DEMON SHEET - Craigs' Classroom


Directions: The Demon Sheet was compiled by the English Department at Strongsville High School. This list of words applies to EVERY formal writing assignment in English class. If you have a demon in your paper, then you will be penalized _____________________.

Students should keep the DEMON SHEET in their English notebooks the ENTIRE year.

PART I: Common Spelling Errors

These errors are NOT acceptable in any FORMAL writing assignment.

A lot NOT alot (Microsoft Word will fix this mistake)

Other options:

i. Frequently

ii. Often

iii. Many

a lot is weak language, choose a stronger word

Each other NOT eachother (Microsoft Word will fix this mistake)

It’s is It is

Its shows possession

i. This form of it is defined as “belonging to it”

ii. The dog eats its food.

Should not even use “it’s” in your formal paper (see contractions)

Lose vs. loose

To, two, too

There, their, they’re

All right vs. Alright

Use “all right” in formal writing assignments

“Alright” is slang

Each other is two words

They relied on eachother. – INCORRECT (Microsoft Word will notice this mistake)

They relied on each other. - CORRECT

Definitely NOT definately (Microsoft Word will fix this mistake)

Except vs. Accept

Broke vs. Broken

“Enthused” instead of “Enthusiastic”

You cannot be “enthused” about something. You can be “enthusiastic” about something.

This is NONSTANDARD English

Of instead of Have

He would have passed the test. - CORRECT

He would of passed the test. – INCORRECT (Microsoft Word will notice this mistake)

Part II: Other Rules to Memorize

These rules should be followed for all formal writing assignments.

No impersonal you

Do not use “I” as in…

I believe…

I think…

Use consistent tense- ask your teacher!


Don’t is do not

It’s is it is

Won’t is will not

They’re is they are

You’re is your are

If…then statements

If he continues to skip school, then he will fail first quarter. - CORRECT

If he continues to skip school, he will fail first quarter. - INCORRECT

Avoid “it”

- This is a pronoun. Use the noun that it is describing.

Avoid “things”

This word is too vague!

Make your audience aware of what these “things” are

Omit “get” from writing

“He is going to get attacked by the mob.”

Find a stronger verb

No slang!

Difference between spoken language and formal written language

“Ain’t” “gonna” “‘cause” “alright”

Adjective Use

Choose precise adjectives

i. Instead of “good”, try “superior,” “respectable,” “exclusive” ______________________

ii. Instead of “bad,” try “horrific,” “awful,” “shocking” __________________________

Use the Synonyms option on Microsoft Word!

Use a thesaurus!

No text message / instant message language




“nite” instead of “night”




Other examples: _______________________________________________

Do not refer to your essay in your essay

“In this essay, I will tell you about…” ( referring to your essay in your essay

“In this paper, we will discuss…” ( referring to your paper in your paper who is we?

Eliminate use of “there” as an expletive

There are many doctors who are great.- INCORRECT

Many doctors have a great bedside manner. – CORRECT

No Hanging Quotes

Do not “cut and paste” quotations

Set up quotations

You must use some of your own words to create an appropriate sentence that includes a quotation

i. According to Dr. Michaels of Harvard University, anorexia is caused by the “…” (133).

ii. Dr Michaels of Harvard University states, “…” (133).

MLA Format

The ENTIRE ESSAY is written in 12 pt. Times New Roman Font (header, heading, title, essay, citations, works cited)


i. Your name

ii. Teacher’s name

iii. Class and Period

iv. Date EXAMPLE: 22 November 2010

1. The heading is written in 12 pt. Times New Roman Font

2. Last Name and page number on EVERY page

3. Make sure everything is spelled correctly

Part III: Overused Words

Amazing 7. Happy

Plethora 8. Excellent

Abundance 9. Super





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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