How do I reinstall the Solar desktop ...

?Created in the cloud with Saaspose.Words. do I reinstall the Solar desktop shortcuts? If Solar is installed, but the shortcuts have disappeared:Have the user remove all Solar desktop shortcutsControl Panel -> JavaOn the “General” tab, find “Temporary Internet Files”, click “View…”Right-click on Solar -> Uninstall ShortcutsRight-click on Solar again -> Install ShortcutsTo give users a direct link from which to install or launch Solar, you may send a hyperlink or create shortcut directly to the web start URL. To obtain this URL, right-click on the Click Here to Install Solar Eclipse link and copy the URL. The URL should be similar to to following: Explorer stays minimized when launching Eclipse help To fix this issue perform the following steps on your workstation1. Double click “My Computer”2. Go to the Tools->Folder Options menu item3. Click the “File Types” tab4. Scroll down to and highlight “(NONE) URL: HyperText Transfer Protocol”5. Click the “Advanced” button6. Highlight the “open” action (should be the only on you have) and click “Edit…”7. Click “OK” (not cancel) to close the window, Click “OK” (not cancel) to close the window (again), and then click “Close” to close the last windowNow it may seem like you accomplished absolutely nothing by doing these steps since you didn’t change anything, but in fact you will now find that IE8 will launch correctly from eterm.How do I refresh my IMail license (Imail) You can refresh your IMail license by performing the steps below. A license refresh may be needed to update any changes on the license such as upgrading to a higher user count, renewing your Premium Antispam subscription, etc…1. On the IMail server go to Start->Programs->IMail Server-> and click the “Ipswitch Activation Utility”2. The activation wizard will appear. Select “Refresh License” and click “Next”.3. Click finish4. Restart the SMTP and Queue Manager services in IMail.content from HYPERLINK "" is my email domain being listed on (Imail) IMail does not send out backscatter by design. To make sure that IMail is not sending out Backscatter, make sure that NONE of your Spam checks are set to Bounce. Setting to Bounce does not ‘get back’ at the spammers as a lot of users think. This in itself makes you or your server a ‘spammer’ due to the fact that over 90% of spam sent is done with spoofed addresses, and your bounce will be returned to a valid user that did not send the spam in the first place. Change you action on spam to be something other than bounce. Also make sure no Domain level or user level rules are set to Bounce any spam messages. If neither of these scenarios apply, you may, instead, be getting listed for what is known as Sender Callouts.You will want to check your AntiSpam settings. In the Admin go to the Connection Checks settings, and make sure you are NOT doing ‘Verify MAIL FROM Address’ checks. If this option is checked, uncheck it and save the changes. Then stop and restart the SMTP and the Queue Manager services.content from HYPERLINK "" can I download installation media for Red Hat Enterprise Linux? Sign in to Red Hat Network and click the HYPERLINK "" Download button on the left menu: HYPERLINK "" How do I determine which version of VSIFAX is installed? From the command line:vfx -VWhat type of fax hardware does VSIFAX support? HYPERLINK "" Here is the official list of the fax hardware and software currently supported by Esker’s VSIFAX software.Eclipse certifies and supports the following fax methods:? HYPERLINK "" \o "Faxing" FaxingHow do I troubleshoot faxing with Eclipse Forms? Sending a fax with Eclipse Forms follows a How do I troubleshoot VSIFAX? You must be logged into the server as root to run these commands.First, check the fax server status:vfxstat -aIf you see an error similar to the following, the server is not running:vfxstat: Cannot login: Server on not runningTo start the fax server:vfxsched startTo restart the fax server:vfxsched restartIf the server is running, you will see output similar to the following:[root@server ~]# vfxstat -aserver hostname : server.localdomainserver state : runningserver startup time : 2010/03/01 15:38:19server current time : 2010/03/01 15:38:22server version : 6.0.0server buildno : 437p20server build info : Linux el3. 2.4.21-4.