Century Boulevard, Deerfield Beach, FL

[Pages:8]Young Israel of Deerfield Beach Newsletter The Fran & Simon Laufer Building

202 Century Boulevard, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442

Rabbi Yisroel Edelman: Tel: (o) 954-571-3904 (h) 954-725-1494

Rabbi Dr. Martin Schloss, President: Cell: 646-644-2657

Tel: 954-571-3904 Office Hours: 8:30 A.M. ? 12:30 P.M. Email: info@


August 13, 2021

Torah - Stone Chumash: Pg. 1024 Haftorah - Stone Chumash Pg. 1199

5 Elul 5781

From The Rabbi's Desk

Rabbi Yisroel Edelman

I n this week's Parsha of Shoftim there is a law

the tree, then he is permitted to place something in the basket on Shabbos.

concerning trees and the prohibition of cutting down Therefore, if a hammock is connected directly to the

fruit bearing trees. Many commentaries use this

tree, it may not be used on Shabbos. If, however, you

halacha as a segue to many laws governing trees. We affixed a hook, nail or pole to the tree and then

had the pleasure to spend this past Shabbos together attached a rope or chain of the hammock to it, one

with our children and grandchildren in the Catskills. would be permitted to use it, as this is considered "the

During the weekend my grandson Shua was happily side of the sides of the tree." Consequently, much to

resting and reading in a hammock attached in between Shua's relief, as long as the hammock is indirectly

two trees. Is this a problem on Shabbos? Actually, attached to the tree before Shabbos and using it

under some circumstances it could be challenging doesn't cause any part of the tree to shake, it is

because of the following halacha. Direct use of a tree permitted to use on Shabbos.

or its sides is forbidden on Shabbos. Therefore

May we all have an enjoyable and restful Shabbos!

climbing, hanging from, or using a tree or its branches

on Shabbos is forbidden because it may lead to

detaching fruits, leaves or branches, which would

transgress one of the 39 Melachos of Shabbos. One is,

however, permitted to simply touch a tree, as long as

the tree doesn't shake. Halacha distinguishes between

direct use and indirect use. Therefore, one may make

use of items that are not directly supported by a tree

but supported by an item that is supported by the tree

(known as tzidei tzidadei ilan, "the side of the sides of

the tree.") Practically, this means that one may not

hang a towel or jacket on Shabbos on a hook that is

attached to a tree, since that is considered making use

of "the sides of the tree." However, if one hung a


basket (before Shabbos) on a hook that is attached to


Amy Blumofe on the Yahrzeit of her husband, Shlomo Dovid ben Yitzchok Alexander, A'H.






YIDB Policies Regarding COVID

As our members and guests confirm they are vaccinated, and Rabbinic, CDC, and Florida State guidelines are relaxed, we continue to adjust our COVID-19 measures at YIDB. All immunocompromised members should consult their physicians to make certain they can participate in loosened restriction activities.

Our updated guidelines are:

1) Attendees who are fully vaccinated, whether members or guests, no longer need to wear masks in the Shul.

2) Balei Tefila and Balei Korei no longer are required to be masked. However, if someone receives an Aliyah and wants the Bal Korei to wear a mask during that Aliyah, they will accommodate.

3) Seating has been added in the Main Sanctuary to accommodate all participants in both the men's and women's sections.

4) All guests who are not vaccinated, must continue to pre-register for attendance. Contact Steven Schoenfeld directly, by e-mail at sschoenfeld@ or by phone at 917 741 0299, no later than 48 hours prior to date of attendance to review specific attendance requirements.

5) Children under the age of 10 are not permitted in Shul at this time.

We thank you, as always, for your continued support and cooperation. We look forward to implementing additional steps toward normalcy as they are deemed prudent for our congregation.

The Davening Steering Committee


The new CDC policy recommends all adults, whether they have been vaccinated or not, wear masks when indoors, in groups, in areas currently experiencing Delta variant growth.

We welcome all individuals who wish to daven with us. If you have had the vaccination, while our policy at this moment does not require masks, we support those who wish to be masked. Those who have not had the vaccine, we request you be masked when davening in the shul.

We will keep you informed of any additional policy changes as they occur. Please remember our objective is always the safety of our membership.


