Deliverance Prayers

Deliverance Prayers


i. The prayers under listed are not magical, and cannot possibly be magical. It is therefore advised that they should not be prayed without a clear understanding of the word of God.

ii. The prayers hereunder are not copied from any other Christian book, or from any Church. For the avoidance of doubt, they are derived by the author through: inspiration by the Holy Spirit; revelations, dreams, visions; personal experiences; and lastly by careful reading of the Holy Scriptures.

iii. It is strongly advised that these prayers are prayed by Born again Christians only. If you involved in any sinful activity, and pray these prayers, you may be digging your own grave. The Holy Spirit may not lift a standard against the counter attack of the powers of darkness.

iv. Needless to say, deliverance prayers are best prayed at midnight, the hours, which the forces of darkness are most active.


Key texts:

• Revelation 12:7,9,17

And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back…The great dragon was hurled down-that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him….Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring-those who obey God’s commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus.

• Isaiah 27:1

In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.

Other Reference texts:

• Genesis 3:15; Psalm 91:13;Rev.12: 6-10; Rev.20: 2; Psalm74: 14; Rev. 12:6-12; Rev.13: 4; Acts 28:1-5

1. I deliver my glory from the spirit of dragon, in the name of Jesus.

2. I cut off the heads of the Leviathan attacking my glory with the sword of the Lord.

3. Every dragon in the waters attacking my glory, be slain by the sword of the Lord in Jesus mighty name

4. You the Ancient Serpent oppressing my life, I trample you to death in Jesus name

5. Every serpentine spirits delegated against my life, release me now and die in the name of Jesus

6. Every Serpent pursuing my glory, be swallowed up by the Serpent of the Lord

7. Let the terror of the Lord fall upon the army of Serpents seeking me for evil in Jesus name I pray

8. O Rock of ages, fall upon the Ancient serpent attacking my destiny.

9. Every poison of the dragon in my life, be neutralized by the blood of Jesus

10. Every wound inflicted against me by the dragon, be healed by the blood of Jesus

11. I refuse to eat the Bread of adversity or drink the water of affliction prepared for me by the Serpent, in Jesus name

12. Every power of the dragon destroying my glory, woe unto you in Jesus name

13. You dragon spirit assigned against me by the Prince of this world, I overcome you in the name of Jesus

14. You dragon spirit bruising my leg, I break your head in Jesus name

15. Let the type of anointing that enabled Paul the Apostle shake off the beast, fall upon me in Jesus name

16. Every beasts tied against me business, progress, and finances, I shake you off in Jesus name

17. Every Serpent suffocating my life, I shake you off into fire in Jesus name

18. Every dragon spirit tied around my body, soul, and spirit, released me now and die in Jesus name

19. Dragon spirits attacking me through my dreams, be consumed by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus

20. Power of darkness stagnating my destiny, perish in Jesus name

21. You dragon spirit that has swallowed my blessings, vomit my blessings now and die in Jesus name

22. Let the dragon spirit seeking to devour me consumed by the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name.

23. Every attack from the Occult on my progress, be paralyzed by the blood of Jesus

24. Serpentine spirits afflicting me, I behead you in Jesus name

25. Serpent of the Lord, bite powers making burnt offerings and sacrifices to Idols for my sake in Jesus name


Key texts:

• Isaiah 66:15:

For, behold the Lord will come with fire, and with His chariots like a whirlwind, to render His anger with fury, and His rebuke with flames of fire

• Luke 1:35:

The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee

• Acts 1:8:

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you

• Hebrews 22:29:

For our God is a consuming fire.

• 2 Kings 1:10:

And Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, If I be a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And there came down fire from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.

• Deut: 4:24:

For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God.

• Numbers 16:35:

And there came out a fire from the LORD, and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense.

• Leviticus 10:12:

And there went out fire from the LORD, and devoured them, and they died before the LORD.

• Psalm 97:3:

A fire goeth before him, and burneth up his enemies round about

• Psalm 148:8:

Fire, and hail; snow, and vapour; stormy wind fulfilling his word

• Psalm11: 6:

Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup.

