De Stasio, 2005

De Stasios, 2011 Group Demonstrations

Communication Goals: Clarity, setting activity in conceptual context, eye contact


Provide a brief introduction to the concept, including how it fits into the larger scheme of evolutionary theory.

The demonstration should be visual or active and can involve other members of the class. It should involve props. It can be geared to any age student (K- college); tell us the targeted age group. Group members can be talking at the same time as something is happening.

The presentation should end with a brief conclusion that should explicitly state what parts of the concept have been modeled and what may have been left out (a meta-analysis).

Demonstrations should be ~10 minutes in length. The evaluation form that will be used to provide you with feedback is attached. Have a friend use it when you practice.

What to work on:

Content and Organization:

Does your demonstration fit the topic? The time allotted?

Do you have a succinct & clear explanation of the context of the demonstration?

Are instructions for the demo organized? Could someone else do the activity based on your presentation? Does the demonstration work?

Is there a brief explanation of how well the demonstration/activity modeled the concept?


Make eye contact with the audience when speaking

Speak loud enough and slow enough that we can all hear and understand

Keep nervous twitches: oral (um, like) and mechanical (brushing hair around) to a minimum.

Relax and smile -- we’re all on your side!

Group Demonstration Topics

Week 2, Monday: 1 group of 3 students

Natural Selection: (Pick 1) Directional or Stabilizing

Genetic Drift

Week 2, Wed: 1 group of 3 students each

Natural Selection (Pick 1) Disruptive or Frequency-dependent


Week 2, Friday: 2 groups of 3 students per discussion session

Sexual Selection

Reproductive Isolation (1 or 2 mechanisms)

Niche Specialization


Week 3, Friday: 1 group of 3 students per discussion session




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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