Battle of Sacile 1809

Battle of Sacile 1809 Notes

Viceroy Eugene de Beauharnais vs. FML Archduke Johann

Start Time: Game starts on 0900 turn. French are moving forward towards the initial Austrian positions after pushing the Austrian detachment out of Palse.

Starting MFP: French have used 10 MFP while marching towards the Austrians of their 217 total. Austrians start game with 8 MFP applied at game start from their 270 total.

Special MFP rule: The army totally controlling Porcia, on each hour turn, receives a minus 15 MFP bonus. Control is defined as occupying both buildings of Porcia. Control of Porcia could also restrict Austrian IX Corps flanking march movements if Porcia held by French for two turns (see IX Corps deployment notes).


Map Scale: 1-foot tabletop squares at 60 yards to inch. North direction is given by arrow. WR compressed slightly the tabletop battlefield to fit on 8x6 tabletop from the normal game design 50 yards to inch.

Terrain Notes:

Buildings are class II (stone and wooden) structures. Streams are disordering terrain with 2” movement cost to cross or move along. Low walls and hedges as rated as 1” cost for movement. Roads as marked. Limited road movements used during battle. Muddy ground has limited movement effect for battle as the ground is drying out. Vineyards slow movement by 2” proper column or 4” linear formation for this battle. No cavalry or artillery may move across vineyard terrain. Ground slopes have no effect on movement.

At Start Positions:


Archduke Johann HQ Off map can enter via J2 once firing starts.

Advance Guard (Frimont) H5 with one Grenz battalion at F6

Kav. Bgde. Fulda H4 (rostered under Frimont’s command)

Volkmann detachment D1 (off table)

Kav. Bgde. (Splenyi) J6 (off table)

VIII Corps HQ (A Gyulai) J3 (off table)

Left Wing (Colloredo) J3 (off table)

Right Wing (Gajoli) J2 (off table)

IX Corps HQ (I Gyulai) Off map. Enter at J3, J2 or any north map edge from C1 to H1 subject to delay rule below.

1st Line (Marziani) As above.

2nd Line (Kleinmayrn) As above. Arrives after 1st Line on following turn.

3rd Line (Hager) Same deployment locations as 1st line but may immediately enter map early if Volkmann command at 20% or great loss.

Austrian IX Corps delayed arrival: The Austrian IX Corps cannot enter the map (released) until the following events occur.

• 1st Line & 2nd Line (IX Corps) must immediately advance early and enter map if French totally control Porcia for two complete turns before noon 1200 hours turn. Restricts entrance points to J1, J2 or J3 only for the Austrian IX Corps arrival (no historical flanking march performed).

• If VIII Corps’ divisional loss markers equal 60% or higher, grants immediate release of IX Corps. Add both command loss % markers to arrive at 60% value. For example, two commands at 20% loss each equals 40%...doesn’t trigger release but a 20% and 40% would release to enter map. Restricts entrance points to J1, J2 or J3 only for the Austrian IX Corps arrival (no historical flanking march performed).

• Volkmann command suffers 20% losses. Releases IX Korps’ 3rd Line immediately to enter map restricted to C1 to H1 only.

• The majority of any French command on or north of #4 map row causes immediate release of entire IX Corps using J1, J2, J3 or along northern map edge C1 to H1 as possible entrance points. [French hint: avoid triggering early]

• 1st Line & 2nd Line (IX Corps) can enter map if noon 1200 hours turn or later as written above using J1, J2, J3 or along northern map edge C1 to H1.

• 3rd Line released with 1st & 2nd Line if not released earlier.

Note: Austrian commands can be delayed for map entrance if their release restrictions are met except for loss of Porcia to French control situation.

French & Kingdom of Italy:

Eugene with HQ D8 (off table)

1st (Seras) Division H7

1st (Severoli) Italian Div. F7 & G7

5th Barbou Division E8 (off table)

3rd Grenier Division D7

2nd Broussier Division B6

1st Sahac Cavalry C8 (off table)

Bartier Brigade detachment Off map, enter at A6 or B8 if summoned*

* Summoned if any portion of Austrian IX Korps released, or starting at noon turn. Roll a 6D; a six (6) places the detachment at A6 or B8 on next hour turn.