• Acts 10:38:

How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

Other Reference texts:

• Acts 13:52; 1 Thessalonians 1:5; Exodus 9:23; Exodus 14:24; 1Kings 18:38; 2Kings 6:17; 1 Chronicles 14:12; Ezekiel 22:31

26. By Holy Ghost and Power, I break all yokes in my life.

27. My Gold and Silver in the hands of the Dragon, Holy Ghost posses them for me in Jesus name

28. I silence you by fire, evil incantations against my life, in the name of Jesus.

29. Serpentine spirits crawling in my body, come out and roast to death in Jesus name

30. Every serpentine spirit inhabiting my residence/office, I eject you by the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name.

31. Holy Ghost set me free from every captivity and imprisonment in Jesus name

32. Holy Ghost make a way for me in the wilderness of my life in Jesus name

33. Holy Ghost, make a way for me in the red sea of my life, in Jesus name

34. Holy Ghost drive me into my breakthroughs

35. Holy Ghost envelop me with anointing to overcome the world in Jesus name

36. Holy Spirit reveal to me the short cut to my glory in Jesus name

37. Holy Ghost pour your fresh Oil and fire on me in Jesus name

38. Holy Ghost, fill my cup with the water of Life in Jesus name

39. Holy Ghost, envelop and immune me with your fire in Jesus name

40. Power of the Holy Ghost bulldoze off every road block on the way to my glory in Jesus name

41. Holy Ghost deliver me from every serpentine bondage in Jesus name

42. Holy Ghost breath on me

43. Powers of the Holy Ghost strengthen me in the days of my adversities.

44. Power of the Holy Ghost beautify my life in Jesus name

45. Holy Ghost, direct me with your voice in Jesus name

46. Holy Ghost break the defenses of my foes in Jesus name

47. Holy Spirit recreate me and give me the spirit of Humility in Jesus name

48. Holy Spirit break me down and give me the spirit of patience in Jesus name

49. Holy Spirit re mould me and make me as meek as a sheep in Jesus name

50. Holy Ghost deposit your glory in my life in Jesus name

51. Anointing that breaks the yokes fall on me in Jesus name

52. Holy Spirit, give me the grace to obey your leadership.

53. Holy Ghost push me into my breakthroughs by fire

54. Holy Spirit, anoint me to excel, anoint me to succeed in Jesus name.

55. My dry bones receive the breath of life, and come back to life, in Jesus name

56. Holy Ghost roll away every reproach in my life with your power and might in Jesus name

57. Holy Ghost my friend, visit me today in Jesus name

58. Every obstacle on the way of my promotion be removed by the spirit of the Lord, in Jesus name

59. Power of the Holy Ghost raise a standard against the rage of my foes in Jesus name

60. Every powers opposed to my deliverance go into Holy Ghost captivity in Jesus name

61. Holy Ghost, break the bars of my yoke and rescue me from the hands of those who have enslaved me

62. Spirit of the Lord, intervene in my case today, and promote me by your grace

63. Anointing for favour, excellence, promotion, fall upon me now in Jesus name.

64. Burning coals and Sulphur of the Lord rain upon my enemies, in Jesus Name

65. May the God of Elijah arise, and His enemies scattered by fire in Jesus Name

66. Every evil meeting convened for my sake, scatter by thunder, in Jesus Name

67. Every power pointing me out for evil, be blinded by the stones of fire in Jesus name

68. O God of Elijah, send down fire and let my enemies be consumed in Jesus name

69. You that man or woman standing as a barrier between me and my divine promotion, be removed by fire in Jesus name

70. God Almighty, make your words in my mouth a fire in Jesus name.


Key text:

• Nahum 3:3-5:

The horseman lifteth up both the bright sword and the glittering spear: and there is a multitude of slain, and a great number of carcases; and there is none end of their corpses: they stumble upon their corpses; Because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the wellfavoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts, that selleth nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts

• Micah 5:12:

I will destroy your witchcraft and you will no longer cast spells.

Reference texts:

• Isaiah 46; Deut.18:10; 2Kings 9:2

71. Environmental witchcraft challenging my breakthroughs, be struck down by stones of fire, in Jesus name

72. Family witchcraft contending against my destiny die in Jesus name

73. Witchcraft power in me, die in Jesus name

74. Name of Jesus, disgrace the spirit of Jezebel boosting against my glory

75. Neigbourhood witchcraft caging my glory, I overcome you by the Blood of Jesus

76. Household Witchcraft cursing my destiny, I silence you by fire in Jesus name

77. Witchcraft power devouring my blessings, be cut off in Jesus name

78. Witchcraft power blocking my progress forward, die in Jesus name

79. Blood of Jesus, repair every evil done against my life by witchcraft

80. Power of witchcraft from my fathers’ or mothers’ house, I am not your candidate in Jesus name

81. Witchcraft conspiracy against my success, come to naught in Jesus name

82. Witchcraft spells cast against my life, be paralyzed by the Blood of Jesus

83. Power of sorcery against my life, received the disgrace of Balaam in Jesus name

84. Every power of witchcraft that has enslaved me, released me now in Jesus name

85. I cursed to death, every power cursing my glory

86. Witchcraft manipulation against my glory, I cursed you to death in Jesus name


Key texts:

• Psalms 91: 11:

For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

• I Peter 3: 22:

Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.