Davening Schedule & Classes




6:25 PM

(Plag is 6:36 PM)

Candle Lighting

6:52 PM

Next Week: 6:46 PM


8:30 AM

Cancelled; will resume after Yomim Tovim


8:45 AM Freilick Sanctuary

Latest Shema

10:08 AM

Morty Sklarin, ' Daf Yomi

2021 Joel Saibel Pirkei Avos Shiur

6:35 PM

Mincha Women's Tehillim

7:35 PM 7:35 PM

R'Mordechai Berkowitz

Will Resume August 21st after the Rabbi's return

Freilick Sanctuary D'var Torah - R'Mordechai Berkowitz


Maariv/Shabbos Ends

8:34 PM

Freilick Sanctuary

No Seudah Shlishis at YIDB



8:00 AM

Freilick Sanctuary


6:20 PM

Freilick Sanctuary

Daily Minyanim are available on conference call 701-802-5216 enter the Access Code 5467540 press #


Rabbi Bennett Rackman's Mishna Yomis Class Sunday - Friday at 7:40 AM (before davening) - in person only at the shul

Morty Sklarin, ' Daf Yomi Program Sunday - Friday at 9:00 AM - currently on YouTube in the shul library until August 18th

R'Mordechai Berkowitz's Classes Chumash & Meforshim Mon - Thurs 50 minutes before Mincha (5:30 PM) via zoom only Tanya Tues & Thurs at 10:30 AM via zoom. Zoom ID 682-223-1894. enter the Access Code 613 and then press "enter" If you require further assistance, please contact R'Berkowitz at 718-877-9167

Rabbi Yisroel Edelman's Classes PLEASE NOTE: Classes Will Resume August 18th

Women's & Men's Chumash Class Wed at 11:00 AM Zoom Info Meeting ID: 965 1591 1223 Passcode: yidbtorah OR call conference call number 701-802-5216 and then enter the Access Code 5467540 and then press #


To sponsor a tikun, please contact shul office.


Become a sponsor for any occasion for an Aliyah and/or a Shiur. $36 per event or sponsor 2 events in the same week for $50. Please contact either Steven Schoenfeld sschoenfeld@ or Marty Schloss mschloss@

Thank you to this week's sponsors:


Joan Finkelstein in memory of her son, Dovid

Rabbi Yisroel Edelman's Tues & Wed Shiurim

Melech ben Peretz Meir HaCohen, A'H; Judy & Arthur Brown on the Yahrzeit of his father, Yosef

Refuah Shleima for Eliezer ben Pnina.

Yospah ben Nachman, A'H; Gloria & Sy Weiss, Gail

& Abe Barnett and Arlene & Jef Barnett in

memory of their father, Aaron Chaim ben Yakov

Yoseph HaLevi, A'H; Janice Levine on the Yahrzeit

of her mother, Chaya Faiga bas HaRav Moshe Yechiel HaLevi, A'H; Marion & Michael Tannenbaum on the Yahrzeit of her father,

Thank you for sponsoring our Daf Yomi:

Mordechai Menachem ben Avrohom, A'H; Gerald

Barr on the Yahrzeit of his mother, Sara Kayla bas

Pincus, A'H; Karen Miller on the Yahrzeit of her

Amy Blumofe on the Yahrzeit of her husband,

father, Yitzchok Isaac ben Moshe Yisroel, A'H;

Shlomo Dovid ben Yitzchok Alexander, A'H; Gloria &

Naomi & Mel Brody on the Yahrzeit of her father, Sy Weiss, Gail & Abe Barnett and Arlene & Jef

HaRav Dovid Bonim ben Eliyahu Z'ev, A'H; Amy

Barnett on the Yahrzeit of their father, Aaron Chaim

Blumofe on the Yahrzeit of her husband, Shlomo

ben Yakov Joseph HaLevi, A'H.

Dovid ben Yitzchok Alexander; Sam Konigsberg on

the Yahrzeit of his father, Yaakov ben Shmuel

Elimelech, A'H; Karen Zimmerman on the Yahrzeit

of her father, Yehuda Leib ben Simcha, A'H; Mazel

Tov to Nili & Danny Sklar & Arnold and Kaye

Cohen on the forthcoming marriage of their

grandchildren, Tova Sklar to Ezra Cohen; Mordecai

Weinstein on the marriage of his granddaughter,

Tova Sklar to Ezra Cohen.


