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OrdinationStudy Questions and Answers?1. Who is the archangel whose name means “The mighty one of God”2. What is the unpardonable sin?3. Who did the whole human race descend from?4. Give the meanings of Adon or Adonai.5. What is the most popular and influential English translation of the Bible?6. What biblical characters declare Jesus to be the Son of God?7. How does Satan and demons attack mankind?8. Ephesians 1:13 declares that after one believes he is _______ with the Holy Spirit of promise.9. What are the 4 of the ministry gifts which God gave to the church in 1 Cor. 12:28??10. What are the angelic activities on earth concerning the unsaved??11. Give the characteristics of a sinners according Romans 3:12?12. Why did God pronounced judgment upon the serpent, woman, and man??13. Where does God reside?14. ?In what language was the New Testament written??15. Sinners grieve the Holy Spirit but Christians cannot grieve the Holy Spirit.?16. What happened after Jesus died and was buried??17. According to Ephesians 6:10-17, how are we to deal with demons??18. What is the mission of the Church??19. What angels are low in rank??20. What does Romans 6:12 state??21. Who is the President of the United Holy Church of America, Inc.??22. How can one know that God exists if no one has seen Him??23. What is the Bible??24. Name the fruits of the spirits as found in Galatians 5:2225. ?According to Hebrews 7:25 Jesus is at the right hand of God ministering as our.?26. What will be the fate of the devil and his angels in Revelations 20:10??27. The United Holy Church believes baptism is for whom??28. Give the origins of angels.?29. What are the Biblical words for sin??30. What is man??31. How has God revealed Himself in scripture??32. What value is there in doctrine??33. How is the Holy Spirit susceptible to personal treatment??34. What is Pneumatology??35. Name the two scriptures that describe demons as fallen angels.?36. What biblical titles are applied to the church??37. List the names or titles given to angels.?38. Who is guilty of lawlessness??39. What is Anthropology??40. What constitutes God’s personality??41. Who wrote the Bible? 42. In Romans 8:2, the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made us free from?the??_____________of ___________and _________?43.??? What proof do we have that Jesus is the Son of Man??44.?????According to 2 Corinthians 4:4, Satan is known as???????45. What does Ephesians 4:12 say???????46. Describe how man was created.??????47. What are some of the things that distinguish the United Holy Church from the????????????other doctrines???????48. Describe what was accomplished through Jesus’ death the cross.??????49. Name the sections of the Old Testament.??????50. How does one become a member of the church????????????????????????????????ANSWERS?1. Gabriel2. Blasphemy3. Adam & Eve4. master, husband or lord5. King James Version6. God said so, Men said so, He said so, and Demons said so7. attacks the mind, attacks the body with sickness and disease, and attacks the spirit8. Sealed9. Prophets, Teachers, Miracles, Healings, helps, governments and diversities of tongues10. They will administer judgment on the earth during tribulation and they administered judgment on Herod 11. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable, there is none that doeth good, no not one12. Disobedience13. He lives in??heaven and in the regenerated hearts of men14. Greek15. False16. He went to Hell, defeated the devil and his cohorts, he preached, he was resurrected, and he ascended into heaven17. By putting on the whole armor of God18. To build up its members19. Principalities, Authorities, Powers, Thrones, Might, and Dominion20.?Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lust thereof.21. Bishop Elijah Williams22. 1. Although no one has seen God the Father, Jesus Christ reveals him to us????2. We can know God through knowing Jesus Christ as our personal Savior.????? 23. 1. It is the general name given to the sacred Scriptures of the Christian Church.????? ?2. It is the Word of God, God’s revelation to man.??????????? ?3. It is the final and ultimate authority in all matters of Christian faith and practice.????love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance?Intercessor26. They will be cast into the lake of fire27. All who confesses Christ as Lord and Savior28. Angels, like everything else in the universe were made by God29. Disobedience, Error, Fault, Iniquity, Offense, Transgression, Ungodliness30. Man is a tripartite being (threefold) spirit, soul, and body31. El, Elah , and Elohim? 32.????It is essential to salvation, it is the foundation for a Godly life, it releases one???????from the power of sin when obeyed from the heart, it enables one to witness to?????????????others and it equips the saints for Christian service? 33.????He may be grieved, He may be insulted, He may be lied to, He may be?blasphemed and sinned against. 34.????study of the person and work of the Holy Spirit 35.????St. Matthew 12:43-45 and?St. Mark 5:12 36.???Bride of Christ, Body of Christ, Church of God, Church of the Firstborn, Church of the Living God, Churches of Christ Congregation, Flock of God, God’s Building, God’s Husbandry and God’s HeritagesC 37.????Ministers, host, chariots, watchers, Sons of the mighty, Sons of God, Holy Ones and stars 38.????everyone who commits sin 39.????study of man 40.????Intellect, emotions, or feelings and possession of a will 41.????Holy men of God who were moved or impelled by the Holy Ghost. 42.????law, sin and death 43.????As revealed in His earthly ministry, as revealed in His predictions of death, and???????as revealed in His predictions of the second coming God of the world 45. from the dust of the earth 46. Its belief as an experience subsequent to salvation, its belief in the gifts of the Spirit and supernatural signSuch as divine healing and casting out demons 47. Its belief in exuberant and spontaneous worship, Its belief in sanctification and??holiness as a way of life. 48. 