Oaks of Righteousness


In the fall of 1994 Gary and Carla launched the first Oaks of Righteousness Class. As they had anticipated, the class brought significant relief for those who had struggled with wounds of the past. The participants received a revelation of the Father through the ministry of Gary, Carla and their team. The safe atmosphere that was fostered there gave the participants the ability to allow their walls to come down so they could receive.

Soon after their initial class, Gary and Carla found themselves with more people than they could facilitate in their group. They began to pray about how the class could be multiplied so others could find this same relief. Gary and Carla struggled with the rights to one of the main components in their curriculum, The Divine Plumbline. They wrote author, Dr. Bruce Thompson, and he gave his permission and blessing for Gary and Carla to teach others how to use his video series. With that, Gary and Carla began making plans to multiply the Oaks class to other churches in the Kansas City area. Leadership training and the duplication of materials began, and in the fall of 1999, the second Oaks of Righteousness team was established in another church.

Since then Gary and Carla have trained other Oaks of Righteousness teams in other churches in the Greater Kansas City Area and they continue to mentor and train the leaders of those teams. The first addition to the Oaks ministry was the “Equipping Class”. This class was designed to give new helpers confidence and to trust in the Lord and the work of the Holy Spirit while ministering to others. This class was later called the “Empowering Work Shop” when the ministry moved to Vineyard Church.

Years later the need of another class arose, “The Oaks Staff Development”. This class unlike the Empowering Workshop was developed for the purpose of Equipping new Oaks leaders and helpers as Oaks staff.

Since Gary’s retirement He has written a book for soul purpose of assisting and training Lay leaders and Pastors to be more effective in personal ministry with individuals seeking help.in the church. The name of the book is “Healing Beyond Counseling”.

Rev. 2-12-16 by G.Heese

The Purpose of the Staff Development Materials

We saw in Youth With a Mission, the founders of YWAM noticed the schools they had started in the beginning of the Mission were beginning to change in content. Change began occurring because of the transition from the passing on of leadership from one leader to another. This passing on is a likeness to having grandchildren. Once you have grandchildren in a ministry as it progresses the content might change. In the Oaks Ministry we have been trying to maintain the same values and goals as time goes on and leadership is passed from one to another. Just as Loren Cunningham has done in “Youth with a Mission” with the original Discipleship schools, we occasionally like to revisit the original content of the Oaks class for new leaders and old leaders alike.

Please understand, we are well aware there has been so many improvements in the way this material is presented since our first years of doing an Oaks class. Most of these improvements were implemented by new leaders or helpers with our complete approval. We had the privilege to stand by and watch as new leaders would use their gifts and talents to make the presentation of the Oaks materials more effective. The curriculum is easier to follow and the class schedule more conducive to church life than ever before. At least 3 new teachings have been added to the class all of which were not part of the original curriculum, but each one served the same goal. To bring others to a measure of healing so they can be who God created them to be, and to come into a greater understanding of God as their Father.

The one thing I caution leaders of when it comes to adding curriculum is there are many things that one could add to the Oaks curriculum that could be beneficial. If you do, it will only make the class longer. If you and your staff agree to adding to the curriculum, and committing to more class time, that is OK. If not do as we have and develop another class or seminar to be offered at a later time. After doing a few Oaks classes we found a great resource in the Boundaries material by John Townsend and Henry Cloud. This can be a great follow up after an Oaks class for some people. We later developed a Relationship class. We saw though many had received significant healing and freedom in an Oaks class they still struggled in relationships. Why? Because they were still functioning in relationships in much the same way they did from their family of origin.

The purpose of this material is to provide a basic outline of what an Oaks class is. Other churches have been using parts of the Oaks curriculum and I offer what I have freely to any church that may want to implement this type of ministry. I have just asked each one, if they are not including the whole curriculum outlined for an Oaks class please call the ministry something else. If another church or ministry is at least getting church members to begin forgiving this is AWSOME and a huge victory over the enemy.

In 2014 I developed what I call an OAKS KIT. I am happy to forward this to any ALUMNI who care to use this material in ministry. The Oaks kit includes an updated syllabus, forms, videos used, teaching outlines, hopefully the kit includes all a group would need to get started except the “Plumbline” videos by Dr. Bruce Thompson and the text book “Living in the Freedom of the Spirit” by Tom Marshall. Those need to be purchased separately.


Q 1. Why is the class as long as it is?

A 1. When we were trained in the Discipleship schools we were told, it takes about three months for a person to accomplish change in their lives so the Oaks class is intended to be 10-12 weeks long.

Q 2. Why is there so much curriculum in the class?

A 2. There is a variety of curriculum because everyone learns differently. So part of the class is video, part reading, journaling, group discussion, live teachings and a devotional. Some might share a serious struggle with depression or suicide in their homework. The homework allows these to cry out for help who would not otherwise speak up.

Q 3. Why do we do group ministry instead of private?

A 3. One of the goals of the class is also to train others. By watching other students being ministered to, the new students are learning how to do ministry with different life issues. Another for group ministry is there are some things that are accomplished in group ministry that can be accomplished no other way.

Q 4. Why not do the class one meeting a week?

A 4. First that would make the class 20 weeks long. Second It is best to get through the videos as quickly as possible and get into ministry so students don’t forget what they have seen in the video time.

Q 5. Is it OK to let a student who has completed the class begin helping right away in the next class.

A 5. It is best to have a potential helper go through the training class first and have opportunity to practice doing ministry. Most are lack confidence to be an effective helper. We have found it best to also let a new helper observe in ministry time in the first class they are a helper. It is also common for an Oaks Alumni may not begin noticing the change in their own life has not taken place until a year after they have completed Oaks. So it is usually not a good idea to put someone in ministry too soon. Their new beliefs may not yet be established.

Q 6. Why not teach about the Names of God instead of read them?

A 6. Some have done this but it is just more work. The purpose of the Reading is this is meant to be devotional time that the students do not feel like they need to take notes it is a time to just relax and listen. The devotional time is in lieu of worship time. Most have just driven some distance from work and need a time to relax and clear their head of the work day.

The bonus we had not planned for when we added this part is some have never been read to by a parent. This time ministers to those who did not have a parent read to them. We have 50 year old men disappointed if Carla was not reading a story every night.

Q 7. Is it OK to group the soul ties together?

A 7. That would be like saying today I choose to forgive everyone. Soul ties are made separately so it is important to break them the same way. There is sometimes a specific issue with a partner that will be overlooked if all sexual partners are grouped together.

Q 8. Why do some take the class more than once?

A 8. It is often wise to take the class more than once for some. An example would be, one who has been recently divorced or widowed. When going through the class they are only focusing on the present day event and challenges. They may not deal with family of origin issues at all during the first class. So it depends on where a person is when taking Oaks the first time. Carla and I received Plumbline teaching and ministry three times in 18 months. We dealt with different issues each time that were significant for each of us. This is another reason why we ask new helpers to go through Oaks as an observer the second time. This gives them opportunity to address new issues as well.

Q9. Why do you need to have this training.

A9. We have caught ourselves leaving out a teaching or a video just because we forgot to use it. Then in the next class a new helper would tell us that wasn’t in their Oaks class. Oops, it is so easy to do so, if you as a leader and the helpers working with you can help each other maintain the values and the content you will be doing a great service to the students and the Oaks ministry. If you and your staff helpers take this material and keep each other accountable to stick with the curriculum you will maintain the values set for the ministry.

Q10. Do some leaders omit a value or teaching on purpose?

A10. Occasionally Yes. I don’t see that happening often. I also have had to omit something just for the sake of time. That happens too. What I do see happening is a method of ministry or a teaching was not as important to some as it is to others. So, because that did not impact them, they might easily pass over it or forget to include it.

Example 1. One of our potential leaders was taking the Empowering Workshop with Carla and I. When we go to the part when we Model the “Soul Tie Ministry”. We model leading a person through “Breaking Soul Ties”. Carla started to model the Cleansing Prayer we typically do after a person has broken Soul Ties. That is when our friend spoke up. She commented, we did not do that in my Oaks class. Why?... It may have been a part of the ministry model the leader of that group was uncomfortable with so she omitted it. It may be she just forgot to do it. She maybe did not recognize the value of that part of the Soul Tie ministry. We have often seen the “Cleansing Prayer” itself to be the most valuable part of the ministry for some students.

Example 2. Several classes have omitted the video of “The Blessing” by John Trent. This video is imperative for setting up the Blessing ministry. We have had students receive more from the Blessing ministry than the whole rest of the class.


In early classes Carla organized prayer teams to pray for the students and the staff for each class. We do encourage Oaks leaders to recruit prayer teams for the same purpose.

The first weeks – consist of viewing the Plumbline videos and sharing teachings by staff members on the Spiritual Bondages to prepare for ministry time.