Amy Blumofe in honor of her grandchildren, Rachel and Adin Blumofe who have earned EAGLE SCOUT level from Boys Scouts of America. They join Joey Blumofe as 2nd & 3rd Eagle Scouts in one family; Judie & Michael Goldenberg on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Moshe Goldenberg; Shoshana & Abraham Soffer on the birth of a greatgrandson, Jacob Silverstein.


Eva Horowitz Regents Park (954) 481-5934) Norman Mintz Pesach David ben Shaindel Mina Rivka Shaindel bas Ethel Ina Ciocca Yosef BenTzion ben Malka Frahdil Elaine Haber Rabbi Aharon Ziegler Only family members and/or the Rabbi can add or remove names from the Refuah Shleima list.




Grove Dollars Equals YIDB Dollars! Aroma Gift Certificates Equals YIDB Dollars WinnDixie Gift Certificates Equals YIDB Dollars

To purchase any of the above Gift Certificates, please call Sharon in the Shul office

ATTENTION BOTH WOMEN & MEN Due to potential allergic reactions of our members,


Please contact the following:

For Visitation (Visiting people confined to their homes or

medical facilities.) Phone: Rebetzin Gutel Edelman (954) 725-1494 or Caroline Schloss at (347) 277-1916

please be considerate and refrain from wearing perfume, cologne & hairsprays etc.

when attending Shul events!

For Transportation (For medical needs only when unable

to transport themselves.) Phone: Anita Rapp (917) 860-1296

For Food Acquisition (For people who are unable to

prepare meals for themselves.) Phone: Ruth Berger at (516) 642-1631 or Dottie Gross at (954) 290-3400

RHODA & JACK NEUSTADTER CHEVRA KADISHA If you should unfortunately suffer a loss, please call: Harriet and Howard Drandoff (917) 754-3751

Donations to the Chevra Kadisha are greatly appreciated.

Did you Know? The Koffee Klotch is back at YIDB Come join us on Tuesday, August 24th at 12:30 PM For an entertaining movie & delicious refreshments

Please donate newly wrapped gifts for our raffle to be held at this meeting

Recently, YIDB lost two dedicated members, Abe Pion and Ila Shafner, A'H. Abe loved our shul and worked tirelessly on our behalf. Ila shared numerous initiatives - one of which was running YIDB's successful Succos program.

If you would like to contribute towards a plaque in memory of Abe Pion, z'l, please contact Esther Schlusselberg at (845) 641-4422.

Shop for your Yom Tov needs! The Gift Shop will be open on

Tuesday, August 24th Between 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm

If you would like to contribute towards a plaque in memory of Ila Rosenblatt Shafner z'l, please contact Janet Rottenberg at (954) 422-9968.

IDF needs your help

Do you need Shabbos Paraffin Lamp Oil?

Please contact Ruth Rackman at (754) 212-4192.

Ask Ruth about all occasion and condolence cards.

Knit a hat Give a donation (any amount) towards the purchase of yarn For instructions & yarn, please contact Naomi Redisch.

(954) 234-1247


Please Note: Due to response from our members, we are happy to report our 2021 Succos Program will proceed as planned on September 20, 2021

Reservations are due by August 23, 2021 The program will be catered by Eli Jacobovitz, formerly of Orchids Garden. Forms are now available in the Shul lobby and in front of the Shul. The form has been emailed as well. If you have not received the form, please contact Nina or Richard at (954) 427-3691 or cell (646) 932-3464

or by email ragraber@ The Succos Program Committee --Nina & Richard Graber and Eli Okun


Has STARTED! This group is sponsored by YIDB

? Get mutual support and help ? Reduce caregiver stress

? Share and listen to caregiving experiences

To join, please call Karen Zimmerman, MSW (732) 678-8593 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK (ICN)

Looking for volunteers to reach out to members of our community PLEASE CONTACT BUNNY SAIBEL

email brachajoel@ or phone (954) 725-8207


Reservation forms for High Holiday seating have been emailed!

Printed forms are available on the table outside the shul,

in the lobby and the shul office.

You may drop off your form and your payment in the mail slot of the Shul office door, outside mailbox or in the office during normal business hours.

You can also mail your form to the shul along with your payment.

The deadline for submitting your seating reservations is Sunday August 29, 2021

Place your order for your Lulav and Esrog! Forms are available in front of the shul and in the shul lobby.

