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World Geography 2nd Semester Test Review Guide

I. Latin America

1. The culture of the Caribbean islands is a blend of what three influences?

2. Define mestizos.

3. What European nation most influenced the culture of Latin America?

4. Identify the following characteristics of Latin America: a) Indian influence b) major religion c) social structure d) development of megacities

5. Identify the type of agriculture used in the tropical rainforest regions of Latin America.

6. Define hacienda.

II. North Africa and Southwest Asia

1. Identify the major religions that began in the Middle East.

2. What is the common problem faced by the nations of North Africa and the Middle East?

3. What is the most valuable mineral resource of North Africa and the Middle East?

4. What has been the result of the construction of the Aswan High Dam in Egypt?

5. Why is the Suez Canal important?

6. Why is the Middle East referred to as a physical and cultural crossroads?

7. Identify the nations of the Middle East that are non-Arabic speaking countries.

8. Where are Iraq’s densest populations located?

9. Define guest worker.

III. Sub-Saharan Africa

1. Identify those cities that serve as centers of culture and trade in Sub-Saharan-Africa.

2. Identify the demographic indicators of Sub-Saharan Africa’s developing economies.

3. How has much of the cultural history of many African tribes been kept alive?

4. What is the largest lake in Africa? Where is it located?

5. Identify the physical characteristics of Sub-Saharan Africa that hinders it’s ability to survive and prosper?

6. Identify the major river systems of Sub-Saharan Africa.

7. Identify the following with regards to the population of Sub-Saharan Africa: a) economic classification b) size of cities c) population growth rates d) refugee populations

IV. South, East, and Southeast Asia

1. What are the most densely populated areas in Asia?

2. Identify the religions that have had a major impact on life in most of Asia.

3. Given illustrations, correctly identify them as minarets, pagodas, or yurts.

4. What event took place that helped increase agricultural production in many Asian nations?

5. The monsoons of Asia have their greatest impact on what type of human activity?

6. Identify the following with regards to Japan: a) global economic impact b) environmental policies c) military d) view of ancestors

7. Why are Japan, South Korea, and Singapore the most developed countries in Asia?

8. Identify the major river systems of Asia.

9. Identify the cultural characteristics associated with Asia in the following areas: a) respect for ancestors b) principles of governing c) hereditary social classes d) development of systems for written communication

V. Europe

1. What is the main purpose of the European Union?

2. Which European nations are located on peninsulas?

3. Define polders. Where are they found in Europe?

4. Identify the cause behind the periods of conflict and violence in Northern Ireland.

5. What causes northwest Europe to have a mild, wet climate?

6. Why are the Alps important to the economies of Austria and Switzerland?

7. Identify those buildings or structures that reflect the cultural landscape of France.

8. What was NATO created?

VI. Russia and Central Asia

1. What mountains have historically divided Europe from Asia?

2. Why is the Aral Sea shrinking?

3. Identify the major transportation routes through Siberian Russia.

4. Located in Siberia, what is the world’s largest fresh water lake?

5. What problems does Russia face in it’s efforts to industrialize Siberia?

6. What is the key word describing the ethnicities of Russia and Central Asia?

7. What two cities constitute the historic centers of culture and trade in Russia?

8. Identify those objects which reflect Russia’s cultural heritage.

VII. Australia, The Pacific Islands, and Antarctica

1. What type of climate covers the largest portion of Australia?

2. Define aborigine.

3. What type of dwelling reflects the traditional lifestyles of the Pacific Islands?

4. What unique feature lies off Australia’s northeast coast?

5. Why is no mining allowed to take place in Antarctica?


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