Name _________________________ Class _____ Date

Name _________________________________________________________ Class ______ Date ______________

1st Semester Exam

Study Guide

This study guide is to prepare you for what will be on the final semester exam. It is a cumulative exam that will represent the entire semester. The study guide will be due on your exam day. The semester exam will represent 15% of your final semester grade. You may not use a homework pass on this study guide. All answers should be written on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this study guide.

Exam times are 1st /4th periods on Thursday, December 19th, and 5th /6th periods on Friday, December 20st.

DGP Sentences: For each sentence, list the parts of speech for each word (Monday’s notes), sentence parts (Tuesday’s notes), and clauses, sentence type, and sentence purpose (Wednesday’s notes). You will need to know the diagram format for the sentences with an asterisk.

1. Who likes to lie under the stars on clear nights?

2. Are there any alligators in that swamp?

3. * Adele’s cousin recently took a rafting trip on the Colorado River.

4. Do any of your friends like to play chess?

5. That is a very loud boat; something must be wrong with it.

6. * When Ansley’s brother Beck was little, his favorite movie was The Jungle Book.

7. * Take only four items in the ladies dressing room.

8. * We gave the dog its food before we took it for a walk.

9. * Take these books to the library when you go.

10. Both of the classes are noisy but Mrs. Jackson’s class is noisier.

Figurative Language: Define the following terms by writing a definition and an example.

11. allusion 13. hyperbole 15. verbal irony 17. situational irony

12. alliteration 14. idiom 16. dramatic irony 18. personification

Subject Complements: Use your DGP Appendix (Tuesday) to answer the following questions.

19. Define Direct Object and give two example sentences with a direct object.

20. Define Indirect Object and give two example sentences with an indirect object.

21. Define Predicate Nominative and give two example sentences that contain predicate nominatives. Remember these sentences will contain linking verbs.

22. Define Predicate Adjective and give two example sentences that contain predicate adjectives. Remember these sentences will contain linking verbs.

Pronouns: Use the Pronoun PowerPoint notes or DGP Appendix (Monday) to answer the following questions.

23. Define a nominative pronoun and write example sentences with each nominative pronoun.

24. Define an objective pronoun and write example sentences with each objective pronoun.

25. Define reflexive pronoun and write example sentences with all 8 reflexive pronouns.

26. Define intensive pronoun and write example sentences with all 8 intensive pronouns.

27. Define demonstrative pronoun and write example sentences with 4 demonstrative pronouns.

28. Define interrogative pronoun and write example sentences with all 5 interrogative pronouns.

29. Define relative pronoun and write example sentences with all 5 relative pronouns.

30. Define Indefinite pronoun and write example sentences with 10 indefinite pronouns.

Independent and Dependent Clauses: Use your notes or the DGP Appendix (Wednesday) to answer the following questions. If needed, you may check-out an Elements of Writing textbook

31. Define Independent Clause and give an example sentence.

32. Define Subordinate Clause and give an example sentence.

33. Write the definition of an adjective clause (pg. 538) and write 5 example sentences containing adjective dependent clauses with all 5 relative pronouns.

34. Write the definition of an adverb clause (pg. 544) and write example sentences containing 5 subordinating conjunctions (pg. 545) in adverb clauses.

35. Write the definition of a noun clause (pg. 548) and write example sentences containing 5 common introductory words for noun clauses (pg. 548).

Sentence Structure Types: Use your notes or the DGP Appendix (Wednesday) to answer the following questions.

36. Define simple sentence and give an example sentence.

37. Define compound sentence and give an example sentence with a (,) and (so).

38. Give an example of a compound sentence with a (;).

39. Define complex sentence and give an example sentence with a subordinate/dependent clause.

40. Define compound-complex sentence and give an example sentence.

Vocabulary: Write the definition for each vocabulary word listed.

41. clarify

42. perspective

43. livid

44. coruscate

45. detrimental

46. avaricious

47. magnanimous

48. façade

49. acute

50. audacity

51. reiterate

52. criticize

53. stance

54. superlative

55. ramification

56. horrendous

57. bellow

58. gaunt

59. dogmatic

60. lethargic

61. prudent

62. apathy

63. emanate

64. surreptitious

65. congenial

66. surreal

67. enigma

68. reverberated

69. wary

70. placidly

71. rapacious

72. denounce

Expository/Persuasive Writing

73. Write two paragraphs explaining the definitions of expository and persuasive writing. One paragraph will define expository writing and what a writer needs to do to write an expository essay. The second paragraph will define and explain how to write a persuasive essay. Use your notes to construct your paragraphs. Remember to include a topic sentence, supporting details about the different styles of writing, and a concluding sentence.

Out of the Dust

74. Draw a plot diagram and identify the Exposition, Rising Action (3 events), Climax, Falling Action (2 events), and the Resolution to the story. Also, describe one internal conflict within the protagonist, and two external conflicts between the other characters in the novel. The definitions to these terms are in your notebook.

Short Stories (Landlady, Monkey’s Paw, The Tell-Tale Heart, and The Treasure of Lemon Brown)

75. For each short story, draw a plot diagram and identify the Exposition, Rising Action Event, Climax, Falling Action Event, and the Resolution of the story. Also, describe one internal conflict and one external conflict with the protagonist for each story.


Falling Action

Rising Action


Internal Conflict:

Exposition External Conflict:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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