Teaching On Godly Purpose, Destiny & Assignment

By Apostle T. L. ElliottConference Number: 530-881-1000Conference Code: 795754#What is Godly Purpose? Revelation: Godly Purpose is something that speaks to what I do!What is the definition of Purpose? Purpose is defined as:Shalal (Hebrew): to draw out, to plunder (Ruth 2:16)Amar (Hebrew): to say, speak, utter, intend or say in one’s heart, to think (what you put your mind to) (1 Kings 5:5; 2 chronicles 28:10)Paniym (Hebrew): to face, to turn towards (2 Chronicles 32:2)Etsah (Hebrew): counsel, advice (Ezra 4:5)Zimmah (Hebrew): plan, device, evil plan, wickedness (Job 17:11)Maaseh (Hebrew): deed, work, act, labor, pursuit (Job 33:17)Prothesis (Greek): a setting forth of a thing, to expose for public view, to place beforeRoot is Pro meaning before and Tethemi meaning to set (Acts 11:23; 19:21)Protithemai (Greek): to place before, to set forth (Romans 1:13)Merriam-Webster Dictionary English definition: intent, intention, determination, an action in course of execution.What is the meaning of Purpose to me in summary? Purpose is basically the actions that I take or perform due to what I set or focus my mind on doing. I basically think of a plan to get me to a specific point (destiny)and purpose is the actions I take without deviation or by determination to get to that point (destiny).What are scriptural references for one’s purpose? Purpose is referenced: Ruth 2:16; 1Kings 5:5; 2 Chronicles 28:10; 32:2; Ezra 4:5;Job 17:11; Job 33:17; Acts 11:23; 19:21; 26:16; Romans 1:13; 8:28; 9:11Does everyone have a godly purpose and if so, does our godly purpose begin with any foundational references in the scriptures? Yes, all are given a godly purpose which has its foundation in Genesis 1:28: fruitful, multiply, replenish, subdue, and have dominion.How do we begin to operate in our godly purpose? By the word (Psalms 119:133), we are called to ask HIM to order our steps in HIS word so that our personal actions do not take priority and take over our life. This is to say for HIM to direct our choices according to HIS word. In other words, that means to allow HIS words to direct our purpose so that it matches HIS purpose for our life.Is every purpose a godly purpose? No, due to the Hebraic word “Zimmah,” which centers on one’s personal plans or actions vs. GOD’s plans or actions HE desires for us to perform. What is Godly Destiny? Revelation: Destiny speaks to what I become or what I have been defined to be!What is the definition of Destiny? Destiny is defined as:Horizo (Greek): to define, that which has been determined, appoint or ordain, have boundariesProorizo (Greek): to decide or predetermine, appoint beforehandMerriam-Webster Dictionary English Definition: fate, predetermined course of eventsDestiny (predestinated) is referenced: Romans 8:29-30; Ephesians 1:5, 11What is the meaning of Destiny to me in summary? Destiny is basically what I am appointed to be or appointed to become. It speaks to what I was already designed or defined to be without question by GOD. Due to the NT, my design was predetermined which is why the word only references the word “predestined.” What is a scriptural example of what I am destined or pre-destined to be? Yes, we are destined to obtain eternal life (1 John 2;25) as well as being the Sons of GOD (1 John 3:1-3). We are called to be a god (the children of GOD) in “The GOD” (our Sovereign Father) as referenced in John 10:34-35 as well as Psalms 82:6.What is a Godly Assignment? Revelation: Assignment is the conduit that exercises “purpose” and assists with keeping focus on “Destiny.”What is the definition of assignment? Assignment is defined as: Please Note: There is no scriptural reference for the word “assignment” however; the root of the word is “assign” or “assigned,” which has the following Greek references to its source definition.Diakonos (Greek) for assigned: one who executes the commands of anotherThronos (Greek) for assigned: royalty, kingly powerKleronomeo (Greek) for assigned: to receive a lot.Itouraia (Greek) for assigned: he will arrangeMerriam-Webster Dictionary English Definition: act of assigning, position or office one is assigned, a specific task given with authorityWhat is the meaning of assignment to me in summary? My assignment is a task given or received by me as a command (with kingly power or authority). The task is given with known and unknown authority with the sub-task of bringing order or alignment me or others impacted by the task. Are there any scriptural assignments given that are an example for me to follow? Yes, in Matthew 28:19-20 all are commanded to go teach the nations (gentiles/unsaved/non-believers) immersing them in the name/character of the FATHER, Son & Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all the examples and laws Christ gave man-kind.DisclaimerT.L. ELLIOTT Ministries accepts no liability for the content of this document, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided, unless that information is subsequently confirmed in writing. If you are not an intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. ................

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