As time allows each meeting is begun with a devotion time by reading about one of the names of God and its meaning from the book “To Know Him by Name” by Kay Arthur, reprinted as “The Power and Peace of knowing God’s Name”

I would discourage the temptation of making this a teaching. The purpose of the reading is for the students to just relax and listen not taking notes but just receiving. We have many adults who were never read to as children and you will be amazed to know how many prefer this time. Hopefully you can find a staff member who is expressive when reading and can impart something while reading

Ministry time – Is 2 to 3 weeks depending on the size of the class. Ministry is best done in small groups of 4 to 6 seekers and 2 or 3 staff helpers if help is available. We one class time per student for ministry (2 or 2.5 hrs).

Note; Three helpers in a group is a luxury not a requirement. If necessary ministry can be done with one leader (one leader with a helper is preferred). If I need an opposite sex or an older person to help with a certain part of ministry I recruit one of the students within the group to assist for a few minutes for that part of the ministry.

Rebuilding process- begins following Ministry.

Part of the rebuilding period will be a teaching on Renewing Belief Systems by a method described from the book Rational Christian Thinking by Gary Sweeten.

During various teachings we will discuss the “What If’s”, “If Onlys”, “The Shoulds & Should Nots”, and how these thoughts negatively affect our lives.

Breaking Soul Ties - About week 7 we share on the need to be cleansed from any sins of immorality and the following week we pray with students to break spirit and soul ties from past relationships. (During this time we separate the men and women.)

Blessing – The Blessing is probably the favorite part of the Oaks class. We view the video by John Trent on the Blessing and usually divide the class in small groups of 8 or 10 to pray the Blessing over them.

Father Heart - About week 8 we share on the Father Heart of God and have a time of praying and receiving God as our Father.

Closing About week 9 or 10 (closing) we include a time of sharing about how God met each person during this time.

Follow-up meeting (optional) – Some classes have great success with follow-up meeting to reinforce the principles of going to the cross daily and allow the class to share struggles they are having since the end of the class.


Room set with chairs in a circle

Welcome – Staff greet and welcome students, Offer Refreshments. If someone appears anxious take them aside and offer to pray. (Designate a staff person specifically for this task during preparation meetings).

Introduction to Oaks – How Oaks got started

Introduction of staff – by leader

Testimony from helpers – by leader one minute each

Academics – shared by academic coordinator

Read the first story - in the names of God book by staff helper

Confidentiality - explanation by group leader and group commitment.

Leaders testimony - short testimony (2 minutes each) what impacted me most

Introduce Groups – Announce group leaders and members (this may need to be done the 2nd or 3rd session.)

Break into groups - if more than 12 students

Explain when you go to your groups each one will be doing an interview with someone you don’t know

Ice Breaker - 3 minutes for one, then 3 minutes for other

Each one interviews the other person to learn 3 things

Name, what church, how long attended, married, children?

Ice Breaker - One of the leaders start introducing the person they interviewed –

Confidentiality commitment -

Ask each person – to write down on a card and put their name on the card

What they would you like God to do during this class, or what has He shown you, He would like to do?

Ask each one - if they would share with the group

Thank them for sharing

Prayer for specific needs in group – pray for student anointing

Reminder - _______Academics /Next week’s meetings

Dismiss w/prayer and HUGS!


By academic coordinator

We are instructed in James 1:22 to “be doers of the word, and not merely hearers”. We want to encourage you to apply what the Lord is speaking to you during this time - whether it is through teachings, scripture meditation, reading, or worship in your every day life. The following assignments have been designed to enhance this process.

Meditation Verse

• Write the verse of the week.

1. Spend time daily meditating on it.

2. Record what the Lord is speaking to you through the verse.

Text Book - Living in the Freedom of the Spirit by Tom Marshall (provided with class)

3. Read the indicated chapters each week.

4. Record insights you receive while reading.

5. Record how you will apply this insight to your life

Fear of the Lord Study - Proverbs

6. Several chapters of Proverbs are suggested each week. Select and record verses which encourage you in the reverent Fear of the Lord.

7. Record what they mean to you.

8. Record how you will apply this truth to your life


9. (Follow the schedule on page 8)


Spring p.m. Class – 2013

Classes are scheduled in the East Auditorium.

Week 1 – Room

Opening & View Video 1 ……………………………………..………Monday, Feb. 25 ● 6:30-9 p.m. 

 View video 2 & 3…………………….............................................Thursday, Feb.28 ● 6:30- 9 p.m.   

Week 2

Video 4 & Teaching on Forgiveness….….…….…......…………....... Monday, Mar. 4 ● 6:30- 9 p.m.

Video 5 & Teaching on Relinquishment……… ….……………....... Thursday, Mar. 7 ● 6:30-9 p.m.

Week 3

Video 6 & Teaching on Self Pity & Shame………………….……..…Monday, Mar. 11 ● 6:30-9 p.m.

Video 7 & Teaching on Vows, Judgments & Curses ..…............. Thursday, Mar. 14 ● 6:30-9 p.m.

Week 4

Video 8 & Prayer Ministry preparation……………..…..................... Monday, Mar. 18 ● 6:30-9 p.m.

Small Group Prayer Ministry ……..…………………….............. Thursday, Mar. 21 ● 6:30-9:30 p.m.

Week 5

Small Group Prayer Ministry ……..…………………….............. Monday, Mar. 25 ● 6:30-9:30 p.m.

Small Group Prayer Ministry ……..…………………….........…. Thursday, Mar. 28 ● 6:30-9:30 p.m.

Week 6

Small Group Prayer Ministry ……..……………………................ Monday, Apr. 1 ● 6:30-9:30 p.m.

Small Group Prayer Ministry ……..……………………….......... Thursday, Apr. 4 ● 6:30-9:30 p.m.

Week 7

Small Group Prayer Ministry ……..………………………............ Monday, Apr. 8 ● 6:30-9:30 p.m.

Teaching on Belief System 1……...……………..…………………. Thursday, Apr. 11 ● 6:30-9 p.m.

Week 8

Teaching on Belief System 2… ….………………....……….…......... Monday, Apr.15 ● 6:30-9 p.m.

Rebuilding & Soul Ties Preparation ..………………………..……..Thursday, Apr. 18 ● 6:30–9 p.m.

Week 9

Breaking Soul Ties Ministry ……. ..………………………..……….. Monday, Apr. 22● 6:30–9 p.m.

Father Heart Teaching ….………..….……………………...….. Thursday, Apr. 25 ● 6:30–9:30 p.m.

Week 10

The Father’s Blessing ministry.. …….……………………................ Monday, Apr.29 ● 6:30–9 p.m.

Closing ……………………….. ……………………………………. Thursday, May 2 ● 6:30–9 p.m.

Oaks Class Follow Up (optional)) Oaks Rebuilding & Equipping Session……………..……..…………. Monday, May 20 ● 6:30 - 9 p.m.


Spring a.m. Class – 2012


Week 1

Opening & Plumbline Lesson One ………..….....……………..…Wednesday, Feb.22 ●

Teachings & Plumbline Lesson Two……………..…............................Friday, Feb. 20 ●

Week 2

Teachings & Plumbline Lesson Three….………….....................Wednesday, Sept.25 ●

Teachings & Plumbline Lesson Four……………..……..…….…..……Friday, Sept. 27 ●

Week 3

Teachings & Plumbline Lesson Five…………………………........ Wednesday, Oct. 2 ●

Teachings & Plumbline Lesson Six…………..........................................Friday, Oct. 4 ●

Week 4

Teachings & Plumbline Lesson Seven……....………………........ Wednesday, Oct. 9 ●

Watch Plumbline Video 8 & Ministry Preparation…...………...… ……. Friday, Oct. 11 ●

Week 5

Ministry ………………………………..……………………………. Wednesday, Oct. 16 ●

Ministry … ………………………………..………………………............... Friday, Oct. 18 ●

Week 6

Ministry….………………………………..…………………… ….… Wednesday, Oct. 23 ●

Ministry……………..……………………..…………………………........... Friday, Oct. 25 ●

Week 7

LERC part 1……………..…...……………….….….…..….……….. Wednesday, Oct. 30 ●

LERC Part 2 & Father Heart… …….………..……………………............ Friday, Nov. 1 ●

Week 8

Rebuilding and Ministry Preparation.………………………………..…….. Wed., Nov. 6 ●

Breaking Soul Ties...……………………..…………..…….………............ Friday, Nov. 8 ●

Week 9

Blessing……………………….………………………………….…...Wednesday, Nov. 13 ●

Closing. … ………………………………..……………………....….......... Friday, Nov. 15 ●


Week 1

Monday, June 1

• Overview of Oaks of Righteousness 

• Introduction of staff

• Academics/Confidentiality

• Plumbline Lesson 1: The Identity Question

Homework Assignment

• Read Syllabus Pages: 11-14 (Bondages)

• Read Intro & Chapter 1: Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

Thursday, June 4

• Names of God

• Teaching: Redemption from Bondage

• Book discussion over Intro & Chapter 1: Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

• Plumbline Lesson 2: The Identity Crisis 

Homework Assignment

• Read Syllabus Pages: 15-20 (Forgiveness)

