Chapter 19 Practice Test Answers - Del Mar College

Chapter 19 Practice Test Answers

1. D. Traceroute (tracert) is a command-line diagnostic utility that is used to determine the route a packet uses to get to a destination.

2. C. At the command prompt, type PING -t. This will allow you to PING the specified host until it is manually stopped. To see statistics and then continue, hit Ctrl-Break. To stop the PING process completely, hit Ctrl-C.

3.A. Tracert determines the route by sending Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) packets to the destination that you specify, either by IP address or DNS name.

4. B and C. You can PING a host by DNS name or IP address.

5. B. PING can be used to test name resolution services. For example, if you can PING your favorite Web site by IP address but not by DNS name, the results indicate that the host is available across the network but that a problem exists with name resolution services.

6. D. RARP is not run directly from the command line on most operating systems.

7. B. ARP is very useful in situations where more than one host machine has the same IP address.

8. A. When a node’s MAC address is known, but its IP address is not, a RARP broadcast will be issued to the local segment requesting the IP address from the node that owns the specific MAC address.

9. C. The command ARP -a can be used to display ARP entries currently in cache.

10. D. You can PING the machine by IP address or by the local loopback address of

11. B. Netstat can be extremely useful when troubleshooting network problems that you believe are protocol related. For example, if users report that they cannot download e-mail, at the server type the command netstat -a. The results will disclose whether the port for the e-mail service is active. If it is not, you may need to either restart the e-mail service or the server.

12. A. You may use the netstat -r command to show the routing table that is maintained on the local machine.

13. D. The command nbtstat-r provides a list of names resolved by broadcast and WINS.

14. D. WINIPCFG is the IP configuration utility found on computers running the Windows 95 and 98 operating systems.

15. C. Running IPCONFIG with the /all switch will return complete IP configuration information.

16. D. IFCONFIG with the /Up switch activates the designated interface on a UNIX machine.

17. A. You will know you are using interactive mode by looking at the command prompt. In Windows XP, the command prompt changes from C:\> to >.

18. C. Interactive mode allows you to specify additional parameters when using nslookup.

19. B. nslookup with the ls switch will list all addresses in a specified domain.

20. D. The /? switch can be used with most of the TCP/IP utilities discussed in this chapter to display help topics and the correct command syntax.


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