
Word/Phrase |Memory Aid |German | |

|the executive |definition: |Exekutive, ausführende Gewalt, |

|[pic] (fml) |the branch of government that has sole authority and |vollziehende Gewalt |

| |responsibility for the daily administration of the state. | |

|legislature |definition: |Legislative |

|[pic] |assembly with the power to pass, amend, and repeal laws | |

| |(also called a legislative assembly) | |

|(to) abolish sth. |word family: |etwas abschaffen |

| |(to) abolish sth. – abolition – abolished (adj) | |

|(to) adopt a policy |other collocations with policy: |eine politische Richtung einschlagen |

| |(to) develop / (to) implement / (to) pursue a policy | |

|democracy |definition: |Demokratie |

| |a political system where the government is chosen by the | |

| |people in a vote | |

|republic |example sentence: |Republik |

| |South Africa became a ~ in 1961. | |

|constitutional court |definition: |Verfassungsgericht |

| |a court which decides whether laws that are questioned are | |

| |constitutional or not | |

|head of government |example sentence: |Regierungsführer |

| |Britain had Tony Blair as its ~ of government for 10 years.| |

|head of state |definition: |Staatsoberhaupt |

| |the official leader of a country | |

|(to) hold a referendum |definition: |eine Volksabstimmung durchführen |

| |to give all the people in a country the opportunity to vote| |

| |on an important issue | |

|(to) hold elections |other collocations with election: |Wahlen abhalten |

| |(to) win/lose an / vote in an / stand for election | |

|minister |definition: |Minister/in |

| |a person in a high position in government | |

|(to) pass a law |other collocations with law: |ein Gesetz verabschieden |

| |(to) be against the / (to) become a / (to) break the / (to)| |

| |be within the law | |

|political party |example sentence: |politische Partei |

| |The two largest ~ parties in Britain are the Conservative | |

| |Party and the Labour Party. | |

|proportional representation |definition: |Verhältniswahlsystem |

| |a system which gives each party a number of seats in | |

| |parliament based on how many votes they receive in an | |

| |election | |

|(to) sign a petition |example sentence: |eine Petition unterzeichnen |

| |Thousands of people ~ed a petition against the sale of meat| |

| |from cloned animals in supermarkets. | |

|Word/Phrase |Memory Aid |German |

|(to) win a seat |example sentence: |einen Sitz gewinnen |

| |The party got very few votes in the election and therefore | |

| |didn’t ~ any seats in parliament. | |


|(to) be divided into two states |example sentence: |in zwei Staaten geteilt sein |

| |Germany was ~ into two states in 1961. | |

|(Federal) Chancellor |example sentence: |(Bundes-)Kanzler/in |

| |Angela Merkel was elected as the ~ of the grand coalition | |

| |in Germany in 2005. | |

|(Federal) President |word family: |(Bundes-)Präsident/in |

| |(to) preside at/over sth. – president – presidential | |

|federal state |definition: |Bundesland |

| |an administrative territory into which a country is divided| |

| |which controls its own affairs but is ruled by central | |

| |government | |

|First Minister |other collocations with Minister: |Ministerpräsident |

| |Finance / Foreign / Prime Minister | |

|reunification |word family: |Wiedervereinigung |

| |(to) reunify – reunification – reunified (adj) | |


|(constitutional) monarchy |word family: |(konstitutionelle) Monarchie |

| |monarchy – monarch – monarchist – monarchical | |

|constituency |example sentence: |Wahlkreis |

| |His ~ is known for voting Labour. | |

|first-past-the-post |definition: |Mehrheitswahlrecht |

| |a system where only the party with the most votes is | |

| |elected to government | |

|House of Commons |definition: |Britisches Unterhaus |

| |the lower house of the British parliament, composed of | |

| |representatives voted for by the public, including the | |

| |Prime Minister | |

|House of Lords |definition: |Britisches Oberhaus |

| |the upper house of the British parliament, composed of the | |

| |leading clergy and nobles | |

|Member of Parliament (MP) |example sentence: |Parlamentsmitglied |

| |The ~s of ~ were outraged when the Prime Minister told them| |

| |their budget had been cut. | |

|monarch [pic] |synonym: |Monarch/in |

| |king – queen | |

|Prime Minister |definition: |Premierminister/in |

| |the head of the government and head of the executive branch| |

|Word/Phrase |Memory Aid |German |


|Congress |definition: |Kongress |

| |the legislative branch of the US government comprising the | |

| |Senate and the House of Representatives | |

|House of Representatives |definition: |Repräsentantenhaus |

| |one of the two houses of the US legislature consisting of | |

| |representatives from each state, whose number is determined| |

| |according to the population of the state | |

|Senate |definition: |Senat |

| |one of the two houses of the US legislature consisting of | |

| |two senators from each state | |

|Democrat |definition: |Demokrat/in |

| |person belonging to the Democratic Party, a centre-left US | |

| |political party | |

|Republican |definition: |Republikaner/in |

| |person belonging to the Republican Party, a centre-right US| |

| |political party | |

|Amendment (to the Constitution) |word family: |Verfassungszusatz (zur amerikanischen|

| |(to) amend – amendment – amended (adj) |Verfassung) |

|caucus |definition: |Fraktionssitzung |

| |a meeting of the members of a political party held to | |

| |choose candidates or make decisions | |

|checks and balances |example sentence: |politische Kontrollmechanismen |

| |The system of ~ and balances ensures that no one branch of | |

| |government becomes too powerful. | |

|(to) found sth. |synonyms: |etwas gründen |

| |(to) establish / (to) start sth. | |

|governor |definition: |Gouverneur/in |

| |the chief executive officer in a US state | |

|primary (election) |example sentence: |Vorwahl |

| |It was clear from the ~ results that he was the most | |

| |popular candidate in the party. | |

|(to) run for president |example sentence: |als Präsident/in kandidieren |

| |Barack Obama was the first black person to successfully run| |

| |for ~ in the USA. | |

|Supreme Court |definition: |Oberster Gerichtshof |

| |the highest court in a country or state | |

|two-party system |definition: |Zweiparteiensystem |

| |a system of government where just two political parties | |

| |dominate all elections | |


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