Adult Use Cannabis Task Force Presentations December 6, 2017 - Delaware

Adult Use Cannabis Task Force Presentations December 6, 2017 - Meeting # 4


Cannabis Impaired Driving


Direct Criminal Law Implications


DSHS Cannabis Presentation


FAQs for Toxicology Testing 2017


Law Enforcement Perspective & Other Criminal Justice Concerns


Marijuana Impact Report


Marijuana Legalization and the Office of Defense Services


Task Force Presentation


Cannabis Impaired Driving

Delaware Adult Use Cannabis Task Force December 6, 2017

Cathy Rossi, Vice President Public and Government Affairs

AAA Mid-Atlantic

Cannabis Impaired Driving

? Next to alcohol, marijuana is the drug most commonly found in drivers involved in collisions. (1)

? THC in marijuana affects driving : (2) (3)

Reduced peripheral / side vision Reduced coordination Harder to stay in traffic lane & judge distances Slower reaction times & decision making Difficulty maintaining attention

(1) Brady, 2014. Trends in alcohol and other drugs detected in fatally injured drivers. (2) Hartman & Heustis, 2013. Cannabis effects on driving skills. (3) Lenn?, et. al., 2010. The effects of cannabis and alcohol on simulated arterial driving.


Cannabis Impaired Driving

? Drivers testing positive for THC were three to seven times more likely to be responsible for having caused the collision. (2)

? Acute cannabis consumption is associated with increased risk of crashes, especially fatal collisions. (4)

? And, some studies show crash risk doubles for drivers using marijuana. (4)

(2) Hartman & Heustis, 2013. Cannabis effects on driving skills. (4) Asbridge, Hayden & Cartwright, 2013. Acute cannabis consumption and motor vehicle collision risk.


In Washington State

? Teens perceive little risk of regular marijuana use. 45% of 12th graders perceived no/slight risk to regular use.

? Teens are driving after using marijuana.

51% of the 12th graders (several newly licensed drivers) who reported using marijuana in the past 30 days reported driving within 3 hours of using marijuana at least once in the past 30 days. (6)

(6) In fall 2016, over 230,000 students participated in the Healthy Youth Survey. Over 1,000 schools administered the survey, representing all 39 Washington counties and 236 school districts.


In Oregon

? Approximately 50% of 11th graders who drive and use marijuana said they drove within three hours of using marijuana


In Colorado

An August 2017 Denver Post analysis (5) of data and coroner reports found More drivers are testing positive for marijuana and nothing else.

Of drivers involved in fatal crashes in 2014 who tested

positive for cannabinoids, more than 52% had no alcohol in their system. By 2016, it had grown to 69%.

(5) Denver Post: Exclusive: Traffic fatalities linked to marijuana are up sharply in Colorado. Is legalization to blame? August 25, 2017




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