Demographic Information

Dear law school student:

You are taking part in the Students with Disabilities in Law School Study (SDLSS), an important study. Your law school has agreed to distribute this questionnaire to all of the students in your law school who might be interested in participating.

The SDLSS is the first national study to reach out to students with disabilities in law school. You may use a pen or pencil to complete this survey. This survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. Your participating is vitally important.

Please compete this questionnaire and return it in the postage-paid envelope that is included. Your answers will be completely confidential, and no information will be reported that identifies you. You are in no way obligated to answer all or any of the questions in this survey. However, completed surveys will yield a vast amount of information pertaining to students with disabilities in law schools and will give a better representation of students from which to generalize to other law schools across the nation. We commend you for your participation.

If you have questions about the study or the survey, please call the SDLSS research lab at 1-818-677-3257, send an email to

Don’t forget to save this document and mail it to:

Demographic Information

1. What is your age?

18-21 22-28 29-35 36-40 40-50 50+

2. Gender: Male Female Intersex

3. Ethnicity: (mark all that apply)




Hawaiian/Alaska Native


Middle Eastern

South American

Native American

No comment

4. What is the highest degree you have obtained?


5. Have you ever served in the arm services?

Yes No Still do

6. Year in law school: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

7. Are you a:

Full time student Part time student

8. What law school do you currently attend? (optional)


9. Where do you live?

On campus Off campus

10. Who do you live with?

Alone With roommate With family

With significant other With support staff Friend(s)

11. Please indicate the disability category for which you receive services at law school(mark all that apply):

Autism and Autism spectrum disorders



Hearing impairment

Learning disability

Mental Health Issue

Mental retardation

Orthopedic impairment

Other health impairment

Speech and language impairment

Traumatic brain injury

Visual impairment

Cardiovascular System

Digestive System

Genitourinary System

Hematological Disorder

Immune System

Malignant Neoplastic Diseases

Mental Disorders

Multiple Body Systems

Musculoskeletal System


Respiratory System

Skin Disorders

LSAT/LSDA Information

12. Did you take the LSAT?

Yes No

13. What was your score on your LSAT?

130-139 140-149 150-159 160-169 170-180

14. Did you request accommodations to take the LSAT?

Yes No

15. If YES, what accommodation(s) where you granted to take the LSAT?

(mark all that apply)