• Psalms 103: 20:

Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.

87. I command the Angels of the Lord to judge powers in the Heaven and earth sponsoring wickedness against me

88. Angels of the Most High God, cancel every evil enchantment, pronounced against me in Jesus name

89. Messenger of death assigned against me, be arrested by the Arch Angels of God in Jesus name.

90. Angel of the Lord, stretch your hand against the rage of my foes in Jesus name

91. Angels of God oppose every spirit of Balaam cursing my glory, in Jesus name I pray

92. Angels of the Most High, destroy every evil material buried against my life in Jesus name

93. Angels of the Most High, deliver me from every imprisonment, in Jesus Name

94. Angels of the Most High strike down the Herods of my life, let them be eaten up by worms, in Jesus Name

95. Angels of the living God, push me into my Jordan of breakthroughs in Jesus name

96. Angels of the living God take away my filthy clothes, and replace them with rich garments in Jesus name

97. Angels of the God of Heaven and Earth, protect me from all evils in Jesus name

98. Angels of the living God, lead me into my doors of breakthroughs in Jesus name


Key texts:

• Zechariah 2: 6

”Come! Come! Flee from the land of the north,” declares the LORD , “for I have scattered you to the four winds of heaven,” declares the LORD .

• Ezekiel 37:9

Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’

Reference texts:

• Isaiah 66:15; Jeremiah 23:19;Zech. 6:5; Zech. 7:14; Math.25:36; Rev 7:1;Jer. 49:36; Daniel 7:2;Daniel 11:4;Zech. 2:6;Ezek. 37:9;Exodus 10:12-22; Numbers 11:30-32; 2Samuel 22:11; 1 Kings 19:10-12; Psalm 48:6-8; Psalm78:25-27; Isaiah 27:7-9;Jeremiah 18:16-18;Hosea 13:15-16; Jonah 4:8; 2 Kings 2:1

99. Four winds of the Lord from four quarters of heavens scatter evil gathering against my glory in Jesus name

100. Let all evil bows targeted against me be broken into the winds by the four winds of the Lord in Jesus name

101. Every troubler of my destiny, be scattered into the four winds of Heaven in Jesus name

102. Scorching wind of the Lord, blind my attackers, in Jesus name

103. Let the violent wind of the Lord be unleashed against every power of sorcery troubling my destiny in Jesus name

104. Let the Waters flowing against my destiny, be blown away by a strong East Wind, in Jesus Name

105. My dry land appear in Jesus name

106. Let the army of locusts devouring my blessings, be blown away by an East wind, in Jesus Name

107. Every tree harbouring evil against my life, be uprooted by a powerful East wind, in Jesus Name

108. Powers in the waters oppressing my life, be broken by a strong East wind, in Jesus Name

109. Hurricane of the Most High, sweep away my foes from their meeting places in Jesus Name

110. Four winds of the Earth, blow my blessings to me in Jesus name


Key texts:

• 2 Samuel 22

• Hosea 13:14

I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death, I will be thy plagues; O grave, I will be thy destruction: repentance shall be hid from my eyes

