Resume Grading Rubric


Résumé Grading Rubric

Marked by: Marker Name

Student Name/User ID: Student Name / ID


|Grading |4 |3 |2 |1 |  |

|SPELLING & GRAMMAR |  |  |  |  | |

| |♣ No spelling or grammar errors |♣ 1 spelling or grammar error |♣ 2 spelling or grammar errors |♣ 3+ spelling or grammar errors | |

|CONTACT INFORMATION |♣ Includes name, address(es), telephone | | |♣ Does not include address(es), telephone number(s), email | |

| |number(s), email address, and web page/blog |♣ Most information is included and |♣ One or two pieces of information |address, or web page/blog (optional) | |

| |(optional) |correct |are missing or include errors |♣ Does not include academic level, plan name, and student ID| |

| |♣ Includes academic level, plan name, and student| | |number | |

| |ID number | | |♣ Includes date of birth, marital status, Social Insurance | |

| | | | |Number (SIN), or photo | |

|SKILLS SUMMARY |♣ 4-6 points |♣ 4-6 points |♣ Some points targeted to potential|♣ Fewer than 3 or more than 6 points | |

| |♣ Includes (if applicable) number of years |♣ Points targeted to potential |employer, elaborated on throughout |♣ Points not targeted to potential employer or elaborated on| |

| |experience in relevant paid or unpaid work |employer, elaborated on throughout |résumé |throughout résumé | |

| |♣ Points targeted to potential employer and |résumé |♣ Some use of relevant knowledge, |♣ No use of relevant knowledge, skills, abilities and | |

| |elaborated on throughout résumé, including key |♣ Use of relevant knowledge, skills, |skills, abilities and |characteristics | |

| |words commonly used in desired industry |abilities and characteristics |characteristics |♣ No indication of how skill(s) developed | |

| |♣ Use of relevant knowledge, skills, abilities | | | | |

| |and characteristics | | | | |

| |♣ At least one point includes how skill developed| | | | |

| |♣ Postsecondary education includes: Candidate |♣ Postsecondary education includes: |♣ Postsecondary education missing 1|♣ Postsecondary education missing 2 or more of the | |

| |for, Degree, Plan, University, Location and Year |Candidate for, Degree, Plan, |of the following: Candidate for, |following: Candidate for, Degree, Plan, University, Location| |

| |beginning program |University, Location and Year |Degree, Plan, University, Location |and Year beginning program | |

|EDUCATION |♣ Degree listed unabbreviated |beginning program |and Year beginning program |♣ Degree listed abbreviated | |

| |♣ Relevant courses included (if applicable) |♣ Degree listed unabbreviated |♣ Degree listed unabbreviated |♣ No relevant courses included | |

| | | | | | |

| |♣  1-3 substantive projects and/or assignments |♣ 1-3 substantive projects and/or |♣  Some projects and/or assignments| | |

| |completed in high school or university that are |assignments completed in high school |listed are not relevant |♣ Projects and/or assignments listed are not relevant | |

| |relevant |or university that are relevant |♣ Sometimes action verbs are not |♣ Action verbs are not used to describe what accomplished | |

|Relevant |♣ Includes the project or assignment title, the |♣  Includes the project or assignment |used to describe what accomplished |♣ Points not listed in reverse chronological order | |

|Assignments |class or lab the project or assignment was |title, the class or lab the project or|♣ Some points not listed in reverse|♣ Use of vague expressions such as "responsible for" or | |

| |completed in, and dates |assignment was completed in, and dates|chronological order |"duties included | |

| |♣ Several bullet points describe what | | | | |

| |accomplished; each bullet point begins with an |♣ Points listed in reverse | | | |

| |action verb |chronological order | | | |

| |♣ Points listed in reverse chronological order | | | | |

|WORK/ VOLUNTEER |♣ Action verbs (appropriate tenses) used to |♣ 1-2 qualifications/ skills lack |♣ 3+ qualifications/ skills lack |♣ Action verbs not used | |

|EXPERIENCE |describe qualifications/skills |action verbs or verbs are repetitive |action verbs or verbs are |♣ Use of vague expressions such as "responsible for" or | |

| |♣ Points listed in order of importance to work |and/or incorrect tense |repetitive and/or incorrect tense |"duties included" | |

| |being sought |♣ Points listed in order of importance|♣ Some points demonstrate ability |♣ Use of personal pronouns such as "my" and "their" | |

| |♣ Points demonstrate ability to perform the job |to work being sought |to perform the job (relevant |♣ Use of definite and indefinite articles: "a," "an," or | |

| |being sought (relevant experience, transferable |♣ Points demonstrate ability to |experience, transferable skills) |"the" | |

| |skills) |perform the job (relevant experience, |♣ Includes “what I |♣ Points do not demonstrate ability to perform the job | |

| |♣ Some points include qualification, results |transferable skills) |learned/developed” summary |♣ Includes “what I learned/developed” summary statement(s) | |

| |and/or tools used | |statement(s)  | | |

| |♣ Name of award/institution/ organization and |♣ Name of award/institution/ |♣ Name of award/institution/ |♣ Name of award/institution/ organization incomplete; | |

|AWARDS & SCHOLARSHIPS |importance (if unclear) of award listed |organization and importance (if |organization listed; importance of |importance of award not listed | |

| |♣ No unexplained acronyms  |unclear) of award listed  |award not |♣ Unexplained acronyms used | |

| | | | | | |

|PROFESSIONAL |♣ Role played is clear (includes bulleted points |♣ Role played is somewhat clear and |♣ Role played is somewhat clear |♣ Role played is not clear | |

|MEMBERSHIPS/ |with action verbs if appropriate) |includes description, if appropriate |♣ Dates included (except general |♣ Dates not included | |

| |♣ Dates included (except general |♣ Dates included (except general |interests/hobbies) |♣ Unexplained acronyms used | |

|ACTIVITIES & INTERESTS |interests/hobbies) (includes bulleted points with|interests/hobbies) | | | |

| |action verbs if appropriate) | | | | |

| | | |





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