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Oct 3 17:52:56 EDT 2003 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linuxserver run info : Linux:2.6.18-164.10.1.el5:#1 SMP Wed Dec 30 18:35:28 EST 2009:x86_64server serial number: 960010320081535-060-5server license mode : realnumber of users : 5number of ports : 4Server load bias : 5Server diff bias : 5Default destination : fax1Device Jobs Ready Acc Ena Snd Rcv FIM Inbox Port------------ ---- ----- --- --- --- --- ---- -------- ----------FoDC 0 0 yes no yes no et N/Alb 0 0 yes yes yes no lb N/Alcr 0 0 no no no no hold N/Amodem1 0 0 yes no yes yes cx vsifax /dev/ttyACM0modem2 0 0 yes yes yes yes cx vsifax /dev/ttyS0sm 0 0 yes yes yes no sm N/A Class Jobs Ready Acc Snd Members------------ ---- ----- --- --- -------fax1 0 0 yes yes modem1,modem2Device Comments State----------- -------------------- -------------FoDC Fax on Demand Not running [Disabled by administrator]lb LoopBack Idlelcr LCR hold queue Not running [Holding queue only]modem1 Not running [Disabled by administrator]modem2 Idlesm SendMail IdleThis output indicates:The fax server is runningThe 6.0.0 version of fax software is installedThere are two modems installed: modem1 is on physical port /dev/ttyACM0 (USB port)modem2 is on physical port /dev/ttyS0 (serial port)modem1 is disabled (Ena = no, “Disabled by administrator”)modem2 is idle, waiting for a fax to be sentThere is a single fax class (fax1), which corresponds to the “fax1” printer in EclipseThe fax1 class has two members in the modem pool (modem1, modem2)To enable a modem:vfxadmin enable modem1If a modem keeps going down, check the modem log:more $VSIFAX/spool/logs/modem1Here is an example error message that indicates a problem with the phone line (no dialtone): EVT: <--- "NO DIALTONE"In this case, verify that calls can be placed from the fax line using a standard analog phone.Here is an example error message that indicates a problem with permissions on the serial port:modem3-5: FIM: Cannot open /dev/ttyACM2: Input/output errorIn this case, open permissions on the serial port and enable the modem:chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM2vfxadmin enable modem3To see a list of all submitted/sent faxes, type the following command at the command line:vfxolog|moreIf you continue to have issues with VSIFAX not running correctly, please refer to HYPERLINK "" Esker’s troubleshooting?documentation and? HYPERLINK "" open a case with Esker directly or with Epicor Eclipse Systems support.How do I change the default Linux password policy? Here are a couple resources that cover how to change the default Linux password policy: HYPERLINK "" Red Hat KB: How can I force users to create passwords that meet complexity requirements, such as length, special characters and numbers? HYPERLINK "" man pam_cracklibHow do I disable dictionary checking for Linux passwords? We do not recommend you disable dictionary checking or allow null (blank) passwords. The instructions below are provided for systems administrators who fully understand and accept the implications.If you do not want passwords or permutations of them to be checked against a dictionary of words, you are not interested in checking passwords for their relative security quality or if they have been used before, and you are aware of the security implications of this, here’s how to disable the additional checks:Make a backup copy of the file /etc/pam.d/system-auth:cp /etc/pam.d/system-auth /etc/pam.d/system-auth.`date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S`Edit this file with a text editor:vim /etc/pam.d/system-authRemove (or comment out) the line that references the module. On the following line, remove the use_authok option. For example, the new file might look like:#%PAM-1.0# This file is auto-generated.# User changes will be destroyed the next time authconfig is run.auth required /lib/security/$ISA/pam_env.soauth sufficient /lib/security/$ISA/ likeauth nullokauth required /lib/security/$ISA/pam_deny.soaccount required /lib/security/$ISA/pam_unix.sopassword sufficient /lib/security/$ISA/ nullok md5 shadowpassword required /lib/security/$ISA/pam_deny.sosession required /lib/security/$ISA/pam_limits.sosession required /lib/security/$ISA/pam_unix.soResources: HYPERLINK "" \l "s2-wstation-pass-create" Red Hat: Creating Strong Passwords HYPERLINK "" Red Hat KB: How do you turn off dictionary checking for password changes? HYPERLINK "" Set Password Quality RequirementsHow do I add a printer in Linux? To view a step-by-step screencast of this process, HYPERLINK "" click here.To add a printer:Log into the server as?rootIf you are using Eterm instead of PuTTY (not recommended), make sure to set the appropriate TERM variable:export TERM=vpCreate driver file: NOTE: Replace lp1 with the name of the printer being configured?(lp1, lp20, etc.)echo "lpr -P lp1" > /usr/spool/uv/lp1.dvrchmod +x /usr/spool/uv/lp1.dvrCreate queue in UV:cd /u2/uv; uvCreate queue in UV: NOTE: Replace lp1 with the name of the printer being configured?