January 14, 2015

Commissioners Present: Mao, Sokhom Perkins, Arnold Brubeck, Lois Anderson, Louise Gilder, Mary

Absent: Robinson, Tony Nair, Kamal


Cadman, Payal Mchombo-Taylor, Pamela Selvin, Jessica Crain, Crystallee

Guests: Presiding Judge Rhonda Burgess, Superior Court of California, County of Alameda Hattie Tate, Oakland Unified School District, Oakland Unite, City of Oakland Andrea Weddle, County Counsel Deputy Chief Esa Ehmen-Krause, Juvenile Facilities, Probation Dennis Handis, Probation Aundrea Brown, Public Defender Faith Battles, Social Services Agency, Children & Family Services George Galvis, Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice Spencer Hooper, Community Participant Nzinga Arrington, Probation (Recorder)




Everyone went around the room and introduced themselves.

Approval of December Minutes from December 10, 2014 were approved. 10, 2014 meeting minutes

Probation Department Report Out, Deputy Chief Ehmen-Krause and Dennis Handis

Two new JIO's have been hired. Currently recruiting for Deputy Probation Officer. Hiring two new ISII's and this will create ISI vacancies. Recruiting for three Deputy Chief positions: Adult, Juvenile Services, and Juvenile Facilities. Position currently occupied by Dennis Handis has been revised and recruitment will open.

SB81 ? CDCR site plan review in Sacramento next week. The Board approved the reduced scope of 150 beds to 120 beds.

Commissioner Brubeck asked about Camp staffing/when will Superintendent Lisa Hill be returning. Deputy Chief Ehmen-Krause responded that an investigation will determine when Ms. Hill returns. Deputy Chief Ehmen-Krause, ISII Dale Tafoya, and Unit Supervisor Mykiesha Lewis are currently handling the duties.

A third party investigator for Worker's Compensation issues has helped in getting employees either back to work or off of the books. There are also vacancies due to administrative leave and terminations.


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The JIOII recruitment did not quite yield the results planned. Many applications were received from substance abuse counselors. The desired applicants were JIO's from other Counties. The recruitment has closed and Central Human Resources disqualified some applicants based on the minimum qualifications. Tonia Perteet ? Gavin from the Probation Department's Office of Human Resources will review the applications of the disqualified applicants. Another recruitment will be opened with the minimum qualifications stating that applicants must have gone through CORE. Quite a few applicants are lost during the background process. Faith Battles asked what happens in the background process to lose so many candidates. Deputy Chief Ehmen-Krause replied that Chief Harris has given some leeway with the financial history portion. The Psychological portion looks at things such as impulse control and anger management. The standards are set at the State level however, there are some things that can be interpreted and decided by the Chief.

Commissioner Perkins inquired about conditions for using pepper spray as some Counties are stopping the use of it. He also asked if some staff were more prone to using pepper spray, and whether its usage was exacerbated by short staffing. Deputy Chief EhmenKrause responded that the Department is not looking into stopping the use of pepper spray. Commissioner Perkins requested that the Department look into which staff are using it more frequently and to use this for training. Deputy Chief Ehmen-Krause responded that names of the employees could not be provided. Assistant County Counsel Andrea Weddle asked if the Commission had a time frame/wanted a historical account of the usage. Commissioner Selvin responded that the Commission would like data for the Calendar Year giving the number of staff and the number of times each has used pepper spray.

Social Services Agency, Children and Family Services Report Out, Faith Battles

The Assessment Center was cited for non-compliance. Since the Receiving Center is not licensed, children are not to stay past 23:59 hours. A complaint was issued that children were staying longer than 24 hours. The reasons children were staying longer were as follows: researching the absolute best placement, keep siblings together, and trying not to place youth in group homes. Due to this change children may be separated from siblings, placed in higher levels of care, and placed farther away.

They are adding four placement officers to the swing shift and adding more workers to the weekends. They will also be looking again into emergency foster homes. The pay for emergency foster homes is a higher rate of pay however; a lot of foster parents only

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want babies.

George Galvis asked if the Assessment Center could become licensed so that kids could stay longer. Ms. Battles responded that it would have to be set-up as two children per room, doors, etc., this is not currently a workable solution. Commissioner Crain asked if there is tracking for the children to get reunited with their siblings. Ms. Battles responded that the Department keeps the case open to continue to search for better placement for the children

Commissioner Gilder acknowledged appreciation to Children and Family Services for handling this emergency situation. It is traumatic for children to come in and then also be separated from their siblings. There are long ?term traumatic ramifications.

Ms. Battles stated that some children cannot be accepted at the Assessment Center due to severe psychological problems and therefore have to be placed at a mental health facility.

Commissioner Perkins is interested in taking this issue to the legislature to request an additional ten hours be added to the 24 hour limit.

Team decision making is held when a child comes into Foster Care with the parent, grandparents, and anyone who is interested. They try to make plans to keep the child as safe as possible. Commissioner Brubeck asked if there is enough funding to keep the child at home. Ms. Battles responded that there are services offered such as psychological, payment of utility bills, salvage for those that are hoarders, etc., court ordered services. Mr. Galvis stated that it seems as though the bill could be amended to change the time limit from 24 hours to 48 hours. Ms. Battles replied that everyone would have to agree to that change. Commissioner Brubeck asked if the level of compensation is high enough to attract more foster parents. Ms. Battles stated that the stipend isn't the issue, it is the services the children need such as school issues, etc.

