Chapter 2 – Native Texans

2.3 - The Plains People

Main Idea:

Indians of the Plains cultures in Texas relied on the buffalo. Obtaining horses changed their way of life.


hereditary - something passed from parent to child

nomads - people who wander from place to place in search of food

allies - people who help each other for mutual benefit

apache - enemy

Food is a means of communication between family and friends of all ages.

With each meal, we can celebrate countless occasions and each other.

Setting the Scene:

Rumor has it that in the 1600s, some Indian slaves in New Mexico fled from their Spanish masters by stealing their horses and headed to the Great Plains. This is one theory on how Indians came to possess horses. The horse enabled them to hunt larger areas, carry more possessions, and attack their enemies with great speed and surprise. The horse changed the culture of the Plains Indians. FOREVER!!!!



| | |Buffalo, small game; later gathered small plants and hunted |

|Tonkawas |Central Texas |small animals |

| |Austin Area | |

| | |Buffalo, deer, corn, beans, pumpkins, watermelons |

|Apaches |Edwards Plateau | |

| |Southern Panhandle | |

|Comanches |West Texas |Buffalo |

|Kiowas |Northern Panhandle |Buffalo |

The Tonkawas

← The Tonkawas were a friendly people, fighting only when necessary to protect their land

← They lived on the Edwards Plateau – West of Austin and San Antonio

← A group of independent Tonkawa bands united as a tribe in the early 1700s

← The buffalo were their main source of food and gave them materials for making clothes and tools

← Tonkawas lived in tipis covered with buffalo hides

← Over time, the Apaches and Comanches pushed the Tonkawas east where buffalo were scarce

← They then became gatherers and small game hunters

↑ The Apaches ↑

← The Apache came from Canada around 1000 AD

← By 1200, they arrived in New Mexico and Arizona area

← The unwelcomed invaders were named by the locals apachu or enemy

← Drove other tribes away (the original ‘space invaders’)

|Apache – ‘enemy’ |

| |

|Seven tribes with a common language. |

|Navajo, Western Apache, Chiricahua, Mescalero, Jicarilla, Lipan, Plains Apache |

| |

|Two were important to Texas. |

| | |

|Lipan Apaches |Mescalero Apaches |

|Hunted buffalo in winter |Hunter gatherers |

|Farmed in the summer |Lived mostly in New Mexico |

|First to have ridden horses |Harvested food and drink from mescal cactus |

|Bands elected chiefs |Texas land from El Paso to the Pecos River |

The Comanches

← The Comanches first appeared in northern New Mexico and the Texas Panhandle in the early 1700s

← Expert horse riders - soon became known as ‘warriors of the plains’

← They were nomads

← They depended on the buffalo for food, clothing, and shelter

← Comanches lived in tipis, which were easily moved

← Comanche women had short hair

← Comanche men wore their hair in long braids

← The Comanches wanted the Lipans’ buffalo hunting ground. After a long, bitter conflict, the Comanches drove the Lipans south toward San Antonio

The Kiowas

← Kiowas arrived in Texas after 1832 and settled in the northern part of the Panhandle

← After years of fighting, the Kiowas and Comanches became allies

← The Kiowas were nomads and buffalo hunters

← They lived in tipis and traveled in bands

← They ate, dressed, and looked like the Lipans and Comanches

← One major difference from other Texas Indian Tribes - the Sun Dance.

← The Sun Dance was an important religious ceremony for the Kiowas - it

strengthened the Kiowas by bringing together all of the bands each year

1. How did Apaches relate to other nearby tribes ?

A. they drove them away

B. they invited them to join their tribe

C. they lived peacefully alongside them

D. they became allies with them

2. What event strengthened the Kiowas by bringing together all the bands each year ?

A. the Festival of the Stars B. the Sun Festival

C. the Sun Dance D. the Buffalo Gathering

3. Why was the buffalo important to the Tonkawas ?


4. How did horses change the life of the Comanches ?


5. How did the Kiowas’ culture differ from the cultures of other groups ?



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