1. The blood that was shed washed away our sins??????2. The blood that was shed purchased our redemptionThe Law (Pentateuch), History, Poetry, Prophets50. You must be born into it, same Spirit that births us, baptizes us into the body of??????Christ, the Lord adds to the Church those that are saved by faith in Him?????????????????ORDINATION?STUDY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS??51.? Define Angelology52. Describe Lucifer53. What was the spiritual nature of man before the fall?54. What does Yahweh means?55. Name three biblical symbols of the Holy Spirit.56. Jesus is currently at the right hand of God ministering as:57. What are demons referred to as:58. Who is the co-founder of the Church?59. What is Soteriology?60. Give the events included in the doctrine of last things.61. List some functions of angels.62. The bible says those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from:63. God made man in the likeness of Satan because he knew man would sin:64. What are some of the divine attributes of God?65. What instruments were used to write the Bible?66. Romans 8:26 teach us that the spirit makes____________ for the saints67. Why wasn’t Jesus born in sin like the rest of humility?68. The bible says that saints are perfected through:69: What must one do to be saved?70. What will happen to the saints after they have been raptured?71. What are the various ranks of angels?72. Jehovah-Jireh means:73. The Criteria used for acceptance or inclusions in the Old Testament does not include:74. Who is the Holy Ghost?75. Give definition of a Mediator ?76. Demons are fallen spirits but not altogether wicked.77. Define Eschatology.78. What is the Great White Throne Judgment?79. What is an angel?80. What is the Greek word for the study of Sin??81.????The best theological term for “the study of God” is:82.????What is doctrine?83.????The dispensation of the Holy Spirit began:84.????How do we know that Jesus was resurrected and is alive today?85.????Define Ecclesiology.86.????The scholarly work of 47 learned men from?Oxford and Cambridge Universities is better known today as:87.????List three reasons why the?United Holy Church worships God on Sunday and not on Saturday.88.????They guard- aid – protect the heirs of salvation, choose one.89.????If demonology is a study of demons, it is also a study of fallen angels.90.????What are the ordinances of the church?91.????What are the church’s colors?92.????Give the date in which the?United Holy Church was established:93.????What is the role of the local minister?94.????How many sub-districts make up the Southern District??Convocation?95.????How many books are in the Bible?96.????What is Theology?97.????What is the Hebrew equivalent for the name Jehovah?98.????What was the purpose of creating man?99.????Angels are organized like an:100.?The first man Adam was made a living____________?????????????????????ANSWERS????51.????The study of angels52.????The angel who rebelled against God in heaven53.????Man possessed the spiritual nature of God54.????The Self-Existence one who reveals Himself??and the Coming One55.????Fire, Wine, and Wind56.????High Priest, Mediator, Intercessor, Advocate, and Shepherd57.????Angels58.????Christ??Jesus59.????The study of salvation60.????The rapture, Marriage Supper, Tribulation, Second Coming of Christ, Millennium, Great White Throne Judgment, and the New Heaven and Earth61.????They sing the praises of God, communicate the will of God, obey the will of God, carry out the purposes of God, execute the judgments of God, and deliver and protect the people of God62.????The heart63.????False?64.????omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient65.????Chisel, Metal stylus, Pen and penknife, Ink and inkhorn66.????Intercession67.????Because his birth was not by natural means (via human father), but by supernatural means. Not only was Jesus born free from sin, but He also lived a sinless life.68.????The preaching and teaching of the Word69.????Call on the name of the Lord, Believe with the heart and confess with the mouth70.????They will be changed, They will be judged, They will be escorted to the royal wedding ceremony and marriage supper71.????Angel of the Lord, Archangels, Seraphim’s, Cherubim’s72.????The Lord will Provide73.????Post-Millennialism74.????Third person of the Trinity75.????One who stands between God and man76.????False77.????The study of last things78.????The final judgment when the wicked dead shall be raised and judged according to their works79.????They are created celestial beings, they are ministering spirits80.????Hamartiology81.????Teaching or Instruction82.????theology83.????On the Day of Pentecost?84.????There is an empty tomb, There are eyewitnesses, There is the personal testimony of Christ, There is the testimony of the Holy Ghost85.????The study of the church86.????King James Version of??the Bible87.????Because Sunday, the first day of the week, is the day that Jesus rose from the dead, Because the early church came to observe it as a Christian day of worship, Because the Sabbath day(Saturday) was more a day of rest than a day of worship, Because observance of the Sabbath day was required of the Israelites, not Gentiles88.????Guardian angels89.????True90.????The Lord’s Supper, Water Baptism91.????Purple, Gold, White92.????May 188693.????To attend local church, support with tithes and offerings, to report to pastor when it is necessary to be absent from the services, to assist the pastor94.????Eight95.????6696.????The study of God97.????Yahweh98.????For the Lord’s pleasure, to exercise authority over God’s creation99.????Army100.?soul ................

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