Forms were also emailed to you for your convenience. DEADLINE ***MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE OFFICE***

BY AUGUST 25, 2021 Questions? sschoenfeld@ or call (917) 741-0299




Below is the updated and corrected listing of our IDF soldiers:

YIDB Members

Please keep these Soldiers in mind:

Dina & Nathan Allweiss Barbara & Moishe Apelbaum Sherry Applbaum Renee & Harvey Bachman Joyce Barron & Charlie Blum Deborah & R' Marvin Bash Edith (A'H) & Joseph Bistritz Rachel & Nathan Bednarsh Phyllis & Edward Berkowitz Carol & Lloyd Berrin Peshie & Morty Bluth Renee & Martin Brown Ina & Dick Ciocca Pauline & Louis (A'H) Denkberg Ola & Milton Farkas Natalie & Carl (A'H) Friedman Tema & Jack (A'H) Furmansky Toby & Norman (A'H) Gittler Phyllis & Rabbi Mordecai (A'H) Goldzweig Ricki & Irv Goldsmith Marilyn & Israel (A'H) Gombo Alan Graubard Sarah Gross Gladys & Jeff Hirschorn Debbie & Moshe Jacobs Janet & Martin Katz Marilyn & David Koplon Aileen & David Klinger Yudi & Eva Lefkowitz Veda & Rabbi Simcha (A'H) Lent Reggie & Gene Lerman Goldie & Howard Lober Sheila & Julian Lustig Sheila Mark Nizzie & Yakov (A'H) Morgulis Sylvia & Sidney Mosenkis Miriam & Max Pollak Celia Rapp Ellen Ritter Ruth & Edward Sacher Naomi & Manny (A'H) Saffern Jan & Shelly Schechter Shelley &Yossie Seif Edith Selig Sara Teicher Cecile & Abe Wechsler Melodye (A'H) & Mordecai Weinstein Esther Weinstock Elinor & Bill Ziv Libby & Rabbi Aharon Ziegler

Miriam Tziporah Allweiss, granddaughter Yechezkel Apelbaum, grandson Elad Applbaum, Uri Applbaum, grandsons Yaakov Gottlieb, Yaakov Harstein, grandsons Uriel Barron, grandson Elan Bash, Jonah Bash, Natan Bash and Liana Katz grandchildren Shmuel Kalman Mirsky Akiva Ben-Ari, grandson Eliyahu Yosef, grandson Avraham Shachar Berrin, Helaina Zahn, grandson & granddaughter Yaakov and Sefi Bluth, grandsons Avigayil Brodie, granddaughter Avishai David Liff, grandson Aryeh Berger, grandson & Omer Berger, great-grandson Noa Chana Berdugo, Rivka Pesal Berdugo, & Binyamin Shalomo Berdugo, grandchildren Ari Jonathan Friedman, grandson Boaz Aaron Gidon grandson Yair Dovid ben Aryeh Tuvia Halevi Levenson, grandson Tehilah Tiktinsky, granddaughter Yitzchak Meir HaEitan, grandson Chanan Burstein, grandson Arial Leff, Benjamin Migdal, great nephews Chaim Gross, grandson Benyamin Amsel, grandson Noam Weber, grandson Tzur Rosenberg, grandson Ayelet Koplon Blank, granddaughter Ido and Omer Cohen, grandnephews Elyashiv Zviel, and Eliezer Chwat, great nephews Ephreim Yehoshua Lent , grandson Ruth Aaron, granddaughter Benji Kaufman, grandson Elchanan Lustig, grandson Jack Reiz, grandson Elazar Gedalia Morgulis, Peretz Morgulis, grandsons Ephraim Mosenkis, Etti Mosenkis, grandson and granddaughter Shalom Steinbach, Shoshana Stienbach, grandson and granddaughter Aron Novick, grandson Noach Weiss, Betzalel DiPoce, grandsons Elyassaf Nachman Sacher, grandson Aryeh Asher Saffern, grandson Atara Kops, Jason Kops granddaughter and grandson Esther Liba Seif and Chana Leah Seif, granddaughters Sheera Selig, granddaughter Yitzchak Zvi Teicher, grandson Gidon & Eytan Wechsler, grandsons Avi Kupinsky, Mordechai Kupinsky, Chaim Weinstein, grandsons Michael Finkel, grandson Av Klien, grandson Mordechai Ziegler, grandson



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