Definition Essay

Definition Essay

Comp 107

Choose one of the following topics. Write an essay of five paragraphs using the definition mode.

The essay should adhere to the following format:

• Introductory paragraph which includes a hook, supporting ideas, and a clear thesis

• Thesis must be underlined

• Three body paragraphs which develop your subject

• Underline the topic sentence in each paragraph

• Each body paragraph should be about 150 words in length

• Concluding paragraph where you revisit your thesis and leave the reader with something to think about

• Essay length should be around TWO FULL pages


1. Every generation develops its own slang, which generally enlivens the speech and writing of those who use it. Ironically, however, no generation can arrive at a consensus definition of even its most popular slang terms— for example, dweeb, nimrod, fly, chill. Select a slang term that you use frequently, and write an essay in which you define the term and support your definition with examples.

2. Write an essay in which you define one of the following words. Base your definition on your working knowledge of the subject, not on a dictionary or encyclopedia entry.

Activist, Refugee, Patriot, Terrorist, Racism, or select your own word (see me for approval first).

3. Margo Kaufman states “It’s easier in a marriage when you both don’t care about the same things.” Can the same be said of close friendships, or is caring about similar things—and agreeing about them—important to a good friendship? Write an essay in which you define the word “friend.” What trait is important for you to have in a friend that not everybody might look for? What faults might you be wiling to overlook?

4. Write an essay in which you define a word that has more than one meaning, depending on one’s point of view. For example wife, macho, liberal, conservative, success, marriage.

5. Gloria Naylor in her essay “The Meanings of a Word” disagrees with the notion that use of the word “nigger” in the African American community can be taken as an “internalization of racism.” Reexamine her essay and discuss in what ways her definition of the word “nigger” affirms or denies her position. Draw on your own experiences, observations, and reading to add support to your answer.


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