Back under waiver for California Well-Being project. Safety-trauma informed care, evidenced based parenting program. Probation is a part of waiver ? wrap around and parenting. KDA - young people struggling with psychological needs, providers in community that can provide mental services. Youth who need these services have been identified.

Commissioner Perkins asked where microwaves, glasses, and refrigerators could be dropped off. Ms. Battles said she could have someone pick them up or they can drop them off at the Assessment Center and notify her. Ms. Battles acknowledged Commissioner


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DISCUSSION Anderson for dropping off holiday gift items for older youth.

Public Defender Report Out, Aundrea Brown

Oakland Unite Report Out, Hattie Tate

On Christmas Eve the Public Defender's Office provided the 144 In Custody youth at Juvenile Hall with pizza, oreo cookies, and Hawaiian punch.

The young men in max unit 2 are turning into really good selfadvocates. She received a letter at her office that had been signed by all the Unit 2 youth. The letter was about them not having a barber for three months. Ms. Brown reached out to Deputy Chief Ehmen-Krause and found out about the difficulties in obtaining one. She asked how to get this done in the short ? term. Another letter was received from the Max Unit requesting contact visits. They asked her to review and asked if it was okay to send the letter to all the people that it was addressed to. Ms. Brown received an email that contact visits will begin this weekend. Commissioner Perkins stated that the Rites of Passage program and sympathetic staff have been very helpful. Mr. Handis stated that the haircut issue wasn't a simple one. There was an incident with one barber Probation employed. Having regular volunteers is easier because the Probation background process is obligatory and can be lengthy. He appreciates the way the youth handled it their requests.

Transition Center has been offered a new database created with funding from Oakland Unite to help better manage wrap around referrals. This will decrease hours spent on data entry into multiple databases.

The MOU will be reviewed due to many transitions in staffing. The Probation Department has a concern regarding information given out on the youth. The MOU has to address who can receive information and what can be shared to protect the youth's identity.

Possible collaboration on mural. Youth will create it and receive funding through a stipend. Transition Center Monthly meetings are held at the Transition Center. Looking at re-doing the ways daily work is integrated with court process through partnering with Deputy Probation Officer Twylla Terry and Presiding Judge Burgess. We are looking at a post card to give to families that will list the four areas of service the Transition Center will be providing.

We are collaborating on projects with Oakland youth, and want to partner with the Probation Department and offer services in other areas of Alameda County. The Juvenile Hall collaborative partnership team thanked the Commission for their leadership and commitment on Christmas morning. A Parent showcase, date pending, will be held. The Parent showcase would be similar to the


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Superior Court, Honorable Rhonda Burgess Report Out


youth re-entry showcase. We would like any of the Commissioners to partner with us in planning. Commissioner Perkins said they would like to have more communication from the parents and let them know the Commission exists.

Commissioner Report Outs

Should be at full capacity on the Commission very soon. Judge Burgess wants to continue with the Commission having a presence at a lot of the large monthly meetings she attends regarding this population. Judge Burgess thanked the Commissioners for their work over the holidays. Nurturing and strengthening relationship with Social Services, Probation, and Michelle Love. The regular meeting with the Commission is held at the end of each month.

The Commission has a two-year agenda. They would like a retreat with partners from Social Services, Transition Center, Public Defender, Probation, etc. to move forward on being on the same plan for the youth.

There will be a regional meeting with the other Juvenile Justice Commissions in the Bay area. Can be a force at State level with legislator and County Board of Supervisors. Commission would like to have an orientation from the Probation Department to facilitate access to the facility. Commissioner Perkins stated that he has access to San Quentin and maintains that access as long as he attends yearly training. The Commission will have focused inspections and will meet with Probation first. Would like to facilitate a better environment for the kids detained at JJC. The Commission is requesting an orientation by the end of February.

Three committees were formed and Chairs were designated: Data, chaired by Commissioner Selvin; Prevention, chaired by Commissioner Brubeck temporarily until it is filled by a new recruit; and Community Liaison chaired by Commissioner Crain. Commissioner Perkins stated that Bob Goetz, former Commissioner and Jimmy Knowles, former Probation Officer, volunteered to be on the Prevention Committee. Every member will be on one of the committees. Mr. Handis stated that the Commission should be mindful of what information can be shared for external members. Commissioner Perkins responded that external members will not be a part of the Data Committee. Commissioner Perkins requested the Chairs to set dates and times for their meeting today.

Commissioner Gilder inquired as to when the new Commissioners would be coming on. Commissioner Perkins responded that they are completing their background and he and Judge Burgess will discuss. Commissioner Perkins stated they will have a general orientation after the next meeting to discuss inspections and duties of the


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Next Meeting


Commission. Commissioner Selvin asked Judge Burgess whether she had a preference for when the inspections are completed. Judge Burgess responded no, and that she was pleased with how expeditiously they were completed last year.

Adjourned at 1:44 p.m.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at noon, Juvenile Justice Center, Conference Rm. C1002



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