Data Protection Survey form

Challenge 1

Create a new Python document – File, New Window

Copy this code and paste it into a new file

|print("Mashed potatoes on the ceiling.") |

|print("Green beans on the floor.") |

|print("Stewed tomatoes in the corner.") |

|print("Squash upon the door.") |

Click on File and then “Save as” naming it mash1.

Click on Run and then Run Module.

The poem should print out in the interpreter.

Congratulations you have used the print command.

Challenge 2

Create a variable called veg by copying and adapting this above the print lines

|veg = "carrots" |

Delete the word potatoes on the first print line and change that line to look like this.

Make sure you put the commas and speechmarks in exactly the same place.

|print("Mashed ",veg," on the ceiling.") |

Click on File and then “Save as” naming it mash2.

Click on Run and then Run Module.

If you have coded correctly whatever word you put inside your variable called veg should appear in your poem when printed to screen.

Challenge 3

In the last challenge you deleted potato and replaced it with a variable called veg.

In this challenge delete the other vegetables on other lines and replace them with the same veg variable (Squash in the last line is a vegetable).

Don't forget to surround veg with commas and close the ordinary printed words with speech marks.

|# for example |

|print("Green",veg,"on the floor.") |

|print(veg,"upon the door.") |

Click on File and then “Save as” naming it mash3.

Click on Run and then Run Module.

Does the word inside your variable appear in every line?

If it does, try changing the word inside the variable.

Save and run your work again.

Challenge 4

Change your veg variable by adding an input command. (make sure you only have one veg= variable at the top)

|veg = input("Type in the name of a vegetable ") |

This will ask the user to type in a vegetable when the program is run.

Whatever they type in will then appear inside the printed poem.

Click on File and then “Save as” naming it mash4.

Click on Run and then Run Module.

If your program asks the user to type in a vegetable and then puts their typed text inside the lines of the poem you have passed the challenge.

Challenge 5

Open that you created earlier.

At the top of the code create a new variable for each line of the poem. You will need four.

|# for example |

|veg1=”carrot” |

|veg2="cabbage" |

|veg3="radish" |

|veg4=”lettuce” |

Put these new variables into all of the different lines of your print commands.

|# for example |

|print("Green",veg2,"on the floor.") |

Click on File and then “Save as” naming it mash5.

Click on Run and then Run Module.

If it works correctly each line should have a different vegetable taken from each variable.

Challenge 6

Open or copy this code

|print("Mashed",veg," on the ceiling.") |

|print("Green",veg," on the floor.") |

|print("Stewed",veg," in the corner.") |

|print(veg,"upon the door.") |

Above all your code import random

|import random |#This allows us to use the random command later |

Underneath random create a list by copying and expanding this code with some of the vegetables underneath

|veglist = ["beans","broccoli"] |

Artichoke Asparagus Beans peas Broccoli Sprouts Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Celery Cucumber Eggplant Fennel Garlic Lettuce Mushroom Okra Onion Pepper Potatoes Pumpkin Radish Rhubarb Spinach Squash Corn Tomato Turnip

Underneath veglist adapt your veg variable so that it is chosen randomly from your veglist

|veg = random.choice(veglist) |# a random word is chosen from your veglist and put into the variable veg |

Click on File and then “Save as” naming it mash6.

Click on Run and then Run Module.

If your coding is correct a randomly choosen vegetable will be used within the poem.

Extra Challenges

Choose a challenge you fancy doing or make one up.

Challenge 7

Save as

Adapt the poem challenge 6 so that is randomly chooses a different vegetable from the veglist on each line.

Challenge 8

save as

Create a program that randomly chooses a member of your class so that your teacher can use it in class.

Create a new list with people in your class in it. Randomly choose a name from the list and put it into a new variable.

Finally put the randomly chosen name in a variable into a print command. Don't forget to import random at the top.

Challenge 9

Save as

Using techniques learn't, write a program to roll a six sided dice.

Challenge 10

Use the instructions at to create an adventure game.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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