Windows 98 Final Exam - EMC Publishing

Windows 98 Final Exam

1. In a dialog box, more than one _____ can be selected at a time.

a. Text box

b. List box

c. Option button

d. Check box

2. To change the size of a dialog box place the mouse pointer _____.

a. inside the dialog box

b. at the edge of the dialog box

c. in the Title bar

d. the size of the dialog box cannot be changed

3. When the mouse pointer is positioned over an icon it looks like _____.

a. the capital letter “I”

b. a single-headed arrow

c. a double-headed arrow

d. two double-headed arrow forming a cross

4. A(n) _____ is an element that can be found in a dialog box.

a. Slider

b. Spinner

c. Text box

d. all of the above

5. If a menu option has an ellipsis (…) after it, it means _____.

a. that menu option is not available

b. clicking that menu option will display another menu

c. clicking that menu option will display a dialog box

d. clicking that menu option will execute a command

6. Clicking the _____ button reduces a window to a button on the Taskbar.

a. Minimize

b. Maximize

c. Restore

d. Close

7. In Windows Explorer, the _____ displays whatever in contained in the Folders pane.

a. Title bar

b. Folders pane

c. Contents pane

d. Status bar

8. In windows Explorer, the _____ provides quick access to features.

a. Standard toolbar

b. Links toolbar

c. Folders pane

d. Status bar

9. Files ending with the extension _____ were created using Microsoft Access.

a. .doc

b. .xls

c. .mdb

d. .ppt

10. In Windows Explorer, the _____ view displays only file and folder names.

a. Large Icons

b. Small icons

c. List

d. Details

11. Windows Explorer allows you to do all of the following except _____.

a. create folders

b. add a screen saver

c. delete files

d. copy files

12. In Windows Explorer, if a plus sign appears next to a folder it indicates that the folder _____.

a. is expanded and you are viewing the entire contents of the folder

b. has been copied for backup purposes

c. is locked and cannot be deleted from the disk

d. is collapsed and you are not viewing the entire contents of the folder

13. To copy a file from one folder to another _____.

a. right-click the file and drag it to the new folder

b. left-click the file and drag it to the new folder

c. select the file and then click File, Copy

d. left-click the file and select Copy

14. When deleting files off the hard drive by placing them in the Recycle Bin, the files are permanently removed _____.

a. the next time you shut down the computer

b. as soon as they are placed in the Recycle Bin

c. when you close the Recycle Bin

d. when you empty the Recycle Bin

15. The Find command is found _____.

a. on the Start menu

b. on the Programs menu

c. on the Settings menu

d. in the Control Panel window

16. My Computer allows you to _____.

a. browse the contents of the hard disk

b. add network or local printers

c. schedule computer maintenance tasks such as scan disk and disk defragmenter

d. all of the above

17. The command that allows you to access the window containing options for you to customize the desktop is _____.

a. click the My Computer icon

b. right-click an empty area of the desktop and click Properties from the shortcut menu

c. click the Start button and then click Settings

d. click the Start button and then click Programs and Windows Explorer

18. The following is not one of the accessory programs that come with Windows 98.

a. Paint

b. Calculator

c. E-mail

d. WordPad

19. The option for accessing the Windows Help feature is found on the _____ menu.

a. Start

b. Programs

c. Settings

d. Find

20. Which one of the tabs in the Windows Help window does not allow the user to enter a keyword in order to find help on a particular topic?

a. Contents

b. Index

c. Search

d. All of the tabs allow the user to enter a keyword in order to find help on a particular topic.

21. A private collection of networks, often found within a corporation, that uses a Web browser to access internal information is called a(n) _____ .

a. Internet

b. intranet

c. ARPAnet

d. telecommunication system

22. Which one of the following is not a button found on the Explorer toolbar?

a. Stop

b. Favorites

c. Search

d. File

23. In order to access a Web page you must enter the _____ for that Web page in the Address bar.

a. file name

b. ISP

c. URL

d. browser name

24. Clicking the _____ button enables you to create a shortcut to a Web page you visit frequently.

a. Search

b. Favorites

c. Home

d. Back

25. Software that enables you to locate Web pages containing information on a specific topic is called _____ software.

a. browser

b. ISP

c. intranet

d. search engine

26. When conducting a keyword search, putting _____ around a phrase insures that only hits containing that exact phrase will be found.

a. quotation marks

b. parentheses

c. square brackets

d. curly brackets

27. In an advanced search on the Web, using the keyword travel* would find _____.

a. traveling

b. traveler

c. traveled

d. all of the above

28. When you subscribe to a _____ information from a web site is automatically delivered to your computer.

a. ISP

b. Web channel

c. search engine

d. Web browser

29. When you print a Web page by clicking the Print button on the Explorer toolbar, what is going to print?

a. only the text on the page

b. whatever is highlighted when the Print button is clicked

c. everything displayed on the page included text and graphics

d. only the graphics on the page

30. To save a graphic found on a Web site _____.

a. right-click on the graphic and then click Save Picture As

b. click on the graphic and then click Save Picture As

c. click File on the menu bar and then click Save Picture As

d. You cannot save a graphic found on a Web site.

