie Restoration Efforts to Benefit Lesser Prairie Chickens” 2005

10. Media releases coordinated (meeting announcement releases not included)

March 31, 2005. Rabid Skunks Pose Threat to Hunters, Others. Writer: Kay Ledbetter. Contact: Ken Cearley.

Aug. 18, 2005. Wildlife on the High Plains: Playas Hold the Key. Writer: Steve Burns. Contact: Ken Cearley

Oct. 25, 2005. Cyclical Population Explosion of Cotton Rats Causes Concern. Writer: Kay Ledbetter. Contacts: Rick Gilliland, Ken Cearley.

March 14, 2006. Wildlife Fare Better than Livestock through Wildfires. Writer: Kay Ledbetter. Contact: Ken Cearley.

March 21, 2006. Post-Fire Management Tips Offered by Extension Officials. Writer: Kay Ledbetter. Contacts: Ted McCollum (co-coordinator) and Ken Cearley (co-coordinator).

June 4, 2007. Survey to Determine Quail Return Rate After Wildfires. Writer: Kay Ledbetter. Contacts: Ken Cearley and Dale Rollins.

October 29, 2007. Economical Management Offers Life to Playas. Writer: Kay Ledbetter. Contacts: Ken Cearley and DeDe Jones

June 14, 2008. Workshop to Explore Wind Power Development and Effects on Wildlife. Writer: Kay Ledbetter. Contact: Ken Cearley.

January 1, 2009 Managing feral hogs not a one-shot endeavor. Writer: Kay Ledbetter. Contact: Ken Cearley

May 8, 2009. Landowners face decisions on conservation lands. Writer: Kay Ledbetter. Contacts: Ken Cearley, DeDe Jones, Patrick Warminski.

11. Media releases to which contributed (meeting announcement releases not included)

May 28, 2006. Health Officials Suggest Caution in Wake of Tularemia Case. Writer: Kay Ledbetter. Contacts: Rick Gilliland, Dr. Jim Alexander, and Ken Cearley.

12. Selected peer-review publications in which assistance acknowledged

Beasom, S. L. 1979. Precision in helicopter censusing of white-tailed deer. J. Wildl. Manage. 43:777-780.

Beasom, S. L. 1979. Supplemental feeding to increase wild turkey productivity. J. Wildl. Manage. 43:512-516.

Beason. S. L., J. M. Inglis, and C. J. Scifres. 1982. Vegetation and white-tailed deer response to herbicide treatment of a mesquite drainage habitat type. J. Range Manage. 35:790-794.

13. Theses in which assistance acknowledged:

Frost, Jason Boyd. 2000. An evaluation of short-term mesomammal control to improve nesting success and survival of northern bobwhites in west central Texas. MS thesis. Angelo State University. 47 pp.

Lyons, Eddie Keith. 2002. Effects of short-term predator control on nesting success and survival of northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus). MS thesis. Angelo State University. 60 pp.

14. Dissertation in which assistance acknowledged

Gober, D. R. 1979. Factors affecting domestic sheep losses to predators in Trans-Pecos Texas. Ph.D. dissertation, Texas A & M University, College Station. 119 pp.


Examples of other activities not listed elsewhere, 2005-2008


a) Presentations

i) Upton County’s Rangeland Leasing and Grazing Management Workshop

a) “Putting Together a Successful Hunting Lease”

ii) Clarendon College ranch and feedlot management students

a) “Brush Sculpting- the planned selective removal of brush for the benefit of wildlife”

b) “Coping with Feral Hogs”

c) “Impacts of Feral Hogs on Livestock and Wildlife”

iii) Turning Blue Quail into Green meeting in Howard County

a) “What are Your Information Needs: A Guided Discussion”

iv) Served on panel at North Region agent training Community and Economic Development

a) “Wildlife Contributions to Community Development” and discussed educational programs available and hunting/nature tourism issues of interest to CEAs as they deal with clientele.

v) Conducted Youth Hunter Education Challenge field course for panhandle youth, sanctioned by National Rifle Association and sponsored by Moore County 4-H Shooting Sports committee (course consisted of realistic field situations requiring wildlife identification using critical thinking skills).

