Glades County Fish and Game Club

Glades County Fish and Game ClubRegulations Summary 2019-2020The board of directors would like to welcome all new members to the Glades County Fish and Game Club. Also the board of directors would like to extend a hand of appreciation to all of the current members whom have made the club possible for many years. The Glades County Fish and Game Club, also known as “GCFGC”, is a not for profit Florida Cooperation leasing approximately 32,569 acres from Lykes Brothers for recreational purposes, including fishing, hunting, camping and enjoying the outdoors. The membership is primarily made up of Glades County Residents. Every member is required to have knowledge of and follow the GCFGC rules and regulations. Every member is also required to follow all local, state, and federal laws and regulations. The board of directors has put together the following set of rules / guidelines to ensure that the GCFGC is effective and fair to every member.Legal DescriptionBordered on the north and east by US Highway 27, bordered on the south and east by Wayman Road, bordered on the south by State Highway 78 less that portion of Sections 10, 11, 14 and 15 of Township 42 South, Range 30 East and bordered on the west by State Road 29 in Glades County, Florida.Membership RequirementsNew Applicants / Potential Members must:Be a full time Glades County resident Complete a New Membership Application with a photocopy of Driver’s License and waiver of liability agreement signedTurn the application in to a board of director by March 15.Application will be reviewed by the board of directors and recommended to the general membershipVoted on and accepted by the general membershipPay the annual dues amount in person on the given four dates each yearHave approval from Lykes BrothersIn the event that the club cannot fill the membership with the above residency requirement, the following steps will be taken:Must own residential property in Glades CountyMust own property in Glades County, excluding cemetery plotsResident of any surrounding county of Glades CountyMemberships will be filled in the order listed above, until the membership reaches 150The club will accept new members when the membership drops below 150 and sell memberships to reach 150 members each year.In the event that there is a waiting list of Glades County Residents, each potential new member must submit a new application every year. The oldest list of applications will be taken first for membership, in order from oldest to newest. If there are more members than slots available, the applicants will be drawn at random. If applicants do not submit an application every year while on the waiting list, their name will be removed and considered void.All potential members must follow Lykes Brother’s Game Violation and Penalties Policy, set forth by Lykes Brother’s. General MembershipsMembership dues will be collected during the month of April. Dues to be paid by check, money order, or cashier’s check. No cash will be accepted. Any payment which is returned for Insufficient Funds will result in the membership being void and the member will lose his/her membership immediately.Any membership that has lapsed must complete a new application and go thru the application process.A General Membership is valid from June 1st thru May 31st All members whom wish to hunt, must purchase a full membership. As of 2012, there are no longer half memberships (ie. Wife or disabled). Half price memberships will be sold to dependent members 16 years or older until they graduate high school. Member will need to be in high school for the majority of the current lease term to receive half price membership.The member must provide the board of directors’ a copy of their driver’s license, waiver of liability for the GCFGC and Lykes Brothers, Exhibit C for Lykes, and a member information sheet at the time of membership sales.All members must possess their membership card while within the boundaries of the GCFGC.A Non-Hunting Member is described as a spouse or child to a hunting member. The Non-Hunting Member has access to all gates, and may come and go as a Hunting Member. However, the Non-Hunting member may not vote or hunt and is not counted towards our 150 member seat. Child hunters under the age of 16 must have a child’s permit to hunt. Children under 16 are not required to purchase any of the special hunts; however, they may hunt with any adult member during these special hunts, pending the adult hunting member has purchased their special hunts. All dependent members whom are 15 years of age or younger, may only enter or remain in the club while in the presence of an adult member. All children 16 years of age or older must have a current valid Hunters Safety Course/license completed and submitted at the time the permit is purchased in order to hunt, as long as required by the State of Florida Game Commission.Members may sponsor youth members whom are not related to the member. Pending the youth is 15 years