GLOSSARY – Of Mice and Men

GLOSSARY – Of Mice and Men

A Glossary is provided below of various colloquial terms. The words are presented in the order in which they appear:

’coons’ - racoons

split-wedge - a crack or tear which is triangular in shape.

jungle-up - a camp for tramps who spend the night in just about any place.

bucking grain bags - carrying bags of grain

bindle - a bundle binding all the necessary things with a cloth or blanket

cat-house - whore house

foundin’ their tail - working really hard

blowen’ in our jack - spending or wasting all our money.

Burcap - a coarse canvas for wall coverings etc.

pants rabbits - fleas

swamper - a cleaner

grey-backs - ice

gimme my time - give me my salary

tick - mattress cover.

stable buck - the black man in charge of the stable

brang - brought

little skinner - a driver of a small mule team

rassel grain-bags - load bags of grain

flapper - mouth

she got the eye - eyeing men, a flirt

two bits - a quarter

whing-ding - an expression meaning approval

enchre - a card game played by two people

roll up a stake - save up money

looloo - a loose woman

hoosegow - prison

yella as a frog belly - cowardly

welter - welterweight, a category in boxing

bootry hatch - lunatic asylum

baloney - deceptive talk; nonsense

doped out - thought out

jack you outa the sewer - keep you out of trouble

fambly - family


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