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Biology STAAR EOC BIOLOGY STUDY GUIDE KEYMAY 8TH IS THE BIOLOGY STAAR EOC TESTDescribe the difference between a theory and a hypothesis.Hypothesis is an educated guess that can be tested. A theory has been tested by scientists hundreds of times and has given rise to the same results/dataDefine:Independent variable – the variable that you control – what is being testedDependent variable – the variable that is being measured – changes due to independent variableControl – the constant – the variable the is the “norm” you need this in order to compare your results toList the characteristics of living organisms. Reproduce, maintain homeostasis, grow & develop, evolve, metabolize, made up of cells, responsiveness, With pictures define the symbiotic relationships.Predation :X Parasitism Commensalism :-Mutualism How much energy is transferred between trophic levels in a food chain?10% of energy is transferred 100 10 1 .1 .01Describe what an arrow means in a food chain?The arrow represents the direction in which the energy flows/ is eaten byThe grass is eaten by the mouse, the mouse is eaten by the snake, etc.In an energy pyramid, where would producers be located?Producers would be located on the bottom in the largest trophic levelHow is a carrying capacity of an ecosystem affected?The carrying capacity is affected by the number of organisms, the amount of food, space & mates available for the organisms, if a new predator has been introduced to the ecosystem, natural disasters (flooding, drought, fire, tornando)Which organism is needed to turn nitrogen into a useable form?Bacteria are the only organisms on earth that can transfer the nitrogen in the atmosphere into a useable form for other organisms (such as animals) to useWhen does secondary succession occur in nature?Secondary succession occurs after the first climax community has already been established. It will only occur if the first community has been destroyed by a natural disaster (fire, drought, flood) Identify the organisms that would appear first in primary succession.Lichens, algae, and fungiDefine a climax community.A community with plants and animals that are stable and in balanceThe monomer of carbohydrates are:monosaccharideWhich macromolecule is used for long-term energy storage, insulated the body and cushions organs?lipidThis macromolecule contains the instructions for making proteins and the genetic information.Nucleic acidsEnzymes are made from which macromolecule?ProteinsCell wall in plants is made from which macromolecule?carbohydratesWhen we did the Food nutrients Lab, Lugol’s Iodine was used to indicate which substance?Starch – it turns purpleish blackDraw and label the enzyme-substrate complex. What happens if enzymes are exposed to extreme temperatures?Denatures – it will unfold and no longer be functionalDescribe how enzymes work.Speeds up chemical processesWhere does the substrate bind?To the active site on the enzymeDefine denature.unfoldWhat is a cell and why is it called the basic unit of structure and function?It is the smallest functional unitWho was the first person to describe cells? And what did he observe?Robert Hooke was the first person to view cells under a microscope, he observed cork and noticed that it looked like little boxesList the 3 parts of the cell theory.cells are the basic unit of structure and functionevery living things are made up of cellsall cells come from pre-existing cellsDescribe the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic.Prokaryotic has no true nucleus or no membrane bound organelles. Eukaryotic has a true nucleus and membrane bound organellesDescribe what each of the organelles do in a cell;Ribosomes – create proteinsChloroplasts – performs photosynthesis in plantsGolgi Apparatus – processes, packages and secretes proteinsLysosomes – Digest worn out particles, bacteria, wasteMitochondria – Power house of the cells, cellular respiration occurs here – makes ATPNucleus – control center of the cellsVacuole – used for storage of water, food and waste in plantsIdentify the difference between a plant cell and an animal cell.Cell wall, chloroplast, central vacuoleDefine Diffusion: particles move from an area of high concentration to low concentrationIdentify what happens in osmosis. Water moves across a membraneDescribe the structure of the cell membrane. Phospholipid bilayer – heads are hydrophilic (water