
Career Enhancement

Work Experience Activities

Work Experience Activities

Complete and submit the following Work Experience Activities for your Work Experience Kit.

Remember, all activities must be completed using this electronic file, then printed out in black and white and submitted. This is a "Read-Only" file and must be saved as a separate document before you begin. See the 'Read Me' file for "Save As" instructions.

Refer to the following guidelines when completing all activities.

• Use complete sentences to answer all activity questions

• Eliminate all spelling, grammatical and typographical errors

• Include all appropriate back up materials to substantiate your work

• Make sure all activities are computer generated or in type written form

• Make sure all required activities are included in your Work Experience Kit

• Make sure your Inventory Checklist and Sign Off Sheet are included in your Kit

Activity 1: Identifying the Right Job for You; Projecting a Professional Image

Directions: Refer to Lesson 1 in the Career Enhancement Self Study Manual to complete this activity.


1. Briefly describe your current job situation. Is the facility private, public, resort, municipal, military, or other? What are your present job responsibilities? What amenities are offered at your club?

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2. Briefly describe any prior jobs that you have held in the golf industry. What were your job titles? What responsibilities did you have in those jobs?

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3. Discuss the impression that these jobs have left on you and what direction you would like to follow in pursuing a job at an ideal facility. How did you come to this conclusion?

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4. What specific jobs in the golf industry interest you the most and why?

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5. Identify three locations where you would like to work. What are the reasons you would select these locations? What has influenced you in this regard?

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6. After reviewing various job descriptions, list the skills and experiences that seem most important to employers looking for qualified golf professionals. Discuss why you think these particular skills are important to an employer? What skills do you think are important and why?

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7. Who is your regional Career Consultant and what is the phone number where he can be reached?

|Consultant: | |

|Phone number: | |


8. Lesson 1 covers the importance of a professional appearance during an interview. How would you dress for an employment interview? Why do you think it is important to carry that philosophy into your daily routine?

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9. What is your definition of a professional image? How do you make sure you always act and appear in a professional manner?

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Activity 2: Knowledge and Networking in Your Area

Directions: Refer to Lesson 2 in the Career Enhancement Self Study Manual to complete this activity. Contact three facilities in your area and collect the following data for comparison.


1. Collect the name, address, and phone number for each facility.

|Facility #1: | |

|Facility #2: | |

|Facility #3: | |


2. Identify the type of facility (public, private, resort, etc.), who owns the facility, and the number of golfing members if appropriate.

|Facility #1: | |

|Facility #2: | |

|Facility #3: | |


3. How many 18-hole rounds are played annually at each facility?

|Facility #1: | |

|Facility #2: | |

|Facility #3: | |

4. What are the average annual golf shop merchandise sales of each facility?

|Facility #1: | |

|Facility #2: | |

|Facility #3: | |

5. What is the average annual inventory level for the golf shop?

|Facility #1: | |

|Facility #2: | |

|Facility #3: | |

6. How many lessons does the professional staff give and what are the published rates?

|Facility #1: | |

|Facility #2: | |

|Facility #3: | |


7. Does the golf professional receive income from any of the following services: golf car fleet, golf range concessions, bag storage facility, club repair, outings, or others? If yes, identify which services.

|Facility #1: | |

|Facility #2: | |

|Facility #3: | |

8. Who is the current head golf professional and does he/she have a written contract? How many previous head golf professionals have been employed at each facility?

|Facility #1: | |

|Facility #2: | |

|Facility #3: | |

9. Identify how many golf bags are in storage and the number of golf cars in the fleet for each facility.

|Facility #1: | |

|Facility #2: | |

|Facility #3: | |


10. How many tournaments are held at each facility annually? If the facility is private, distinguish between member tournaments and outside tournaments.

|Facility #1: | |

|Facility #2: | |

|Facility #3: | |


11. What method would you use to apply for an assistant golf professional’s position if one were available at each facility?

|Facility #1: | |

|Facility #2: | |

|Facility #3: | |

Activity 3: Résumés, Cover Letters, Reference Material, Professional Porfolio

Directions: Complete the following items. Refer to Lesson 3 in the Career Enhancement Self Study Manual to complete this activity.