111. Hamans of my life, come to ruin in Jesus name.

112. Those planning to kill me and plunder my blessings, be arrested by the fear of the Lord, in Jesus name

113. Every grave dug for me be covered by the blood of Jesus

114. Every enemy digging a grave for me, be buried alive in it in Jesus name

115. Powers digging a grave for me, replace me in the grave in Jesus name

116. Every power assigned to waste my life die in Jesus name

117. Arrow of death fired against me, return to sender in Jesus name

118. Messenger of death assigned against me, be arrested by the blood of Jesus

119. Spirit of death hovering over me, be paralysed by fire in the Name of Jesus

120. Every agent assigned to draw me into the grave, be struck down by thunder

121. Every Goliath boosting against my life, somersault and die in Jesus name

122. Spirit of death drawing me into the cemetery, return hell in Jesus name

123. Every power that have entered into an oath against my life, be paralysed by the blood of Jesus name

124. Every grave clothes around my body, catch fire and burn to ashes in Jesus name

125. Mark of death on my fore head, be wiped off by the blood of Jesus

126. Every Obituary poster printed in my name in the spirit Evil realm, catch fire and burn to ashes in Jesus name

127. Obituary programme prepared for me in the spirit realm, catch fire and burn to ashes in Jesus name

128. I refuse to die until I see my children’s children in Jesus name

129. Every coffin constructed for my sake in the spirit realm, be smashed into pieces by the Rock of ages

130. You unrepentant pursuer of my life, fall down and die in Jesus name

131. Every accident programmed against my life, be thwarted by the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name

132. Chain of death around my neck, break by fire in Jesus name

133. I separate myself from the spirit of death and hell in Jesus name

134. Every evil oath made against my life, backfire in Jesus name

135. Evil ambush set against me be exposed by the Holy spirit

136. Spirit of Kidnapping programme against my household be exposed in Jesus name


• Rev. 12: 11 -KJV

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death

137. Blood of Jesus Christ, speak against those calling my name for evil.

138. Dirt of my life be washed away by the blood of Jesus

139. Blood of Jesus, mark me for favour, Honour and glory

140. Blood of Jesus mark me for divine protection

141. Spirit of odour programmed against me, be wipe of by the blood of Jesus Christ.

142. Every evil power in black cloth, I overcome you by the Blood of the Lamb

143. Mark of disfavour on my forehead, be wipe of by the blood of Jesus n Christ

144. Ancestral spirit tormenting my life, I cut you off by the blood of Jesus

145. Power of Occult against my life, I challenge you with the blood of Jesus

146. Every evil pronouncement over job, progress, and prosperity be cancelled by the blood of Jesus

147. Demons assigned against my life, become ineffectual by the blood of Jesus


Key reference texts:

• Ephesians 6: 12:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

• Jeremiah 51: 63-64

And it shall be, that when thou has made an end of reading this book, that thou shalt bind a stone to it, and cast it into the midst of the Eu-phrates. And thou shalt say, Thus shall Babylon sink, and shall not rise from the evil that I will bring upon her:

Other texts:

Jeremiah 51:58

148. Let the Glory of Babylon in my life, sink ad rise no more in Jesus name

149. God of gods, Judge the gods of my fathers house in Jesus name

150. Every spirit of rise and fall programmed into my destiny, die in Jesus name

151. Every altar of idolatry in my family break in Jesus name Lord of Israel, arise and judge all the gods of my fathers house in Jesus name

152. Every shroud that is enveloping my glory, burn into ashes in Jesus name

153. Destroyer of the Lord come against every evil gathering convened for my sake, in Jesus name

154. Lord Almighty, stir the spirit of a destroyer against the power of Babylon attacking my life in Jesus name

155. Every canoe I am using to paddling my destiny be replaced by a Ship in Jesus name

156. You King Eglon feeding fat on my blessings, I plunge a double edge sword into your belly in Jesus name

157. O altar, O altar, O altar of the gods of my fathers house hold, break in Jesus name

158. Lord of Hosts, let your four dreadful judgments -sword, famine, wild beasts and plague, fall upon every power attacking my glory in Jesus name

159. Evil power of the enemy over my life, break now in Jesus name

160. Every power blocking my finances be dashed into pieces in Jesus name

161. Evil gateman guarding the meeting places of my enemies, die in Jesus name

162. Evil chain on my neck be loosed in Jesus name

163. I throw off the yoke of slavery over my life in Jesus name

164. Terror of God, fall upon all my pursuers in Jesus name

165. O Land, Land, Land hear the word of the Lord and vomit my blessings in Jesus name

166. Every Power burning incense to the Queen of Heaven for my sake, perish by the sword in Jesus name.

167. Evil candles being burned against my destiny, be blown off by the wind of the Lord in Jesus name

168. Evil finger pointing at me in my dreams, become leprous and wither, in Jesus name.

169. My spirit refuse to participate in evil communication in Jesus name

170. Every gods of my nativity working against my life, be paralyzed by the blood of Jesus

171. Every evil gathering for my sake, scatter in Jesus name

172. My spirit refuse to engage in evil conversation in Jesus name

173. Wilderness journey in my life, be terminated in Jesus name. I enter my life of Canaan now in Jesus name

174. Every household enemy doing strategic evil thinking against my life, be consumed by the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name

