Explain what the task of development is from Erikson’s ...

Classroom Management meets Assessment in Curriculum Design

May 1, 2006

What does the question demand that the student know and be able to do?

• What’s the information they need?

• What’s the cognitive process they need to be able to employ?

Figure out for each of these how you would describe the most competent or most developed response, and the least developed or knowledgeable response. Then fill in the interim blocks.

1. Name each stage of psychosocial development and list their characteristics. Explain what the task of development is from Erikson’s perspective.

• Not just quantity, but also quality and completeness of list.

• What does it mean to adequately explain (characteristics of an explanation) AND the accuracy of the explanation.

2. Explain what self and mutual regulation are from Eriksons’ perspective. Identify a stage you might see students in your classroom actively working through. Explain how classroom management might influence these two forms of regulation in this stage.

• What does it mean to give a definitional explanation

• Ability to distinguish between self and mutual regulation

• What does it mean to analyze and get progressively better at it?

• State influence, provide support and connect to regulation.

3. Vignette similar to those that you have described in your field journals and that you are reading about in Wolfgang.

Use Erikson as a lens for making sense of this youth’s behavior and for brainstorming strategies for responding to the situation. Explain what the youth might be learning to regulate? How might you, as a teacher, respond to this situation. Explain your rationale for this response.

• Explanation for what is regulated

• Hypothesizing what the youth might be learning to regulate

• Ability to state a response and provide evidence in the support that accurately relates to Erikson

Classroom Management meets Assessment in Curriculum Design

May 1, 2006

What does the question demand that the student know and be able to do?

• What’s the information they need?

• What’s the cognitive process they need to be able to employ?

Figure out for each of these how you would describe the most competent or most developed response, and the least developed or knowledgeable response. Then fill in the interim blocks.

1. Name each stage of psychosocial development and list their characteristics. Explain what the task of development is from Erikson’s perspective.

2. Explain what self and mutual regulation are from Eriksons’ perspective. Identify a stage you might see students in your classroom actively working through. Explain how classroom management might influence these two forms of regulation in this stage.

3. Identify vignette similar to those that you have described in your field journals and that you are reading about in Wolfgang.

Use Erikson as a lens for making sense of this youth’s behavior and for brainstorming strategies for responding to the situation. Explain what the youth might be learning to regulate? How might you, as a teacher, respond to this situation. Explain your rationale for this response.

Rubric for Erikson #1 : Name each stage of psychosocial development and list their characteristics. Explain what the task of development is from Erikson’s perspective.

| |Seed |Sprout |Leafing |Flowering |

|Stages |No stages named |Some stages indicated |All stages indicated |Answer provides all of the following: |

| |Stages labeled inaccurately (no use of | |Inaccurate pairing of the sides of |All stages have both sides of the psycho-social |

| |correct terminology) | |the dilemma |dilemma accurately named |

|Characteristics |Any of the following: |Answer provides the following: |Answer provides the following: |Answer provides all of the following: |

| |No characteristics given | |Accurate paraphrase of |Accurate paraphrase of characteristics for each |

| |Describes characteristics that are not |Accurate paraphrase of |characteristics for each stage. |stage. |

| |part of Erikson’s stages, |characteristics for each stage. |Explanation of what the person is |Explanation of what the person is learning to |

| |Provides only some of the characteristics | |learning to self-regulate; but does|self-regulate; including both the physical and |

| | | |not include either the physical or |psychological factors. |

| | | |psychological factors. |Explanation of what the person is learning to |

| | | | |self-regulate in relation to societal needs. |

| | | | |Description of the role of the cultural context for |

| | | | |each stage |

|Explanation |Any of the following |Any of the following |Answer provides the following: |Answer provides all of these: |

|See pages 34-35 of |Provides inaccurate facts about the task |Provides accurate facts to support |Provides accurate facts to support |Constructs answer that both paraphrases and |

|Questioning handout (ch 2)|of development; and/or |a general definition of what the |a specific explanation of the |illustrates (e.g. adds model, metaphor, or example) |

| |Provides inadequate information about task|task of development is. |developmental task and how it |Compares what happens when the task of development |