• Read Chapters 2-4: Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

• Complete assignment sheet #1

Week 2

Monday, June 8

• Names of God

• Book discussion over Chapters 2-4: Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

• Teaching: Forgiveness

• Plumbline Lesson 3: Passive Personality Profiles 

Homework Assignment

• Read Syllabus Pages:9-10(Fear of the Lord), 21-25 (Relinquishment)

• Read Chapters 5-6: Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

• Read Proverbs 1-4

Thursday, June 11

• Names of God

• Teaching: Relinquishment

• Book discussion over Chapters 5-6: Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

• Plumbline Lesson 4: Aggressive Personality Profiles 

Homework Assignment

• Read Syllabus Pages: 26-34 (Vows, Judgments and Curses)

• Read Chapters 7-9: Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

• Complete assignment sheet #2

Week 3

Monday, June 15

• Names of God

• Teaching: Vows, Judgments and Curses

• Book discussion over Chapters 7-9: Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

• Plumbline Lesson 5: Identity Discovered 

Homework Assignment

• Read Syllabus Pages: 39-42 (Self Pity)

• Read Chapters 10: Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

• Read Proverbs 5-8

Thursday, June 18

• Names of God

• Teaching: Self Pity

• Book discussion over Chapter 10: Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

• Plumbline Lesson 6: Identity recovered 

• Review Proverbs 1-8

Homework Assignment

• Read Syllabus Pages: Pages 37-38 (Shame)

• Read Chapters 11-12: Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

• Complete assignment sheet #3

Week 4

Monday, June 22

• Names of God

• Teaching: Shame

• Plumbline Lesson 7: Healing at the Cross

• Book discussion over Chapters 11-12:  Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

Homework Assignment

• Read Syllabus Pages 35-36 (Non-Christian Spiritual Experiences) 43-44 (Performance Orientation)

• Read Chapters 13-15: Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

• Read Proverbs 9-12

Thursday, June 25

• Names of God

• Teaching: Performance Orientation

• Book discussion over Chapters 13-15: Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

• Plumbline Lesson 8: Into His Image

• Ministry Preparation/Renounce Non-Christian Spiritual Involvement)

Homework Assignment

• Complete assignment sheet #4

• Complete Ministry Worksheet in syllabus pg. 47-48 (Bring with you to ministry time.)

Week 5

Monday, June 29

• Worship

• Ministry 

Homework Assignment

• Read Proverbs 13-16

• Read Chapter 16:  Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

Thursday, July2

• Worship

• Ministry 

Homework Assignment

• Read Chapters 17-18: Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

• Complete assignment sheet #5

Week 6

Monday, July 6

• Worship

• Ministry 

Homework Assignment

• Read Proverbs 17-19

• Read Chapter 19:  Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

Thursday, July 9

• Worship

• Ministry

Homework Assignment

• Read Syllabus Pages: 61-65: (The LERC Model)

• Read Chapters 20-21:  Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

• Complete assignment sheet #6

Week 7

Monday, July 13

• Names of God

• Teaching: LERC (Part 1)

• Book discussion over Chapter 16-21: Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

Homework Assignment

• Read Syllabus Pages: 67-74 (LERC Model, Part 2)

• Proverbs 20-25

• Fill out a LERC (Part 1) for yourself

• Read Chapter 22-23:  Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

Thursday, July 16

• Teaching LERC (Part 2)

• Book discussion over Chapter 22-23: Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

Homework Assignment

• Complete Assignment sheet #7

• Read Chapters 24-25: Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

• Read Syllabus pg. 45-46 (Soul Ties) 49-58 (Rebuilding)

                                                       Week 8

Monday, July 20

• Names of God

• Teaching: Rebuilding

• Book discussion over Chapter 24-25: Living in the Freedom of the Spirit

• Breaking Soul Ties Preparation

Homework assignment

• Read Proverbs 26-29

• Prepare for Breaking Soul Ties (Make list of ties to break )

Thursday, July 23

• Worship

• Breaking Soul Ties

Homework assignment

• Read Syllabus pg. 75-77 (Conquering Impure Thoughts)

• Complete Assignment Sheet #8

Week 9

Monday, July 27

• Teaching: The Blessing

• Blessing Seat

Homework Assignment

• Complete Assignment sheet #9 (Meditation scripture, Letter and Evaluation)

• Read Proverbs 29-31

Thursday, July 30

• Names of God  

• Next Steps

Ministry Worksheet

Pray and ask God to show you:

1. List any Non-Christian spiritual or religious experiences you would like to renounce.

2. Who do you need to forgive and for what? (consider authority figures) List traumatic experiences for which you would like to receive prayer.

3. What “If Only’s” or rights might you relinquish? Are there individuals to release to the Lord?

4. List possible generational or hereditary sins in your life you would like to break.

5. List curses to renounce. (ie negative words, self talk, implied curses)

6. List vows, inner vows, or judgments to confess and renounce.

7. Is there an area of sin in your life where you are not free, that you would like help with?

8. Identify times in your life you recognize you have dishonored your father and mother:

As a result of the above, circle any bricks of rejection and/or rebellion in your life:


Sadness – Self-Pity – Self Hatred – Depression – Apathy – Inferiority – Insecurity Failure – Guilt – Dimness – Dying – Despairing – Discouraged – Quenched.


Hostility – Conceit – Sophistication – Elation/Deflation – Superior – Competitive – Dominant Rigid – Manipulative – Stubborn – Unteachable – Bitterness/Resentment – Critical – Controlling – Possessive.

Which is your cardinal sin?

a) Pride

b) Unbelief

c) Both

This outline from our Counseling school in YWAM is only included so you as leaders have a resource for the root of this teaching. Occasionally we have seekers who doubt the need for this ministry. If needed you can pass this on to them.


Teaching Outline

God created the earth, sun, moon and stars and said - 'it is good'. God created man and woman and gave them the gift of each other, and He intended that they become one flesh. Because of man's fall, the gift of sex, like so many of God's gifts, has been defiled. Sexual sin puts a blanket of darkness over us and keeps us from growing in holiness. It is impossible to walk in holiness and continue in sexual sin! God desires for His people to walk in freedom.

He places high priority upon purity, which is evidenced when we read how he chose the man to build His Old Testament Temple.

I Chronicles 28: Vs. 2 - 6

Vs. 2. Then King David rose to his feet and said, Hear me, my brethren and my people: I had it in my heart to build a house of rest for the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and for the footstool of our God, and had made preparations to built it.

Vs. 3. But God said to me, 'You shall not build a house for my name, because you have been a man of war and have shed blood.'

Vs. 5. And of all my sons He has chosen my son Solomon to sit on the throne of the kingdom of the Lord of Israel.

Vs. 6. Now He said to me, 'It is your son Solomon who shall build My house and my courts; for I have chosen him to be My son, and I will be his Father.

Comment: David - the mighty man of God - who killed Goliath in his youth, and led Israel in many battles, was found to be unworthy to build God's temple - why, because he was guilty of shedding blood and killing during those battles - he was unclean. It's obvious from this reading how much God desires cleanliness - yes, a clean and pure heart.

In the following verses of II Chronicles we have a glimpse of the corruption and desecration of God's earthly temple.

II Chronicles 28: 1 - 4

Vs. 1: Ahaz was twenty years old when he became king, and he reined sixteen years in Jerusalem; and he did not do what was right in the sight of the Lord, as his father David had done.

Vs. 2: For he walked in the ways of the kings of Israel, and made molded images for the Baals. These were the local fertility gods - false images and idols.

Vs. 3: He burned incense in the Valley of the Son of Hinnon, and burned his children in the fire, according to the abominations of the nations whom the Lord had cast out before the children of Israel.

Vs. 4: And he sacrificed and burned incense on the high places, on the hills, and under every green tree.

In II Chronicles 28: 5, 6 to 8 and 19, we see how The Lord reacts to the sin of King Ahaz and his countrymen.

Vs. 5. The Lord delivered Ahaz into the hand of the Syrian King who defeated him and carried away a great multitude as captives - he was also delivered into the hand of the king of Israel, who defeated him with a great slaughter.

Vs. 6. 120,000 valiant men of Judah were killed because they had forsaken the Lord God of their fathers.

Vs. 19. He brought Judah low - humbled them - for King Ahaz encouraged moral decline and had been continually unfaithful to the Lord.

Comment. These verses give us a glimpse of a great nation falling because its chief leader did not do what was right in the sight of God, and when worship is transferred from a Holy God to molded images of false gods.

II Chronicles 28: 22 - 25:

Vs. 22. Now in the time of his distress King Ahaz became increasingly unfaithful to the Lord.

Comment. During a time of correction by the Lord, we can either yield or rebel against Him.

When King Ahaz died they buried him in Jerusalem, but they did not bring him into the tombs of the Kings of Israel. This guy was so bad they did not allow his remains to rest in the tombs with the Kings who followed after the Lord.

Ahaz's twenty-five-year-old son followed him as King. Hezekiah was the extreme opposite of his father.

In II Chronicles 29: 2 - 11, we find that -

Vs. 2. He did what was right in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his father David had done.

