Class Policy - Mrs. Huber, English-9

Class Policy: Course Guidelines and Classroom Expectations – English-9

Welcome to William Penn High School! Below is the list of guidelines and classroom expectations for the school year. Please read it over carefully –especially the grading policy --and then both the student and the parent/guardian must sign the contract statement (found on the last page) and return it as a Hw/Cw grade. Students need to place the policy in the front of his/her English notebook. Thank you!

Grading Policy

A minimum of 8 grades will be given each marking period. The following is the grade scale:

A= 90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F=Below 60

Grades will be weighted as follows:

• Homework/Classwork: 30% of the marking period grade.

• Writing: 30% of the marking period grade.

• Assessments: 40% of the marking period grade.

State Standards & Learning Focused & WP Colleges

The Common Core State Standards are the basis of our English curriculum. These standards “provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn so teachers and guardians know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world.” All activities/lessons are built upon these standards and will help students find success. For more information about these standards please go to .

Learning Focused is a school wide program being used to help William Penn become an exemplary school and to help William Penn students become successful students. Our goal is to create remarkable learning experiences in which students exceed the expectations. As teachers, we will place an emphasis on advancing student learning, instructional practices and leadership skills. Students will begin each unit with a student learning map (SLM). We will fill out this map as we work our way through the unit, trying to answer the “Big Idea” or Essential Question.

William Penn is broken into three colleges – STEM, Business and Humanities. This classroom is part of the STEM college. We will be doing activities and readings that help students start looking towards their futures.

Materials and Preparation

You must bring the following to class everyday.

• Three-ring binder with five dividers. This notebook is solely for English class.

• Writing utensil – Pencil or blue/black pen preferred. (If you don’t have one, ask a friend. Don’t ask the teacher!)

• Paper – loose leaf is highly suggested and should be clipped into your binder.

• School Planner (Provided by William Penn)

Please be on time and leave food, drink, personal grooming materials and any personal electronics or “toys” in your book bag/locker. When you enter the classroom, sit in your assigned seat and get ready for class. Take out all necessary books, notebooks, pens, pencils and homework. If you need to sharpen your pencil, borrow something, or get notes do it before the bell rings. Do not stand in the hallway outside the classroom until the very last minute and then run into the room; you should be in your seat when the bell rings. When the bell rings, begin the warm-up assignment that is posted on the board.

Class time is important; please use the time between classes to use the bathroom. Students will receive TWO PASSES per marking period. Once you are in class, you will remain until dismissed by the teacher (not the bell). Remain in your seat until you are dismissed.


Please be on time. If you are late (excused or unexcused), you need to sign the late sign-in sheet. Unauthorized lateness will be dealt with based on the school policy.

Make-up Work

• Full credit will be awarded only for assignments made up for an excused absence. Students must check the Make-up Board for the missed assignments and handouts. Make-up work will not be given during the class period, only at the beginning or end of class.

• When handing in work – please attach the RECEIPT form (found on the make-up board). This form must be filled out accurately and attached to your work in order to receive your points. When emailing late/absent work, your email “time-stamp” will count as the receipt.

• Our daily agenda is posted on the classroom blog at the end of each day. Go to or schoology to see what was missed!

• Students have the same amount of days make-up time as absences. For example, you are absent one day, the work is due after one day make-up time. Two days absent, two days make-up time, etc.

• Occasionally make-up assignments/tests differ from original assignments. Alternative assignments are given when the original assignment has already been returned or discussed in class. Students who need to make-up quizzes or tests will have to make arrangements to do so before or after school so that the testing environment is properly supervised. Please sign up to stay after school (See After School Help section.)

• All make-up work is to be done outside the scheduled class time (work completed in class will not be accepted).

Due Dates and Deadlines

Late assignments will receive 10% off per scheduled-class-day. Late assignments include unexcused absent work and any assignment that is handed in after the assignment is collected. (If it is an excused absence, full credit is awarded). An assignment four days or more late will not be accepted.