175. Soul travel against my glory, be terminated in Jesus name

176. Evil watcher of my progress, be blinded by the stones of fire in Jesus name

177. Evil power opposed to my progress, be swallowed by the land in Jesus name

178. Evil throne blocking my fortunes, be overthrown in Jesus name

179. Evil powers attacking my destiny, be shattered in Jesus name

180. Every spirit of disappointment or confusion, on the day of my glory, I overcome you in Jesus name

181. Filthy rags around my body, burn into ashes in Jesus name

182. Powers in the Heavens and earth attacking my life, shake off by fire in Jesus name

183. Demon of poverty assigned against me, I arrest you in the name of Jesus

184. Chariots and drivers of my Pharaohs, be overthrown in Jesus name

185. Horses and Riders of my Pharaohs fall by the sword in Jesus name

186. Heavenly powers hindering my blessings, be overcome by the arch angels of the Lord in Jesus name

187. Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus of Nazareth, free me from evil bondages

188. I refuse to eat polluted food in my dreams in Jesus name

189. Evil Power remotely controlling my be destroyed in Jesus name

190. . Power of Occult dissuading my helpers from blessing me, be destroyed in the name of Jesus

191. I condemn to Judgment every tongue raised against me in Jesus name

192. My spiritual antennae, refuse to pick up signals from the devil in Jesus name

193. Evil reinforcement against my deliverance, be scattered finally in Jesus name

194. Every demonic animal attacking my household, I poison you to die in Jesus name

195. I disgrace every power planning to disgrace me on the day of my glory in Jesus name

196. I confound every power waiting to cause confusion on the day of my glory in Jesus name

197. I refuse to eat delicious food prepared to pollute my spirit in Jesus name

198. Monitoring spirit following me all about, be crippled in Jesus name

199. Every yoke and shackle placed upon me, break in Jesus name

200. I place my feet on the necks of my enemies, and trample them unto destruction in Jesus name.

201. God send a spirit of confusion among the army of philistines gathered against me, let them strike down one another with their own swords in Jesus name

202. I trample down the high places of wickedness against me in Jesus name

203. Let the fear of the Lord fall upon my enemies, and may their hearts melt away in fear in Jesus name.

204. Let the lives of those who are pursuing me in order to take away my life be hurl away as from the socket of a sling in Jesus name

205. O Lord, turn the counsels of all Ahithophels and other conspirators against me into foolishness. Bring disasters on all Absaloms in Jesus name

206. Every spirit of Balaam contracted to curse my destiny be crushed in Jesus name.

207. Lord, be an enemy to my enemies and oppose those who oppose me in Jesus name

208. Like the fate that befell Dragon, god of the Philistines, fall on all demons gods attacking my destiny

209. O Lord put my enemies into deep sleep, while I climb higher heights in safety, in Jesus name.

210. I pursue and overtake every Amalekites that have stolen my blessings, and recover all in Jesus name.

211. Let the table turn against the Hamans seeking my life in Jesus name.

212. Every strongman seating upon my blessings, be unseated in Jesus name.

213. I command the Prince of demons working against my destiny to fall down and die in Jesus name

214. Evil implantation in my life, die from the roots in Jesus name

215. Evil rearrangement of my divine destiny, collapse like the Tower of Babel in Jesus name

216. Spirit of restlessness fall upon me, every Jacobean yoke placed upon me be thrown off in Jesus name.

217. I receive the strength to struggle with God and Men and Overcome, in Jesus name.

218. Let the terror of God fall mightily upon my stubborn pursuers, in Jesus name

219. My household enemies shall yet bow down and fall before me, in Jesus name

220. Jehovah Lord, bring me out of bondage by a mighty deliverance, in Jesus name.

221. High places of wickedness against my life be destroyed in Jesus name.

222. Every mountain like problem before me, become level ground in Jesus name

223. O rock of ages, make me an immovable rock to withstand all evil attacks

224. Every fury of the Queen of the coast against my lifeboat, cease in Jesus name.

225. Every wild weed the enemy has planted in my life be up rooted and wither in Jesus name.

226. You unfruitful tenant in my life, I eject you today in Jesus name.

227. Unfruitful branch in my life, be pruned off by Jesus the Gardener of my life

228. Father Lord, make me a Capstone in Jesus name.

229. Right hand of the Lord, be lifted up and shatter the enemy in Jesus name

230. God of Israel, make me a god before my Pharaohs, in Jesus name

231. Evil cankerworm, caterpillar and locust devouring my blessings die in Jesus name

232. Evil spirits and powers gathering materials for rituals against me be struck by thunder and die on the spot in Jesus name