vi) Deer Management Seminar, Upton County

a) “Plant ID Lab Practical”

b) “Population Monitoring and Census Methods Compared”

c) “Age as a Factor in Deer Management”

vii) Upland Landowner Field Day in Donley County hosted by Texas Prairie Rivers Region- served on panel of wildlife professionals who led discussions at various field tour stops. Topics covered included:

a) “Brush Sculpting/Brush Busters”

b) “Setting up a Wildlife-friendly Grazing Lease”

c) “Extension’s Services Available Through CEAs and Specialists”

viii) Coordinated and conducted Predator Awareness Workshop, Gray County

a) “Appreciating Predators”

b) “Interpreting Physical Evidence of Predation”

c) “Coping with Feral Hogs”

d) “Predator Control and Wildlife Management”

e) “Overview of Predators in the Classroom curriculum”

f) “A Code of Ethics for Predator Managers”

ix) Coordinated and conducted Predator Awareness Workshop, Somervell County

a) “Appreciating Predators”

b) “Interpreting Physical Evidence of Predation”

c) “Coping with Feral Hogs”

d) “Predator Control and Wildlife Management”

e) “Overview of Predators in the Classroom curriculum”

f) “Predators as Disease Vectors”

g) “A Code of Ethics for Predator Managers”

x) Balancing the Needs of Livestock and Wildlife, Roberts County

a) “Having Your Cake and Eating it, too: Balancing the Needs of Livestock and Wildlife”

b) “Assessing Your Resources and Setting Goals”

xi) Regional Texas Big Game Awards, Childress

a) “Impact of Feral Hogs on Livestock and Wildlife”

xii) Managing CRP Land for Upland Gamebirds- Martin County

a) “Dove Management in West Texas”

b) “Bobwhite and Blue Quail Management for West Texas”

xiii) White-tailed Deer Management meeting, Terrell County, Sanderson

a) “Advantages and Disadvantages of Supplemental Feeding”

xiv) Coordinated and conducted Playa Lakes Management Workshop, Lamb County, Olton

a) “Playa Lake Basics- features, function, and wildlife potential”

b) Led field tour exhibiting playa managed with cattle priority and playa managed with wildlife in mind

xv) Coordinated and conducted Pheasant Management Workshop, Lamb County, Olton

a) “Origin and Biology of Pheasants”

b) Led panel discussion of various pheasant-based enterprises and management experiences by area landowners and hunting enterprise operators

xvi) District 6 Specialist Scheduling- plan and set dates for D-6 wildlife-related programs for ‘05/’06

xvii) Coordinated and conducted Quail Appreciation Day, Crane County, Crane

a) “Appreciating Quail”

b) “Getting to Know your Quail” (necropsy)

c) “Status/Ecology/Management of Blue Quail in West Texas”

d) Led field tour to exhibit sound quail habitat management and tools to monitor

xviii) Coordinated and conducted Predators in the Classroom Teachers’ Workshop, Region 20, San Antonio- 6-hour program detailing use of the curriculum. Gave presentations:

a) “Get Acquainted/Silver Bullets Exercise”

b) “Introduction to Predator Appreciation”

c) “Introduction to Critical Thinking/Squaradigms”

d) “Overview of PC Curriculum”

e) “Who Know Beans about Predators”

f) “Results of Pilot Testing”

g) “Balance of Nature Exercise”

h) “Oh Deer Exercise”

i) “Run for your Life Exercise”

j) “Case of the Hungry Coyote Skit”

k) “Critical Thinking- Thinking Like a Mountain”

l) “Critics’ Thinking- Teaching Controversial Topics”

m) “Classroom Resources for Teachers”

xix) Val Verde County Wildlife and Agriculture Workshop

a) “Management of White-tailed and Mule Deer in West Texas”

b) “Impacts of Feral Hogs on Wildlife and Livestock”

c) “Coping with Feral Hogs”

xx) Wildlife Management and Habitat Establishment Program, Floyd County, Floydada

a) “Pheasant Management on the High Plains”

b) “Coping with Feral Hogs”