Part 1:

1. Find an actual job listing on CareerNet for a golf facility seeking to hire an assistant golf professional and type it here.

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2. Draft a cover letter as if you were actually going to apply for a position.

3. Prepare a current résumé (either chronological or functional) with accurate contact information.

4. Write a reference letter for your current employer to review and sign.

5. Write a brief synopsis (no less than 150 words) that states the following:

• Explain what you were trying to convey to the employer in your cover letter

• Why you chose the particular résumé format and how it best presents your background to the employer

Directions: Read the following definition of a Professional Portfolio and complete the activity.

Part 2:

Professional Portfolio: A collection of your best work that helps you show evidence of your knowledge, skills, and experiences in areas that are important to the roles and responsibilities of a golf professional. Your portfolio should be a very personal document expressing your individual experiences and interests as a golf professional.

Listed below are a wide variety of examples you could include in your professional portfolio:

• Work you have done on the job you wish to show off

• Successful teaching aids you have created

• Business forms you have developed

• Instructional clinics you have developed and implemented

• Computerized notices, forms, or programs you have designed

• Staff training manuals or policies and procedures you have written

• Photographs of your merchandising creativity and talents

• Schedules or agendas you have organized and implemented

• Anything you have had personal involvement in that would promote you as a golf professional as well as benefit a potential employer

List and Include

To complete this activity, include at least five different documents in your Work Experience Kit that display your contributions to your employer as well as your development as a golf professional. They can either be from the above list or chosen from other items that demonstrate your talents and potential.

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When you reach Level 3 of the program, you will be required to present a professional portfolio in your employment interview during the final experience. This particular portfolio should be a notebook or binder that includes a vast collection of your contributions and accomplishments. If you start organizing and collecting items for your portfolio in Level 1 of the program, you will be better prepared to complete your portfolio for your final experience.

Activity 4: Potential Interview Questions

Directions: Refer to Lesson 4 in the Career Enhancement Self Study Manual to complete this activity.

Several questions may be asked of you during an interview. The following questions are a wide sample of what you might need to answer if a potential employer inquires. These questions are divided into two categories: questions you may hear in an interview for an entry level position or assistant golf professional’s position; and questions that may be asked if you are interviewing for a managerial or head golf professional’s position.

Select and Answer

Select the appropriate category/position for which you tailored your résumé. Answer the questions as if you were being interviewed.

Category 1: Entry level/Assistant Golf Professional’s position:

1. "Tell me about yourself?"

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2. "What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?"

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3. "Why do you want to leave your current job or why did you leave your last job?"

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4. "What do you know about our club or business?"

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5. "What new programs have you introduced at your current or previous position?"

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6. "What have been the most meaningful experiences at your previous work?"

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7. "Why did you choose this profession?"

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8. "What is the most creative thing you have done in a past job?"

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9. "How do you prioritize your time?"

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10. "Give an example of a difficult decision you had to make at your last job?"

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11. "What continuing education courses have you attended over the past three years?"

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12. "Describe your best professional skills."

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13. "What are some of the best programs you have developed?"

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14. "What are you looking for in a job that you don’t have in your current position?"

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15. "Describe your ideal work day?"

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16. "How have your previous jobs prepared you for this one?"

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17. "If we hire you, what could we count on from you without fail?"

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18. "What results were you expected to accomplish in your last job and how were they measured?"

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19. "How would you address pace of play issues at our course?"

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20. "In what ways will you serve as an ambassador for our club?

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21. "How do you establish good relations with new co-workers?"

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22. "May we contact your present employer?”

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23. "If you were hired, when would you be able to start?"

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24. "Who are your mentors and what characteristics do you try to emulate?"

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25. "If you could acquire one new skill or knowledge, what would it be?"