Time and a half

Double time

More than double time

Private room



Enlarged materials

Taped materials


Alternative scoring device



Extended break time

16. Where the accommodations that you received to take the LSAT sufficient?

Yes No

17. If NO, what accommodations did you need? (mark all that apply)

Time and a half

Double time

More than double time

Private room



Enlarged materials

Taped materials


Alternative scoring device



Extended break time

18. Did you take the LSAT more than once?

Yes No

19. What was your score on your second LSAT?

130-139 140-149 150-159 160-169 170-180

20. If you took the LSAT a second time, did you receive accommodations?

Yes No

21. If YES, what accommodation(s) where you granted the second time you took the LSAT? (mark all that apply)

Time and a half

Double time

More than double time

Private room



Enlarged materials

Taped materials


Alternative scoring device



Extended break time

22. Did you take an LSAT test course?

No Yes

23. Did you take one of the following LSAT courses?

KAPLAN Test Takers Princeton Review Other

24. Did you receive accommodations to take an LSAT test course?

No Yes

25. Did you attend an LSAC Law Forum?

Yes No

26. If YES, mark the LSAC Law Forum that you attended?

Washington, DC

Dallas, TX

Chicago, IL

Boston, MA

New York, NY

Atlanta, GA

Los Angeles, CA

Bay Area, CA

27. Did you request accommodations to attend the LSAC Law Forum?

Yes No

28. If YES, which accommodation did you request? (mark all that apply)


Alternative text format

Wheel chair access

Augmentative sound device



29. If NO, why didn’t you request accommodations? (mark all that apply)

Did not know you could request accommodations

Embarrassed or worried about requesting accommodations

Did not want to disclose that I have a disability

They did not offer an accommodation that I needed


30. When you applied to law schools did you use the LSDAS application system?

Yes No

31. Did you use the reference letter system?

Yes No

32. Did you have trouble accessing the LSDAS/LSAT Web page?

Yes No

33. Did someone help you fill the application(s) for the LSDAS?

All of the time Most of the time Never

34. If you had trouble with the LSDAS/LSAT web pages, was it one or more of the following (Mark all that apply):

Screen reader could not read content

Flash program could not be accessed by accessibility software/hardware

Adobe document could not be accessed by accessibility software/hardware

Video did not have close captions

Pictures did not have alternative text description

Web colors where to distracting

Menus did not open with adoptive software

Screen had tables

No alternative all text version


Law school applications process

35. Were you recruited by your law school?

Yes No

36. Did you receive a scholarship to attend law school?

Yes No

37. Did you inquire about disabilities services when choosing a law school?

Yes No

38. If YES, how often did you inquire about disability services?

Always Sometimes Rarely Never

39. If NO, why didn’t you inquire about disability services? (mark all that apply)

Did not know you could request accommodations


Did not want law school to know that I had a disability

They did not offer an accommodation that I needed


40. When you applied to law schools did you disclose your disability?

Always Sometimes Rarely Never

41. Do you think is important to disclose your disability when you apply to law school?

Always Sometimes Rarely Never

42. Did you inquire about disability student groups at law schools?

Always Sometimes Rarely Never

43. Do you currently participate in a student with disability group in law school?

Yes No

44. Did you inquire about disability law class at law schools?

Always Sometimes Rarely Never

45. Have you/are you currently/will you take a disability law class in law school?

Yes No

Accommodations history

46. Did you receive accommodation services at undergraduate school?

Yes No

47. If YES, please list the accommodations that you received at undergraduate school? (mark all that apply)

Extended time

Proctoring services

Alternative testing


Alternative textbook materials (Braille, CD, video, audio tape, etc.)

Disability testing

Assistive technology


Medical services

Note takes


Mental health services

Extended break time



48. Are you currently receiving accommodations at your law school?

Yes No

49. If YES, please list the accommodations that your have received at your law school (mark all that apply):

Extended time

Proctoring services

Alternative testing


Alternative textbook materials (Braille, CD, video, audio tape, etc.)

Disability testing

Assistive technology


Medical services

Note takes


Mental health services

Extended break time



50. Are the accommodations that you receive at law school sufficient for you?

Yes No

51. If NO, please list the accommodations that your know would help you in law school (mark all that apply):

Extended time

Proctoring services

Alternative testing


Alternative textbook materials (Braille, CD, video, audio tape, etc.)

Disability testing

Assistive technology


Medical services

Note takes


Mental health services

Extended break time



Family information

52. Did a family member attend your current law school?

Yes No Still does

53. Did a family member work at your current law school?

Yes No Still does

54. Did you apply to your current law school because a family member had attended that law school?

Yes No

55. Did you apply to your current law school because a family member had worked at that law school?

Yes No

Rate your self on the following

56. How do you rate your self at being able to think quickly

Not very good Somewhat good Average Very good

57. How do you rate your public speaking skills

Not very good Somewhat good Average Very good

58. How do you rate your self at team work skills

Not very good Somewhat good Average Very good

59. How do you rate your writing skills

Not very good Somewhat good Average Very good

How much of the following statements are “like you”?

60. I can handle most things that come my way

Very much like me Somewhat like me

A little like me Not at all like me

61. I feel useful and important

Very much like me Somewhat like me

A little like me Not at all like me

62. I am proud of who I am

Very much like me Somewhat like me

A little like me Not at all like me

63. I perceive my self as having a disability or special need.

Very much like me Somewhat like me

A little like me Not at all like me

64. I participate in a disability advocacy group

Very much like me Somewhat like me

A little like me Not at all like me

-How much of the following statements are “like you”?

65. I can get school staff to listen to me.

Very much like me A little like me Not at all like me

66. I know how to get information I need.

Very much like me A little like me Not at all like me

67. I know what services I need for dealing with my disability.

Very much like me A little like me Not at all like me

68. I know how to make up for my limitations.

Very much like me A little like me Not at all like me

69. I am confident in my abilities.

Very much like me A little like me Not at all like me

70. I tell others when I have a new or different opinion.

Very much like me A little like me Not at all like me

71. I can get what I want by working hard.

Always Sometimes Rarely Never

72. I need good luck to get what I want.

Always Sometimes Rarely Never

73. It is no use to keep trying because it will not work.

Always Sometimes Rarely Never

74. I usually make good choices.

Always Sometimes Rarely Never

75. I expect to graduate from law school.

Always Sometimes Rarely Never

During the school year, how often have you had trouble with school?

76. Getting along with professor(s)

Never A few times At least weekly but not daily Daily

77. Getting along with administration

Never A few times At least weekly but not daily Daily

78. Getting along with students

Never A few times At least weekly but not daily Daily

79. If you wish, your demographic information will not be shared with your

law school.

Don’t disclose my demographic information

We thank you for having participated in this study. A second study will take place in the Fall of 2007 we hope that you will once again participate in our study. If you would like, you can feel free to mention to the administration of your law school to participate in the coming study of Law Schools and Services for People with Disabilities Study.

We invite you to contact us with any comment you may have.

National Survey of Students with Disabilities in Law School

California State University, Northridge

Psychology Department

Mail Code 8255

18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330

Phone: 818-677-3257 V/TTY

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