xxi) Coordinated and conducted Predator Awareness Workshop, Pecos County, Fort Stockton

a) “Appreciating Predators”

b) “Interpreting Physical Evidence of Predation”

c) “Coping with Feral Hogs”

d) “Predator Control and Wildlife Management”

e) “Overview of Predators in the Classroom Curriculum”

f) “A Code of Ethics for Predator Management”

xxii) Quail Management Basics for West Texas, Upton County, Rankin

a) “Important Plants for Quail: Identification and Discussion”

b) “Getting to Know your Quail” (necropsy)

c) Led field presentations on quail basic habitat needs, brush management for quail, water management for quail, and assistance programs available.

xxiii) Was guest speaker at West Texas A & M University’s student Wildlife Club

a) “A Day in the Life of an Extension Wildlife Specialist”

xxiv) Coordinated and conducted day-long Predator Awareness Workshop in Coryell County

a) “Appreciating Predators”

b) “Interpreting Physical Evidence of Predation”

c) “Coping with Feral Hogs”

d) “Predator Control and Wildlife Management”

e) “Overview of Predators in the Classroom Curriculum”

f) “A Code of Ethics for Predator Management”

xxv) Swisher County Ag Day, Tulia

a) “Playa Lake Basics: Features, Function, and Wildlife Habitat Potential”

xxvi) Participated in annual Texas Brigades Board Meeting as Board-Member-at-Large from Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade.

xxvii) Coordinated and conducted 6-hour Predators in the Classroom Teachers’ Workshop at regional education service center in Richardson introducing the curriculum and training teachers in its use. Gave presentations:

a) “Get Acquainted/Silver Bullets Exercise”

b) “Introduction to Predator Appreciation”

c) “Introduction to Critical Thinking/Squaradigms”

d) “Overview of PC Curriculum”

e) “Who Know Beans about Predators”

f) “Results of Pilot Testing”

g) “Balance of Nature Exercise”

h) “Oh Deer Exercise”

i) “Run for your Life Exercise”

j) “Case of the Hungry Coyote Skit”

k) “Critical Thinking- Thinking Like a Mountain”

l) “Critics’ Thinking- Teaching Controversial Topics”

m) “Classroom Resources for Teachers”

xxviii) Science Enrichment Curriculum Showcase, North Region (Regional Program Director for 4H)- given at Lubbock and at Vernon TAMU ARECs.

a) presentation/exhibit of ‘Predators in the Classroom: A Primer on Predator Ecology for Grades 4-7

xxix) Quail Appreciation Day, Roberts and Hemphill counties- presentation given:

a) “Getting to Know your Quail” (group-involved necropsy)

xxx) Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade- served as instructor and mentor, and gave presentations:

a) “Use of Radio Telemetry for Quail”

b) “Identification of Plants Important to Quail”

c) “Use of GPS/GIS’ ‘Evaluating Nest Predation with Artificial Nests”

d) “Use of Scents Station in Quail Research and Management”

xxxi) North Texas Buckskin Brigade, Stasney’s Cook Ranch, Shackelford County. Served as instructor and mentor for the 5 day camp. Gave presentations:

a) “Using Infrared-triggered Cameras for Deer Management”

b) “Predators and Deer”

c) “Deer Trivia”

d) Plant ID Assistance

e) “Oh Deer!” (exercise demonstrating competition for resources, mortality factors, and habitat requirements)

f) “Leadership” (using Ropes equipment)

g) “Mechanical Improvements and Brush Sculpting”

h) “Feeder Surveillance and Census Using Infrared-activated Camera Technology”

xxxii) Specialist Scheduling D-6, presented:

a) “Ideas for Wildlife-related Programming for 2004/2005 in D-6”

xxxiii) Sheep and Goat Predator Management Board

a) Wrote report which was presented in absentia re: completion of Coping with Feral Hogs video project and availability of DVD product.

b) Submitted report on progress of funded Predators in the Classroom Teachers’ Workshops.

