
Name_ Date Your Life in ChristChapter 5 Directed Reading WorksheetConscience FormationDirections: Read through the chapter and fill in the missing information. All the questions run sequential to the chapter. If a true/false statement is false, correct it.Introduction: Conscientious Decisions (pages 161–162)1.Formation of is a serious responsibility. Two key sources of conscience formation for Catholics is reading and praying with and the Church’s magisterial because objective truth is always rooted in law. While we must always our conscience, it must be a conscience that is certain about an .2.True or False? Conscience can be simply understood this way: something is right or wrong based on whether or not it makes us feel good or bad.3.True or False? The standard of morality is God’s law and Church teaching.4.What are the benefits of forming a good conscience?Section 1: What Is Conscience? (pages 163–168)5.While conscience helps us to between good and evil, it is not an program that automatically makes the right for us. Rather, it is the “most secret core and ” of our being, where we are alone with . It enables us to take for what we say and do because when we to a well-formed conscience we can hear God .6.In this section the author explains six things that conscience is not. Write these six ideas here.7.True or False? The view that conscience is majority opinion surrenders personal responsibility to the individual.8.What was the “default position” of most young adults interviewed in the survey about moral living conducted by Notre Dame sociologist Christian Smith?9.True or False? The trouble with actions based on good or bad feelings is that the feelings may be out of touch with what is truly right or wrong.11. According to people follow rules learned as a child from psychological related to feelings of others’ approval or disapproval, not from a personal of the value of the rules. As he viewed it, conscience is the place where the rules of childhood are carried around in the which he called the superego.12. True or False? Conscience uses both intellect and instinct to figure out how to love God and others.13. True or False? Conscience is not like a separate person who lives inside of us nor is it a guardian angel who leads us to the right decision.14. What do some people claim about the idea of conscience?15. What five ideas about what conscience is, come from the Second Vatican Council?16. What are three interlocking aspects of conscience revealed in the Church’s definition of conscience?17. Deep in the conscience one can hear God’s loving to be the person he has intended us to be for all and it helps us live our lives from this . In this respect conscience is very . We are able to know God when we to the good, when we what is evil, and obey the to love God and neighbor.18. What are four practical tasks of conscience?19. True or False? All individual Catholics are called to help the Church, local neighborhoods, and the nation to examine its collective conscience, judging the morality of its policies and practices.Section 2: How to Form Your Conscience (pages 169–174)20. True or False? Formation of conscience lasts a lifetime.21. Explain what it means to educate one’s conscience.22. True or False? Developing spiritual disciplines include identifying bad habits and conquering vices as well as acquiring virtues.23. What two important principles regarding conscience are Catholics called to live?24. Note the meaning of the letters from the acronym S?E?E?R.S – E – E – R –25. True or False? A seer is a person gifted with profound moral insight and remarkable powers of expression and is equivalent tothe biblical word “patriarch.”26. Because conscience is concerned with the discovery of truth, it is necessary that we study from the appropriate sources such as and Church teaching, and and deliberate what we have learned. Additionally, to guard against and prejudice, we must seek advice from trusted moral as well as the Church’s through whom Christ speaks.27. The second step of the method involves making a decision; that is, to choose the right course of .An important part of this step involves where we ask God to help us decide in a way that is with who we are as children of God and as a . God speaks to us in ways, including in the intellect, imagination, memories, and .28. True or False? Evaluate is the true test for an informed conscience because it takes great resolve to continue to execute your decision and actually do what your conscience tells us is the right thing to do.29. True or False? Our conscience helps us to both discern the right course of action and also to reflect on actions already taken.Section 3: Avoiding Erroneous Judgment (pages 175–179)31. True or False? A well-formed conscience cannot make mistakes.32. True or False? We will not be held morally culpable for erroneous moral decisions if we have done everything necessary to form our conscience.33. Explain the difference between vincible ignorance and invincible ignorance.34. One who is truly ignorant about the sinfulness of an action is not morally for his or her action, even while the evil consequences of the act may . One’s conscience can also be when choosing evil becomes an easy thing to do; someone falls into the of sinfulness and becomes almost to the truth because the truth has been for so long.35. What other specific factors can lead to erroneous judgment of conscience according to the CCC?36. Why can’t conscience be made good without the help of faith?37. True or False? Individual conscience is the final judge of what is morally right.38. While a person’s conscience gets him or her as as possible to knowing and understanding the meaning of divine , it’s God’s law which is the judge of what is moral. of conscience means that no one may us to act contrary to our conscience. Conscience is our judgment in a given situation only in the sense that it helps us to God’s law.Section 4: Peer Pressure and Conscience (pages 180–184)39. Briefly note and explain three kinds of peer pressure.40. What common rationalization is often cited by those who give in to negative peer pressure?41. The needed to overcome peer pressure ultimately come from , the perfection of all virtues. All virtues help us between two extremes. Together, and fortitude can help us avoid both fearful and rash behavior. can be both passive – patient for the sake of God’s Kingdom, and active, with the ultimate act of .42. True or False? The spiritual disciplines will help us grow in the virtue of prudence: self-denial, prayer, and service.43. Explain the spiritual practice of “offering up.”44. Summarize the four strategies the author gives for resisting peer pressure. ................

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