of age or younger. The same youth hunter rules apply to sponsored youth.All club members whom are active military personnel are exempt from paying dues, attending one mandatory meeting, exempt from attending clean-up days and the fine that follows. Their membership will not be lost or given to any other new member. The club will reserve all current active military personnel’s membership. Applies to Glades county residents only.Any Non-Hunting spouse or dependent will be granted a hunting membership without application process.Special Hunt PermitsIn order to participate or enter the GCFGC during the Archery, Muzzle Loading, or Spring Gobbler seasons, members must purchase the corresponding special hunt permit. Each special hunt is $50.00 and can be paid during membership sales in April. No member is permitted to be in the club during the above seasons, unless the member has purchased the special permit for that season or the member is a currently a member of the Feeding Program. All feeding program members must be courteous to hunters during this time and not abuse the right to enter the club. Feeding program members may only enter the club, without a special permit, to manage the feeders and must go straight to the feeders and back to the entrance/exit gates.Hunters may not take a guest during the Archery, Muzzleloading, Youth Spring Gobbler, and Spring Gobbler Seasons. The only persons allowed to enter the hunting area during this time with the member, is his or her dependent member or non-hunting member, which is connected to his/her membership. Youth hunters are allowed to go with any member as long as that member has bought that special hunt permit.During the muzzle loading season, the general membership may enter the club to set their camps up during the week prior to general gun opening. For the 2019-2020 season, members may enter the club after 12:00PM Monday-Friday the week before general gun starts. Members must go straight to their camp and no “joy riding” allowed. Also, no dogs or firearms are allowed during this “set-up” time unless it’s your housedog. Members may enter the club Friday after 12:00PM with their dogs, firearms and everything else needed to hunt the following morning. Once again members and property may not leave the camps until the opening of general gun.No dogs are allowed in the GCFGC during the special hunts unless it’s your housedog. If a member needs a trail dog to locate an animal after a blood trail has been established, then the member must notify one of the board of directors. The dog may not ride on the front of the vehicle and must be leashed at all times. Members whom possess the Spring Gobbler Permit are not permitted to scout the weekend of the youth spring turkey hunt.Youth Turkey HuntAll members must first and foremost obey all state and federal regulations regarding this hunting season. Only youth hunting members are allowed to participate in the spring gobbler program, whom have met the above criteria. Only one shotgun/bow per youth member and must be accompanied by an adult member at all times. Only youths under 16 years old must be under 16 at the time of the youth turkey hunt) are allowed to harvest a turkey while supervised by an adult hunting member, 18 years or older. However, adult supervisors with a hunting license and turkey permit are allowed to "call in" the turkey and otherwise participate in the hunt, but they are not permitted to harvest one. Any turkey harvested during the Youth Spring Turkey Hunt counts toward the youth hunter's yearly total of 2.Any member whom violates any portion of this rule is subject to be removed from the Glades County Fish and Game Club by the board of directors.Same rule applies to youth hunters and beard has to be at least six inches.Guest PermitsAll guest must be in good moral character and any guest is subject to being denied access by the board of directors at any given time due to their criminal background. All guest vehicles must display a sticker on the vehicle with the owner’s name and phone number.Guest permits must be purchased prior to the guest entering the GCFGC.All guests must sign the waiver of liability for the GCFGC and Lykes Brother prior to entering the club.The daily guest permit is a 24 hour permit and expires 24 hours from the documented time on the permit.All guests must possess their guest permit at all times, while in the GCFGC.Guests under the age of 16 are not required to purchase a guest pass; however, they must complete the waiver of liability prior to entering the GCFGC.A member must be present while the guest permit is sold/obtained.Purchase of guest permits are not required from sunrise to sunset on Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Also guest passes are not required from sunset of New Year’s Eve til sunset of New Year’s Day.Guest are at no time allowed to hunt, kill, or assist in the hunting or killing of any animal in the Glades County Fish and Game Club. At no time may a guest be in possession of