Vs. 3. During the first year of his reign, he opened the doors of the house of the Lord and repaired them.

Vs. 4 - 5. Then he brought the Levites Priests together and instructed them to sanctify themselves, the house of the Lord God, and to carry out all of the rubbish.

Vs. 6 - 9. He reminded them of the evil sin of their fathers and why the wrath of God had fallen upon Judah.

Vs. 10 - 11. He made a covenant with the Lord so that His fierce wrath may be turned away, and reminded the Levites the Lord had chosen them to stand before Him in service and minister to Him.

II Chronicles 29: 15 - 36:

As instructed by Hezekiah, the Levites came together, and after purifying themselves, they began to purify the Temple of the Lord, just as the king had commanded. They were careful to follow all the Lord's instructions in their work. After all defilement was removed and the Temple of the Lord itself purified, King Hezekiah gathered the officials and went to the temple

where they burnt sin offerings on the altar. The entire assembly worshiped the Lord as the singers sang and the trumpets blew, until all the burnt offerings were finished. The people rejoiced because of what the Lord had done for them.

After the praise and offering festival ended, Hezekiah issued a religious reform. He ordered all of Israel to go out into the cities - tear down all sacred pillars, cut down wooden images, and throw down all altars until all idols were destroyed.

When comparing the lives of Ahaz and Hezekiah it becomes clear generational sins do not have to be passed through us to our offspring, and future generations. Hezekiah was as godly as his father was ungodly.

These examples make it clear what happened when the Old Testament Temple was desecrated, but we also see how joyful the people were after all of the defilement had been thrown out - the temple cleansed, and the Lord restored to No. 1 position.

New Testament perspective!

In the late 1970's a book was written by Frank and Ida Hammond, entitled 'Pigs In The Parlor'. During this season of our lives we were drawn to the deliverance and inner healing ministry, and this book was recommended reading.

As a spiritual type, the pig is to the natural realm what the demon spirit is to the spiritual realm. Just as the Israelite zealously protected himself from contact with pigs, the Christian is to guard himself from contact with evil spirits. So, what would we do if a herd of filthy pigs came into our parlor and began to make themselves at home? Would we invite such a thing? Would we pay no attention to them in hope they would soon leave of their own accord? Would we try to cleanup after them? The lust spirit accompanying sexual sin will control some part of our life - it is to be considered as filthy to the Christian as a pig to the Israelite, and we are to take immediate steps with the authority and blood of Jesus to run it out.

The following verses minister to low self-esteem and helps to see our value through His eyes - makes us want to fight the devil to arrive where God wants us to be!

I Pet. 2: 5, 9

Vs. 5. You also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy

Priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

Vs. 9. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

We must see ourselves as priests with inner sanctuaries. It is in that inner sanctuary where God wants to establish true worship.

In Matt. 21: 12 & 13 Jesus gave us an example of taking authority over evil:

Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all of those who were defiling His Father's house. He was filled with righteous indignation at what had been done to the temple and He took action to purge every defiling thing.

Jesus said the Father is seeking those who will worship in spirit and truth and we have to be clean to worship in this way. Before we experience spiritual authority to deal with principalities and idols in our lives, our temples must be cleaned. We cannot have authority over anything that has authority over us and our temple will be cleansed when we break free of darkness.

I John 1: 5 - 10

Vs. 5. This is the message we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.

Vs. 6. If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.

Vs. 7. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin.

Vs. 8. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

Vs. 9. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Vs. 10. If we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.

Comment. As long as we live on earth, we are on Satan's turf. He is able to move in areas of moral darkness - the very act of moral sinfulness gives him license to operate in our lives and we will be oppressed as long as we keep sexual sin in the dark. Fear of Satan is a powerful controller, but the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. If we cower in fear at Satan's show of power, then he has us on the defensive. Remember that we have the position, authority, and

protection in Jesus to defeat Satan.

In 1 Peter 5:9, we are instructed to resist him, firm in our faith. Satan is defeated; believe it and stand up to him. When we do, he has no choice but to eventually back down.

I Pet. 4: 17 - 19 warns us of judgment:

Vs. 17. For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?

Vs. 18. Now, if the righteous one is scarcely saved, where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?

Vs. 19. Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator.

Comment: We have a loving Father who is so great that He will not let us get by with anything! God's judgment will come first to His kids, but when we submit to God as Father, we give Him permission to operate on our souls and change us.

As He changes us, we continue our climb on the path to holiness! Let's look at -

I Pet. 1: 13 - 16:

Vs. 13. Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Vs. 14. As obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance,

Vs. 15. but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct,

Vs. 16. Because it is written, "Be holy, for I am holy."

Comment: Prior to becoming Christians we lived according to the lust of the flesh - doing whatever seemed natural, but after becoming Christians, the Spirit came into us and we began to experience war between our flesh and spirit. Many Christians have enough of God in their lives that they feel uncomfortable when returning to a sin, but not enough of God in their lives to stay free from sin and to remain holy. It is necessary that we yield to the Spirit, quit ignoring the checks given when we are on the threshold of disobeying.

I Thess. 3: 12 & 13:

Vs. 12. And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all, just as we do to you,

Vs. 13. So that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our lord Jesus Christ with all of His saints.

I Thess. 4:3:

Vs. 3. For this is the will of God, your sanctification, that each of you should abstain from sexual immorality.

Comment: The Bible clearly instructs us in this passage that we ARE to be holy - to act holy. Holiness is defined as: "to be set apart" -"to sanctify" - "to consecrate" - "to dedicate"; consequently, when we decide to give ourselves whole-heartedly to the Lord and live for Him, then we are fulfilling the true meaning of holiness.

In the Old Testament when vessels were to be used in the temple, these vessels where first taken out of everyday use and consecrated for temple use. Then those vessels needed to be washed or cleansed which made them "holy" and then they were set aside for temple use. We humans are like that - we need to make the decision to give ourselves to God and put up a sign saying "for temple use only" - and I'm not going to be used by the world, the flesh or the devil. God will cleanse us and we are on the journey to holiness.

The ideal is for every child to be born into a loving, nurturing family. For babies, love is communicated primarily through the sense of touch, and children who are held, loved, and sung to see themselves as being born into a friendly world. They feel accepted and can relate in a friendly way. On the other hand, those children who do not receive the needed touching and loving see themselves as having been born into a hostile world and they feel as though they have been placed in a dog-eat-dog life - no one cares - I have to care for myself.

Because we have lacked the knowledge of how much God loves us we may have sought love inappropriately and illegitimately. All of us possess a basic love need that God created within us.

Humans cannot meet the need ONLY God can. The blessing we can receive in relationship with our spouse, our family, and our friends cannot be measured by how much love we receive, but rather how much love we are willing to give. God wants to release us to be a people who give and minister love - - not to be a people with the motive "I'll love you so you will love me"! If we give love for the sake of giving, God will multiply it back to us.

Each of us may have wrinkles in our personalities caused by influences that might not have been our fault or moral choice. It's possible we were emotionally, physically, or sexually abused as a young person by a parent/ grandparent, sibling, relative, pastor, teacher - any authority figure in our life. We are to abound in love so our hearts get established in holiness. If we have an unfulfilled love deficit, we are very vulnerable to temptation. When we are controlled by thoughts like: "I have to find someone to love me' and emotionally reaching out "Please Love Me - I Need For You To Love Me', we give inappropriate signals, and we become vulnerable to temptation. God the Father wants to meet that need in us.

Now that we've built a biblical foundation for crucifying and releasing immorality that may be in our lives, let's identify some specific sins we might need to lay down during cleansing the temple ministry:


Some have argued: Who says masturbation is a sin - there's nothing in the Bible specifically addressing the issue. True, there is no word - no law stating 'Thou shall not masturbate'. As Christians, we do not live according to the law - we live according to the spirit. It is doubtful anyone could honestly say - "Oh, this act of self-love is such a wonderful, life-giving experience, which leads me into a deeper relationship with Jesus". No, most would say "masturbation is a bondage and it leaves me feeling separated from Jesus". Any fulfillment of our sexual needs outside of the marriage union is not the will of the Lord - - He wants us to control our vessels and not give in to the snare of the enemy.

Rom. 6: 12-13.

Vs. 12. Therefore do not let sin rein in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts.

Vs. 13. And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God.


The word 'pornography' originating from the word: 'P-O-R-N-E-I-A' has the same root - SEXUAL IMMORALITY.

One of the first scriptural recordings of pornography is in Ezek. 23: 14-17:

Vs. 14. But she increased her harlotry; she looked at men portrayed on the wall, images of Chaldeans portrayed in vermilion {bright red pigment},

Vs. 15. Girded with belts around their waists, flowing turbans on their heads, all of them looking like captains, in the manner of the Babylonians of Chaldea, the land of their nativity.

Vs. 16. As soon as her eyes saw them, she lusted for them and sent messengers to them in Chaldea.

Pornography is displayed in many different forms - magazines, books, pictures, videos, television, the Internet, and can hold people of all ages in bondage. The need for pornography increases the longer it is used for gratification and, like any other bad habit, becomes an addiction.