xxxiv) Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade, Krooked River Ranch, Haskell County- served as instructor and counselor for the camp. Gave talks on:

a) “Radio Telemetry for Quail Research”

b) “Introduction to Ecosystem Management”

c) “Introduction to GPS Technology and its Uses for Quail Management”

d) Assistance with ID of plants important to quail


b) Presentations at meetings initiated by others

i) Predator Management for Goat Producers

a) Langston University E(Kika) de la Garza Institute for Goat Research Field Day 2006, Langston, OK

b) landowners, goat producers, youth, interested public

c) Informed audience of best management practices relative to predator management for the benefit of goat production.

d) gave presentation:

i) “Predator Management for Goat Producers: Interpreting Physical Evidence of Predation”

ii) Rangeland Leasing Workshop, Ozona

a) conveyed valuable information relative to leasing rangeland for wildlife-oriented activities

b) gave presentation:

i) “Putting Together a Successful Hunting Lease”

iii) Childress County Ag. Diversification meeting

a) gave presentation “Economic Importance of Wildlife in Texas”

iv) Quail X Wildfire Study Advisory Group meeting

a) NRCS, private industry (ranchers), Panhandle Chapter Quail Unlimited, West Texas A&M University, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station involved

b) informed audience of basic study design, and needs relative to landowner cooperators (provision of access for transects/sampling points)

c) gave presentation:

i) “Quail X Wildfire 2006 Study: Components and Needs”

v) Panhandle Deer Appreciation Day

a) landowners, outfitters, hunters, managers

b) gave presentations:

i) “Rumen Content Analysis”

ii) “Basic Deer Biology”

iii) “Population Management: Conducting a Survey”

vi) Roberts County Drought Management

a) gave presentation:

i) “Wildlife Management Considerations in Drought”

vii) Post Wildfire Rangeland Management

a) Served on Response Team

b) Collingsworth, Childress, Roberts, Donley, Wheeler, Gray, and Hutchinson counties

c) Gave presentation at each:

i) “Post Wildfire Considerations for Wildlife Management”

viii) Rangeland Leasing Workshop- Rankin

a) gave presentation;

i) “Putting Together a Successful Hunting Lease”

ix) Annual Meeting of Directors of South Plains Soil and Water Conservation Districts

a) gave presentation:

i) “Economic Importance of Wildlife in Texas”

c) Meetings Initiated and Coordinated- Presentations included

i) Pronghorn Symposium

a) Served as symposium coordinator

b) Gave presentation:

i) “Interpreting Physical Evidence of Predation on Pronghorns”

ii) Pronghorn Symposium Field Tour

a) Coordinated field tour and necropsy session and served as moderator

b) Included field necropsy of pronghorn buck and heifer to highlight anatomical differences which impact range management strategies

c) Also included plant identification tour which highlighted plants important to pronghorns

iii) RAWHIDE Workshops- Ozona, Monahans, and Midland

a) Coordinated meetings

i) gave presentations:

ii) “Why RAWHIDE”

iii) “Habitat Needs for Deer”

iv) “Habitat Needs for Quail”

v) “Brush Sculpting”

vi) “Grazing and Prescribed Fire”

vii) “Decision-making Aid for Nature Tourism Enterprises: Money Tree Ranch”

d) Youth Conservation Education- Presentations included

i) Texas Brigades

a) Served as President of the statewide organization

b) Conducted monthly teleconference for Board of Directors

c) Texas Wildlife Association, private industry, TPWD, NRCS involved

d) Involved in planning associated with 6 wildlife leadership camps

ii) Texas Brigades Rendezvous

a) Served in capacity as President as mentor and leader

b) Meeting gave past cadets from Brigades camps an opportunity to network and contribute to deer survey activities on Sonora Experiment Station

iii) North Texas Buckskin Brigade Steering Committee

a) Planning and administration for ’06 camp

iv) Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade Steering Committee

a) Planning and administration for ’06 camp

v) Cadet Advisory Group

a) Served in capacity as President as mentor and leader at inaugural meeting of the leadership training program for select former Brigades cadets

b) TAMU Association of Former Students, TALL Program alumni, private industry, Texas Wildlife Association involved

vi) Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade

a) Served as mentor and instructor

b) gave presentations:

i) “Introduction to Ecosystem Management”

ii) “Radio Telemetry”