any bow, muzzle loader, shotgun, or pistol as this would indicate that the guest is hunting. Guest also may not assist in the live capture or harvesting of any hog. Guest may be with any member of the GCFGC and not just the member whom purchased the guest pass. However, the member whose name is on the guest pass is ultimately responsible to that guest’s actions.Members whom allowed nonmembers to enter the GCFGC without the proper documentation will be permanently removed from the GCFGC.Guests are not allowed in the club during any special hunt.Safety The GCFGC recognizes that the primary concern of its members should be to have a safe experience within the club.Anyone whom risks the safety of themselves or others will not be allowed in the club. Unsafe behavior could include reckless driving, careless handling of firearms, dangerous dogs, drunk driving, or any other action that puts the welfare of any person in danger.FireThe chances of wild fires greatly increase during dry weather, usually in the spring.Fires can be started by buggies, jeeps, unattended camps, cooking fires, or discarded cigarettes. Much of our club is planted trees, which is an important source for the land owner; therefore, fire prevention is extremely important. Members are required to report any out of control fires immediately. Anyone causing any type of uncontrolled fire and not reporting it will result in loss of membership. During dry conditions, Lykes Brothers may restrict members access, or the way in which member’s travel on the property.Lykes may utilize control burns; therefore, there it is not possible to guarantee the safety of members camps during any controlled fire or out of control fire.All hunting vehicles MUST have a functioning fire extinguisher on it at all times or you will be fined.GunsAllowable weapons are shotgun, archery and muzzle loading equipment and devices. All must be within the Florida Fish and Wildlife regulations.Pistols are allowed under the following conditions:Can be used for taking of legal gameSelf-protection Handgun .45 caliber or less with a barrel that is 6 inches or less is allowed in the GCFGCRim fire handguns may be used for taking small game.Deer may not be taken with any rim fire handgun22 caliber or less may be taken out during the Varmint Hunt.CampingAll camps constructed/established after the 2011 season must conform to the new standards. Existing camps prior to the 2011 season may stay as is; however, if the current member exits the camp, then the camp is not available for a new member unless that camp conforms to the new regulations.Camp regulations:Must be approved by the board of directors, prior to setup. This is done by providing the board a GPS number of the proposed camp location.Must have a minimum 24”X24” sign establishing the camp owner1c)must have black background2c)must have white letters/numbers3c)must have the camp owners name and phone number4c)name must be at least 6” letters5c)phone number must be at least 3” numbers6c)phone number must be current number, where the member can be contacted easily7c)must be posted in a clear area, where there is no obstruction of the sign8c) 1 mile from a main gate and a half mile off of a main grade.Camps must be clean, orderly, free of litter and with all structures in good repair.All camps trash must be removed from the GCFGC every time that the members leave the club.Camps are to be considered so as not to be totally permanent. No structures that cannot be disassembled or hauled awayNo large concrete slabs are allowed Camps cannot be abandoned. When a member leaves a designated camp site, that member is responsible to completely cleaning the camp and returning the area to its natural ways.Dumping of hazardous materials, such as oils, lubricants, or batteries are strictly prohibitedDogs may not be left in the club when the member is not present. Dogs must be personally taken care of on a daily basis.Any new camps or taking over an existing camp will require a deposit of $200.Any violation of the above rules are subject to a $500.00 fine and expulsion from the GCFGC.Membership MeetingsThere will be a minimum of four meetings per year. Each member will be notified of the meeting two weeks prior to the meeting date, via website, social media, or email. The format of the meeting will be decided by the current board of directors and will always include the financial status of the GCFGC. All though the board of directors will decide the format of the meetings, the Roberts Rules or Order will be followed. Each newsletter prior to the general meetings will include the known agenda items. All issues that may need to be voted on by the general membership will be voted on at the last meeting of the year, which will be in the month of March. Members will be notified of any potential rule changes or issues to be voted on, two weeks prior to the meeting. All items in which are voted on and there is a change of procedure, the new procedure will take place during the following