31. Before you can utilize hypermedia on the Web, you computer must have _____.

a. a stereo sound card

b. stereo speakers

c. Microsoft Media Player installed on it

d. All of the above

32. An e-mail message you have received was sent to you and five other people whose e-mail addresses were entered in the Cc: box. You are going to write a reply to this message and you want your reply to go to the person who sent you the message as well as the other five people who received the message. In order to do this, you should click the _____ button in the Outlook Express Toolbar.

a. Reply

b. Reply All

c. Forward

d. Addresses

33. To display the messages you have received in the Message List, click the _____ folder in the Folders list.

a. Outbox

b. Inbox

c. Sent Items

d. Drafts

34. Which option from the menu bar in Outlook Express do you click in order to create a signature that will automatically be added to the end of your e-mail messages.

a. File

b. Edit

c. Tools

d. Message

35. Which of the following has a legitimate e-mail address format?

a. asmith”at”

b. brown@yahoo,com

c. edu.bgsu@lisa

d. somepoet@

36. What types of files can be attached to an e-mail message?

a. text

b. sound

c. video

d. All of the above

37. A computer receiving an e-mail message with a file attached to it _____ in order to access the attached file.

a. must use the Outlook Express program

b. does not need any special hardware or software

c. must have the necessary hardware or software

d. both a and c

38. Mailing lists are managed by _____ software.

a. Web browser

b. Listserv

c. search engine

d. ISP

39. To subscribe to a newsgroup _____.

a. click your news server, which is found in the Folders list

b. send an e-mail message to the computer that maintains the newsgroup

c. send an e-mail message to your news server

d. click the news server button on the Outlook Express toolbar

40. If a newsgroup message has a plus sign by it that means _____.

a. you have already read that message

b. the message has been marked to be deleted

c. replies have been made to that message

d. that particular message is extremely important

41. The Windows 98 Properties command _____.

a. displays how much space is available on a disk

b. displays the hardware that is installed on the computer

c. allows you to set up maintenance routines to be performed automatically on the computer

d. allows you to check for errors on the hard drive

42. The _____ utility frees up space on your hard disk drive by deleting unnecessary files.

a. ScanDisk

b. Disk Cleanup

c. Disk Defragmenter

d. DriveSpace 3

43. The _____ utility checks the hard disk drive for storage errors and physical damage.

a. ScanDisk

b. Disk Cleanup

c. Disk Defragmenter

d. DriveSpace 3

44. The _____ utility moves parts of a file so that they are all stored in clusters next to one another on the disk.

a. ScanDisk

b. Disk Cleanup

c. Disk Defragmenter

d. DriveSpace 3

45. The _____ utility allows you to increase the storage space for files.

a. ScanDisk

b. Disk Cleanup

c. Disk Defragmenter

d. DriveSpace 3

46. When you use the Backup utility to backup the files on your hard drive, the extension given to the backup file that is created is _____.

a. .bck

b. .bup

c. .qic

d. .qxt

47. To make a backup copy of a floppy disk _____.

a. double-click the My Computer icon, click the 3 ½ Floppy (A:) icon and click Copy Disk

b. double-click the My Computer icon, right-click the 3 ½ Floppy (A:) icon and click Copy Disk

c. click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and click Copy Disk

d. click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and click Maintenance Wizard

48. When making a backup copy of a floppy disk, the disk containing the files to be copied is call the _____ disk.

a. destination

b. read from

c. source

d. write to

49. You need to know how much memory is installed on your computer. To find out _____.

a. double-click the My Computer icon, right-click the icon for the hard disk drive, click Properties

b. right-click the My Computer icon and click Properties

c. click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and click Maintenance Wizard

d. click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and click ScanDisk

50. To create a Startup disk _____.

a. click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and click Maintenance Wizard

b. click the Start button, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and double-click Add/Remove Programs

c. right-click the My Computer icon, click Properties, and double-click Add/Remove Programs

d. double-click the My Computer icon, right-click the icon for the hard disk drive, click Properties, and double-click Add/Remove Programs


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