Frequently Asked Questions - Deloitte

General Questions

Who are the CWS Group contacts and what are their roles?

Who do I call for CWS portal technical and/or functional assistance (e.g., access issues, reporting an issue)?

How do I change my CWS portal password?

How can I change my e-mail address and thus my CWS portal user name?

How can I change my alert preferences?

Sourcing Questions

I know we have to come through the CWS group, but what happens if my project already has a specific contractor or supplier in mind?

How do I know which Sourcing Specialist is assigned to my project?

How long will it be before I see resumes for my resource request?

What is the time frame for getting a contractor on my project?

How do I verify rates?

How do I verify whether or not my contractors can enter their own time and expense details?

At what point can I view an executed (i.e., approved) Work Order in the web portal?

How can I change information about a contractor (e.g., name change)?

How do I change the rate for a contractor in the portal?

How soon will I see my new contractor’s name in the portal?

Who signs the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)?

Whom should I tell when a contractor rolls off my project?

How do I re-activate a previous contractor?

How can I extend a Work Order?

How can I update my project’s information on the Project Information screen?

How can I verify that the correct project contacts are listed for my project?

How do I change/update project contacts in the portal?

Time and Expense Questions

What should I do if I can’t see an Outstanding Timesheet for my contractor?

Must suppliers enter daily time and expenses, or can they continue to enter the data at a high level (e.g., # of Days Worked and Expense Details)?

Do suppliers still need to submit hard copy expense receipts to the project? Previously hard copy expense receipts were submitted with the supplier invoice.

After the project approves the time and expense data and submits it for payment, does the supplier receive an alert to approve it as well?

What if I disagree with the time and expense data?

Invoice Questions

What is the time frame between timesheet approval and invoice creation?

Can I bill two different WBS elements for a contractor’s time and expenses for the same project within an accounting period?

How do I process a refund owed by a supplier?

How often is the created invoice information updated?

How often is the payment information updated?

Is there any way to make corrections after the payment has been approved and submitted?

Is there a way to check the status of a payment?

Whom do I contact if a payment has not been received and must be re-issued?

Portal Fee Questions

Will the amount of the portal fee change on an annual basis?

How do I deal with a supplier that does not want to pay the 1.5% portal fee?

Report Questions

How do I export a report?

General Questions

Who are the CWS contacts and what are their roles?

Please refer to the Contact Us link, located in the upper right hand corner of the portal, for a list of whom to contact in the CWS for various needs.

Who do I call for CWS portal technical and/or functional assistance (e.g., access issues, reporting an issue)?

For CWS portal technical and/or functional assistance contact the US Call Center at: 1-800-DELOITTE (1-800-335-6488).

How do I change my CWS portal password?

Your CWS portal user name and password are the same as your Outlook user name and password. To change your CWS portal password, you would need to change your Outlook password.

How can I change my e-mail address and thus my CWS portal user name?

Your CWS portal user name and password are the same as your Outlook user name and password. To change your CWS portal user name, you would need to change your Outlook user name by contacting the US Call Center at 1-800-DELOITTE.

How can I change my alert preferences?

To identify which alerts you want to receive: Click on the My Profile link located in the upper right corner of the Welcome screen. Click on the Alerts Configuration link. Select the alerts you want to receive by checking the box located next to the alert. Click on Save.

To change the way you receive alerts: Click on the My Profile link located in the upper right corner of the Welcome screen. Click the on the Preferences link. Use the Mail Dropdown menu to identify your alert preference. Select Both to receive alerts through your Outlook e-mail and on the Alert screen in the portal. Select Internal to receive alerts only on the Alert screen in the portal. Please keep in mind that if you select Internal as your alert preference, you will need to access the portal to view your alerts.

Sourcing Questions

I know we have to use CWS to hire contractors, but what happens if my project already has a specific contractor or supplier in mind?

As soon as you recognize the need to hire a contractor, proactively contact CWS regardless of whether or not you already have a contractor or supplier in mind. There are four valid exceptions to the supply chain, so if your requirement meets one of the exceptions, CWS will use the suggested supplier. Otherwise we will need to pass the transaction of hiring the resource through one of our approved national suppliers. Valid exceptions include:

1. Client Mandate: The RFP and/or contract between Deloitte and the client require or provide additional consideration for the use of certain suppliers. This may be due to a specific reason, such as the supplier meets a contract compliance requirement (e.g., Minority-Owned Business, Woman-Owned Business, Disabled Veteran-Owned Business).