Performance includes class participation, writing assignments, reading assignments, and grades on quizzes and tests. A successful English class depends on classroom discussion. This means that mature and responsible behavior is necessary from all students. You can’t sleep on the job so please don’t try and sleep through class!

Home Access Center (HAC)

HAC is a website that can be used by parents/guardians and students to view the student’s schedule, class work, teacher/staff comments, attendance history and report cards. We strongly encourage everyone to use this website as our marking period seems to fly by! HAC can help you stay on top of your classroom grade status. Please follow these simple steps to access the HAC.

1. Open Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher. 2. Go to (there is also a link to this site found on the William Penn website). 3. Enter user ID and password (if you do not have this information, click on the blue “here” link on the right side of the page). 4. Make sure login page dropdown has “Colonial School District” selected

McDougal Littell Literature Textbook – Online Version: Please follow these steps to access your textbook online.

1. Go to

2. Check 1) Language Arts for High School, 2) Delaware, 3) Click GO

3. Choose your book: McDougal Littell Literature, Grade 9 (The first orange one in the first row)

4. At the bottom of the next page, click on “ONLINE BOOK”

5. On right of the next page click on “Create a Student Account”

6. Type in your activation code 4445780 (first box) – 30 (second box)

7. Click continue

8. Type in your birthday

9. Answer the questions and click “Create Account” at the bottom.

10. REMEMBER YOUR USER NAME AND PASSWORD (perhaps record it in your planner).

Oh No! Overview: Oh No! slips are documentation and reminders for missed homework assignments. An Oh No! slip is given to anyone with no homework out on his desk – this includes those with excused absences. Remember that an Oh No! slip is not an automatic zero; it is a warning to make up work. The procedure for the slip is as follows…1. Take out homework during warm-up time and place on the corner of your desk. 2. If you receive an Oh No! slip, fill it out immediately then continue working on your warm-up. 3. Students will turn in the slip in place of the homework. 4. In order to make-up assignment and earn points, you must complete the assignment within 4 days (10% deduction each day it is late or unexcused abs). Assignment must be placed in the COMPLETED WORK bin with a receipt properly attached to the work. Work without the receipt will not be graded!

After School Help

Students are encouraged to stay after school on T/TH for after school help whenever a session is offered. In order to stay after, students must sign up on the sign-up sheet found on the Make-Up Board. Students must sign up at least one day in advance so that extra help can be planned and organized. Staying after is a privilege and therefore if class time or after school time is not being used wisely, students will not be allowed to stay after. Also, if you sign up and do not stay (without alerting the teacher prior to this absence) you will not be allowed to sign up again. Please be courteous as teachers are staying beyond 2:45 in order to help you. *Mrs. Huber cannot stay every T/TH so we will announce when after school sessions are being held. However, if you need help and a session is not being offered, please talk to Mrs. Huber and we’ll see what we can do to help you out.

Honors Students: Homework & Time Management

“Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. They did what was expected of them and a little bit more.” – A. Lou Vickery

From ninth grade on, students involved in the Honors English courses are part of a vertical team approach in order to prepare students effectively (and successfully) for the AP English Exam taken in 12th grade. Students in the Honors Program are also being prepared for a competitive college environment, which requires independence. Therefore, honors students are required to complete regular homework assignments, assume a greater degree of self-discipline in study habits, and expected to manage their time to meet the demands of in and out of class assignments. Students are to expect at least half an hour of homework each night – this may include Friday nights, weekends and vacation time. Independent projects (such as Choice reading) are a student’s responsibility; plan ahead for due dates, divide up the tasks, and use any offered class time wisely.

Contact Information: Mrs. Huber((302) 323-2804, (Email is easiest method of contact!)

Mr. O’Donnell((302) 328-2800,, Room E207A

Classroom Blog: or schoology.

*Parents/guardians with email addresses in our district system will receive weekly mass emails updating you on what is occurring in our classroom. Emails will most likely be sent on Fridays and will include essential questions, key vocabulary, due dates and deadlines. If you would like to receive this weekly email, please email so we can add you to the system.

*Students should feel free to speak to us if there are any questions or concerns. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to contact us with any questions now and throughout the school year. Thank you!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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