
Chapter 2: Nouns, Pronouns, & AdjectivesStudy Guide KEYPart One: TermsDirections: USING YOUR NOTES, define the following terms.Noun- names a person, place, or pound Noun- a single noun made up of more than one word.Collective Noun- a word that names a group.Concrete Noun- a noun that can be perceived by one of the senses. Abstract Noun- a noun that CAN’T be perceived by one of the mon Noun- names any one group of persons, places, or things.Proper Noun- names a particular person, place, or thing.Pronoun- a word that takes the place of a nounAntecedent- the word or word group the pronoun stands forPersonal Pronoun- a pronoun that refers to a personReflexive Pronoun- refers to the subject & is necessary to the sentenceIntensive Pronoun- emphasizes a noun or pronoun; not necessaryDemonstrative Pronoun- points out a person, place, thing, or ideaRelative Pronoun- introduces a subordinate clauseIndefinite Pronoun- refers to a noun not specifically namedInterrogative Pronoun- introduces a questionAdjective- a word used to describe a noun or pronounProper Adjective- formed from a proper nounDemonstrative Adjective- this, that, these, & those (modifying a noun)Article Adjective- A, an, & thePart Two: Noun TypesDirections: Using your notes & book, tell what type of noun the following nouns are. Choose from COMMON, PROPER, CONCRETE, ABSTRACT, or COLLECTIVE. SOME NOUNS MAY FIT MORE THAN ONE CATEGORY. Example: Smoky Mountains- proper & concreteChef- common & concreteDr. Ling- proper & concreteBand- collective, common, & concreteLove- abstract & commonmother-in-law- common & concreteMorocco- proper & concreteFamily- collective, common, & concreteCountry- common & concreteUnited States of America- proper & concreteTeam- collective, common, & concreteGreen Bay Packers- proper, collective, & concreteGolden Gate Bridge- proper & concreteSadness- abstract & commonjumping jack- common & concretebravery- abstract & commonPart Three: PronounsDirections: Find the pronoun or pronouns in the following sentences. Then tell what type each pronoun is. Make sure to choose from the TWO choices given at the beginning of the section.EXAMPLE- They-PersonalCHOICES: Reflexive, Intensive, or PersonalSara picked up a handout for herself. REFLEXIVE“Jogging is not for me,” said Dr. Wong PERSONALWhere will you find yourself a sweater like Kerry’s? PERSONAL, INTENSIVEHave you met them? PERSONAL, PERSONALSometimes I make myself laugh. PERSONAL, REFLEXIVECHOICES: Demonstrative or Relative.Joseph Conrad, whom I studied in English class, wrote a novel about the Congo. RELATIVEThese are among the four hundred species of fish of the sea. DEMONSTRATIVEThat is not possible! DEMONSTRATIVEThe country that fascinates me the most is Africa. RELATIVEThey are the southernmost and northernmost points at which the sun is directly overhead. RELATIVECHOICES: Indefinite or InterrogativeWill many attend the school play? INDEFINITEWhich of these science experiments is yours? INTERROGATIVEOthers are low-fat, such as baked chicken and rice. INDEFINITE Whom are you tutoring in Spanish? INTERROGATIVEWill somebody erase the chalkboards, please? INDEFINITEPART FOUR: AdjectivesDirections: Answer the following questions about adjectives.What three questions do adjectives answer? Which one, what kind, & how many.What are the three article adjectives? A, an, & the.What are the four demonstrative adjectives? This, that, these, & those.How can you tell the difference between a demonstrative pronoun & a demonstrative adjective?Demonstrative pronouns will be followed directly by a linking verb. Demonstrative adjectives will be directly followed by a noun or pronoun, and they will be acting as a modifier for that noun or pronoun.DIRECTIONS: Tell if the underlined word is being used as a noun or an adjective in the following sentences.Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. NOUNThe Catholic priest gave the couple his blessing. ADJECTIVESpring weather can be unpredictable. ADJECTIVEMany types of flowers bloom in the spring. NOUNI love watching the Super Bowl commercials every year! ADJECTIVEMy family always throws a big party for the Super Bowl. NOUNPART FIVE: Nouns, Pronouns, & AdjectiveDirections: Complete REVIEW B on pg. 85 in your text book. Follow the book directions.NounAdjectivePronounAdjectiveNounPronounNounPronounNounAdjective ................

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