February 4, 1998 - MDtranslation

[pic]Our training philosophy:

• We guide you through self-assessment exercises that assist you in pinpointing your underdeveloped interpretation skills and in elaborating your own P3 (Professional Progress Path).

• We cap enrollment at 15 to coach you in advancing toward attainable progress mile posts and tracking your development.

• We immerse you in high-energy activities that will increase and polish your interpretation skills.

• Due to the vibrant dynamics of our daily training sessions, we recognize that you will need to unwind and recharge.  Retreat from the training room, and the world, to a resort that caters to your recreational and relaxation needs so that you can return to the training room and the world of work refreshed and revitalized.

Whether you participate for continuing education or preparation for the next step in your interpretation career, in this course you will identify and refine your skills in a reassuring training atmosphere. These sessions fulfill the continuing education requirements for court-interpreter recertification as well as assist in preparing for state and federal court interpreter tests.  Continuing education has been approved for the following: ATA, NAJIT, WA State, Oregon, and Idaho. Upon your request, we will solicit pre-approved CEUs from your state or association.

Trainer bio:

Christopher Dimmick has a passion for interpretation that is highly contagious in training sessions, which he has lead from coast to coast since 2002. He has trained over 3,100 interpreters who work in more than 40 languages. Chris holds a degree in Spanish Translation and Interpretation and has done graduate work and received instruction in small-group facilitation, learner-focused adult education, cross-cultural communication strategies, and experiential-based training of language professionals. As a Master-Level Certified Spanish Court Interpreter (Idaho, Oregon), Washington State Certified Spanish Court Interpreter, and a nationally Certified Court Interpreter – Spanish (NBCMI), he employs unique instructional techniques targeting various learning styles and building upon each individual’s strengths. In addition to training, Chris consults with public and private organizations on interpreter performance.

What training alumni say:

“I attended a forty-hour training given by an exclusive interpreter institute in California. I got much more out of Chris’ training and had much more fun in the process.” Interpreter

“You assimilated language-specific examples into the course and then interacted with the students about their perspectives on these examples.”

Training coordinator

“I have gone to conferences, courses and trainings across the country. This one is by far the most interactive. It has helped me, and my interpreters, to see where I am and what I need to do to improve, but in a very non-threatening way.”

Interpreter/Language Services Department Head

“Excellent class by a very knowledgeable instructor who obviously was thoroughly prepared. Impressive! Great tools to assist in preparing and practicing from home. Thank you!”


“Brilliant course. The best I’ve attended so far! Hands-on, meaningful and relevant activities. Presentation materials were great, too. The instructor’s interaction with the students was engaging and yet professional and respectful.” Interpreter

“Very comprehensive yet adapted to the circumstances of new as well as experienced interpreters.” Interpreter

“Christopher Dimmick is in his element here! He did a fantastic job teaching us. GREAT suggestions and tips. Lots of nice practice. Very patient and reaffirming of all viewpoints. He kept the class moving. Excellent strategy to get everyone back from breaks on time.

Masterful.” Interpreter


|Draft Agenda |

|October 8 |October 9 |October 10 |October 11 |

|10:00-3:00 |10:00-3:00 |10:00-3:00 |10:00-3:00 |

|Term ice-breaker |Ethics ice-breaker |Culture ice-breaker |Term ice-breaker |

|Training introduction |Court interpreter ethics |Court interpreter culture |Court interpreter term |

| |collaboration |collaboration |collaboration |

|Pre-assessment skills |Simultaneous skill blast |Sight translation skill |Consecutive skill blast |

|brainstorming | |blast | |

|Tri-modal interpreter |Simultaneous simulation |Sight translation simulation|Consecutive P3 recalibration |

|self-assessment | | | |

|Interpreter Professional |Simultaneous P3 recalibration|Sight translation P3 |Simultaneous skill blast |

|Progress Path – P3 | |recalibration | |

|Identifying/prioritizing |Consecutive skill blast |Consecutive skill blast |Simultaneous P3 recalibration |

|underdeveloped skills | | | |

|Mile-markers for |Consecutive simulation |Consecutive simulation |Sight translation skill blast |

|interpretation skills | | | |

|P3 instructor coaching |Consecutive P3 recalibration |Consecutive P3 recalibration|Sight translation P3 |

|and peer review | | |recalibration |

|Tri-modal individual |Tri-modal individual |Tri-modal individual |Mile-markers for future |

|skill review |skill review |skill review |professional progress |

❖ Each retreat is unique in both curriculum and destination. Many of our retreat alumni come back again and again.




Contact the hotel directly for your room reservation.