Matt. 5:29. If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you, for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.

Ps. 119:37. Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, and revive me in Your way.


The bible contains many words of warning concerning the involvement with prostitutes.

Prov. 6: 23-26:

Vs. 23. [NIV] For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way of life,

Vs. 24. [NIV]. Keeping you from the immoral woman, from the smooth tongue of the wayward wife.

Vs. 25. [NIV]. Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes.

Vs. 26. For by means of a harlot a man is reduced to a crust of bread; and an adulteress will prey upon his precious life.

Prov. 23: 27, 28:

Vs. 27. [NIV] For a harlot is a deep pit and a wayward wife is a narrow well.

Vs. 28. [NIV] Like a bandit she lies in wait, and multiples the unfaithful among men.

I Cor. 6: 15 & 16

Vs. 15. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot.

Vs. 16. Or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her? For "the two" He says, "shall become one flesh."

Comment. Stay away from a prostitute, and if one is encountered don't walk but run away. A prostitute is ONLY after your money and can reduce you to poverty - if not financially, you can count on your spiritual life suffering tremendously. If we've been sexually active with prostitutes, we need to confess the sin. Where dishonor has been brought upon a marriage partner, it would be good [if possible] to ask their forgiveness. [Then renounce the unclean spirit.] Verse 16 confirms the need for the breaking of spirit and soul ties. If there is such a thing as demonic transference from one person to another, it would be during an illicit sexual union.


The Lord considers this sin an abomination. It is necessary to bring it into the light - confess the sin to the Lord. [Renounce the unclean spirit.]

Lev. 18:23 and 20:15 & 16 - gives us a perfect picture of how the Lord feels about bestiality.


Heb. 13:4. Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

Comment. Becoming involved in premarital sex does not honor either of the partners. God looks upon marriage as a covenant relationship between a man and woman - He likens this relationship to that of Christ and His bride. Many times problems experienced by either the husband or wife in a subsequent marriage relationship can be traced back to the point when temptation overcame them and they gave away the respect for each other. Something was spoiled! To really love someone is to always have their spiritual interest in mind, but when that line is crossed and we use each other for gratification, then that which was to be preserved for marriage is spoiled.


If one of the partners in a marriage relationship commits adultery, the covenant as well as the innocent partner has been dishonored. We need to bring this sin into the light and confess it to the Lord. If possible, it's good to confess the sin to the innocent partner, and ask them for forgiveness.

There are many warnings concerning adultery - specifically the Sixth Commandment - "THOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY". Fornication and Adultery are closely related, because both sins involve human sex outside of marriage. We just read the NKJV of Prov. 6: 26, but I like the way the New Living Translation reads: "For a prostitute will bring you to poverty, and sleeping with another man's wife may cost you your very life". In the story of Joseph, we know he was continually coaxed by Potipher's wife to go to bed with her. Joseph exhibited true love for Potipher and his wife, because in refusing to commit adultery, he had their spiritual interest at heart, and he knew the affects this act would have on his soul.


I Cor. 6: 9 & 10; Rom. 1: 24 - 28

Vs. 9. Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,

Vs. 10. Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, will inherit the kingdom of God.

Rom. 1:24. Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves.

Rom. 1:26. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.

Rom. 1:27. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

Rom. 1:28. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting. [Debase: cheapen, degenerate, loss of moral purity, perverted]

Comment: God DOES NOT excuse homosexuality. He loves the person, and He freely extends grace to the sinner to come to him for cleansing and repentance, but He will not tolerate the sin indefinitely.

Anyone engaged in the homosexual life style must be extremely cautious not to ignore the prompting of the Holy Spirit to get out. Failure to obey and abandon this life style desensitizes the spirit, and may result in God allowing the sinner to live in their sin.

Comment: In reading Lev. 18:22 and 20:10-21, we find that God required death by stoning of anyone caught in adultery, bestiality and homosexuality,

Just as a recap, remember -

- We are the house of The Lord and therefore we are priests

- There are forces that want to separate the believers from relationship with God and sin always separates, especially sexual sin.

The short pleasure will not compare to God's punishment.

- God wants our bodies controlled by the Holy Spirit

- Sexual immorality is the trap of great suffering and despair.

When we defile our bodies, we are defiling Jesus

- To tear down idols - put to death those things which control us

- Uncleanness in us can produce uncleanness in our children

- Satan's greatest power over us is deception and darkness.

If we've been dealing with shame, God will break that power over us. It's good to remember that at conversion we confessed immorality 'in a general way', but we sin specifically, so we must be specific in our confession.

Is there a question whether or not there is need for the Cleansing Ministry? Ask yourself: Has the Lord revealed sexual sins that have not been brought under the blood of Jesus - in the past, or as recently as during the Plumbline ministry. Keep in mind Dr. Bruce Thompson's statement 'where there is pain we will swing to pleasure'. Sexual sin is a pleasure swing.

To prepare for ministry, get alone in a quiet place with The Lord, and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you those sexual sins, which need to be brought into the light. Compose a chronological list [emphasis on list], starting with the first incident you remember in childhood, working your way up to the present time. Ask yourself -

- Has anyone defiled me?

- Have I defiled anyone? [women, men or children]

- Have we been in a relationship with a person [such as a close friend] where we have allowed that person too much control over us, or possibly we exercised too much control over them. Strong emotional ties can be a bondage similar to witchcraft and need to be renounced.

Be honest when you judge yourself, so that God's discipline may be averted. He not only looks at the action, but the heart motive.


This prayer is used when sins of adultery, bestiality, fornication, homosexuality, pornography and prostitution are an issue. Spirit and soul ties need to be broken if someone has exercised inappropriate authority over our lives.

Heavenly Father, I ask you to forgive me for committing the sin of [name the specific sin] ___________ with [name the person] ___________, and I take back any ground I gave the devil through this relationship. I bind, cast off and put away from me any evil influence of [name the person] ___________ spirit over my spirit [or my spirit over [name the person] ___________. I cut off any spirit and soul ties and break any affinity. I renounce this relationship once and for all, in the Name of Jesus.

Affinity: A relationship similar to marriage relationship.


The Ministry of Oaks of Righteousness, hereby certifies that,


has completed eight weeks of learning, contemplation, openness and brokenness in the pursuit of growing in Christlikeness and intimacy with the Father.

He Who began a good work in you will complete it.

Dated this 10th day of March,2000.




Table of Contents

Leaders Guide

• Getting Started

• What Makes an Oaks Class

Setting up and Running the Course

• The Opening Class Day

• Typical Class Time

Teaching Outlines

• Ministry Preparation

• Forgiveness Outline

• Levels of Forgiveness Outline

• Relinquishment Outline

• Rebuilding Outline

• Reconciliation

Administration of the Course

• Opening Class Agenda

• Closing Agenda

• First Letter

• Second Letter

Course Description

• Examples of Video Highlights


Getting Started

A class leader needs to have completed, an Oaks class, an Empowering Workshop and assisted as an Oaks staff and capable of leading in the ministry setting. If they are a member of Vineyard KC North they need to have completed Membership classes and the leadership training course 301.

Begin meeting with your staff for prayer and planning time for the class about 3 or 4 weeks before the class begins. This will allow you time to discuss and assign logistic duties. Such as Hospitality, the first day of class distribution of books and videos, collecting money, different ones to share the teachings, Academic coordinator, text book discussion, video discussion, room set-up, video and sound person, ministry group leaders, narrative readings and arranging worship times as desired.

A first letter - or e-mail is sent to confirm the applicants place in the class 3 - 4 weeks before the class starts if possible. During your correspondence times it is also good to advise your people of the time commitment of both meetings and home work. (See the example of the first letter)

We also suggest in this letter to students if they are involved in leading of another ministry to set aside that responsibility during this time. This will allow God the freedom to work in their lives more effectively. (an example of the first letter is included in this leaders guide)

A second letter - is sent to ask the applicant to be prepared to share on the opening night what they would like God to do in their lives during this time. (an example is included)

Who can take the class? Anyone can benefit from this class. I had times that I might defer someone who is not ready for this heavy of an involvement because they may not be comfortable with the openness or the large group involvement. When available I might refer them to an Alpha class or Celebrate Recovery group. I would also encourage them to take the class in the near future when they are ready. The ones who seem to benefit the most from this ministry are the ones who might already have a knowledge of the Word of God. Occasionally a husband will ask if he should take the class with his spouse to be a support. I ask him not to take it for his wife, take it for himself. I have also experienced that someone going through a divorce or loss of a spouse at the time of taking the class may benefit some from the ministry they receive but they often will not deal with family of origin issues at the same time, or if they do it will be very shallow. In such a case I recommend they take the class again a year or so later if possible.

