Competency 1: Define Management - Amazon S3

Competency-Based iPLA Guide: ManagementOverviewHow to Use this GuideThis guide is meant to help you understand the knowledge and competencies typically expected of someone who has a college-level understanding of Management. This guide will help you to determine which of these topics best describes your learning. This guide is also meant to help you go through the processes of thinking about your learning and competencies in preparation for?writing your Prior Learning Request. ?Respond to the activity prompts by drawing from your own experience and using the short scenarios provided to discuss how you would approach each situation.The activity prompts in this guide act as a worksheet to help you identify and describe your learning. The rubric at the end can help you both formulate your responses and assess your learning. Once you have completed all of the competency activities and assessed that you have college-level knowledge in this area, you will compile a more formal iPLA request, incorporating your responses to the competency activities. PLA ProcessWhen you are ready, compile your responses into a learning description to create a more formal iPLA request. Once you complete your learning description, submit it to your mentor for review before you submit your iPLA request to PLA Planner, which initiates the evaluation process.?The college will assign an evaluator to your iPLA request. The evaluator uses two sources to assess your learning: 1) your learning description/iPLA request, which you develop from your answers to this worksheet, with any appropriate supporting evidence, and 2) an interview. The evaluator asks questions to help clarify and verify your knowledge and to gain a better understanding of the depth and breadth of your learning. The evaluator may ask about possible redundancies between a particular credit request and other studies that are listed on your degree program. The evaluator also may suggest changes in the title of your learning components, the number of credits, the level of learning, or liberal arts and sciences credit designations.?Once your interview is complete, the evaluator will write a recommendation which is posted in PLA Planner. To learn more about the evaluation process, please talk to your mentor and read the college’s iPLA guide at Overview of ManagementThe diagram below identifies many aspects of learning in this field. ?Your learning may fall within some areas and not others, based on your personal experience, and that’s okay. ?You can consult other guides or use the general guide, if they are more appropriate to your learning. Managers’ primary functions include planning, organizing, leading, controlling, and coordinating.? Along with these, managers are expected to demonstrate communication, interpersonal, decision-making, and financial skills.? At a lower level, students are not expected to have competencies in all these areas but are expected to have a minimal awareness of these practices.?Introductory level credit is granted for successfully describing theoretical and practical knowledge related to the principles and skills of customer service. ?Advanced level credit is granted for successfully describing theoretical and practical knowledge related to the principles and skills of customer service at the strategic petency Worksheet for your iPLA RequestCompetency 1: Define Management Activity 1.1 How would you define management?? Define management in relation to your own experiences.Activity 1.2 What is your experience in management? Please respond to the following:What were/are the positions that you have held which relate to management? ??Briefly describe what you did in those positions.What was the length of time you held each position?Activity 1.3 What do managers do?? Considering the management functions presented in the diagram toward the start of this guide – planning, organizing, leading, coordinating, and controlling:Please provide examples of tasks you performed that you think fall under these broad functions of management.What training, if any, did you receive to perform these management functions?What reading, self-development or other experiences have helped develop your management knowledge or skills?Competency 2: Identify Different Types of Planning that Managers Do Activity 2 What types of planning do managers do? What types of planning have you been involved in??What do you need to know to be an effective planner?Why is planning important?Scenario: You have been asked to take over a small family business. What types of planning would you do to grow the business?Competency 3: Identify Different Ways of Organizing and Monitoring Work Activity 3 What organizing activities do managers do?? What does organizing mean?Why is it important?Scenario: You have taken over a small family business and immediately realize that nobody seems to know what is going on in the whole business. What would you do?Competency 4: Identify Ways of Motivating and Empowering Others to Focus on Achieving Organizational Goals and Objectives Activity 4 What organizing activities do managers do?? What does organizing mean?Why is it important?Scenario: You have taken over a small family business and immediately realize that nobody seems to know what is going on in the whole business. What would you do?Discuss your experiences with performing or taking on leadership petency 5: Identify Different Coordinating ActivitiesActivity 5 How do managers coordinate activities?? Why is coordination important??Use the following scenario or discuss your own experiences around coordinating different functions in your organization.Scenario:?You have taken over a small family business. How do you coordinate the work of all employees?Competency 6: Identify Different Ways of Controlling Resources to Ensure the Achievement of Agreed upon Objectives and Goals Activity 6 How do you ensure that the implementation of tasks is within the agreed boundaries (i.e., resources such as: financial and time)?? ?Use the following scenario or discuss your own experiences around controlling resources to ensure achievement of agreed upon objectives and goals.Scenario: You have taken over a small family business that is facing financial and production challenges. How do you control the business activities to ensure that the business stays within the budget?Competency 7: Practice Effective Interpersonal Skills and Effective CommunicationActivity 7.1 How do you build and maintain relationships with those you work with?? What would you consider valuable interpersonal skills and why are they important to building and maintaining relationships in the workplace?Activity 7.2 How do you communicate effectively with others?? Describe communication strategies you use in your work. How do you communicate with different people?? ?Give an example of an effective communicator. What makes that person an effective communicator?Activity 7.3 What is the impact of effective/ineffective interpersonal and communication skills? Could one be an effective