|AND |of development |Does not distinguish how the task |shifts as the person ages. |supports the needs of the person and society, and |

| | |qualitatively shifts as the person |Gives specific examples to support |when it doesn’t |

| | |gets older |the explanation. |Explains what about the developmental task |

| | |Does not explain what happens when | |qualitatively changes as the person gets older |

|Content of Developmental | |the task of development supports | | |

|Tasks | |the needs of the person and | | |

| | |society, and when it doesn’t. | | |

Rubric for Erikson, #2: Explain what self and mutual regulation are from Eriksons’ perspective. Identify a stage you might see students in your classroom actively working through. Explain how classroom management might influence these two forms of regulation in this stage.

| |Seed |Sprout |Leafing |Flowering |

|Identifies stage |Didn’t identify stage |Identified a stage not clearly related|Identified a stage specific to your |Identified a stage specific to your |

| | |to your grade level |grade level |grade level |

|Explain self and mutual regulation |Any of the following |Any of the following |Answer provides the following |Answer provides all of the following: |

| |Definitions are either inaccurate or |One type of regulation accurately |Accurate definition of both types of |Accurate definition for both types of |

| |inadequate. |defined, but not both. |regulation. |regulation |

| |No discussion of similarities or |May define both, but not completely. |Offers general statements about |Compares similarities and differences |

| |differences. |No discussion of similarities or |similarities and differences, but no |specific to meeting individual needs |

| | |differences. OR |direct references to the classroom. |and the societal needs in the |

| | |No direct reference to the classroom | |classroom. |

| | | | | |

|Influence of classroom management on |Any of the following: |Answer provides the following: |Answer provides the following: |Answer provides all of the following: |

|mutual and self regulation. |Does not address classroom management |Names the form of classroom management|Names and clearly describes the form |Names and clearly describes the form |

| |Makes a claim about influence without |used but does not describe it. |of classroom management used. |of classroom management used. |

| |support |Clearly describes the connection |Makes accurate and explicit |Makes accurate and explicit |

| |Makes a claim and support is |between management and one of the |connections between ONE form of |connections between form of classroom |

| |inadequate or inaccurate (i.e. |forms of regulation. |classroom management and BOTH forms of|management and both forms of |

| |connection between management and | |regulation. |regulation |

| |forms of regulation is unclear or | | |Offers both hypotheses and alternative|

| |inaccurate) | | |hypotheses about influences on |

| | | | |regulation |

| | | | |Illustrates hypotheses using explicit |

| | | | |examples, cause and effect model, etc.|

Rubric for Erikson, #3: Identify vignette similar to those that you have described in your field journals and that you are reading about in Wolfgang.

Use Erikson as a lens for making sense of this youth’s behavior and for brainstorming strategies for responding to the situation. Explain what the youth might be learning to regulate? How might you, as a teacher, respond to this situation. Explain your rationale for this response.

| |Seed |Sprout |Leafing |Flowering |

|Create a vignette |Doesn’t provide vignette | | |Answer provides all of the following: |

| | | | |Vignette allows identification of issue |

| | | | |Students’ behaviors clearly described with interactions among students|

| | | | |outlined |

| | | | |Context provided (i.e. assignment, expectations, time of day, etc) |

| | | | |Relevant cultural context included. |

|Analyzing behaviors using |Any of the following: | | |Identifies and ties behaviors to specific stages and psycho-social |

|Erikson |Describes but doesn’t analyze | | |tasks. |

| |behavior. | | |Uses examples to support connection of the behavior to the tasks and |

|(explain what youth |Behaviors are not addressed at all. | | |stages. |

|learning to regulate) |Attempted analysis with no reference | | |Distinguishes relevant from irrelevant information in the vignette in |

| |to Erikson. | | |drawing conclusions about the student. |

| | | | |Offers both hypotheses and alternative possibilities – identifying |

| | | | |what additional information might be needed to complete analysis. |

| | | | |Discusses relevance of Erikson’s claims to contemporary classrooms |

| | | | | |

|Creating strategies for | | | | |

|responding | | | | |

|(teacher response to | | | | |

|situation) | | | | |

|Rationale | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


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