Unit 3 Test - murrieta.k12.ca.us

Unit 3 Test Climatology & Oceanography

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Approximately how much of Earth’s surface is covered by water?

|a. |50 percent |c. |70 percent |

|b. |30 percent |d. |40 percent |

____ 2. The temperature of a body of water influences ____.

|a. |the temperature of the air above it |c. |the formation of deserts |

|b. |global warming |d. |vegetation patterns |

____ 3. The rising of cold water from deeper layers to replace warmer surface water is called ____.

|a. |the Coriolis effect |c. |upwelling |

|b. |a surface current |d. |reflection |

____ 4. Which of the following is a tidal current?

|a. |spring tide |c. |neap tide |

|b. |flood tide |d. |both a and c |

____ 5. Which of the following currents is associated with downslope movements of dense sediment-rich water?

|a. |avalanche current |c. |turbidity current |

|b. |density current |d. |longshore current |

____ 6. Sediments derived primarily from the products of weathering on the continents are called ____.

|a. |terrigenous sediment |c. |hydrogenous sediment |

|b. |biogenous sediment |d. |calcareous ooze |

____ 7. Which of the following decreases beach erosion without the construction of protective structures?

|a. |seawall |c. |groin |

|b. |beach nourishment |d. |breakwater |

____ 8. The energy that drives surface ocean currents comes from ____.

|a. |salinity variations |c. |temperature differences |

|b. |wind |d. |wave action |

____ 9. What causes surface ocean currents to be deflected?

|a. |deep currents |c. |Earth’s revolution |

|b. |the Coriolis effect |d. |global winds |

____ 10. Which of the following is designed to prevent or slow shoreline erosion?

|a. |groin |c. |seawall |

|b. |beach nourishment |d. |all of the above |

____ 11. What happens to waves when there is refraction in bays?

|a. |They spread out. |c. |They erode headlands. |

|b. |They expend less energy. |d. |both a and b |

____ 12. Approximately how much of Earth’s surface is covered by land?

|a. |30 percent |c. |60 percent |

|b. |50 percent |d. |70 percent |

____ 13. The smallest daily tidal range occurs during which type of tide?

|a. |spring tide |c. |neap tide |

|b. |flood tide |d. |ebb tide |

____ 14. The gently sloping submerged surface extending from the shoreline toward the deep ocean is called ____.

|a. |continental shelf |c. |continental rise |

|b. |continental slope |d. |submarine canyon |

____ 15. The open ocean of any depth is called the ____.

|a. |neritic zone |c. |benthic zone |

|b. |pelagic zone |d. |abyssal zone |

____ 16. Density currents move ____.

|a. |horizontally |c. |from north to south |

|b. |vertically |d. |from south to north |

____ 17. Which ocean zone is characterized by high water pressure, low temperatures, and no sunlight?

|a. |intertidal zone |c. |abyssal zone |

|b. |pelagic zone |d. |neritic zone |

____ 18. Which process does NOT decrease the salinity of water?

|a. |runoff from land |c. |precipitation |

|b. |formation of sea ice |d. |melting of sea ice |

____ 19. Increased altitude generally causes lower ____.

|a. |relative humidity |c. |wind velocities |

|b. |temperatures |d. |rainfall amounts |

____ 20. The rain shadow effect is associated with ____.

|a. |oceans |c. |latitude |

|b. |rivers |d. |mountains |

____ 21. The movement of water that parallels the shore within the surf zone is called ____.

|a. |tidal current |c. |beach drift |

|b. |salinity current |d. |longshore current |

____ 22. Where trenches do not exist, the steep continental slope merges into a more gradual incline known as the continental ____.