iii) “Leadership Training”

iv) “Team Building”

v) “Quail Survival and Scent Stations”

vi) “GPS Exercise”

vii) North Texas Buckskin Brigade

a) Served as instructor and mentor

b) Gave presentations:

i) “ Plant Collections”

ii) “ Predators and Deer”

iii) “Feeder Visitation”

iv) “Grazing Management”

e) Result Demonstration

i) Wildfire Response

a) Coordinated wildfire impact surveillance

b) Landowners, CEAs, ranchers, agencies involved

c) Set up photo points on Gray, Carson, and Hutchinson counties ranches to monitor progression of post-wildfire range recovery

f) Research Collaboration

i) Quail X Wildfire Study

a) Coordinated acquisition of six research study sites for Quail X Wildfire Study

b) Contacted landowners/managers to solicit cooperation in research and to determine suitability of their holdings for the project

c) Collaborated with Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, West Texas A & M University, Ranchers, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Texas Cooperative Extension- CEAs

g) Media Releases

i) Coordinated wildfire media releases aimed at landowners, hunters, operators affected by March wildfires in Texas panhandle

a) worked with Communications Specialist to produce 14 March media release “Wildlife Fare Better than Livestock through Wildfires”

b) collaborated with Communications Specialist to produce media release “Post-Fire Management Tips Offered By Extension Officials”


h) Individual Presentations

i) State WHEP contest

ii) Swisher/Hale Crops Conference

a) Gave presentation

i) “Managing for Upland Gamebirds on a Conventional Tillage Farm”

iii) Hammond Ranch Field Day

a) Gave presentation

i) “Feral Hog Status, Biology, and Control”

iv) Range, Livestock, and Wildlife Field Day- Martin NRCS, private industry, TPWD

a) Gave presentation

i) “Habitat Management for Wildlife”

v) Range Condition Outlook- Gray County

a) Gave presentation

i) “Update on Post-Wildfire Quail Recovery and Monitoring”

vi) Wildlife Program- Kent

a) Gave presentations

i) “Balancing the Demands of Livestock and Wildlife”

ii) “Brush Sculpting”

vii) Pheasant Appreciation Day- Castro

a) Coordinator

b) Gave presentations

i) “Appreciating Pheasants”

ii) “Getting to Know Your Pheasant”

iii) “Origin and Biology of Pheasants”

iv) “Pheasants Forever”

viii) Coping with Feral Hogs- Hockley

a) Coordinator

b) Gave presentations

i) “What’s Your Feral Hog IQ?”

ii) “ Feral Hog Population Status, Biology, and Impacts”

ix) Pronghorn Appreciation Day

a) Coordinator

b) Gave presentations

i) “Plants Important to Pronghorns”

ii) “What is Your Pronghorn IQ?”

iii) “Appreciating Pronghorns”

iv) “Pronghorn Biology and Management”

x) Hemphill- Turkey Appreciation Day

a) Gave presentations

i) “Getting to Know Your Turkey”

ii) “Major Predators of Turkeys”

iii) “Predator Management for Turkey Production”

xi) Range Monitoring workshop- Texas and New Mexico

a) Co-coordinator

b) Gave presentations

i) “Brush Sculpting”

ii) “Monitoring Wildlife Resources in Texas”

xii) Tools III- Intensive Wildlife Management Seminar, Taylor County

a) Gave presentation

i) “Deer Harvest Records and Photo Surveys Methods”

xiii) Roberts County Range, Livestock, and Wildlife Day

a) Gave presentation

i) “Digital Photography for Monitoring Wildlife”

xiv) Coordinated Playa Lakes Symposium 2007

a) Served as Moderator for two sessions and as overall MC

b) Gave presentation

i) “Interpreting Playa Management with Farming and Ranching”

xv) Playa Appreciation Day- Castro

a) Coordinator

b) Gave presentations

i) “ID of Playa Plants Important to Wildlife”

ii) “Appreciation Playas”

iii) “Overview of Playas”

iv) “Distribution and Historic Use of Playas”

v) “Form and Function of Playas”

vi) “GPS / GIS for Playa Management”

