Vocabulary Hunt

Vocabulary Hunt

My name is _____________________, and I was reading _________________________________. As I was reading, I found a few words that I don’t know, YET.

Unknown word = ____________________________________

Please use ALL of the strategies below to figure the word.

Strategy #1 = Use context clues

Here is the sentence that the word was in:

Using the word’s environment, my best guess is that the word might mean___________________________________

BECAUSE ________________________________________________________________________

Strategy #2 = Break the word down into parts

1) Answer all questions: Does it have a prefix? What is the prefix? What does that prefix mean?

2) Answer all questions: Does it have a suffix? What is the suffix? What does that suffix mean for the word?

3) Answer all questions: Does the root word look like a word that I already know? What does the root mean?

Strategy #3 = Analyze the word’s part of speech

Circle which part of speech the unknown word is and answer the questions that correspond to that part of speech.

a. Verb = What action is it performing? Who/what is performing this action? What is receiving the action of this verb?

b. Noun = Circle the right choice: is it singular or plural and common or proper and concrete or abstract? What words describe this noun from the sentence?

c. Adjective = What noun is it describing? What are other adjectives in that sentence that describe this same noun?

d. Adverb = Does it end in “-ly”? What action verb is it describing?

Definition of word IN MY WORDS in 5 words or less:

New sentence that I wrote that uses (and underlines) the word correctly:

|Learning Target |4.0 |3.0 |2.0 |1.0 |

|Determine meaning of |Insightfully explain |Plainly explain |Mention some |Partially identify |

|unknown words using |all examples of |several examples of |examples of |a few examples of |

|context clues, word |unfamiliar words |unfamiliar words |unfamiliar words |unfamiliar words |

|parts & parts of speech. |from a text accurately |relatively accurately |somewhat accurately |with some inaccuracies |

ME: Shade in box to self-grade Foster: Circle score with blue pen

Vocabulary Hunt

My name is _____________________, and I was reading _________________________________. As I was reading, I found a few words that I don’t know, YET.

Unknown word = ____________________________________

Please use ALL of the strategies below to figure the word.

Strategy #1 = Use context clues

Here is the sentence that the word was in:

Using the word’s environment, my best guess is that the word might mean___________________________________

BECAUSE ________________________________________________________________________

Strategy #2 = Break the word down into parts

4) Answer all questions: Does it have a prefix? What is the prefix? What does that prefix mean?

5) Answer all questions: Does it have a suffix? What is the suffix? What does that suffix mean for the word?

6) Answer all questions: Does the root word look like a word that I already know? What does the root mean?

Strategy #3 = Analyze the word’s part of speech

Circle which part of speech the unknown word is and answer the questions that correspond to that part of speech.

a. Verb = What action is it performing? Who/what is performing this action? What is receiving the action of this verb?

b. Noun = Circle the right choice: is it singular or plural and common or proper and concrete or abstract? What words describe this noun from the sentence?

c. Adjective = What noun is it describing? What are other adjectives in that sentence that describe this same noun?

d. Adverb = Does it end in “-ly”? What action verb is it describing?

Definition of word IN MY WORDS in 5 words or less:

New sentence that I wrote that uses (and underlines) the word correctly:

|Learning Target |4.0 |3.0 |2.0 |1.0 |

|Determine meaning of |Insightfully explain |Plainly explain |Mention some |Partially identify |

|unknown words using |all examples of |several examples of |examples of |a few examples of |

|context clues, word |unfamiliar words |unfamiliar words |unfamiliar words |unfamiliar words |

|parts & parts of speech. |from a text accurately |relatively accurately |somewhat accurately |with some inaccuracies |

ME: Shade in box to self-grade Foster: Circle score with blue pen

Sample to walk through together first to model:

Are We Raising a Generation of Helpless Kids?

Mickey Goodman Author and Journalist 02/13/2012

When a college freshman received a C- on her first test, she literally had a meltdown in class. Sobbing, she texted her mother who called back, demanding to talk to the professor immediately (he, of course, declined). Another mother accompanied her child on a job interview, then wondered why he didn't get the job.

A major employer reported that during a job interview, a potential employee told him that she would have his job within 18 months. It didn't even cross her mind that he had worked 20 years to achieve his goal.

Sound crazy?

Sadly, the stories are all true, says Tim Elmore, founder and president of a non-profit, Growing Leaders, and author of the "Habitudes®" series of books, teacher guides, DVD kits and survey courses. "Gen Y (and iY) kids born between 1984 and 2002 have grown up in an age of instant gratification. iPhones, iPads, instant messaging and immediate access to data is at their fingertips," he says. "Their grades in school are often negotiated by parents rather than earned and they are praised for accomplishing little. They have hundreds of Facebook and Twitter 'friends,' but often few real connections."

To turn the tide, Growing Leaders is working with 5,000 public schools to help kids be more unencumbered by the trappings of social media. Social media doesn’t have to weigh down students nor burden them with social issues.


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