Map command counter deployment above.

Austrian Order of Battle: (36,000 infantry, 4400 cavalry, 80 cannon)

Army of Inner Austria (FML Archduke Johann)

Pioneer detachment (1x4) CMR 8

Ammo train Train unit

Advance Guard (FML Frimont + Fulda deployed separately units group)

I.R. 52 Franz Karl btn. * (1x10) CMR 6

I.R. 62 Franz Jellacic* (1x10) CMR 6

1st Banal #10 Grenz* (2x9) CMR 6

Ott Hussars #5 (1x8) CMR 8 (Fulda group)

Hohenzollern Chevaulegers #2 (1x4) CMR 7 (Fulda group)

3lb Brigade foot battery (8) CMR 7

6lb Kavallerie battery (6) CMR 7

Detachment (Volkmann)

I.R. 53 Johann Jellacic* (1x10) CMR 6

2nd Banal Grenz #11* (1x9) CMR 6

1st Banal Grenz #10 det. (1x2) CMR 7

Ott Hussars #5 det. (1x3) CMR 8

EH Josef Hussars #2 det. (1x3) CMR 8

3lb Brigade foot battery (8) CMR 7

Kavalry Brigade (GM Splenyl)

EH Josef Hussars #2 (1x8) CMR 8

Frimont Hussars #9 (1x4) CMR 8

VIII Korps (FML Albert Gyulai)

Korps artillery + train

2x 6lb positional batteries (6) CMR 7

12lb positional battery (6) CMR 7

Left Wing (GM Colloredo)

I.R. 27 Strassaldo* (3x10) CMR 6

I.R. 61 St. Julien (3x9) CMR 7

6lb brigade foot battery (8) CMR 7

Right Wing (GM Gajoli)

I.R. 53 Johann Jellacic (2x9) CMR 6

I.R. 62 Franz Jellacic (2x9) CMR 6

2nd Banal #11 Grenz* (1x9) CMR 6

6lb brigade foot battery (8) CMR 7

IX Korps (FML Ignaz Gyulai)

Korps artillery + train

2x 6lb positional batteries (6) CMR 7

12lb positional battery (6) CMR 7

1st Line “Command” (GM Marziani)

I.R. 19 Allvintzi (3x9) CMR 7

I.R. 43 Simbschen (3x9) CMR 6

I.R. 13 Reisky (3x9) CMR 6

Ogulin #3 Grenz* (2x9) CMR 6

Ottocac #2 Grenz* (2x9) CMR 6

6lb brigade foot battery (8) CMR 7

2nd Line “Command” (GM Kleinmayrn)

Szulin #4 Grenz* (2x9) CMR 6

Sallomon, Van der Muhlen,

Albeck & Janusch Grenadiers (4x6) CMR 9

3rd Line “Command” (GM Hager)

Hohenlohe Dragoons # 2 (1x8) CMR 7

Savoy Dragoons #5 (1x8) CMR 7

* These Austrian units exceeded the normal Austrian tabletop unit size by a wide margin. So WR used an “extra miniature marker” system to account for these missing miniatures. In effect, they can “lose a miniature” and then become the standard sized nine miniature battalion Austrian units. For any losses, perform the standard morale checks. Discard the marker from tabletop once used.

French & Kingdom of Italy Order of Battle: (39,000 Infantry, 3,000 cavalry, 60 cannon)

Army of Italy HQ (Viceroy Eugene de Beauharnais)

Sapper btn. (1x4) CMR 8

Ammo train Train unit

1st Division (GD Seras)

53rd Ligne* (4x7) CMR 6

106th Ligne* (4x7) CMR 6

6th Chasseurs a Cheval (1x8) CMR 7

8lb foot battery (8) CMR 7

4lb horse battery (6) CMR 8

2nd Division (GD Broussier)

9th Ligne* (4x7) CMR 6

84th Ligne* (4x7) CMR 6

92nd Ligne (4x6) CMR 6

25th Chasseur a Cheval (1x8) CMR 7

24th Dragoons (1x3) CMR 7

8lb foot battery (8) CMR 7

8lb foot battery (8) CMR 7

3rd Division (GD Grenier)