xvi) Playa Appreciation Day- Floyd

a) Coordinator

b) Gave presentations

i) “ID of Playa Plants Important to Wildlife”

ii) “Appreciation Playas”

iii) “Overview of Playas”

iv) “Distribution and Historic Use of Playas”

v) “Form and Function of Playas”

vi) “GPS / GIS for Playa Management”

xvii) Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade 07- served as instructor and mentor

a) Gave presentations

i) “Quail Survival / Telemetry”

ii) “Scent Stations for Monitoring Predator Populations”

iii) “GPS and Quail Management”

xviii) North Texas Buckskin Brigade 07- served as instructor and mentor

a) Gave presentations

i) “Plants Important to Deer, and Collection”

ii) “ Predators and Deer”

iii) “Grazing Management”

iv) “Aging and Scoring Competition”

xix) Amarillo ISD / Caprock Science Fair

a) Gave presentation

i) “A Day in the Life of an Extension Wildlife Specialist”

xx) Game Bird Production meeting Amarillo

a) Gave presentation

i) “How to Manage Your Property for Wild Birds”

xxi) Annual Producers’ Meeting for Olton Grain Cooperative

a) Gave presentation

i) “Coping with Feral Hogs”

xxii) Bollenbach Wildlife Symposium

a) Gave presentation

i) “Whitetail X Mule Deer Interactions”

xxiii) W. Texas Ag. Chem. Institute

a) Gave presentation

i) “Coping with Feral Hogs”

xxiv) Pheasant Management- Easter Lions’ Club

a) Gave presentation

i) “Pheasant Management on the High Plains”

xxv) Plant ID Workshop- Roberts

a) Gave presentation

i) “Value of Plants to Wildlife”

xxvi) Game Bird Producers Workshop- El Paso

a) Gave presentation

i) “How to Manage Your Property for Wild Birds”

xxvii) Amarillo ISD / TCE Agriculture Fair for 5th Graders

a) Gave presentation

i) “Playas and Wildlife”

xxviii) Feral Hog program- Ropesville Lions

a) Gave presentation

i) “Feral Hog Management”

xxix) Quail Appreciation Day- Collingsworth

a) Gave presentations

i) “Getting to Know Your Quail”

ii) “Predator Management”

xxx) Outdoor Adventure Show- Lubbock

a) Gave presentation

i) “Playas for Wildlife”

xxxi) Environmental Science Society WTAMU

a) Gave presentation

i) “Quail Management and Environmental Implications”

xxxii) Pheasant Management Field Day (TPWD)

a) Gave presentation

i) “Pheasant Ecology”

xxxiii) Fall Producers’ Meeting Armstrong

a) Gave presentations

i) “Playa Form and Function”

ii) “Wildlife Friendly Playa Management”

iii) “Brush Sculpting”

i) Media interaction

i) CREET interview by KGNC

ii) Amarillo Globe News Interview- gave interview aimed at encouraging sound playa management and promoting the upcoming Playa Lakes Symposium 2007

iii) KGNC Radio Interview- gave interview to promote good playa stewardship and upcoming Playa Lakes Symposium 2007

iv) KGNC Radio Interview- promotion of sound playa management and upcoming Playa Lakes Symposium 2007

v) Agricultural Communications Specialist Interview re: Playa Management- worked with Ag Communications Specialist to produce media release dealing with wildlife and aquifer replenishment friendly playa management

vi) Field and Stream Magazine Interview- gave interview about community-led pheasant hunts

vii) Amarillo Globe News Interview- gave on-site (farm) interview about importance of playas for article for upcoming special insert in newspaper

viii) Plainview Daily Herald interview- gave interview re: grainfield management to benefit gamebirds

ix) Channel 7 Television Amarillo interview- gave interview re: playas

x) Channel 7 Television Amarillo interview- gave interview on values of playas and upcoming Playa Lakes Symposium 2007

xi) High Plains Public Radio Interview- gave interview dealing with playa management and upcoming Playa Lakes Symposium 2007

xii) Agricultural Communications Specialist Interview re: Quail Study- gave interview re: Quail X Wildfire Monitoring Study for media release