Where and how many? We have had classes as large as 40 and still God met each one. Our preference has been to have the class in a home. The home provides an environment for hospitality to exist that otherwise would not. It is beneficial to have a host couple provide the meeting place. Please note this needs to be a time and place free of children or the interruption of unexpected visitors. We want people to feel safe and with as few distractions as possible. I would not suggest having child care in the same home. When an evening class is being done the class time is too long for evening child care to be an option. Some times other church members are willing to help someone out in another location with child care. The best option we have found for child care is to provide a daytime class at church, with child care provided in the church.

A class of 10 to 14 students seems to be the best for bonding in the home group and provides a safe number for members to feel comfortable sharing. This is sometimes not the case in large group settings. (Jesus chose twelve.) We have had much larger classes however we met in the large group for videos or teachings and moved to small groups for discussion and personal sharing times to provide that safe place.

We advise the students that the classes will start on time and if they know in advance they will need to miss a class to make arrangements to borrow the video in advance. We do have some of the teachings on CD for ones who miss a teaching. We also have the text book on audio cassette. This resource has been a blessing for the ones who are legally blind or have trouble with reading.

Oaks Staff Helpers

A staff helper should also take the appropriate membership classes required by the local church.

Consider recruiting one staff person to three or four students is a good ratio.

Some new staff helpers may not be ready to help with individual ministry or Plumbline ministry. That is OK. They will be of help as they share one on one with students. They will be learning as they are watching ministry in their groups. You can use each staff person where they are in their gifting, hospitality or serving etc. (when we were hosting in our home one new helper brought us meals to our home).

When working with staff helpers we try to work in a time of ministry for the staff before going into Plumbline ministry with the class if needed. (This isn’t always possible but is nice if you can.)

It is good for the staff helpers to read one of the reference books or a similar book related to this ministry as an additional resource. The better we understand the people we are ministering to the more effective we will be. Use the resource list in the back of the Oaks manual. These reference books are the foundation of the Oaks ministry style, they are why we do, what we do, the way we do it.

You may want to pre-qualify a new staff helper with the church leadership before inviting them to be on staff. (I did this in another church and the elders discouraged using one couple because they did not tithe.) What are the requirements of your leaders in your church?

On occasion a new staff person might minister to a student in a manor that is not helpful it is good to recognize this with the staff person and let them discern if they are ministering from their own wounding. This doesn’t disqualify them but it may be a way for God to bring more healing to them.

What Makes an Oaks Class

Included in class times

Discussion of academics – on days there is Teachings and class meetings

Worship or devotional time – on days of class meetings

Plumbline videos - may be viewed in class time

Personal Ministry opportunity - in small groups

Teachings on – False religions, Forgiveness, Relinquishment, Vows, Curses, Judgments, Self-pity, Shame, Performance, Ministry Prep., Rebuilding, Breaking Soul Ties .

Soul Tie Ministry - in gender specific small groups

Teachings on - Belief Systems, Johari Window, Should/Should Not’s, What if’s, Feelings and Thoughts.

Blessing Video & Praying the Fathers Blessing

Father Heart of God sharing w/prayer for God to be our Father


Selected readings from To Know Him By Name by Kay Arthur (at least 6 of the meeting times)

Text book Living in the Freedom of the Spirit by Tom Marshall w/class discussion (5-10 minutes)

Weekly assignments – Record new understanding received through the scripture meditation, text book and the videos and how you might apply it to your life.

Opening Day

During arrivals we have refreshments out and welcome each student. Distribute books and videos, collect unpaid fees, get their contact info if incomplete on the registration and give out name tags and have extra name tags for ones who may not be registered. You may notice an arrival being very anxious or fearful. For some a group setting may be very threatening. We do what we can to make the person feel comfortable. A staff helper may need to take them to another room and pray with them. This may be the responsibility of a pre-assigned staff member.

Opening - Begin with a time of Introduction and a brief description of the class. We have an icebreaker (low level non-threatening) exercise with the students. It could be good for the leader to mention our commitment to confidentiality in the large group.

Introduction The leader and other staff may take a brief time to share what this ministry has done for them. Limit sharing time to 3 or 4 helpers 2 or 3 minutes each.

Break 15-20 minutes

Confidentiality we acknowledge the need for confidentiality and ask each one to commit to keep confidential what is shared in this class. (It is OK to share what happens to you personally) In large classes, this may be done in the small groups rather than the large group.

Student Sharing- After break we begin a deeper level of sharing by asking each student to share what they want God to do in their lives at this time. Again in a large class this may be something you do in small groups.

Academics The staff person in charge of academics would give a complete description on how the home work is done handed in and reviewed. We encourage students to participate in the academics as much as possible for the more they put into the class the more they will receive. It is often tempting for staff to discount the importance of the academics and attempt to reduce or eliminate assignments. When you do this you may be robbing a student of an essential part of his/her healing. Some students may be quite capable of doing the academics and others may be doing all they can just to attend the class. Either is OK. We still want to offer them all we can. We all learn from different teaching models, so, we want to offer as many options to learn as we can. Reading, Video, Live teachings, Group Discussion, Journaling, listening to class discussion.

Accountability Be sensitive to the responses in the class, often you will discern the anxiety or fear. Take time during class or the closing to pray for those that need it or pray for the group. Answer any questions they might have and make your-self accountable to them. If a part of the ministry seems peculiar to them or questionable ask them to please talk to one of the staff about it. We need accountability in this ministry. Often the only accountability we may have as the leaders is with the ones we are ministering to.

Closing During closing time of the first class, pray over the students, commissioning them to have the anointing of a student during this time. Pray for them to set aside there leaders hat and be a student of the Holy Spirit. We ask students not to minister to other students at this time and just be an observer and a recipient. You might also be led to pray for their fears and ask if any would like pray for that.

Typical Class Time

Beginning Start on time, open w/prayer. End on time, end w/prayer.

When a student comes in late, honor them by pausing and briefly explaining where you are in the discussion (what page of the book or part of the video). Be careful not to leave a staff person or even a student alone with the opposite sex during a class time break or closing of a class time

Worship - is optional, there are three (3) meeting times that would be great to begin with worship when you can. The First day of Ministry, Rebuilding teaching and Closing. (Allow 10-15 minutes) On other days play CD’s before class time as they are coming in.

Class interaction - Begin the class time w/academic discussion over the Plumbline Videos and/or the Text book. This may include short (2-3 minute) testimonies from different staff of how they could identify w/the personalities, bricks or other parts of the videos. The discussion time encourages the class to do the academics. The discussion also reinforces what they are learning. Another goal is to get as many of the staff upfront if only once for a brief time of sharing for the class to engage w/other staff. (Allow 15 minutes.)

Names of God - Following the academic discussion read from “The Names of God” (some of these stories may be edited beforehand if too lengthy) Allow 10 minutes. There are some days you will not have time for this. On, Worship days, Ministry days and Blessing day.

Teachings – Who to teach? I find it best to use the ones who have a life message from what they are sharing. They include part of their own experience as they teach. One might consider which part of this was such a significant change in their life. Try to hold to 40 or 45 minute teachings. Refrain from answering Q’s until you have completed sharing all the material. When you ask if anyone has a Q before you are finished sharing all material you will encourage rabbit trails. It is OK to start by asking those who have Q’s to hold them until you are done and you will give time for Q’s.

Breaks - Take a 10-15 minute break midway of the class time. Watch for the ones that are isolating draw them in. One of your helpers is enough of an evangelist to take that position.

Small Groups - Assign groups opening day, divide into your groups for the icebreaker and student sharing time. If you have time to break into small groups for discussion/reflection after a teaching it will help the bonding of the groups. I refrain from rearranging a group after the first meeting time. If someone is uncomfortable it may be where they are supposed to be. Do you put married couples in the same group? I have purposed not to put a couple in the same group and there are times I have put them together intentionally. So the answer to that is NO and YES.

Overtime - If you are going in to over time with a class time or ministry time, pause and remind the those who need to pick up the kids from child care to do so. Give others permission to leave if they need to.

Plumbline Videos - We have given the Plumbline series a number of ways and find it is most effective when given in the shortest period of time. This explains why the suggested schedule is so intense in the beginning weeks. It helps add life to video teachings if the staff take turns sharing comments about videos and how they related to different parts. It is best to view the videos as a class but we have begun sending copies of the video series home to eliminate a few meeting times and make the class easier for everyone.

First Class Teaching Spiritual Bondages, The Oaks book can be used for your outline.

Second Class Teaching - Forgiveness/Relinquishment, The Oaks book can be used for this teaching outline. Include personal testimony or ministry experiences also. Regarding the teachings and videos refer the students to the ministry sheet to make notes of items they want to address in ministry. Explain how the ministry sheet will be used later and how ministry will take place.

Third Class Teaching – Vows, Curses and Judgments,

Fourth Class Teaching – Self Pity

Fifth Class Teaching – Shame

Sixth Class Teaching – Performance Orientation/Ministry Preparation/Renounce Non-Christian Spiritual Involvement

Plumbline Ministry - On the first ministry day while meeting in the main group, remind the class who is doing the ministry and to please do not try to help. (It seems one or two will not be in class the day of ministry prep.) Please allow the leaders to guide the ministry. An interruption at the wrong time could hinder the ministry rather than helping. The best way a group member can help is to pray for the one being ministered to, pray for the helpers and ask the lord for words of encouragement or a scripture to share with the one having ministry at the end of the ministry time.

