Los Angeles Mission College

Political Science 001 – Exam #2 Study Guide - Public Opinion, News Media, Political Participation, American Elections and Political Parties

Format of the Exam

1st Section – Multiple Choice

There will be 25 multiple choice questions worth 2 points each for a total of 50 points. Each of the questions will have 4 possible answers to choose from. To get practice at multiple choice questions, please to go the “We the People” website at and take the practice quizzes for chapters 6 – 10.

2nd Section – True or False

There will be 25 true or false questions worth 2 points each for a total of 50 points, which you will answer each statement you see as either true or false to the best of your ability and knowledge.

What to study per lecture.

Public Opinion and Political Ideology and Socialization

You should study the following from the Public Opinion and Political Ideology and Socialization lecture notes and/or “American Government and Politics” book:

• The process of political socialization

• How people acquire their political party preferences

• The definition of political ideology

• Liberalism and Conservatism

• Whether or not families, social groups, and schools are important institutions for political socialization

• Americans unified belief in liberty, equality, and democracy

• Is the United States a nation without political ideologies?

• Are the majority of Americans moderate, not liberal or conservative?

• Does U.S. public policy always coincide with the state of public opinion?

• Can differences in public opinion and ideology be influenced by one’s gender?

• The American people and support of equal marriage rights for gay people

• Do levels of education affect one’s political opinions?

The Media

You should study the following from the Media lecture and/or “American Government and Politics” book:

• Television as the news source that reaches the most Americans.

• Newspapers as the media source that is most critical in setting news agenda.

• Conservatives and the popularity of radio talk shows.

• Are newspapers the most heavily regulated media in the United States?

• The national news media and coverage of the same events, issues, and problems.

• Broadcast and print media and reporting of issues to the interest of the lower middle class.

• Ownership of the news media: Has it been expanded and fallen into many different hands or into a few hands?

• The Federal Communications Commission and its requirement for broadcasters who air controversial issues to provide time for opposing views.

• Television: does it reach more Americans than any other single source of news?

Voting, Political Participation, and Elections

You should study the following from the Voting, Political Participation, and Elections lecture notes and/or “American Government and Politics” book:

• Does having Americans becoming more educated mean an increase in political participation?

• Does the poll tax exist and does it not reduce voter turnout in the U.S. today?

• The definition of protests.

• Political protests: are they often the only way some groups can attract media attention?

• What is a referendum?

• What is the definition of turnout?

• The U.S. voter turnout in comparison to Western Europe

• What is the definition of a plurality system?

• The electoral college and the popular vote

• Has voter participation increased or decreased since 2000?

• Can only a small proportion of Americans be classified as political activists?

• Do millions of Americans avoid their duty to vote regularly?

• Do national elections in the United States use a system of proportional representation?

• The Electoral College: is it a form of indirect voting?

• The Electoral College: can it elect a candidate that hasn’t won the popular vote?

• Have any politicians been recalled from office since the 1930s?

Political Parties

You should study the following from the political parties lecture notes and/or “American Government and Politics” book:

• What is the best description of a political party?

• What groups are more likely to support the Republican party?

• American politics and the two party system

• The definition of divided government

• Religious conservatives and working class whites and the Republican Party of the 1980s

• What were the 1st political parties in the United States?

• Are American political parties decentralized and fragmented organizations?

• Did the founding fathers of the U.S. Constitution approve the formation of political parties?

• Which political party do most African Americans identify themselves with?


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