Essay #1: Literacy Narrative – Eng V02 Spring 2009

Essay #1: Literacy Narrative – Eng 28 Fall 2015Directions: Write a narrative essay of 900 words (about 3 pages) in which you re-tell and evaluate an event or a series of events that shaped your relationship with language and literacy. (Remember, our definition of "literacy" is very broad.) Purpose: An essay that fulfills its purpose will do these three things:Narrate the events (tell the story) Allow your reader to understand their significance to your development as a reader/writer/thinkerCompare your experience to at least one of the writers whose literacy narratives we read for class. (A minimum of one quote from a class reading is required.)Length: The minimum length of this essay is 900 words. This is approximately to the bottom of the third page when it is formatted correctly, but you will need to check your word count before submitting. (See your syllabus for my formatting requirements.) Suggestions: Use our class readings as models. Each of the essays that we will read while working on this assignment is, in some way, a literacy narrative. What do these writers do that might work for you? Brainstorm and freewrite outside of class. Ask friends and relatives to share memories of school/reading/writing with you and compare your experiences to theirs. If you are really stuck, you might ask yourself what you remember about the first time (or a significant time) that you….Read/enjoyed a book for yourself. Got a good/bad grade on an essay. Were praised/scolded for something to do with writing/reading. Were proud/ashamed of yourself as a writer/reader. Remember, you are not limited to my suggestions. Anything to do with your development as a literate person is fair game for this assignment. Also, remember that you are not writing to make the reader comfortable. You are writing to help your reader to understand your experience. If that includes sharing your own discomfort or negative emotions, then do that. Once you have done your brainstorming/freewriting and decided on a topic, you must to use an outline to structure your essay. I will be collecting the outlines we begin to work on in class. Due Dates:Rough Draft due Friday, 9/18 (upload to folder on turnitin by 11:59 PM)Comments on Peer Essays Due Tuesday, 9/22 at beginning of class on turnitin. Optional Revised Rough Draft due to turnitin at 11:59 PM on Friday, 9/25Final Draft due Tuesday, 10/6 at beginning of class on turnitinNote: Part of your essay grade will be for participation in the writing process. In order to receive full credit, in this category, you must participate in peer review by uploading a draft and giving thorough, constructive feedback to your assigned peers. Your final draft must also show evidence of thoughtful revision. ................

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