xiii) KGNC Radio Interview- gave interview re: playas, pronghorns, upcoming programs

xiv) Amarillo Globe News Interview- gave interview about value of playas and the upcoming Playa Appreciation Day

xv) High Plains Public Radio Interview- gave interview, 10 minutes, discussing value of playas as wildlife habitat and the upcoming Playa Appreciation Days

xvi) Amarillo Globe News interview- interview re: 06 wildfires recovery relative to wildlife

xvii) KGNC Mel Phillips Outdoor Show live radio interview- gave live radio interview to promote upcoming Playa Lakes Symposium 2007 and sound playa management

j) Volunteer Involvement

a) Participated in 2-day Texas Brigades Annual Meeting

i) All participants were volunteers

b) Continued second year of two year term as President of the organization

k) Publications and Educational Materials Developed

i) Proceedings of Playa Lakes Symposium 2007

a) Served as Editor

b) Available at

l) Coordination and Cooperation

i) County Program Scheduling

ii) Participated in Specialist Scheduling in D-1

iii) Participated in Specialist Scheduling in D-2

iv) Participated in Specialist Scheduling in D-6

m) Research Collaboration

i) Assisted Quail x Wildfire Monitoring Study

ii) Coordinated field work

iii) Oriented two summer interns with the Quail x Wildfire Monitoring Study transect locations and data gathering protocol

iv) Facilitated equipment acquisition

v) Communicated with landowners for trespass permissions


n) Individual Presentations

i) Clarendon College- Ranch and Feedlot Management Program

a) Gave presentations

i) Quail Management

ii) Brush Sculpting

iii) Feral Hog Management

iv) Mule Deer and Whitetail Interactions

v) Deer Survey Methods

ii) Ag Fair- Dallam and Hartley

a) Gave round robin presentations

i) Panhandle Wildlife

iii) Ag Fair Amarillo/Canyon

a) Gave presentation

i) Playas and the Wildlife they Support

iv) Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade

a) Participated as instructor and mentor

b) Gave presentations

i) Quail Survival and Scent Stations

ii) Team Building (Cans and Ropes)

iii) GPS Technology

iv) Dummy Nest Surveillance

v) North Texas Buckskin Brigade

a) Served as instructor and mentor

b) Gave presentations

i) Plant Collections

ii) Predators and Deer

iii) Grazing Management

vi) Predator Awareness Workshop- Gray County

a) Coordinator

b) Gave presentations

i) Appreciating Predators

ii) Interpreting Physical Evidence of Predation Lab Practical

iii) Coping with Feral Hogs

iv) Predator Control and Wildlife Management

v) A Code of Ethics for Predator Managers

vii) RAWHIDE- Pecos County

a) Coordinator

b) Gave presentations


ii) Habitat Needs of Deer

iii) Habitat Needs of Quail

iv) Brush Sculpting

v) Grazing and Prescribed Fire

vi) Enterprise Decision-making Aid: Money Tree Ranch

viii) RAWHIDE- Roberts County

a) Coordinator

b) Gave presentations


ii) Habitat Requirements for Deer, Quail, and Turkeys

iii) Brush Sculpting

iv) Enterprise Diversification Digital Decision Making Tool

ix) Landowner Wild Turkey Management Workshop

a) Gave presentation

i) Habitat Manipulation Techniques- Brush Management for Turkeys

x) Master Goat Producers Conference, Tuskegee University

a) Gave presentation

i) Livestock Predator Management

xi) Trans-Pecos Wildlife Conference

a) Served on Steering Committee

b) Gave professional presentation

i) Scaled Quail Management in Trans-Pecos Texas

xii) Texas Quail Study Group

a) Served on Steering Committee

b) To give presentations

i) Bobwhites in the Desert

ii) Intensive Management of Desert Quail

xiii) Caprock Cotton Conference

a) Gave presentation

i) Coping with Feral Hogs

xiv) Southwest Farm and Ranch Classic, Lubbock

a) Gave presentations

i) Coping with Feral Hogs

ii) Integration of Playa Management with Farming and Ranching

xv) CARE Fair- Ogallala Commons and Castro County

a) Gave presentation

i) Wildlife Opportunities Available in Castro County

xvi) Cattlemen’s' Roundup- Montague County

a) Gave presentation

i) Wildlife Leasing and Liability Considerations

xvii) CRP hearing, Amarillo

a) Gave presentation addressing the question of whether or not CRP in some circumstances could be grazed, with consideration given to, and compromises addressed relative to, wildlife habitat needs.