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26. "What kind of long-range goals do you have?"

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27. "What are the ways you measure success in your job?"

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28. "Describe any type of customer relations training you have had."

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Category 2: Managerial/Head Golf Professional’s position:

1. "Describe your management philosophy with staff."

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2. "What do you think will be the most stressful or most difficult aspects of this job for you?

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3. "How would you define success in this position?"

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4. "Describe how you would set and measure your work goals."

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5. "What management problems are most difficult for you to solve or address?"

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6. "What kind of systems or standard procedures would you put into place to ensure efficient operations?"

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7. "Describe the systems you have implemented in the past to monitor and ensure operational controls."

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8. "What is the biggest error in judgement you have made?"

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9. "What are your three greatest career achievements?"

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10. "How do you keep up with changes in technology?"

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11. "Describe your philosophy on communicating with staff, vendors, members, guests, and officers."

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12. "What type of teaching program would you implement at our facility?"

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13. "What would your merchandising strategy be at our club?"

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14. "How much annual wholesale inventory do you feel our club will need to carry?"

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15. "What would your strategy be for maximizing play be at our course?”

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16. "How many of your employees have accepted head professional positions?"

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17. "Describe how you train your staff."

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18. "Describe your knowledge and experience in food and beverage operations."

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19. "Describe your knowledge and experience in golf course maintenance."

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20. "What have you done in the past to improve member recruitment?"

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21. "Describe your plans to improve and/or maintain a high level of customer service."

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Activity 5: Understanding Wage and Hour Laws

and Federal Labor Laws

Directions: According to the Career Enhancement Self Study Manual, answer the following questions regarding Federal Wage and Hour Laws. Refer to Lessons 7 and 8 in the manual to complete this activity.

Part 1:

Fill in The Blank

1. Identify the name and phone number of the PGA of America’s Wage and Hour Consultant

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2. Using your current employment situation, please calculate your rate of pay.

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3. Identify and define the three ways to determine the rate of pay as required by the Federal Labor Standards Act.

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4. If an assistant golf professional gets paid by the hour at $7.00 per hour and he works 45 hours in one workweek, what would his salary be for the first 40 hours he worked? How would his overtime rate be calculated and what would that figure be? What would his overall compensation be for the week he worked 45 hours?

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5. If an assistant golf professional is paid a fixed salary for fluctuating hours ($300.00 per week) what would his hourly rate be if he worked 50 hours in one week? How would his overtime rate be calculated and what would that figure be? What would his overall compensation be for the week he worked 50 hours?

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Directions: For the following Federal Employment Laws, identify what each law covers, include a brief summary for each law and note any exceptions if applicable.

Part 2:


Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)

|Coverage: | |

|Summary: | |

|Exceptions: | |

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

|Coverage: | |

|Summary: | |

|Exceptions: | |

What areas of your golf facility may not be in compliance with ADA guidelines and regulations?

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Civil Rights Act of 1991

|Coverage: | |

|Summary: | |

|Exceptions: | |

Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

|Coverage: | |

|Summary: | |

|Exceptions: | |

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

|Coverage: | |

|Summary: | |

|Exceptions: | |

Equal Pay Act

|Coverage: | |

|Summary: | |

|Exceptions: | |

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

|Coverage: | |

|Summary: | |

|Exceptions: | |

Freedom from Sexual Harassment

|Coverage: | |

|Summary: | |

|Exceptions: | |

Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)

|Coverage: | |

|Summary: | |

|Exceptions: | |

Section 1981 of the Civil Rights Act of 1870 (Section 1981)

|Coverage: | |

|Summary: | |

|Exceptions: | |

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)

|Coverage: | |

|Summary: | |

|Exceptions: | |

Research your facility for potential OSHA exposures. What specific recommendation would you make at your facility to help ensure that OSHA standards are being met?

|Coverage: | |

|Summary: | |

|Exceptions: | |

Title VII – The Civil Rights Act of 1964

|Coverage: | |

|Summary: | |

|Exceptions: | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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