233. You thief of blessings. I arrest in Jesus name

234. Every evil material that I have collected for my self or my household through my dreams, be revealed to me by the Holy Spirit

235. O Lord set my household free from satanic and demonic churches

236. I pursue my Pursuers in Jesus name

237. Satanic yoke over my life, break now in Jesus name

238. Every rod of oppressor against my fruitfulness perish in Jesus name

239. Rod of oppressor over my life, break in Jesus name

240. Power of the Oppressor over my life, come to an end in Jesus name

241. Every power gathering information against me for evil, receive the spirit of confusion in Jesus name

242. Pagan Priests invoking evil against my life, collapse and die in Jesus name

243. Evil powers opposed to my breakthrough be swallowed by the land

244. My father and my Lord raise your right hand and shatter evil strongmen against my life in Jesus name

245. I overcome every Evil gatekeeper cursing my name at the entrance to my breakthroughs in Jesus name

246. Every agent of darkness assigned to block my breakthroughs, I overcome in Jesus name

247. Every demon assigned to snatch my blessings, become powerless in Jesus name

248. Every evil agent pronouncing my name for evil, be silenced by fire in Jesus name

249. Father Lord, hurl large hailstones on evil Kings and princes advancing against me in Jesus Name

250. Flood from the Most High; destroy the strongholds of my enemies, In Jesus Name

251. O Lord of David, bless me and let my cup runneth over in Jesus name

252. Rain of blessings drenched me in Jesus name

253. I challenge by fire every human agent in my household bowing down to Satan for evil against me, in Jesus name

254. Every Balaamic curse over my life, be turned into blessings by the Spirit of the Lord, in Jesus name.

255. Evil meeting places against me, be overthrown by the fierce anger of the Lord in Jesus name

256. Javelin of the Lord, be drawn against my persecutors in Jesus name

257. Hailstones of the Lord, fall upon my persecutors in Jesus name

258. O Sun and Moon stand still until the Lord avenges against my persecutors in Jesus name

259. Spirit of Delilah programmed to trap me, be exposed and disgraced in Jesus name.

260. Hand of the Lord that destroyed dagon, god of the Philis tines,destroy every gods of my nativity in Jesus name

261. Every power standing as a Goliath in my Life, I bury you today in Jesus name

262. Anger of the Lord be provoked against the elders of my fathers house bowing down to Satan for evil against me in Jesus name

263. Divine guards of my town of nativity, use your deadly weapons to slaughter those bowing down to Idols for evil against me

264. I take burning coals and fire from the Cherubims of the Lord and scatter in on those bowing down to Satan against my glory in Jesus names

265. Every thief of my blessings, be arrested by the flying scroll of the Lord in Jesus name

266. Every power sending arrows against me, be attacked by the arrow of the Lord in Jesus name

267. Power of the sea against my prosperity be destroyed in Jesus name



Key texts

Rom 1:26-27 "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error."

1 Tim 1:9-10 "realizing the fact that (civil) law is not made for a righteous man, but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers and immoral men and homosexuals and kidnappers and liars and perjurers"

1 Cor 6:9 "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not be deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God"

269. You demon spirit influencing me  into cyber sex, be cast out of my life in Jesus name

270. Spirit of sodomy ruling my life, catch fire and burnt into ashes in Jesus name.

271. Spirit of sodomy that has consumed my body, soul and spirit, be replaced you with the Holy Spirit in Jesus name

272. My flesh die unto sin, Spirit of Holiness possess me in Jesus name.

273. Strongholds of Sodomy over my life shake off and perish in Jesus name

274. Every spirit of  lust that has poseesed me, released me now and die in Jesus name

275. ........................ (Your name), be released from sodomy in Jesus name.

276. Every environmental power influencing me into sodomy, I paralyze you in Jesus name

277. Every evil friend influencing me into sodomy, be separated fro my life now in Jesus name.

278. Power to censor my eyes, discipline my flesh, and watch my steps, fall on me now in Jesus name

279. O Lord repair my evil foundations by fire and recreate me into Holiness.



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