loving) and point outward and tails are hydrophobic (water fearing) point inwardIn your own words what does the term homeostasis mean?An internal and external balance, everything is working correctlyHow does the structure of the cell membrane help maintain homeostasis?It will allow certain things to flow through the membrane while others need either help or need to go through certain protein channelsDoes passive transport require energy to move a substance across the cell membrane?Passive transport does not require energyDefine the key termsHypo – belowHyper- aboveIso - equalDraw a picture illustrating the 3 types of solutions.Hypertonicb. Hypotonicc. Isotonic What does the term plasmolysis mean?Separation of the cell membrane from the cell wall due to the loss of waterWrite the chemical equation for photosynthesis.6CO2 + 6H20 + light C6H12O6 + 6O2Describe what occurs during photosynthesis.Light energizes electron in carbon dioxide & water in the chloroplast to help produce glucose and oxygen as a waste produceWhere does photosynthesis occur?ChloroplastIdentify what happens during the light-dependent reaction.Converts the energy from the light into chemical energy. Light is needed for this reaction to occur. The water is split in to Hydrogen ions and Oxygen is released as wasteThe light independent reaction is also known as the Calvin Cycle, describe where and what occurs during this reaction. Light is not needed for this reaction to occur. Makes sugar from the Carbon dioxide and the Hydrogen ions. Where does cellular respiration occur in cells?Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasmKrebs cycle & Electron Transport Chain occur in the MitochondriaHow is the cellular respiration equation compared to the photosynthesis equation?The exact same thing just in reverseName the 3 parts of cellular respiration and where they occur?Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasmKrebs cycle & Electron Transport Chain occur in the MitochondriaWhat is created during the Krebs cycle that is so important for the electron transport chain?Lots of NADH is produced, this will help run the electron transport chainHow many ATP are created during:Glycolysis – 4 are created but 2 are used up in order to start the processKrebs Cycle – 2 Electron Transport Chain – 32Identify the 2 types of Nucleic Acids.DNA and RNAA nucleotide is made up of what 3 parts:Sugar, phosphate and a nitrogenous baseDNA was discovered by whom? And who was actually given the Nobel Prize for it?Rosalind Franklin took an X-Ray image of DNA in 1952, James Watson & Francis Crick presented a paper in 1953 that described the structure of the DNA helix.List the 4 nitrogenous bases and which ones pair together.Adenine - ThymineCytosine - GuanineWhich bases are:Purines – Adenine & GuaninePyrimidines – Thymine & CytosineExplain why cells need to be able to replicate DNA.In order for the cell to go through mitosis the DNA must also replicate. Each new cell will get the same exact genetic information. Compare RNA and DNABasesSugarLocationTypesDNAA, T, G, CdeoxyriboseNucleusAll your cells have the same DNARNAA, U, G, CriboseNucleus & cytoplasmmRNAtRNArRNADescribe what happens during Transcription.A copy of mRNA is created from DNA. There will be no T on mRNA so it will exchange with Uracil. DNA will unzip is small sections and the free nucleotides will match up with complementary base pairs. When the section of mRNA is built it will release from the DNA strand and travel out of the nucleus to a ribosome to create a protein.Identify what happens during Translation.The mRNA goes to a ribosome where it will be read. The codon (bases in a row on mRNA) matches up to the tRNA’s anticodon. The tRNA will bring the matching amino acid for the codon. The Amino Acids will then connect by a polypeptide bond. When the sequence has been completed the AA will fold up creating a protein. List in order all parts of the Cell Cycle.Interphase: G1, Synthesis (S), G2Mitosis: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, TelophaseCytokinesisIf something goes wrong in the Replication of DNA in which part of the cell cycle should it be corrected before the cell moves on and divides?During the Synthesis phase when DNA is replicatingDuring which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes line up in the center of the cell?Metaphase – middle of the cellDuring which phase of mitosis does the nuclear membrane disappear