Restructuring the Nigerian electricity industry – the key ...

Restructuring the Nigerian electricity industry – the key imperatives

Bisi Lamikanra

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Speaker: Bisi Lamikanra

Position: Partner, and Head Business Advisory Services

Company: KPMG Professional Services

Country: Nigeria

Bisi Lamikanra is a Partner and Head of our Business Advisory Services practice in Lagos, Nigeria. She has extensive experience in diagnostic reviews, organisational design, business process review, process re-engineering, system consulting, financial and MIS design for various public and private sector clients in West Africa.

After obtaining a B.Sc in Economics from the University of Lagos in Nigeria in 1981, Bisi worked in Deloitte Adetona Isichei & Co for 6 years before joining Andersen in 1989 and rose to become the partner in charge of Business Consulting Division in the Nigerian pratice. In 2002, the firm migrated to the global KPMG network and assumed the name KPMG Professional Services where she has responsibility for Business Advisory Services. She is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria and also an alumnus of the Lagos Business School. Bisi serves on the board of several NGO’s.

Bisi was a Team Leader on the financial, accounting, legal and asset valuation due diligence of Nigeria’s National Electric Power Authority (NEPA). Her team was responsible for the review of the overall economic environment around NEPA with a view to determining the key factors influencing the financial situation of the Authority. The review focused on various commercial, marketing and other related issues, which potentially have significant impact on the strategic health of NEPA and its potential for privatization.

She also served as the Relationship Partner and Member, Project Monitoring Committee, on the Legal and Regulatory Reform of the Electric Power Sector in Nigeria. On this project, Bisi also led a team of consultants working on; diagnostic review of the existing power sector regulatory institutions; the design of the proposed independent power sector regulatory agency, covering provision of advice on organisation structure, staffing requirements, training needs, operational procedures, management information system and budget of the new agency; and preparation of start-up implementation plan for the new agency’s.

Bisi organized a very successful trip to the State of Andrah Pradesh in India, for top officials of NEPA, the BPE and Ministry of Power and Steel in 2003.

Company Background Information

Company: KPMG Professional Services

Country: Nigeria

KPMG International is one of the largest accounting and business advisory firms. Since its inception in the 1860s, KPMG has aimed to be recognised by the international business community, governments, institutions and the media as being a global leader in providing professional services. KPMG is committed to perform work at the highest level of quality and to achieve recognition as a firm. KPMG’s global coverage, coupled with the local strength of its national practices gives KPMG unequalled resources to deliver quality services. The Firm employs approximately 100,000 professionals, including 6,000 partners in 715 locations across 148 countries.

Worldwide, KPMG provides professional services to some of the most important Electricity companies, as well as to international associations created to build or improve Electricity services in different countries. KPMG’s Power & Utilities network has provided appropriate solutions to numerous national and state organizations to improve competitive advantage. We leverage the experience developed in these locations to proactively assist power utilities.

The partners and people of KPMG Professional Services, Nigeria provides services to both local and international organisations within the Nigerian business community. The Firm is particularly well known for the quality of its staff, technical ability and general business and economic experience, not only within Nigeria, but within the West African sub-region as well.

The Nigerian office currently employs over 350 professional staff, all serving key industry groups, particularly in government, power, energy, oil and gas, banking and finance, commercial and manufacturing sectors. The Firm has vast experience in audits, due diligence, regulatory and institutional reform, designing financial accounting and budgeting systems, establishment and strengthening of business organizations and government agencies, identifying appropriate staffing and personnel skill requirements and developing management information systems within Nigeria and the West African sub-region.


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