1st Ligne (4x6) CMR 6

52nd Ligne* (4x7) CMR 6

102nd Ligne* (4x7) CMR 6

11th Ligne btn. * (1x7) CMR 6

Napoleon Italian Dragoons det. (1x3) CMR 7

8lb foot battery (8) CMR 7

5th Division (GD Barbou)

18th Legere (2x6) CMR 7

5th Ligne (2x6) CMR 6

23rd Ligne (2x6) CMR 6

81st Ligne (2x6) CMR 6

8lb foot battery (8) CMR 7

1st Italian Division (GD Severoli)

1st Italian Ligne* (4x7) CMR 6

2nd Italian Ligne (1x6) CMR 6

7th Italian Ligne (2x6) CMR 6

Dalmatian Regiment (2x6) CMR 6

1st Italian Chasseur a Cheval det. (1x3) CMR 7

6lb foot battery (6) CMR 7

6lb foot battery (6) CMR 7

Light Cavalry Division (GD Sahac)

6th Hussars (1x5) CMR 8

8th Chasseurs a Cheval (1x5) CMR 7

Left Flank Column Detachment (Bartier)

8th Legere* (2x7) CMR 7

60th Ligne* (2x7) CMR 6

79th Ligne (at Santissima)* (2x7) CMR 6

8lb foot battery (4) CMR 7

* These French units exceeded the normal French tabletop unit size by a wide margin. So WR used an “extra miniature marker” system to account for these missing miniatures. In effect, they can “lose a miniature” and then become the standard sized nine miniature battalion French units. For any losses, perform the standard morale checks. Discard the marker from tabletop once used.

Note: WR used a 1:100 miniature scale for this order of battle. (4x6) = 4 battalions of 6 miniatures each, Cavalry roughly 1 miniature is a company…2 companies is a squadron. (8) for artillery equals 8 cannon in battery.

Line of Communication (LOS).

The French LOC exits the map edge at D8. Austrian LOC exits at J3. Opposite army control of these exit points cause the loss of -1 CMR per LOC rules.

Weather: Clear day with drying muddy fields from the previous several days of cold, steady rain. No effect for scenario. Chart 4 for visibility at scenario start.

Initial Orders & Command markers placed on game map.

All French commands start with March orders except Seras & Severoli divisions. They start the game with Attack orders.

Austrians start with Reserve orders except for Fremont’s Advance Guard and Kav. bgde Splenyl, which have Engage Orders.

Strategic march mode assigned for all off map Reserve commands. March order gives player’s choice of either battle or strategic modes. Engage and Attack order must be in battle mode.


Divisional or brigade counters with their initial order counters placed on game map.

Victory Conditions:


Solid Victory; Push Austrians off the entire table before nightfall. Avoid exceeding MFP level before Austrians. Napoleon will mention Eugene in his Grand Armee bulletins and be proud of his stepson.

Tough Victory: Maintain a position on the tabletop and defy Austrians at nightfall.

Draw: French forced to retire after nightfall as cannot maintain a position next morning. Eugene will be glad distance and letter writing to Uncle will cause some delay in his response.


Crushing Victory: Te Deum for Austrian cause in Italy. All French commands swept from tabletop and Franco / Italian MFP level exceeded before Austria’s. Napoleon’s Danube plans interrupted to save Kingdom of Italy and remove Eugene from command.

Marching Forward: Austrians push the Franco / Italian army from tabletop before nightfall. The Kaiser’s army morale rose with French defeat. [Historical result]

Some books & links from the Internet world:

has basic Wikipedia coverage for battle.

This OOB has several differences from the John Gil’s OOB. Notably the French 35th Line regiment hasn’t been “removed” for Sacile by the action at Pordenone… the day before.

Recommend the Internet site Blunders on the Danube that has several Blog posts on the campaigns of 1809. Well worth a click on.

Book resources used apart from Internet searches:

1809 Thunder on the Danube by John H. Gill pgs 216-231 and OOB in appendix II.

Armies on the Danube 1809 by Scotty Bowden & Charlie Tarbox

Prince Eugene at War 1809 by Robert M. Epstein






In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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