year, which starts June 1st. All new rule changes voted on will be in effect for 3 years.All issues voted on, will follow the Roberts Rules of Order voting procedures. The current board of directors will determine the exact voting method, depending on the nature of the matter at hand. All issues to be voted on will be placed on a ballot and prepared for all members to have the opportunity to vote on in a secure, unbiased manner.Management and Board Elections of GCFGCOperation of the GCFGC shall be managed by its officers and directors.The board of directors will appoint a nominating committee, whom will gather and nominate a full slate of officers and directors, to include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director 1, Director 2, Director 3. The nominating committee will then bring their nominations to the general membership at the February meeting and open the nominations up to the membership at a whole. Any and all additional nominations from the floor will be combined with the list from the nominating committee and the voting process will ensue during the month of March. All nominations must be approved by Lykes Brothers, prior to the nominee taking office. Pending there are more than three nominations for Directors, the highest three vote acquires will be elected as directors. New officers will take effect June 1st of the current year.The current board of directors will assist the general membership in ensuring that the current rules/regulations are enforced and updated.The board of directors are also responsible for the financial stability of the organization. The board of directors will maintain a financial budget each year and will relay them most financially sound options to the general membership. At no time will the financial status of the club be kept from the membership.It is intended that these rules will govern all club activities and changes will be documented as the necessary changes arise.The GCFGC strives to maintain a minimum operation capital value equal to $20,000.00.General Club RegulationsAll members must follow Lykes Brother’s Game Violation and Penalties Policy, set forth by Lykes Brother’s. This policy applies to all current and potential members. See Exhibit “L”, which is attached for further explanation.The killing of doe deer will be determined each year, by the board of directors and Lykes Brothers. For the 2019-2020 season, there will be no doe deer killed. Any member whom kills a doe deer will be immediately expelled from the GCFGC.All members are required to report game or rule violation to the board of directors for review.All personal game feeders must be documented with the board of directors and a GPS location recorded. All feeders must have the name of the member and the phone number visible on the feeder from the ground. All hunting stands must be documented with the board of directors and a GPS location recorded. All hunting stands must have the members name and phone number visible on the stand from the ground. If stands and feeders do not have the members name on them, then they are subject to be taken down and disposed of. As of 2019-20 season, any new stands must be 300 yards away from any other stand excluding the walk-in area.All feeders/stands/blinds must not be within 100 yards to the club boundaries. Members may only enter or exit the GCFGC thru the five designated gates. The gates are marked with large GCFGC signs and are commonly known as:Wayman GateOrtona GateCemetery GateHall City GateSR 29 GateBoar Hammock GatePalmdale GateIndian Mound GateAnyone entering or exiting the GCFGC without utilizing the above eight gates will be immediately removed from the club and membership revoked. Members are also responsible for keeping all eight gates locked at all times. Each gate has a house which houses the sign in sheet. All members are required to sign-in themselves and any guests in the books. Name, address and date of entry/exit must be completed. If you sign out of a different gate that you entered, make sure you note were you signed in.All members will sign in, by using the Member Sign-In Book. All members will sign in the guest, in the Guest Sign-In Book. The member will affix his/her name next to each guest in the Guest Sign-In Book, as the member will be responsible for said guest. Use of any gates, locks, or keys other than provided above are grounds for revocation of memberships.All hunting vehicles must permanently attached sign displayed on the vehicle. The sign must have the owners name and phone number. The only approved sign is the red and white Lykes sign; which is available from the board of directors.All non-hunting vehicles “vehicles with a license plate” must have the GCFGC sticker affixed to either glass while in the club. All guest vehicles must have the guest vehicle sticker affixed to the glass with the proper information completed.Littering in the GCFGC is completely prohibited.Utility vehicles, ie. Polaris, Mule, etc. are permitted within the club. The