Our Catholic Faith

Our Catholic Faith

Chapter 1 Review Questions

1. Identify: monotheism, polytheism, atheist, agnostic, secular humanism, and deism.

2. What might the existence of so many religions tell us about God?

3. Explain any five demonstrations for God’s existence.

4. What is meant by God’s transcendence? by God’s immanence?

5. Write three facts about St. Thomas Aquinas.

6. Define: divine revelation, salvation history, covenant, and faith.

7. List four covenants that God made with mankind.

8. Where is the single deposit of faith found?

9. What is the meaning of Yahweh?

10. List three qualities of Yahweh.

11. What is the central doctrine of Christianity?

12. Why is Father an appropriate form of address for God?

13. What is the meaning and significance of Abba?

14. Name five things Catholics believe about God as Creator.

15. Define: original sin.

16. Name two effects of original sin.

17. What is the angel’s main function in relation to humans?

18. What is Catholic belief concerning the existence of Satan and demons?

19. How can God be good if there is evil in the world?

20. What difference can believing in God make for your life?


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