Oral communication (text in red) - Public Speaking: CJ 130

8/17/2022Outline of Chapter 1: The communication Procssoral communication (text in red, In-text citation in green & Commentary in Purple)Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages in order to share meanings. A Process (text in red)Definition or statement: “Communication is a process because it moves forward from a beginning point. (important information defining text in blue or A.” (5) Example: For example, every conversation you have with a good friend reflects what you already know about that person. (an example—either your own or the text’s) (5)Commentary: In other words, the process moves forward from the beginning point of your previous knowledge of that person, to what you are communicating in present time. Verbal and Nonverbal MessagesDefinition or statement: A message is the way meaning is conveyed. (6)Example: For example: “You and your brother are discussing plans for Friday night, even as he is frowning, smiling … after you stop talking, he might tell you that he wants to borrow your favorite CD, while you groan or look annoyed. You and your brother are equally involved and that the listener is working just as hard as the speaker.” (7)Commentary: In other words, meaning is conveyed not only through words appropriated to the conversation but through non-verbal ways as well. MeaningsDefinition or statement “Meaning is the interpretation you place on verbal and nonverbal messages.” (7)Example: For example: “If you and another person do not have the same meanings for words such as funny, …you will have difficulty communicating.” (7) Commentary: In other words, meaning is affected by the commonality of language. Experience with CommunicationDefinition or statement “You have been communicating with other people all of your life.” (9)Example: For example, “You have discussed plans, shared secrets…” (9)Commentary: In other words, everyone gains experience through communicating with other and therefore the more one communicates, the more one can overcome difficulties associated with speaking communiction in your lifeFamilyDefinition or statement “A person’s ability to speak and listen carefully has a strong effect on life at home.” (12)Example: For example, “A teenager thinks she knows what her parents will say and does not listen to them. Much of the blaming…could be reduced if family member worked to communicate more clearly.” (13)Commentary: Commentary: In other words, communicating clearly gives others a sense of community or fitting in with the group. FriendshipDefinition or statement “Most strong friendships are built on clear communication and one-one sharing.” (14)Example: For example, “If you think about your good friends… you may talk about sports or school.” (14)Commentary: In friendship, clear communication is built on sharing mutual interest or problems. School Definition or statement “Speaking and listening skills affect your school life.” (15)Example: For example, “You may be asked to give speeches or introduce speakers.” (15)Commentary: In other words, your listening skills as well as your speaking skills will determine your success in school.WorkDefinition or statement “Jobs... require good communication skills” (15)Example: For example, “Employers were recently asked to rate the importance of communication skills for new works… (and) the skill receiving the highest rating was a listening skill.” (15)Commentary: In other words, to maintain a job communication skills, especially listening, was required. CitizenshipDefinition or statement “Citizens are called upon to listen and speak as they serve their community, state, and nation.” (17)Example: For example, “Some citizens serve as candidates…others become campaign workers…or serve on boards.” (17)Commentary: This means that as a member of society, you will be called upon to listen to the candidates or participate in some way or another of citizenship by serving the public, and the best way to do this is by listening and communicating clearly. Communication Situations“There are several oral communication situations.” (18)Definition or statement “There are several oral communication situations.” (18)Example: For example: “interpersonal communication, group communication, public communication, interpretive communication.” (18) Commentary: In other words, communication does happen in a vacuum but is within different situation.Interpersonal CommunicationDefinition or statement Interpersonal means “between people. (20)Example: For example, when you discuss your worries with your best friend, you are taking part in interpersonal communication.” (20)Commentary: In other words. This type of communication relies solely on one to one communication with another person. Group CommunicationDefinition or statement: Group communication is working with a collection of people rather than just one person.Example: For example, when you work on an assignment with your friends, you are conducting group communication. (20)Commentary: In other words, discussing things with more than one person is group communication, and this will help you in your ability to communicate well with others. Public CommunicationDefinition or statement “Public communication requires you to be informed and organized.” (20)Example: For example, when you “present an oral book report, make a class announcement, or give a talk at a religious service, you are involved in public communication.” (20)Commentary: This means that public communication is different than group or interpersonal in that you must be organized and informed because you will be addressing a group without feedback, necessarily. Interpretive CommunicationDefinition or statement Interpretive communication involves “bringing literature to fife for your audience.” (21)Example: For example, “when you read a story aloud to a child, recite a poem to the class, or quote a passage by a famous person, you are involved in interpretive communication. Commentary: In other words, interpretive communication is different in that it is a type of performance rather than discussion. ................

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