xviii) Pronghorn Management, Dallam County

a) Gave presentation

i) Pronghorn Biology, Behavior, and Deterrent Measures

xix) Coping with Feral Hogs- Hockley County

a) Coordinator

b) Gave presentations

i) What's your Feral Hog IQ?

ii) Feral Hog Population Status, Biology, and Impacts

iii) Disease Considerations and Regulatory Issues

xx) Brush Management, Terrell County

a) Gave presentations

i) Supplemental Feeding of Deer and Quail

ii) Brush Sculpting

iii) Field Discussion of Deer and Quail Habitat Needs and Examples

xxi) Wildlife Leasing, Quitaque

a) Gave presentation

i) Wildlife Leasing

xxii) Playa Appreciation Day, Carson County

a) Coordinator

b) Gave presentations

i) Appreciating Playas

ii) Playa Plants Important to Wildlife

iii) Playa Overview

iv) Integration of Playa Management with Farming and Ranching

v) Management for Pheasants and Waterfowl on Playas

o) Media interaction

i) High Plains Public Radio interview- gave phone interview on Pronghorn Workshop, Dalhart

ii) KGNC interview- gave interview re: the impact of grazing management on wildlife populations relative to the lifting of some CRP grazing restrictions

iii) Amarillo Globe News interview- gave interview on upcoming Pronghorn Workshop in Dalhart

iv) Perryton radio interview- gave interview re: upcoming coming Panhandle Wind and Wildlife Conference

v) Texas Department of Agriculture radio interview- gave interview about upcoming Playa Lakes Symposium 2007

vi) High Plains Public Radio interview- gave radio interview about upcoming Playa Lakes Symposium 2007

vii) Channel 7 Amarillo interview- gave interview at Playa Lakes Festival about playas and their benefits for wildlife and for people, and the upcoming Playa Lakes Symposium 2008

viii) Plainview Daily Herald interview- gave interview about playas and the upcoming Playa Lakes Symposium 2008

p) Publications and Educational Materials Developed

i) Contributed paper to Trans-Pecos Wildlife Symposium Proceedings

a) Scaled Quail Management in Trans-Pecos Texas

ii) Contributed papers to Texas Quail Study Group

a) Bobwhites in the Desert

b) Intensive Management of Desert Quail

iii) CRP Alternatives publications- initiated the effort and serve as coordinator

a) After the Conservation Reserve Program: Land Management Alternatives with Wildlife in Mind (senior author)

b) After the Conservation Reserve Program: Economic Decisions with Wildlife in Mind (co-author)

c) After the Conservation Reserve Program: Economic Decisions with Farming and Grazing in Mind (co-author)

q) Coordination and Cooperation

i) Panhandle Wind and Wildlife Conference co-coordination with TPWD and Texas Wildlife Association

ii) County program scheduling

iii) Agent Trainings for North and West regions

iv) Participation in Specialist Scheduling for D-1, D-2, and D-6

v) South Plains Wind and Wildlife Conference co-coordination (planning) with TPWD and Texas Wildlife Association

vi) Cooperated on numerous programs and publications with NRCS, TPWD, TWA, private industry, Nature Conservancy, Texas Department of Agriculture, Texas Department of State Health Service, Texas Animal Health Commission, Texas AgriLife Extension- Wildlife Services, Texas Tech University, Quail Unlimited, USFWS

vii) Proceedings mailout to all AgriLife Extension Agents in playa lakes geographic area- mailed copies of Proceedings of Playa Lakes Symposium 2007 to Extension agents, including DVD made available by Playa Lakes Joint Venture.

r) Research Collaboration

i) Quail X Wildfire monitoring study with Texas AgriLife Research

a) Intern orientation

b) Landowner/cooperator relations


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