Human Populations and Demographics - KOUTSONIKAS

World In The Balance: The People ParadoxPBS Nova DocumentaryGeographyLocate and label each of these counties on the map above. They will be featured in this documentary.India is a peninsula located in Southern Asia. It is centered at 22?N and 77?E. Japan is an island country located off the East coast of Asia. It is centered at 36?N and 138?E.Kenya is a country in sub-Saharan Africa. It is centered at 1?N and 38?E.India Answer questions 1-2 before watching the India segment.The population of India as of 2009 was about 1,155,000,000 (1.155 billion). What percent of the world’s population is this?15% which is huge0.5% something for CanadaThe Gross Domestic Product of India in 2009 was $1,236,000,000,000 ($1.236 trillion). How much in dollars was produced per person?Gross Domestic Product (average) not great 5,000$? = Canada 45, 000/per capita = per personBig chunk of India’s population living poverty.Qatar $100, 000 – making BillionsGDP?=BAD measure for showing development.What is India’s current fertility rate overall?Avg of 3 children per women/6Uttar Pradesh is India’s fastest growing state. What is its fertility rate?5 children women=EDUCATION is the single most important factor in lowering the fertilityBecause when a woman is educated = CAREER instead of having kids.One out of ten children in Uttar Pradesh dies before age five. How would this influence fertility rates? The more kids that die the more kids will be born in order to make sure that the family has enough kids.India is described as a “patriarchal” society. What does this mean?Patriarchal=Male Dominated societyTwitter this morning read a story – 12 handicapped girl that was gang raped by the principal and other adults Women are viewed in society=subordinateAcid burning=dowry disputes failure to produce a son!Describe how marriage is culturally different in India than in most developed countries.Arranged marriages=10 years = 95%Teaching young adults about birth control is considered a social taboo in India. How would this influence fertility rates?Lower them = EDUCATIONWhy are women seen as an “economic liability”? What is a dowry?Dowry is payment given to the husband’s family = $$$$Economic liablity=They won’t be there to support the familyHusband’s familyConducting an ultrasound with the intent to identify gender is now illegal in India. Why?69 million female fetus. Women she had 5 girls = infanticide 1980 China-One Child Policy = BOYNot enough women to reproduce. That a lot of families in the lower mainland = Washington State = Find out the gender = ABORTCanada once you find out the gender you can’t abort…Bride burning is a form of domestic violence in India where the bride is set ablaze when the husband and his family feel the dowry they were paid is not adequate. A newspaper article was written in response to this entitled “Better Dead than Burnt”. What does this title imply about gender equality in India?Women = are viewed as inadequate, objectified, subordinate, dispensable they insignificant“Little Emperor”=Where boys feel that society is there to cater for their needs.Abidi Shah is a social worker that works with women from poor, rural villages in India. In what two ways is she educating women?How to lower fertility rateEDUCATIon, employment opportunities.If India is unable to reduce its population growth rate, what possible consequences might it face? Describe two.Lack of jobs, Water table dropping=food shortages, Lack of housing, lack of education. Environmental degradationBreadbasket of India=Punjab bec 4923155144145The Taj Mahal is a palace that was built to honor a queen who died giving birth to her 14th child. How is this symbolic of the struggles that India faces?That if India does not deal with its population growth = Face a lot of issues Haunting symbol that will soon surpass China as world most populousPause and construct India’s Population pyramid. What does the shape of this pyramid tell you about India’s demographics? What patterns or trends do you see?India will go over its CARRYING CAPACITY (Ability of __LAND___ to support a nation) EXPANDING = Population is growing = lots of youngs kids and then as you go up there are more deaths (lack of Health Care Services) Pol-Government these are the things you need to be thinking about“Made in India”=Companies more jobsBlocked = Self-driving cars = this would take jobs away=Car SectorTechnology that will create jobs = renewable (Solar, Hydro, ocean currents, Geothermal, Wind) sectorThink of how to get more money for Education as lots of young people(increased taxation) -28%Social-Family planning and education of women (cut down the fertility)Empower Women=Bring Status up = MENAdoption of kids already in populationJob – Creation = so many young as they grow = How will we provide them with jobs?Environment degradation (Falling apart)-Pollution, Water shortage, deforestation, desertificationEconomic-Agriculture Technology sector will provide lots of jobsIndustrilizationFewer births Japan Analysis QuestionsAnswer questions 16-17 before watching the Japan segment.The population of Japan as of 2009 was about 127,000,000 (127 million). What percent of the world’s population is this?1.5%The Gross Domestic Product of Japan in 2009 was $5,286,000,000,000 ($5.286 trillion). How much in dollars was produced per person?1,000 vs. $37,000=Economic Recession *going down What is the fertility rate of Japan? How does this compare to India?1.3 vs. 3-4 Fertility is on average how may kids a woman can have over her lifetimeTomoko Omura states that there are two doors for professional women. What choice is she alluding to?Parent or you can have a profession=Working in Japan are working extremely long hours=”Men live at the office and commute home”How would you describe the attitude the Japanese women have towards marriage and children?Waiting game for them=26 “Christmas cake”=but now women don’t