Environmental Procedure Ref: GEP003 Title: Aspects and Impacts

[Pages:3]Environmental Procedure Ref: GEP003 Title: Aspects and Impacts

Purpose Scope

I. To define the method for identifying the environmental aspects and impacts associated with the activities, products and services of Campus Services.

II. To define a method for determining the significance of the identified environmental aspects and impacts.

III. To define the method for maintaining a register of environmental aspects and impacts

This procedure applies to all activities, products and services of Campus/Estate Services.

Environment and Sustainability Adviser

Campus Environment Management Group

Environment and Sustainability Adviser

(1) A List of activities that can be controlled or influenced is established. This will be reviewed by the Campus Environment Group on an annual basis. This will be used to inform the Aspects and Impacts Register

(2) Aspects and Impacts are identified and compiled into a Register of environmental aspects and impacts which is managed in the Legislation Update Service (LUS). A life cycle perspective as well as conditions (normal, abnormal and emergency) are considered. Impacts can be positive or


Environment and Sustainability Adviser

(3) Significance is evaluated using the following methodology: Significance = Environmental Impact Interested Parties Positive or

Negative Impact Likelihood of Occurrence Level of Control A negative score represents a negative impact. A positive score represents a

positive impact. The score can range from -54 to +54. A score of greater than +10 or lower than -10 is deemed significant.

Sustainability Vision and Change Catalyst Group

(4) The Aspects and Impacts register and significance scoring is reviewed by at least one member of the Sustainability Vision and Change Catalyst Group

(SVCCG) at the request of the Environment and Sustainability Adviser

Environment and Sustainability Adviser

(4) The register will be reviewed as part of the management review process in in the event of the following a significant changes to activities, products

or services significant changes to compliance obligations material feedback from environmental incidents, complaints and / or non-

conformances identified during the internal or external audit process. stakeholders' reported and documented concerns

Environment and Sustainability Adviser

(5) Significant aspects are communicated in/to: Environmental Toolkit CEMG SVCCG

Key: Responsible person 1

Version: F

Environmental Procedure Ref: GEP003 Title: Aspects and Impacts

Appendix A: Significance Scoring

Scoring component Environmental Impact Interested Parties Impact type Likelihood of Occurrence Level of Control

Score 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 -1 1 2 3 1 2 3

Definition NO / LIMITED Impact NOTICEABLE impact SIGNIFICANT impact NO / LIMITED interest OCCASIONAL interest FREQUENT interest / PRIORITY area POSITIVE NEGATIVE UNLIKELY to occur CAN occur Almost CERTAIN to occur FULL controls in place PARTIAL controls in place NO / LIMITED controls in place

Appendix B: Definitions


surroundings in which an organisation operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interrelation.

Environmental Aspect

element of an organisation's activities, products or services that can interact with the environment

Significant Environmental Aspect

an environmental aspect that has or can have a significant environmental impact.

Environmental Impact

any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organisation's activities, products or services.

Normal Conditions Abnormal Conditions Emergency Conditions Interested Party 2

Normal Conditions - activities carried out 0800:2000 Monday to Friday under fully controlled conditions

Abnormal = Occurs outside of normal practice. Unplanned activity. Procedure not followed

Emergency = Occurs in emergency condition e.g. fire, flood, uncontrolled discharge or extreme weather event or a situation that requires emergency services in attendance.

an internal or external person or body that has an interest or concern in the University's environmental performance

Version: F

Environmental Procedure Ref: GEP003 Title: Aspects and Impacts



07/02/2018 Full review and update of the procedure


K Gallagher

03/10/2016 23/03/2016 09/03/2015

Inclusion of scoring clarification

K Gallagher

Updates to roles, removal of baseline review and Green Impact (section 4)

K Gallagher

Minor amendments, corrections

K Gallagher


Inclusion of Link and definitions of magnitude and stakeholders. Replacement of severity with magnitude. Inclusion of O&T and Document control References

K Gallagher

10/09/2010 First Issue

K Gallagher


CEMG K Gallagher K Lindsell H McCann

H McCann

M Overton






Version: F


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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