

“Two Kinds” by Amy Tan (Glencoe Literature Textbook pp. 48-58)


1) Imagine yourself as an acclaimed musician or artist, a champion athlete, a brilliant scientist, or an award winning actor. Write a description of yourself as a person who is at the top of his or her chosen field. In a detailed paragraph (7-11 detailed sentences), tell what you have accomplished and what you enjoy most about your success. Remember you need to use complete sentences—no sentence fragments!


Turn to page 48 in your Glencoe literary textbook and copy the definitions for the following words—you should be able to understand them when they appear in the story.

2) prodigy (3) lament (4) reproach (5) mesmerizing (6) reverie (7) discordant (8) devastate (9) fiasco


Read pages 49-51 (stop at the section break on page 51) and then answer the following questions using complete sentences. Include the question as part of the response.

1. What is a prodigy?

2. Why does Jing-Mei’s mother want her to be a prodigy?

3. What kinds of talents does Jing-Mei’s mother make her try?

4. How does Jing-Mei feel at first about being a prodigy?

5. How do Jing-Mei’s feelings change regarding being a prodigy?

6. What does Jing-Mei promise herself?

7. Why does Jing-Mei make this promise to herself?

8. What does Jing-Mei do to make her mother stop testing her?


Read pages 51-53 (begin at the section break on page 51 and stop at the section break on page 53) and then answer the following questions using complete sentences. Include the question as part of the response.

1. What is Jing-Mei’s mother’s new plan?

2. When does Jing-Mei’s mother get this idea?

3. Who is Mr. Chong Describe him with good details.

4. What good and bad things does Jing-Mei learn from Mr. Chong?

5. Why doesn’t Jing-Mei like her lessons with Mr. Chong?

6. Refer to the last line in this reading section (at the end of page 53)—Why is Jing-Mei mad at her mother?

7. What is Jing-Mei’s mother’s “foolish pride”?


Read pages 53-58 and then answer the following questions using complete sentences. Include the question as part of the response.

1. Describe what happens at the talent show.

2. How does Jing-Mei feel both at the beginning and the end of the talent show?

3. How do the people who came to see Jing-Mei react?

4. How does Jing-Mei’s mother react after the talent show? How does this make Jing-Mei feel?

5. What happens two days after the talent show? What do Jing-Mei and her mother fight about?

6. What does the piano represent to Jing-Mei?

7. What does the piano represent to Jing-Mei’s mother?

8. Reflect on the ending to the story. What is important about the two halves of the song Jing-Mei discovers? (Hint: Think about the titles.)


Refer to the literary terms section of your textbook (beginning on page R1) and (a) define the term (b) turn to the page # indicated and find the direct quote of the literary term from the story. BE SURE TO USE APPROPRIATE MLA WHEN CITING DIRECT QUOTES.

1. Define tone. Example of tone from p. 50?

2. Define foreshadowing. Example of foreshadowing from p. 52?

3. Define simile. Example of simile from p. 52?

4. Define irony. Example of irony from p. 53?

5. Define climax. Example of the climax from p. 57?

6. Define external conflict.

7. What is the main external conflict in “Two Kinds”? (Hint: Refer to page 52.)

8. Describe another external conflict in the story and describe how this conflict gets resolved.

9. Define internal conflict.

10. Describe Jing-Mei’s internal conflict. How does it relate to the external conflict from question #2?


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