care they are waiting longer in order to look after their careers.How does Japan’s economic recession affect the roles of women and birth rates?Women have to work more or care for family therefore have no time to have their own kids.What are the consequences if there are not enough young, working people to support a retired population?There isn’t enough people working to pay taxes=CUT DOWN SOCIAL(people) SERVICES No pensions, poor healthcare, no real retirement options (Retirement Homes-Who will-PRIVATE, the majority public funded)GLOBALIZATION=They worked on farm, but they produced lumber=Globalization was allowing for cheap lumber Philippines was competing. Japan = Timber 20$ / ????Philippines = 10$ No one will buy their produce they can’t sustain themselves no more.Japan = Japanese 20 and Philippines 10How many immigrants would Japan need to allow into the country a year to maintain its workforce? Why does it resist this type of immigration?600, 000-Discriminate-obsessed with staying ETHINICALLY PURE.The beginning of this segment showed a fifth grade student sitting in a classroom by himself – the only student in his entire grade. How is this scene reflective of Japan’s demographic situation?Not enough kids being bornPause and construct Japan’s Population pyramid. What does the shape of this pyramid tell you about Japan’s demographics? What patterns or trends do you see?CONTRACTING-So the population is getting smaller due to a lack of children being born. Why? People focus on careers, too expensive as cost of living is too high, industrialization vs. non-industrilization (LABOUR), Developed (not as many kids here) vs. Developing (more kids here-AGRICULTURE=PRIMARY=kids are needed as labour force), cities it is difficult to have lots of kids (URBANIZATION)EFFECTS-long term=lack of social services, too many elderly (who will take care?), economy will suffer not enough people working/buying stuffBABY BOOMERS=retiring -1950s=Who is going to pay for Health Care, Retirement Homes, Pensions?????United States Answer questions 26-27 before watching the United States segment.Pause and construct US’s population pyramid. What does the shape of this pyramid tell you about US’s demographics? What patterns or trends do you see?US-STABLE-EVEN DISTRIBUTION THROUGHOUT POPULATION PYRAMID=US/CANADA YOU ARE STILL FACING THE ISSUE OF BABY BOOMERS (AFTER WORLD WAR II)-HOW DO WE SUPPORT THIS POPULATION VIA SOCIAL SERVICES?IMMIGRANTSThe amount of consumption and pollution from an average American child is equal to how many children from India?ENVIRONMENT=CHINA/INDIA=DEVELOPING FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS=this is what a lot of students say…DEVELOPED WORLD IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION.1 child in US:30 kids in IndiaThe United States, like Japan, is experiencing an increasing number of aging people in the population. What is the main difference between the two? How does this benefit the United States?IMMIGRATION=TAXES=SOCIAL SERVICESXENOPHOBIA = XENOS = OUTSIDER, ForeignerPHOBIA=FEAR OFSub-Saharan Africa How much has Kenya’s fertility rate changed in the last 20 years?6__>4 CHILDREN/WOMANOVERALL, AFRICAN POPULATION INCREASING-2050 TRIPLE THE SIZE OF EUROPE.1950s 1/3 EuropeWhat has caused death rates to increase in Kenya, as well as life expectancy to drop to 49 years?HIV/AIDSOne of the experts states that the root of Africa’s struggles with population, poverty, and AIDS is unprotected sex. If this is the case, why is birth control and protection not more widely used? NOT FUNDING FOR FAMILY PLANNING, LACK OF EDUCATION = BUSH’S FACE (CONSERVATIVE=THEY DO NO ADVOCATE FAMILY PLANNING/CONTRACEPTION)“will sell their bodies for as little as a meal, a bag of chips?”Pause and Construct Kenya’s population pyramid. What does the shape of this pyramid tell you about Kenya' demographics? What patterns or trends do you see?EARLY EXPANDING A VERY HIGH YOUNG POPULATION, BUT AS WE GO UP THE AGE COHORTS THERE ARE MORE DEATHS DUE TO DISEASERESULT: NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE TO CARE FOR YOUNG (DYING), ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION DUE TO OVERPOPULATION, NOT ENOUGH WORKING POPULATION TO PAY FOR SOCIAL SERVICES.There are two predictions given for final world population.What is the predicted final population if fertility rate drops just below 2 children per couple? 9 BILLIONWhat is the predicted final population if fertility rate is 0.5 children per couple higher?11 BILLIONA demographic transition graph is shown below. Mark on the graph where you would place Kenya, Japan, the United States, and India, based on what you learned from the video.STAGE 1: HIGH BIRTH RATES AND HIGH DEATHS RATES – REASONS HIGH BR: MORE BIRTHS ARE NEEDED TO OFFSET THE LARGE NUMBER OF DEATHSLACK OF CONTRACEPTIVE TECHNIQUES, LACK OF EDUCATION, AND KIDS ARE NEEDED AS LABOUR, NO FAMILY PLANNING REASONS FOR HIGH DEATH RATES: DISEASE, LACK OF HEALTH CARE SYSTEM, LACK OF GOVERNMENT FUNDED SOCIAL SERVICES (KENYA)STAGE 2: HIGH BIRTH RATES – DEATH RATES ARE DECREASEDREASONS: SEE STAGE 1REASONS: Death rates decrease: MORE SOCIAL SERVICES, BETTER HEALTH CARE, LESS DISEASES, Better sanitation, Better hygiene, Better water quality.INDIASTAGE 3: DECLINING BIRTH RATES, LOW DEATH RATESREASONS: FAMILY PLA NNING, CONTRACEPTION, INDUSTRIALIZED ( NOT AS MANY KIDS ARE NEEDED), URBANIZATION (CITIES), WOMEN BECOME EMPOWERED THEY WORK AND AS A RESULT WILL NOT HAVE AS MANY CHILDREN, MATERIALISM = VEHICLE, COUNTRIES PASS STRICT LAWS AGAINST HAVING LARGE FAMILIES-ONE CHILD POLICY=1980s=Little Emperor Syndrome=People had a preference to BOYS>GIRLS CHINASTAGE 4: LOW BR, LOW DR-US and Canada is right here (STABILIZED BUT ARE LOW)STAGE 5: THE BIRTH RATES ARE LOWER THAN THE DEATH RATES-NOT ENOUGH KIDS BEING BORN-TOO MANY ELDERLY-JAPANNatural Increase=BR-DR20-30=-10 negative ................

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