To keep the group involved it helps to set the chairs in a circle. Usually people can hear better in this form. Pray and ask God to choose the first person to be ministered to. When setting a schedule for ministry you can expect 1 ½ or 2 hrs. per student some times more. We of course begin with prayer and end w/prayer.

After the first ministry is usually a good time to ask when others would like to schedule ministry. I encourage group ministry for everyone. If you sense one of the group is too threatened by group ministry please offer an alternate time or suggest they wait until the last day or 2 of ministry by then the group is usually declined in number. After watching 2 or 3 ministries one will often be encouraged to have group ministry anyway. I recommend we minister to what the person has revelation of please resist the temptation to get into counseling or digging for what is unknown. If that kind of ministry is necessary it is best not to do in a group setting. You sometimes have to keep referring the person back to the ministry sheet and who they need to forgive. In the event they just aren’t ready for ministry, pray a blessing over them asking God to bring revelation in his time and release them. It’s OK.

Schedule another time. If you don’t finish ministry with a person in the scheduled time, offer to finish their ministry at another time.

In your next scheduled time continue with who is on the schedule.

You may want to come together before ministry on the main meeting day (once a week) to allow the class to share testimonies, give glory to God and collect home work.

Third Class Teaching - (first meeting that follows Plumbline ministry ) – Rebuilding/Reconciliation, Soul Ties Ministry Prep.

Soul Tie Ministry – Meet as a class w/worship or devotional time. (Allow 10 minutes.) Collect homework if it is a main meeting day. Divide the class by gender, 4 or 5 students to a group. Be considerate to minister to the ones w/children first. If you are running over the scheduled time, you May need to schedule another time to complete ministry for your group, that is OK.

Fourth Class Teaching – Part I of LERC, start with the Johari Window, Feeling Wheel, What If’s, Should’s and Should not’s. What makes up our belief system? The difference between Thoughts and Feelings.

The LERC is best taught in 2 parts. Share the method illustrate the chart and work through an example conflict one class time. Ask the class to identify a conflict in their own lives that they might work on next week in class when the staff can help. Allow time for the class to work on their own LERC.

Fifth Class Teaching – Part II of LERC, review Part I and work through to the redemption or new belief. You might ask if someone has a conflict they would be comfortable to share on the board. If no takers, share your own LERC. Work through the renewal.


Sixth Class Teaching – The Blessing video by John Trent. Share on the Father Heart of God.

Break into groups and pray the Fathers blessing over each one. (a group of 6-8 students is about all you will have time for in a 3 hour period as scheduled.

Closing – Share about options for next steps, give opportunity for sharing, pray and release.


Ministry Preparation

A. Syllabus explains things that may take place during your ministry time

1. Forgiveness – pg. 8-11

a. Needs to be specific – I choose to forgive

2. Relinquishment – pg. 12-14, Your rights or someone

3. Vows – pg. 15 You may have a vow based on the way you saw your parent’s marriage failing, where you said, “I’ll never get married.”

4. Judgments – pg. 17 Law of God –Judgment of character

B. Review Ministry Worksheet pg. 20

1st area –If you don’t forgive you won’t be healed

2nd – Give up the right – forgive yourself

3rd – Confess & Break

4th – Renounce the Curses, Repent and break the Vows, Repent of the Judgments and ask the Lord to break any judgment you brought upon yourself.

5th – Ask forgiveness and break

6th – Repent of the Sin of ________

C. Describe the ministry setting

1. Phones and pagers off.

2. Ministry will be in small groups w/Chairs in a circle.

3. This a prayer time between you and the Lord.

4. The leaders will ask you to pray for your choices

5. The difference between you praying and not us is the choice of the will.

6. Example – “I choose to forgive”, not “I want to”

7. This is not a time for self pity – take responsibility for our actions

8. Who will go first? We will spend a time in prayer and wait on the Lord to decide.

9. Ministry may take 1-1 ½ hr and that’s OK

10. We will minister to what you have revelation of – we won’t drag it out of you.

11. Don’t dig up things you have already dealt with – if it's still bothering you…bring it up.

12. Jesus will be there to meet each of you – not us.

13. Please don’t try to help, let the ministry team do it.

14. We don't want to be like Job's friends.

15. The wrong thing at the wrong time can hinder what the Lord is doing.

16. Nehemiah – 1/2 people prayed & ½ the people worked.

17. When ministry is done w/each one we, will ask you to share scriptures, visions or words of encouragement, please no advise. (Please write them down)

Forgiveness Outline

Forgiveness is not:

saying what was done is okay.

releasing the guilty party from the legal or divine consequences of their behavior.

something that you have to achieve on your own.

( merely words said to satisfy some legal standard.

( dependent on the perpetrator's response.

Forgiveness is:

taking yourself out of the judgment seat simply because it belongs to God alone.

acknowledging that having accepted Christ's forgiveness for yourself you have no right to withhold forgiveness from others.

6. an act of God's grace being poured out through your heart.

( a result of being transformed into His image, taking on His mind and heart, clothing yourself with Him.

( as much an opportunity to set yourself free as it is an opportunity to set the perpetrator free.

( a removal of a significant part of Satan's ground that has allowed him to hurt you over and over again so as to emotionally destroy you and your relationships with God and others.

• an act of the will, not a servant of feelings.

Levels of Forgiveness Outline

(The first eight are unhealthy states of unforgivness, we as Christians are not justified to practice.)

I can’t forgive.

I would forgive if they ask for it.

I forgive, but I’ll have nothing to do with them.

I forgive, but Ill never trust them.

I can’t forgive, it would be a betrayal to my mother.

I forgive, but they owe me... I want justice...I want revenge

I can forgive because they were wounded too…they were drunk (to make excuse decreases the value of our forgiveness)

I need to… want to, would like to, Lord help me… forgive.

I choose forgive. (now we are beginning to forgive)

I forgive and he/she owes me nothing.

I forgive and I want to bless them.

Forgiveness is essential for a relationship with the Father. Forgiveness is not easy. It requires His Grace.

Forgiveness begins with a choice and continues as a process.

Finally, for forgiveness to be complete it must be specific. (There may be many offenses within any given hurtful event)

You will know you are free when you are reminded of the person, and you have no negative emotional response.

Relinquishment Outline

1. An area Beyond Forgiveness. Sometimes called “If Onlys” Amos 7; 7&8

2. The If “Onlys”

a. usually focus on the past d. it is an excuse for our behavior

b. deny reality e. can be a constant focus on our unmet needs

c. we nurse it. f. can cause anger depression and self pity

3. These unmet needs of the past can become our unmet expectations of the present.

a. They continue to produce the same unwanted behavior.

b. This can become our life message ( from the issues in the heart the mouth speaks)

c. We can live like the world owes us .

d. We express through actions the level of forgiveness I have seen ( they owe me )

e. What we didn’t receive at home we expect our spouse to full-fill.

4. Can become Idolatry

a. If only I had a normal child hood e. If only I could have children

b. If only I had different parents f. If only I weren’t married

c. If only they hadn’t gotten divorced g. If only I had married Susan

d. If only I could have children h. If only mom or dad had been there

5. If only of the future.

a. A promotion c. My own business

b. If only I were married d. If only I could have children

6. The basic issue with most If Onlys is that we’ve missed out on something God intended for us.

a. The love, acceptance, identity, validation, a nurturing environment etc.

b. We try to achieve filling that in our adult life by a work of the flesh, as Abraham did W/ Ishmael.

c. We function in some relationships expecting to receive those unmet needs of the past.

d. The problem with our achievements of the flesh is, Our needs remain unmet.

7. Relinquishment is;

a. surrendering a right.

b. to put aside a plan.

c. to loose ones hold on something or some one. (as Hanna did with Samuel.)

For our purposes this may involve all three of these actions. (Jesus set an example of relinquishment)

We may need to relinquish a child to God. A miscarriage or still born.

8. We may need to give up our rights to;

a. an education. g. revenge

b. a parent that loved us. h. self-pity

c. a normal childhood. i. wealth

d. a relationship with a parent. j. prestige

e. acceptance, validation love etc. k the right to have a child

f. be angry I. marriage

Rebuilding Outline

Refer the class to the rebuilding pages in the syllabus (see the Rebuilding outline).

The significant issue to note for the students is the fact that for some of them the ministry they have had may be a beginning of their healing and the initial ministry time often lifts the veil of deception the enemy has had on them and they may now be more aware of the truth.

• This is basic Christianity - It's just a little different application

• If we don't walk it out, some people may spiral back to where they were

That's why we spend these weeks after Plumbline ministry.

• Deliverance is about 5%, walking it out is about 95%

Review of the following syllabus pages: Note the page numbers may change from class to class.

• I Am's pg. 49- Read each one out loud with the group

• The Cross pg. 53 - Read each one - Pray (now) God would plant these scriptures in us.