communicator but with poor interpersonal skills? What is the likely impact of such management?What would it mean to have good interpersonal skills but be an ineffective communicator? What is the likely impact of such management?Competency 8: Describe the Importance of Decision-Making in Management Activity 8 Why is decision making important in management? Identify the different types of decisions that managers make.What are some management decisions you have made in your workplace? What factors did you consider before making the decision? What was the impact of the decision?Scenario: You have taken over a small family business and immediately realize that the front office manager is not a team player and is affecting the overall morale of the organization. What would you do?Competency 9: Identify Ways that Technology Facilitates Managerial WorkActivity 9 How do you use technology in your daily activities as a manager? Describe how as a manager, you use technology to plan, organize, coordinate, lead, and share information. How has technology changed the way you manage?Describe Additional Learning This section is intended to provide you with an opportunity to discuss other learning you may have accomplished that is not already reflected in the Competency prompts.? Please make sure you discuss your learning with your mentor for guidance on how to articulate what you have learned.?Next Steps Step 1: Compile and Write Your iPLA Request, Based on Responses to Worksheet Activities??Review and compile all your responses to the activities from the various competency areas into a learning description. Review your learning description with your mentor. From the questions in the guide and the feedback you receive from your mentor, complete your iPLA request.?Review what you have written and be sure that your learning description conveys your knowledge.?Re-review the rubric, consider the evaluation criteria, and be sure that your learning description meets or exceeds expectations.?Consider the feedback you have received from your mentor.?The final iPLA request should reflect college writing; be sure to proofread what you write before submitting it to PLA Planner.?Step 2: Prepare for your interview?After the evaluator has reviewed your request, he or she will conduct an interview with you to gain a more in-depth understanding of your knowledge. You are expected to participate actively in the evaluation process. The evaluator may ask you to demonstrate or elaborate further on your learning. The evaluator needs to be confident that your learning is college level and not redundant with other learning in your degree plan.?Think about questions that the evaluator may want to ask you and think about possible responses that you can provide. The interview process can be interesting and informative. The interview is an opportunity for you to discuss ways in which you have used your knowledge and applied that knowledge in different situations. It can result in an increased understanding of your learning and provide you with new or differing perspectives.? Rubric for ManagementCompetency 1: Define ManagementApproaches ExpectationMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsProvides a rudimentary definition of management which encompasses some aspects of managementClearly defines management in relation to multiple functions and skills.Connects the definition of management to personal experienceDistinguishes the differences between management, leadership and supervision.Clearly defines management and applies this knowledge in their work situationCompetency 2: Identify Different Types of Planning that Managers DoApproaches ExpectationMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsDescribes basic elements of planning and explains why planning is necessaryArticulates the importance of different types of planning and their significanceClearly discusses different types of planning through cases and demonstrates theoretical understandingCompetency 3: Identify Different Ways of Organizing and Monitoring WorkApproaches ExpectationMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsDisplays some basic understanding of elements of organizing but lacks knowledge of the scope of the functionDelegates tasks appropriately and uses effective strategies to monitor and evaluate tasksDelegates tasks by considering the level of difficulty and the ability of the employees. Creates a comprehensive process for monitoring and evaluating tasksCompetency 4: Identify Ways of Motivating and Empowering Others to Focus on Achieving Organizational Goals and ObjectivesApproaches ExpectationMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsDemonstrates some knowledge of the managers role as a leaderEmpower and motivate others towards the achievement of goalsDemonstrates the visionary role of managers in moving the organization toward its missionEnvisions the future and inspires others towards that visionCompetency 5: Identify -Different Coordinating ActivitiesApproaches ExpectationMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsRecognizes the manager's role in coordinating organizational activitiesBuilds community through teamwork and motivates employees towards the common goalDemonstrate the ability to empower groups and teams in an organization to work collaboratively toward the achievement of organizational goalsCompetency 6: Identify Different Ways of Controlling Resources to Ensure the Achievement of Agreed upon Objectives and GoalsApproaches ExpectationMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsIdentifies some management control and monitoring toolsIdentifies some management control and monitoring tools ?and describes when it is appropriate to use each toolArticulates the importance of the managerial control functionCompetency 7: Practice Effective Interpersonal Skills and Effective CommunicationApproaches ExpectationMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsArticulates the importance of interpersonal and communication skillsDescribes different ways in which interpersonal and communication skills enhance management.Describes specific interpersonal skills and effective communication practices that are critical for effective managementConnects interpersonal and communication skills to core competencies of management and describes how both impact organizationsCompetency 8: Describe the Importance of Decision-Making in ManagementApproaches ExpectationMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsIdentifies some types of decisions that managers makeIdentifies different types of decisions that managers makeDescribes implications of the decisions managers makeCompetency 9: Identify Ways that Technology Facilitates Managerial WorkApproaches ExpectationMeets ExpectationsExceeds ExpectationsDescribes the importance of technology in managementDescribes the importance of technology in management and how technology can facilitate managementIdentifies new technology to be more efficient as a manager ................

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