|Define each term and draw a picture to illustrate your term. |Scalene triangle |

|Betweenness of Points |Equilateral triangle |

|Collinear points |Equiangular triangle |

|Noncollinear points |Isosceles triangle – draw one and label parts below. |

|Coplanar points |Base angles |

|Noncoplanar points |Vertex angle |

|Segment bisector |Legs |

|Midpoint |Right triangle – draw one and label parts below. |

|Opposite rays |Hypotenuse |

|Acute angle |Legs |

|Obtuse angle |Altitude of a triangle |

|Right angle |Median of a triangle |

|Straight angle |Angle bisector of a triangle |

|Congruent angles |Perpendicular bisector of a side of a triangle |

|Angle bisector |Write an example or formula for each type of property or postulate. |

|Adjacent angles (not supplementary or complementary) | |

|Complementary & adjacent (s |Distributive Property of equality |

|Complementary & not adjacent (s |Multiplication property of equality |

|Supplementary & adjacent (s |Division property of equality |

|Supplementary & not adjacent (s |Addition property of equality |

|Supplementary & congruent (s |Symmetric property of equality |

|A linear pair |Reflexive property of equality |

|Vertical angles |Transitive property of equality |

|Perpendicular lines |Substitution property of equality |

|Skew lines |Segment addition postulate |

|Parallel lines cut by a transversal |Angle addition postulate |

|Alternate interior (s | |

|Alternate exterior (s | |

|Corresponding (s | |

|Consecutive interior (s |Draw a picture of two triangles who are similar by: |

|Consecutive exterior (s |AA ~ |

|Parallel planes |SAS ~ |

|Interior angles of a triangle |SSS ~ |

|Exterior angle of a triangle |What is a scale factor? |

|Remote interior angles of a triangle |What is a similarity statement? |

|Acute triangle |What is a proportionality statement? |

|Obtuse triangle |What do you know about the midsegment of a triangle? |

|Define and write an example or formula for each word, statement, or law. |a. definition |

| |b. property 1 |

|Inductive Reasoning |c. Property 2 |

|Deductive Reasoning | |

|Conjunction (AND) |Write down the following formulas: |

|Disjunction (OR) |Slope of a Line |

|Venn Diagrams – 3 scenarios |Distance on a number line |

|Conditional Statement |Distance on a coordinate plane |

|Hypothesis |Midpoint on a number line |

|Conclusion |Midpoint on a coordinate plane |

|Biconditional statement |Compare the slope of parallel and perpendicular lines |

|Converse statement |Point-slope equation of a line |

|Inverse statement |Slope-intercept equation of a line |

|Contrapositive statement |Test to prove a shape is a triangle |

|Counterexample |Use Formula to find the range of the third side of a Δ. |

|Law of Detachment | |

|Law of Syllogism | |

|Draw a picture of two triangles who are congruent by: | |

|SSS | |

|SAS | |

|ASA | |

|AAS | |

|HL | |

|What does CPCTC mean? | |

|What does Included angle of a triangle mean? | |

|What does Included side of a triangle mean? | |



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