• The Dirty Dozen pg. 54- Give a short expansion a few of these, such as #3 - There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

• Conquering Impure Thoughts pg. 68- Note the things we think on, are the things we become. Scripture says think on these things… Have them focus on the "Triggers" section. Ask the Holy Spirit to point out these for them.

• Attributes of God pg. 72 - Great for offsetting the lies. Builds in truth. Touch on a few.

• Scriptural Counseling Guide Pg 77 - Give several examples of how these scriptures apply. Note this as a good resource for times of struggle. These will help you with the bricks you put off. These can be used in going to the cross daily.

• Reference Materials pg. 79 Tell what you know about each one.

• Going into rebuilding time we need to put off the old be renewed and put on the new.

(Unclean spirit goes and brings back seven more)

• As you renounce spiritual strongholds, pray for the opposite spirit. Ask the Lord to show you through prayer. Example: if you are critical – pray to be an encourager, fear - courage, love.

Reconciliation OUTLINE

• You may want to reconcile with or make restitution with someone.

• When a married couple is seeking help I ask what was the first conflict in the relationship?

• Just because you have forgiven someone doesn’t mean they have changed.

(However your response to their behavior may be improved.)

• Forgiveness stories from our life

• We asked our children for forgiveness, we prayed with them. We pointed out the generational sins we had identified so they could renounce them.

• We did not make excuses or try to blame someone else.

• Admitted we were wrong, accepted responsibility for our sin, and began to rebuild trust

• When asking someone to forgive, a person may need time to process. (Emotion is OK)

• They may need time to grieve the loss as part of the healing process.

• If trust has been broken, ask if there is some way you can begin to rebuild trust.

• Some wrong ways to respond when asked for forgiveness:

• That didn’t bother me… you always do that… you’ll never change

• Go to God and ask how you have offended someone. He will tell you.

• Ask for forgiveness specifically. – “I have sinned against you by ______. Will you forgive me?

• Don’t say “IF” I have offended you.

• Keep short accounts. (Instead of dumping all your garbage on others, take it to the Lord or an accountability partner.) Don’t allow small offenses to build up over time.

• If you have been rejecting someone – go to them.

• If you have had an attitude problem with someone – go to God and forgive them

• Do your part in love- how they respond is their choice.

• The beginning to change is Repentance. Ask forgiveness, seek accountability.

• When someone wounds you, you must acknowledge it to the Lord not deny it.

• Don't stuff it. Acknowledge the pain.

• Go to the Lord and forgive. Ask the Lord to come in and heal (This is Key).

• This is another way we go to the cross daily.

• You have nothing to gain by going to a past abuser and telling them you forgive them. It is not usually recommended to go to your parents for example to tell them you forgave them for all the horrible things they did. Wait for a divine appointment for that. It may happen without your help.

• Confrontation

• In most cases, confront someone because you care about them. Not because you want to show who is right or for revenge.

• Confront for their benefit not yours.

• Dishonor

• Honor your father and mother. (Even if all they did is give you life.)

• Ask the Lord to identify instances of dishonor with spouse parents etc. and repent. (Fornication before marriage is dishonor toward spouse and parents in some families.)

Ask forgiveness for how we may have rebelled and brought dishonor to our family.

Closing Class Agenda

Room set with chairs in a circle

Acknowledge the emotions

Some might be experiencing emotions. This class can be a place to develop life long friendships.

Don’t get stuck

It is a good time to remind them that this may just be a beginning for some. If they experience a difficult time in the near future and need help please do not allow yourselves to be stuck.

Discuss possible next steps (Ask the Lord which of the following they might pursue.)

Get into a bible study or spend time getting into God’s word.

Be a part of a small group.

Begin working in a ministry that is reaching out.

Take an Empowering Workshop or some training toward ministry.

Take a Right Relationships or DNA of Relationships or a class that teaches about relationships.

Consider taking a Boundaries class if available.

Sharing about what God has done

This is best be done in the small group depending on the class size.

One way to begin this would be to give them the card they filled out on opening day and read what they are comfortable sharing and acknowledge what God has done for them.

Pray a Blessing give God Glory

I suggest the staff either with a partner or a time with the Lord it can be good to pray and release each one to the Lord. This can free the staff person as well as the sudent.


This is a simple courtesy to let people know what to expect. If there is time to provide this before the class starts by mail or e-mail is a nice thing to do.

January, 2009

Dear Friends,

We are looking forward to the next session of Oaks of Righteousness and want to thank you for registering for this class. Please note that your registration is not complete until you have paid your class fee. You can drop the fee in the offering box with a note specifying “Oaks Class” or you can mail to Vineyard Church, attention: Connie Mueller.

The group will begin with the Divine Plumbline video series by Dr. Bruce Thompson. After this has been completed, we will follow with a time of personal ministry for each student. This ministry time may take as long as 2-3 hrs per individual. Please find enclosed a schedule for this morning class. The location for this class will be at Vineyard Church, 12300 Arrowhead Trafficway, Kansas City, MO 64165. Please call 816-734-8100 if you need assistance with directions. We are just minutes south of Smithville on 169 Hwy.

We ask that you commit to completing the academics listed on the enclosed assignment sheet. We hope this will facilitate your growth during this time and hopefully aid you in a continued healthy lifestyle. It will take you a minimum of 3 hours per week outside the class to complete the assignments.

The cost of the course is $25.00 is for individuals and $20.00 for students. These fees include the cost of the textbook, video workbook and syllabus. For all students there will be a $20.00 deposit fee for the use of the Plumbline videos. This fee will be refunded when the videos are returned. Please wait to pay for the $20.00 video rental the first night of class.


We strongly suggest that you limit your responsibilities in other ministries or outside activities during this time. If you are over involved you will certainly limit what God wants to do in your life during this time.

We look forward to spending this time with you and growing with you in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In His service,

Gary and Carla Heese

P. S. For more information, call us at 734-8100 or e-mail gheese@.



Weekly Assignments

We are instructed in James 1:22 to “be doers of the word, and not merely hearers”. We want to encourage you to apply what the Lord is speaking to you during this time - whether through teachings, scripture meditation, reading, or worship in your everyday life. The following assignments have been designed to enhance this process.


Meditate on the verse of the week daily.

Record what the Lord is speaking to you through it.


Read the indicated chapters each week.

Record insights you receive while reading.

From each week’s academics, explain how you will apply what you have learned to your life.


PART OF FIRST LETTER – Also Includes a class schedule


Spring 2009 a.m.

Week 1

Opening & Introduction....………………………..……...………….... Wed. Feb. 18 ● 9 - 11:30 a.m.  

View videos 1 & 2 at home

View Plumbline Videos 3 & 4……………………………….…Fri. Feb. 20 ● 9 -11:30 a.m.  

Week 2

Teaching on Forgiveness Relinquishment ………….…………Wed. Feb. 25 ● 9 -11:30 a.m.  

 View videos 5 & 6 at home

Teaching & Ministry Preparation ……………………………..Fri. Feb. 27 ● 9 – 11:30 a.m.

Week 3

Ministry …………………………………………………..……..…………Wed. Mar 4. ● 9 a.m. - noon

Ministry..............................................................................................Fri. Mar. 6 ● 9 a.m. - noon

Week 4   

Ministry…………………………………..……………….…………..…..Wed. Mar. 11 ● 9 a.m. - noon Ministry………………………………………….....………………..….Fri. Mar. 13 ● 9 a.m. - noon


Week 5

Ministry……………………………………………....…………..…….… Wed. Mar 18 ● 9 - noon

Rebuilding and Ministry Prep ………………..……………...Fri. Mar. 20 ● 9 – 11:30 a.m.

Week 6

Breaking Soul Ties Ministry …………………….……………………….......Wed. Mar. 25 ● 9 – noon

Teaching on Belief System 1 ……………………….…….Fri. Mar. 27 ● 9:00-11:30 a.m.

Week 7

Teaching on Belief System 2 ………..…...................................Wed. Apr. 1 ● 9 -11:30 a.m.

Father Heart & Blessing …………….……...……………..……..…Fri. April 3 ● 9 - noon


Closing …..…………….………..………………………...Wed. April 8 ● 9:00-11:30 a.m.



12300 NW Arrowhead Trafficway

Kansas City, Mo 64165

February, 2, 2007

Dear Friends,

We are excited that you have decided to be a part of Oaks of Righteousness!

Here are the details for your first class:

Where: Vineyard Church, Room 169

When: Thursday, February 15

Time: 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.

Limited childcare is provided for this group. So if you have any children that will be attending, please contact Connie Mueller @ cmueller@ or 734.8100.

During the latter part of the first meeting we will ask each person to share what they would like God to do during this group or what they believe God has spoken that He would like to do in their life. We will allow each person a brief time to share, so we wanted to let you know in order for you to be prepared.

See you Thursday, February 15, at 6:30 p.m.

Joyfully serving Jesus,

Gary and Carla Heese

P. S. If you need any further information, please call the church office (816) 734.8100


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