Mr. Thaler is the name, teachin' is the game!

Remember to space these out throughout the week! Please do yourself a favor and don’t complete it all in one day.Reading What did the spread of polio show middle-class families?What did cities do in fear of spreading the contagious virus?What were the symptoms of this highly contagious disease?How long did people remain contagious?Explain the “Fly Theory” in your own words.What was the only thing feared more than polio by Americans in 1952?Did flies and mosquitoes have anything to do with polio epidemics?How would you compare what you know about COVID-19 with what you just read about the polio epidemic in the 1950s?center49115800Mathcentertop00-546100-62801500centerbottom00REMEMBER! If you have “2.3” that equals 2310 Science What is the definition of photosynthesis?What three things are needed for plants to make food?What does water do in the process of photosynthesis?What gives leaves their green color?How does oxygen get into the atmosphere?What does photosynthesis produce?Draw the process of photosynthesis FUN!Given that we have ANOTHER week away from school, use this time to learn from those at home! Do a project with a family member. Cook a meal, construct a picture frame, write a fictional story…the sky is the limit! Write about that experience in vivid detail., I know it is the same. It is just such a fun idea I think it should happen again!!! Yippee! ................

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