and the chromosomes start to condense and become visible?ProphaseName the phase that the sister chromatids are being pulled apart toward the opposite poles.Anaphase - apartHow many chromosomes does a human body cell have?46 chromosomesDefine somatic cells:Body cells that do not contain x or y chromosomesExplain how the cell theory is supported by mitosis.Mitosis is the division or creation of new cells, which supports the theory that all cells come from pre-existing cellsHow would a karyotype help if you were pregnant and wanted to know if your child had a genetic disorder?The karyotype is a map of the unborn child’s chromosomes. It will show if there is a trisomy or a deletion of a chromosomeMitosis results in 2 __identical_____ cells.Explain what occurs during cytokinesis.In Animal cells: The cytoplasm divides pinching inward creating a cleavage and forming 2 new cellsIn Plant cells: a cell plate forms in the middle of the cell and then the cell wall forms dividing the new plant cells. What happens in a cancer cell that is different than in a normal cell?The tumor suppressor gene is not turned off so the cells continue to divide uncontrolled Explain the purpose of each of the genes below:Proto-oncogenes – enhance cell division or inhibit cell deathTumor suppressor genes – prevent cell division or cell deathIn each of your cells how much of the DNA is the same?100% of your DNA is the same in each of your cellsWhat causes cells with the same DNA to differentiate?Genes are turned on or offWhat causes changes in epigenetics?Exposure to different things, radiation, foods, drugs, perscriptionsCells with the exact same DNA are directed to differentiate by chemical signals that causes certain genes to be:Activated or deactivated certain genesDefine the following:Exon: sections of DNA that are expressedIntron: sections of DNA that are not expressed and during transcription they are removedDefine gametes:Cells that are only for egg or spermMeiosis results in =4 daughter cells that are not identicalExplain what occurs during crossing over in Meiosis?Exchange of genetic material during prophase 1, this allows for genetic diversityWhich phase of Meiosis do pairs of homologous chromosomes move to equator?Metaphase 1Identify the phase in which nuclear membrane reforms, cytoplasm divides and 4 daughter cells are formed.Telophase 2Compare mitosis & meiosis:MitosisMeiosisIn what type of cell does the division take place?somaticgametesHow many divisions are there?12How many daughter cells are produced?24How many chromosomes are produced?4623Are the daughter cells identical or different to the parent cell?identicaldifferentDoes crossing over occur?NOYESDefine the following terms:Phenotype: physical appearanceGenotype: alleles that are used: TT. Tt. ttHomozygous: same alles: TT or ttHeterozygous: different alles TtDominant: Expressed with a capital letter. Always expressed/seenRecessive: only expressed if 2 recessive allele are together ttCreate a Punnett square for the following:B = brown eyes b = blue eyesA heterozygous father has children with a homozygous recessive mother.Bb x bbGenotypes:2Bb and 2bbPhenotypes:2 blue eyes and 2 brown eyesCreate a Punnett square for the following:B = brown eyes b = blue eyesA heterozygous father has children with a heterozygous mother.Bb x BbGenotypes: 1BB, 2Bb, 1bbPhenotypes:3 Brown Eyes, 1 Blue eyeIncomplete Dominant GenesRR = Red flowerWW = White FlowerRW = PinkRR is crossed with WWHow many of the offspring will be RW (pink)?100%Co-Dominant GenesBB = Blue featherWW = White FeatherBW = Blue with white tipped feathersBW x BWHow many have Blue feathers?25%How many have White feathers? 25%How many have Blue with white tipped feathers? 50%Identify the multiple alleles for blood types:A blood = AA, AiB blood = BB, BiAB blood = ABO blood = oo or can be written as iiIf a mother is AB blood type and has children with a man who is also AB blood type, is it possible for her to have a child who is o blood type?No, should come out to be 25% AA, 50% AB and 25% BBDescribe why Charles Darwin is important to biology.His studies of natural selection helped create the theory of evolutionExplain how homologous structures are evidence of evolution.Homologous structures have the same basic structure (skeleton) but have different functions. This shows that organisms may have evolved from a common ancestorIn evolution do individuals adapt or does the population adapt and evolve?The population will adapt. An adaptation that enables a species to blend in with the environment is called:CamouflageExplain why the Galapagos Islands were and important part of the development of Natural Selection and Evolution.The islands contained such diverse animals on each island.Structures that have the same function but no evolutionary relationship such as butterfly wing and bird wing are called:Analogous structuresHow is embryology evidence of evolution?All vertebrates start off very similar as an embryo List in order the hierarchy of taxonomy from broadest to most specific starting with kingdom.Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus speciesBinomial nomenclature uses what to name species?Uses Latin or Greek it is a 2 word naming system that uses the Genus and speciesThe arrangement of organisms into orderly groups based on their similarities is known as:classificationIdentify the 6 kingdoms:Archaeabacteria, Eubacteria, Animalia, Plantea, Protista, FungiIdentify the kingdom that has organisms that have a cell wall made up of chitin.FungusThis kingdom that contains organisms that are thought to be the first life forms on earth:ArchaeaThis kingdom contains organisms that can be either unicellular or multicellular and they can either be autotrophic or heterotrophic.ProtistaThis kingdom is multicellular, heterotrophic organisms that feed on plants and animals.AnimaliaThis kingdom contains organisms that are found almost every where on earth and cause most human diseases.EubacteriaExplain how you use a dichotomous key.Always start with the first set of instructions and read both sets of instructions and either name it or go to the next set of instructions Explain why viruses are considered nonliving.Viruses can not replicate on their own. They need a host cell. List the main parts of a virus.Capsid and nucleic acidWhy can you not use antibiotics on a viral infection?Antibiotics will only work on bacterial infections. They inhibit the cell wall from forming when the bacterial cell divides. A virus does not replicate on its own and does not have a cell wall. Explain the lytic cycle.1) Virus attaches to the cell wall 2) Virus injects its DNA into the cell 3) Cell reads the DNA and assembles the viral parts 4) Newly assembled viruses will burst out of the cell destroying the cellHow is the lysogenic cycle different then the lytic cycle?In the lysogenic cycle the virus will inject its DNA into the cell, the viral DNA will become a part of the cell’s DNA. The viral DNA will get replicated as the cell go through DNA Replication. Each time the cell divides the viral DNA goes with it. It will lay dormant until the conditions are right and it will then enter into the Lytic Cycle.Do viruses mutate?Yes, this makes it harder to create vaccinesAre viruses host cell specific?Yes, will only infect certain cellsIdentify the shapes of bacteria.Bacillius – rod Coccus – sphere Spirillium – spiral Why are bacteria important to the ecosystem? (name 2)- Break down dead organisms and recycle the nutrients back into the ecosystem- Nitrogen Fixation: turn nitrogen into a useable formHow do bacteria reproduce?Binary fission, cells divide; asexual Conjugation: exchange of genetic information; sexualGive examples of gymnosperms.conifers, cycads, Ginkgo, and GnetalesPine, cedar, redwoodHow do gymnosperms reproduce?Produce naked seedsGive an example of angiosperms.Any flowering plant, grassHow do angiosperm plants reproduce?Fertilization occurs inside the female carpel (pistol) Pollen sticks to the stigma, then travels down the style to the ovary. The pollen and ovule then produce a seed(s) Define the following:Monocot: 1 cotyledon (seed leaf), parallel veins, fibrous root systemDicot: 2 cotyledons (seed leaves), network of veins, tap root systemWhat is the difference between xylem and phloem?Xylem carries water and phloem carries nutrientsWhy do some plants have thorns or are poisonous?Adaptation that allows the plant to surviveHow are seeds dispersed?Wind, water, birds, bees, animals eat them then pass the seeds out, animals bury themHow is pollination different for gymnosperms and angiosperms?Pollination of gymnosperms occurs on the surface of the reproductive organs while it occurs inside of the ovary of the angiospermDraw and label the reproductive parts of a flower. (include both male and female parts) ................

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