2. Teaming Agreement: A written teaming agreement exists between Deloitte and the supplier which states we will use resources from the supplier should we win the opportunity.

3. Strategic Partnership/Alliance or Cooperative Marketing Relationship between Deloitte and Supplier: These efforts are coordinated with the Firm’s Strategic Partnerships/Technology Alliance Group.

4. Relationship between Supplier and Deloitte Client: The supplier has a relationship with an existing or targeted Deloitte client.

How do I know which Sourcing Specialist is assigned to my project?

The Sourcing Specialist assigned to your project is identified on your project’s information record in the portal. To access your project’s information record, you will need to login to the portal. Click on the My Projects link. Click on the Project Name link and the project information record will be displayed. Your Sourcing Specialist will be displayed at the top of the screen next to the name of your project.

How long will it be before I see resumes for my resource request?

Our benchmark response time is to present resumes to your project within 48-72 hours from the time your request was submitted to CWS. Please note that CWS will always work with you to meet your deadlines.

What is the time frame for getting a contractor on my project?

Many factors affect how long it takes to get the resource to your project, including the type of skill the project is looking for, the duration of the assignment, rate restrictions, and the project’s cooperation in interviewing, providing detailed feedback on the candidates presented and the supplier conducting background checks on the confirmed contractor. On average, a contractor can be confirmed for your project within two to three weeks of the day CWS receives your request. However, in extremely urgent situations, CWS can work with your project to get your resource onto the project sooner.

How do I verify rates?

You will verify rates prior to approving the Work Order. An e-mail will be sent to you with your contractor’s Work Order attached. Before approving the Work Order, verify the rate listed on the Work Order. After reviewing the Work Order, e-mail your Sourcing Specialist to approve or decline the Work Order. If you decline the Work Order, you must provide the reason(s) to your Sourcing Specialist so that a new Work Order can be created with the necessary changes.

How do I verify whether or not my contractors can enter their own time and expense details?

Contractors are not permitted to enter their own time and expense data. Their supplier firms may do this on this behalf. To verify whether or not your suppliers can enter time and expense details for their employees, you will need to view the contractor’s online Work Order. To view Work Order details online, you will need access your contractor’s record in the portal. To do this, click on My Contractors. Click on the Contractor’s Name whose Work Order you want to view. Click on the WO Details button located under the Current Work Order Information section. The Other Details section of the Work Order will indicate whether or not the supplier is allowed to enter time (regular, non-billable, over time) and expense details.

If your project decides suppliers should/should not enter the time and expense data for their contractors, you must contact your Sourcing Specialist. The Sourcing Specialist will update any existing contractor records affected by this decision and will also update your Project Information record for any new Work Orders created for your project from that point forward.

At what point can I view an executed Work Order in the web portal?

The executed Work Order is accessible in the portal after it has been approved by both the project and the supplier.

How can I change information about a contractor (e.g., name change)?

Contact your Sourcing Specialist to change any contractor data in the portal, such as the name of the contractor, the target or actual end date of a contractor’s assignment, etc.

How do I change the rate for a contractor in the portal?

To change a contractor’s rate, you must contact your Sourcing Specialist. The existing Work Order with the current rate will be end-dated. (When at all possible, the Work Order end date should be the same as the last day of an accounting period.) A new Work Order with the new rate will be created by the Sourcing Specialist to reflect the first day that the new rate will become effective, as well as any updates to the duration of the assignment as a result of the rate change. The project and supplier must approve the new Work Order before timesheets with the new rate will appear on the Outstanding Timesheet screen.

How soon will I see my new contractor’s name in the portal?

The contractor’s name is added to the portal (My Contractors) after your project informs the Sourcing Specialist of your decision to hire one of the candidates you have interviewed. However, the outstanding timesheets for the contractor won’t appear until:

• the Work Order is approved by both the project and supplier

• the signed Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) from the contractor is faxed to CWS

Who signs the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)?

The NDA is signed by the third party contractor resource; independent contractors do not need to sign an NDA. The NDA will be sent to the supplier by CWS during the Work Order approval process. The supplier will need to forward the NDA to the contractor. The signed NDA must be faxed to CWS by the contractor or supplier.

Whom should I tell when a contractor rolls off my project?