(lp1, lp20, etc.)Spooler -> Device -> MaintainUse ENTER to advance, selecting all defaults unless otherwise specified.Name = LP1 (shows all caps)Path = /dev/nullDriver = (ignore error)Lock = lock.lp1Press Enter several times, accepting the defaults, until done. ESC -> Q -> ENTER to exitCreate the Linux print queue, with the following variables adjusted appropriately: lp1: the name of the printer being configured (lp1, lp20, etc.)socket: the communications protocol to be used. While the default socket setting works for most printers, some Zebra and other printers prefer to use the lpd communications protocol (lpd://).lp1 or the hostname or IP address of the printer/usr/sbin/lpadmin -p lp1 -E -v socket://lp1If you created the print queue using a hostname (ie lp1) instead of an IP address (ie in the previous step, you’ll need to make certain the server can resolve the hostname. If you have not yet added the hostname to your /etc/hosts file, do so now using the following command (take note the double greater-than symbols):echo " ? ? lp1" >> /etc/hosts The printer is ready for use by EclipseWhat do I do when I receive my new Eclipse database server? When your new database server arrives on site:Unpack and install the server according to the manufacturer’s documentation. For your convenience, here are links to the installation documentation for the most common servers: Dell PowerEdge R720: HYPERLINK "" Getting Started GuideDell PowerEdge T620: HYPERLINK "" Getting Started GuideDell PowerEdge R320: HYPERLINK "" Getting Started GuideDell PowerEdge T320: HYPERLINK "" Getting Started GuideMake sure both the DRAC (highlighted in green below) and 1st LAN ports (highlighted in red) are plugged into your LAN. (The DRAC port is marked with a wrench icon) Example: Dell PowerEdge R710 HYPERLINK "" Example: Dell PowerEdge T410: HYPERLINK "" If the server shipped from Epicor, you may skip this step.?If the server shipped directly from the vendor, insert the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 64-bit installation DVD. If the server did not come with RHEL5 media, download and burn the latest DVD image from HYPERLINK "" here.Turn on or restart your system.Configure the DRAC IP address. (See: HYPERLINK "" How do I set the DRAC IP address?) The default DRAC root password calvin.Configure the LAN IP address. (See: HYPERLINK "" How do I set the IP address on my Linux server?) The default OS root password is abc123.Notify Eclipse that the server is online by updating your service request online with the DRAC IP address.Eclipse will verify VPN connectivity to the DRAC and continue the remote server configuration process.Additional Resources: HYPERLINK "" \l "wp3869" Configuring Your System to use an iDRAC6 ()How do I cancel faxes in the VSIFAX queue? Many times it’s quicker to cancel faxes from the VSI-FAX queue in AIX, Linux or Windows instead of from the Eclipse outgoing fax status queue.To cancel all faxes for a certain user (for example, johndoe):vfxcancel -u johndoe "*"To locate the job number and cancel a single fax (for example, job number 1234):vfxstatvfxcancel 1234For more information on the many VSIFAX administration command functions, see the HYPERLINK "" VSI-FAX Reference Addendum.How to Purge the Outgoing Fax QueueIf the outgoing fax queue has old and/or stale information, it may be?necessary?to purge this queue. ?To do this, open two separate sessions: one Eterm session logged into the Eclipse application, and an SSH root session. This is an advanced procedure, so proceed at your own risk or call Eclipse for assistance. This should be done after all valid faxes have gone out as it will clear EVERYTHING in the outgoing queue.From Eterm’s main menu, press?F2 ->?T (TCL)At the ; prompt, type in this command:;clear.file.real fax.queueAfter you hit ENTER, the session will most likely hang for a while, because there will be a lock on the file. Now, from the root session, find the Process ID for FAX.FEEDBACK3 with this command:ps -ef | grep FAXThe Process ID (PID) will be the first set of number on the line with FAX.FEEDBACK3. For example:[root@eclipse enp]# ps -ef | grep FAXeclipseB ?7248 29271 ?0 11:32 ? ? ? ? ?00:00:01 phantom PHW FAX.FEEDBACK3root ? ? 11469 ?7149 ?0 11:57 pts/2 ? ?00:00:00 grep FAXKill that process with this command:kill -4 7248The outgoing fax queue should now be clear and the fax feedback phantom should automatically start within 1 minute.Type “exit” to close the root session and hit “ESC” to exit the TCL screen.How do I list samba Shares? Run the following command:smbclient -L localhostHow do I enable samba to start on boot on Linux? Log in as rootRun the following command:chkconfig smb onHow do I manually update Red Hat Linux? To manually install software updates:yum -y updateHow do I configure automatic updates in Red Hat? Each server is configured by default to automatically install all available software updates as released by the Red Hat Network. If this is not configured, enable it by:vim /etc/yum/yum-updatesd.conf# automatically install updatesdo_update = yes# automatically download updatesdo_download = yes# automatically download deps of updatesdo_download_deps = yesservice yum-updatesd restartHow do I add a new printer in Linux? Add the printer to CUPS (replace IP address as appropriate)/usr/sbin/lpadmin -p lp1 -E -v socket:// the UV driver fileecho "lpr -P lp1" > /usr/spool/uv/lp1.dvrchmod 755 /usr/spool/uv/lp1.dvrCreate print queue in UVcd /u2/uv; uvSpooler > Device > Maintain ? (use ENTER to advance, selecting defaults unless specified)NAME = LP1PATH = /dev/nullDRIVER = (ignore error)LOCK = lock.lp1Accept all defaultsEsc > Q > ENTER to exitHow do I view the user list in Linux? more /etc/passwd ................

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