There is no group block of rooms. However, by joining Marriott Rewards for free, you may receive a discounted rate,

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Marriott Waikoloa Beach Resort and Spa (Near Kona)


Why choose this training retreat? Just compare:

|Training event |Cost per training |Total training |Hands-on professional |Hotel charges |Paradise |

| |hour |hours |development with feedback| | |

|National conference |$18.00 per |24 hours |No |$295 per night ($162 per night |N/A |

| |training hour | | |over government rate) | |

|National conference |$15.00 per |24 hours |No |$199 per night ($47 per night |N/A |

| |training hour | | |over government rate) | |

|College/University programs |$23.75 - $125 |40+ hours |Yes |Varies, depending on the area |N/A |

|Training programs |$13.00 $27.00 |40+ hours |Ideally, but not the norm|Varies, depending on the area |N/A |

Training registration

Training per person early registration received by August 30, 2014 (Subject to availability) $400

Training per person registration received by September 15, 2014 (Subject to availability) $450

Training per person late registration received after September 15, 2014 (Subject to availability) $500

Receive a $50 rebate from your training retreat registration when you refer another interpreter who applies for this training retreat and is accepted.


|Training Retreat Application – Part 1 |

|Please type responses below and email as an attachment to projects@ |

|Type “Training Retreat Application” in the email subject line. |

|Training applicant name | |

|Mailing address | |

|Email address | |

|Telephone number | |

|Language background |

|What languages do you speak? |

|How did you acquire your first language skills? |

|How did you acquire your second language skills? |

|What is your educational background? (K-12, undergraduate, graduate, when, where) |

|Interpretation background |

|What is your interpretation background? (certification, experience, fields, yearly continuing education) |

|What interpretation skills do you feel are your strongest? |

|What interpretation skills would you like to refine more? |

|What skills would you like to acquire in this training? |

|How do you think other interpreters in the training may help you in your progress? |

|How do you think the instructor may help you in your progress? |

|What terms in Spanish and English have you found nearly impossible to interpret due to lack of an equivalency? |

|Training Retreat Application – Part 2 |

|Sight translation recordings |

|Take five minutes to review the two paragraphs below in English. Do NOT translate it now. |

|Dial (208) 477-1875. |

|Record a voice mail with your name, phone number, and Hawaii Training Retreat. |

|In the same message record a sight translation of the English paragraph on into your other language. |

| |

|English paragraph to be sight translated into your other language: |

|“Ordinarily, a cause of action accrues upon the occurrence of the last element essential to the cause of action. However, in cases where it would be|

|manifestly unjust to deprive a plaintiff of a cause of action before he is aware he has been injured, the delayed discovery rule applies. This means|

|the statute of limitations begins to run not upon injury, but when the plaintiff either actually discovers his injury, or could have discovered his |

|injury through the exercise of reasonable diligence. |

|The delayed discovery rule originated as a means of preserving negligence claims from the strict application of the statute of limitations, which |

|might otherwise be deemed to have run even before the plaintiff knew that s/he had a claim.” |

|Training retreat registration |

|Check one: |

| |Training per person early registration received by August 30, 2014 (Subject to availability) |$400 |

| |Training per person registration received by September 15, 2014 (Subject to availability) |$450 |

| |Training per person late registration received after September 15, 2014 (Subject to availability) |$500 |

|Receive a $50 rebate off your training retreat registration when you refer another interpreter who applies for this training retreat and is |

|accepted. Type the name of the other training applicant you referred: |

| |

|If you would like to give us your payment information via telephone, dial (208) 477-1875. Record a voice mail with your name, phone number, Hawaii |

|Training Retreat, credit/debit, type of card, card number, expiration date, security code, card holder name, and card billing address. |

|Payment authorization |

|By typing my name below, I fully understand that should this training retreat application by accepted, the above-mentioned card shall be |

|automatically charged the non-refundable grand total listed above. |

|Check one: |

|Debit |

|Credit |

|Check one: |

|Visa |

|MasterCard |

|Discover |

|American Express |

| |

|Card #: |

| |

| |

|Expiration date: |

| |

|Security code: |

| |

| |

|Card holder name: |

| |

| |

|Card billing address: |

| |

| |

|Card holder electronic signature | |Date | |

|Should training retreat enrollment be full when registration is received, no charges will be made to your credit card. Are you interested in being |

|placed on the alternate list for this training or on a waiting list for future training retreats? |

|Alternate for this training retreat | |Waiting list for future training retreats: | |

|Please type responses and email this application as an attachment to projects@ |

|Type “Training Retreat Application” in the email subject line. |


20-hour training, daily 10:00-3:00

Marriott Waikoloa Beach Resort and Spa (Near Kona) [pic]

Marriott Waikoloa Beach Resort and Spa (Near Kona)


20-hour training, daily 10:00-3:00

Marriott Waikoloa Beach Resort and Spa (Near Kona) [pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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