vehicle will count towards your (one) vehicle per member on the property at any given time. Therefore, if you have a Polaris, on the property, then you are not allowed to have a buggy. This does not include your vehicle used to and from the woods. Ie. any vehicle with a license plate, does not count. Three wheelers, 4 wheelers, and go carts are not permitted. Only utility vehicles with a steering wheel, which are commonly known as a Polaris or Mule style vehicleNo buggies over eight feet wide are allowed on the property. The eight-foot rule applies to the widest section of any part of any vehicle.All dogs must have a collar affixed to the neck of the dog. The collar must contain the members name and phone number. Any dog in the club must be that of the member, no guest dogs are allowed in the GCFGCHogs may not be removed from the GCFGC alive, all animals harvested in the club must leave dead.No person shall harm, destroy or damage any livestock, fence, equipment or timber of Lykes Brothers or their contractor of lease holder. All members are required to report any damages to the board of directors. Any violation of this rule will result in loss of membership.Other than for customary camp maintenance and outdoor activities no trees or shrubs are to be killed or damaged. Any member whom violates this rule will be removed from the club.The boar hammock walk in area is not to be driven in at all. There are posted signs on the borders stating “WALK-IN AREA ONLY -- NO VEHICLES”. The club feeders are to be maintained via vehicle at a time of the day that is respectful to hunter. The member that takes care of club feeders will not be allowed to carry a shotgun/bow or maintain personal feeders.All gobblers or bearded hens harvested must have a minimum beard length of six inches. Members are allowed to harvest two gobblers during the membership cycle.All bucks harvested must meet at least one of the following 3 criteria: a. Outside spread equal to or wider than the ear tips. b. Beam length extends at least to the back of the nose. c. 4.5 years old or older. Any member, whom harvests a buck that does not meet this criteria, will be fined $500.00 for the first violation and then removed from the GCFGC for the second offense.Deer, Turkey, and Hog must be logged in the Game Harvest Book in each gate house. Prior to the carcass being removed from the GCFGC, the animal must be logged in the book at the gate in which the member exits the club from. For deer and turkey, all of the data must be filled out completely in the harvest record book.Each deer harvested shall have its lower left jawbone removed, cleaned of residual flesh. All game harvest logs and jawbones shall be the property of Lykes and may not be removed from the Premises, except by Lykes. No right side jaw bones will be accepted. Anyone whom does not comply with this regulation will be removed from the club and membership will be void. Front and side picture of the deer must be taken and sent to the president immediately after the kill. Hunters name needs to be submitted with the picture at the time of the kill.No guest buggies are allowed in the GCFGC. All buggies or hunting vehicles, must have the members sign on the vehicle at all time. One member may not have more than one hunting vehicle on the property at any one time. Example: John Doe “Member” may not have his buggy and Polaris on the property at the same time.Any person whom is old enough to walk, which enters the property of the GCFGC must complete a waiver of liability for the GCFGC and Lykes Brothers. The land owner, Lykes Brothers has the final say in any club matter. As the year passes, Lykes Brothers may update or change rules, which will not need the club’s board of directors or memberships approval.House dogs are allowed at all times but they are not allowed to be on your buggy. House dogs must stay at your camp. Small equipment shall be approved through the board a week in advance.Game ManagementThe club will budget every year an amount of money, deemed by the Board of Directors to maintain game management. This budget will include purchasing of feed, feeders and any other item that will improve the quality of game.All club feeders will be maintained by club members. Each member on the feeder program may enter the club to fill or fix club feeders during the leased season.All club feeders will be properly marked with a designated sticker, designating the feeder as a club feeder. Clean-Up DaysAll members whom participate in either of the clean-up days must follow the rules set forth, or you will pay and additional $50.00 to renew your membership. There will be a club representative at the gate from 8am til 4pm on Saturday and Sunday during both cleanup weekends. Each participant must check in with the worker at the Railroad gate in order to receive credit for the clean-up day. All garbage collected must come from within the GCFGC. When you return with trash, the worker will check your name off and you will not be charged