When a contractor rolls off your project, you must send the actual assignment end date to your Sourcing Specialist. You should also provide information on whether or not you would recommend this contractor for future work at Deloitte.

How do I re-activate a previous contractor?

If your project is already set up in the portal, a previous contractor can be re-activated simply by contacting your Sourcing Specialist who will determine the contractor’s availability and negotiate the “redeployment”. If your project is new and you haven’t been assigned a Sourcing Specialist, this is treated as a new sourcing/hiring scenario, and you should contact CWS Manager, Kelly Blair at 412-402-5184 or kelblair@.

How can I extend a Work Order?

To extend an existing Work Order, contact your Sourcing Specialist who will update your contractor’s work order with a new estimated end date.

How can I update my project’s information on the Project Information screen?

Contact your Sourcing Specialist to have any of your project’s information updated.

How can I verify that the correct project contacts are listed for my project?

To ensure the primary contact and time and expense approver(s) are correct, access the Project Information screen and view the information on the Contacts tab. This information can be accessed at any time once the project record is created and you are added as a contact. If you are unable to find your project record, contact your Sourcing Specialist.

How do I change/update project contacts in the portal?

Please contact your Sourcing Specialist with the requested changes/updates to the project contacts. Projects are encouraged to proactively maintain their project contacts to make sure CWS-related communications are going to the right set of individuals.

Time and Expense Questions

What should I do if I can’t see an Outstanding Timesheet for my contractor?

If you can’t see an Outstanding Timesheet for your contractor, contact your Sourcing Specialist. Please keep in mind that in order for a timesheet to be generated for a contractor:

• the Work Order must be approved by both the project and supplier

• the signed Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) must be faxed to CWS

Must suppliers enter daily time and expenses, or can they continue to enter the data at a high level (e.g., # of Days Worked and Expense Details)?

Independent Contractors can no longer enter an overall amount of time in the #Hours/Days worked field on the Outstanding Timesheet Details page; they can only enter their T&E on the daily level via the "Daily T&E Entries" button.

Projects and suppliers, on the other hand, are still able to enter T&E on either screen. However, once the T&E has been entered on the Daily T&E Screen, the #Hours/Days Worked field becomes disabled. So, if the project needs to make a change to time that has been entered on the daily screen by a supplier or independent contractor, they will need to do it on the same screen (i.e., the daily screen) and not in the #Hours/Days worked field.

The project must tell CWS how suppliers are to enter the time and expenses for their contractors.

Do suppliers still need to submit hard copy expense receipts to the project? Previously hard copy expense receipts were submitted with the supplier invoice.

Suppliers are required to keep hard copy expense receipts on file. They should be able to provide the receipts to your project if requested.

After the project approves the time and expense data and submits it for payment, does the supplier receive an alert to approve it as well?

The supplier will receive an alert that the time and expense data has been approved and submitted for payment by the project. Following project approval, suppliers also need to approve the timesheet before an invoice can be created. In order ensure that supplier have adequate time to approve the timesheets before payment due date as shown on the Accounting Calendar Cheat in the portal, please approve and submit the timesheets for payment no later than COB on the Monday prior to payment date.

What if I disagree with the time and expense data?

If you disagree with the time and expense data, DO NOT check the Approved by Project box. You should proactively reach out to CWS and have the supplier change the data accordingly.

Invoice Questions

What is the time frame between timesheet approval and invoice creation?

Invoices are generated each business day at approximately 9:00 a.m. ET. Please keep in mind that all the conditions listed below must be met before an invoice can be created:

1. The period for which you are approving and submitting time and expense data for payment has ended.

2. All three check boxes (Approved by Project, Approved by Supplier, and Submit for Payment) on the Outstanding Timesheet screen have been checked for all contractors listed on the timesheet.

3. A Project Approver has been identified for all contractors listed.

4. The WBS Element to be charged must be selected from the WBS dropdown menu and verified.

It is important to know that once an invoice is created, the Outstanding Timesheet for that period will no longer be available for you to make changes or corrections. You must verify the information on the Outstanding Timesheet screen prior to submitting the timesheets for payment. This includes verifying the amounts calculated and the WBS Element to be charged for the time and expense entered. If a correction is required after an invoice is created, you will need to contact Patty Klauck at 412-402-5026 or pklauck@ to process the correction.

Can I bill two different WBS elements for a contractor’s time and expenses for the same project within an accounting period?