an additional $50.00 during membership renewals.Annual Down TimeThe GCFGC recognizes the changes in hunting seasons and the split seasons. With the lease increasing every year, the club has established ways to utilize the lease to its maximum. These dates will change every year and will be updated annually.Current down time during hunting season: During the break in hunting season, members are allowed to camp. Members are also allowed to harvest hogs on the weekends, which is described from Friday at noon til Sunday at dark. Must follow all state and federal laws regarding harvesting game. From the Monday after hunting season until the Sunday before youth turkey, members are allowed to camp. Members are also allowed to harvest hogs and all state regulated game. Shotguns are permitted on the property during this time. Must follow all state and federal laws regarding harvesting game.From the Monday after spring gobbler until a week (7 days) before archery season, members may enter the GCFGC at any time. No dogs are allowed on the property during this time unless it is your house dog, or if there is a special hog hunt scheduled. Standing OrderThe Club will support those individuals that report crimes and club rule violations. The Club will reimburse the member(s) for the repairs due to vandalism associated with retaliatory actions targeted against a member that reported an offense and/or game violation. Circumstances will be reviewed by the Board of Directors on a case-by-case basis. The board of directors, nor the president do not have the ability nor the right to provide any member with discounted dues rate, special permit discount or any other financial discount that is not outlined by the membership as a whole.The board of directors are required to keep accurate books in order for any member to see how many members joined, how many members paid their dues, how many members joined and paid for special hunts and how many guest permits were sold each year. A full itemized financial statement should and will always be available to all members of the club for review.If you are removed from the club due to you knowingly falsifying or withholding information that causes dismissal of your membership, your dues will not be reimbursed.The board of directors has the final say in all matters.Hunting Season DatesGlades County Fish and Game Club2019-2020 Florida Hunting Season DatesTBDBoard of Directors Contact ListPresident Jeff Barnes863-254-7180Vice PresidentBilly Carlton863-228-2743Secretary Felinda Langdale863-227-0311TreasurerJamie Brown863-228-2715DirectorTravis Smith863-634-0726DirectorMatt Whidden863-254-7920DirectorJacob Whidden863-228-0306 EXHIBIT “M” 2019-2020 HALL CITY HUNTING LEASE AGREEMENT Violation and Penalties Policy The protection of the wildlife resources is materially affected by the degree of compliance with the state statues, laws, regulations, ordinances, and administrative rules relating to wildlife. Wildlife resources are valuable without regard to property lines or lease boundaries; therefore, every person with access to Owner’s property is required to comply with all wildlife laws and rules as described in the Florida Administrative Code and this Lease Agreement. It is equally important that persons having access to Owner’s property are law abiding and have no record of serious crimes. Any and all Permitted Persons accessing the Premises in conjunction with this Lease will be held to the standards outlined below: Suspension of Privileges: Wildlife Citation – Suspended Until ResolvedMisdemeanor Charges of trespass, theft, destruction of property, violence – Suspended Until Resolved Felony Charge – Suspended Until Resolved 1st Violation of Any Term or Condition of the Lease – Suspended for 6 Months Termination of Privileges: Any Judicial Disposition of Wildlife Citation other than Acquittal or Dismissal Any Judicial Disposition of a Misdemeanor Charge other than Acquittal or Dismissal Any Judicial Disposition of a Felony Charge other than Acquittal or Dismissal 2nd Violation of Any Term or Condition of the Lease Termination due to wildlife citations or felonies will result in the individual being excluded from accessing Owner’s property as a Permitted Person for a Termination Period of not less than 10 years from the date of the violation. Length of termination due to violation of any Term or Condition of the Lease or due to misdemeanors will be not less than 2 years from the date of the violation. Any terminated individual interested in accessing Owner’s property as a Permitted Person after completion of their Termination Period must make a request in writing for Owner review the individual’s criminal background check or other pertinent history, and make a written decision in Owner’s sole discretion based upon the findings. No Terminated individual may access Owner’s property as a Permitted Person, prior to obtaining written authorization from Owner. ................

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