Unfortunately, the portal does not allow a contractor’s time to be billed to two different WBS elements for the same project within an accounting period. However, if your contractor is working on two or more projects, you do have the option of billing two different WBS elements. This would require the contractor to have more than one Work Order. If this situation exists, please contact your Sourcing Specialist.

How do I process a refund owed by a supplier?

Contact Patty Klauck at 412-402-5026 or pklauck@ to process a refund request.

How often is the created invoice information updated?

Created invoice information is updated each business day at approximately 9:00 a.m. ET.

How often is the payment information updated?

Payment Information is updated every Monday and Thursday evening.

Is there any way to make corrections after the payment has been approved and submitted?

Yes, corrections can be made after the payment has been approved and submitted by contacting Patty Klauck at 412-402-5026 or pklauck@, who will make the correction to the invoice through the portal. The correction will create a new Outstanding Timesheet for the project, which you will need to approve and submit for payment. Once this is done, a new invoice will be created with the same invoice date of the period that required a correction. If the payment terms have already been met, the time and/or expense will be paid in Deloitte’s next check run.

Is there a way to check the status of a payment?

To check the status of a payment, you will first need to find the invoice that was created for the payment in question. Click on the My Invoices link. Click on the Created Invoices link. Select the appropriate FY/Period, Project and Supplier using the dropdown menus. Click on Go. The invoice information will be displayed, including the Invoice Number. Make a note of the Invoice Number because you’ll need it to find the payment status for the invoice.

To check the status of a payment, Click on the My Invoices link. Click on the Payment Information link. Select the Invoice Number in question from the dropdown menu located at the top of the screen. Click on Go. The payment information for the selected invoice will be displayed in the Check Information section of the screen (e.g., Due/Paid Date, Status, Check Number).

Who do I contact if a payment has not been received and must be re-issued?

Contact Patty Klauck at 412-402-5026 or pklauck@ for any supplier payment issues.

Portal Fee Questions

Will the amount of the portal fee change on an annual basis?

The 1.5% fee will most likely not decrease in the future, but it may increase at fiscal year-end if it is not covering our costs. The objective of the portal user fee, which is imposed on our suppliers, is to cover the administrative costs of running Deloitte Consulting's CWS group. Currently, the 1.5% fee is applied against the regular/overtime service fees charged to the project, and withheld by CWS before payment is made to the suppliers. Any changes to the portal user fee will be communicated to the Projects and Suppliers well in advance of the change.

How do I deal with a supplier that does not want to pay the 1.5% portal fee?

Please use the following communication:

Deloitte Consulting’s CWS portal user fee is a strict firm policy. Deloitte Consulting has centralized the procurement of all contractor resources through the CWS group and this web portal. All contracting invoices are now generated by and submitted for payment through the portal, and Deloitte Consulting’s CFO has instructed the AP staff to NOT pay any paper contractor or independent contractor invoices, i.e., contractor invoices that are not generated by our portal will not get paid. 


The portal allows for faster resume submittals, the ability to logon for status updates and for a streamlined contracts and timesheet approval and payment process. As soon as the payment terms for suppliers are met, assuming that the time has been entered and approved, the invoice is generated and the check goes out in the next check run (check runs are twice a week). The portal also provides an opportunity for your firm to be identified as a teaming partner for Deloitte Consulting when certain contract compliance certifications, unique skill sets and/or specific client experiences are required.


You are certainly within your rights to reject the fee, but should you do this, your company will not be able to place any resources on Deloitte Consulting engagements in the future. Firm leadership has mandated that we only use suppliers who are willing to work with us on this policy - hundreds of Deloitte Consulting’s suppliers and independent contractors have accepted the fee even on Work Orders that were already in effect before the CWS portal was brought online.

Report Questions

How do I export a report?

If the report has export functionality, click on the Export button or the Export to Excel hyperlink. If the Export button is utilized, a File Download dialog box appears. Click on Open to open an Excel workbook and then click on OK to initialize Active X controls. If the report utilizes the Export to Excel hyperlink, a workbook is opened in the reports window. To save the report in Excel, highlight the report and copy and paste it into a new Excel workbook.

If a report does not currently include export functionality and you would like to view the report in Excel, generate the report in the portal, highlight the report (or the section of the report you are interested in exporting), and copy and paste the selection into a new Excel workbook.


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