|a. |abyss |c. |zone |

|b. |rise |d. |rift |

____ 23. Circular orbital motion refers to ____.

|a. |ocean density currents |

|b. |water particles and the transfer of energy |

|c. |tidal patterns |

|d. |the movement of sediment along coasts |

____ 24. Seamounts are ____.

|a. |volcanoes that form on the ocean floor |

|b. |only found in the Pacific Ocean |

|c. |a special type of oceanic trench |

|d. |submarine canyons found near Australia |

____ 25. Which of the following is NOT one of the three major regions of the ocean floor?

|a. |continental margins |c. |coastal plain |

|b. |ocean basin floor |d. |mid-ocean ridges |

____ 26. Organisms that drift with ocean currents are called ____.

|a. |nekton |c. |benthos |

|b. |plankton |d. |photic |

____ 27. Which of the following best describes the ocean bottom?

|a. |cold |c. |dark |

|b. |quiet |d. |all of the above |

____ 28. Which of the following is NOT considered one of the four major oceans?

|a. |Atlantic |c. |Indian |

|b. |Pacific |d. |Antarctic |

____ 29. Nekton include all animals that ____.

|a. |move independently of ocean currents |c. |live at or in the ocean bottom |

|b. |drift with ocean currents |d. |live both on land and in the water |

____ 30. Marine organisms are classified according to how they ____.

|a. |live |c. |eat |

|b. |move |d. |live and move |

____ 31. The ocean layer of rapid temperature change with depth is known as the ____.

|a. |trophic level |c. |mixed zone |

|b. |deep zone |d. |thermocline |

____ 32. Which of the following is NOT a process that decreases the salinity of seawater?

|a. |runoff from land |c. |precipitation |

|b. |icebergs melting |d. |evaporation |

____ 33. Waves in shallow water become bent and begin to run parallel to shore, a process known as ____.

|a. |oscillation |c. |reflection |

|b. |refraction |d. |erosion |

____ 34. Which layer of the ocean experiences a rapid change in density with depth?

|a. |deep zone |c. |pycnocline |

|b. |thermocline |d. |mixed zone |

____ 35. Which of the following is NOT a factor used to divide the ocean into distinct marine life zones?

|a. |availability of sunlight |c. |water depth |

|b. |distance from shore |d. |latitude |

____ 36. What technology do scientists use to measure ocean depth?

|a. |sonar |c. |rope |

|b. |laser |d. |submersible |

____ 37. Which of the following is NOT a possible consequence of global warming?

|a. |more frequent and intense hurricanes |c. |reduction in secondary pollutants |

|b. |rising sea level |d. |more frequent and intense droughts |

____ 38. What happens to the intensity of solar energy as latitude increases?

|a. |It stays the same. |c. |It decreases. |

|b. |It increases. |d. |It doubles. |

____ 39. What is the most abundant salt in the sea?

|a. |calcium chloride |c. |potassium chloride |

|b. |magnesium chloride |d. |sodium chloride |

____ 40. In dry climates, rates of evaporation exceed ____.

|a. |rates of condensation |c. |number of sunny days |

|b. |rates of precipitation |d. |average temperatures |

____ 41. The highest salinity would be found in which of the following areas?

|a. |an area with high rates of precipitation |

|b. |an area with high rates of evaporation |

|c. |an area with plenty of runoff |

|d. |all of the above |

____ 42. What factors influence a region’s photosynthetic productivity?

|a. |temperature and density |c. |sunlight and depth |

|b. |salinity and sunlight |d. |nutrients and sunlight |

____ 43. Shoreline erosion and coastal flooding are two consequences of ____.

|a. |increased rates of evaporation |c. |volcanic eruptions |

|b. |a global rise in sea level |d. |the greenhouse effect |

____ 44. What is the principal source of dissolved substances in the oceans?

|a. |weathering |c. |outgassing |

|b. |infiltration |d. |evaporation |

____ 45. What term describes organisms that live on or in the ocean floor?

|a. |benthos |c. |nekton |

|b. |pelagic |d. |plankton |

____ 46. The use of light energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into energy-rich glucose molecules is called ____.

|a. |chemosynthesis |c. |productivity |

|b. |photosynthesis |d. |trophism |

____ 47. Because of the Coriolis effect, ocean currents in the Northern Hemisphere are deflected to the ____.

|a. |right |c. |north |

|b. |left |d. |south |

____ 48. Which of the following is an example of human impact on climate changes?

|a. |the greenhouse effect |c. |global warming |

|b. |changes in solar output |d. |changes in the tilt of Earth’s axis |

____ 49. Which type of climate has no winters?

|a. |humid tropical |c. |polar |

|b. |dry |d. |highland |

____ 50. Which of the following is NOT a zone in the three-layered structure of the ocean relating to density?

|a. |surface mixed zone |c. |transition zone |

|b. |deep zone |d. |intertidal zone |

____ 51. Which of the following structures is built to protect boats from large breaking waves?

|a. |jetty |c. |breakwater |

|b. |groin |d. |seawall |

____ 52. What is true about an ocean current that is moving toward the equator?

|a. |It is warm. |c. |It is cold. |

|b. |It is fast. |d. |It is slow. |

____ 53. What phenomenon naturally warms Earth’s lower atmosphere and surface?

|a. |the formation of sunspots |c. |global warming |

|b. |changes in the shape of Earth’s orbit |d. |the greenhouse effect |

____ 54. When is the daily tidal range greatest?

|a. |spring tide |c. |neap tide |

|b. |ebb tide |d. |flood tide |

____ 55. Which of the following describes the movement of sand parallel to the shore?

|a. |It may create spits. |

|b. |It is achieved by longshore currents. |

|c. |It is an important reason for the construction of groins. |

|d. |all of the above |

____ 56. What two factors are used to classify climate in the Köppen climate classification system?

|a. |temperature and air pressure |c. |temperature and precipitation |

|b. |elevation and latitude |d. |precipitation and location |

____ 57. Which climate type is associated with savannas?

|a. |wet tropical |c. |humid subtropical |

|b. |tropical wet and dry |d. |subarctic |

____ 58. Which ocean zone does sunlight penetrate?

|a. |neritic zone |c. |photic zone |

|b. |aphotic zone |d. |abyssal zone |

____ 59. Which type of climate is characteristic of Antarctica?

|a. |humid mid-latitude |c. |humid tropical |

|b. |dry |d. |polar |

____ 60. The largest of Earth’s oceans is the ____.

|a. |Pacific |c. |Indian |

|b. |Atlantic |d. |Arctic |

Unit 3 Test

Answer Section


1. ANS: C BJ: 14.1

2. ANS: A DIF:.3 STO: 5.c, 6.b

3. ANS: C DIF: L1 OBJ: 16.3 STO: 5.b, 5.c, 5.d

4. ANS: D DIF: L1 OBJ: 16.8 STO: 5.b, 5.d

5. ANS: C DIF: L1 STO: 5.d

6. ANS: A DIF:: 3.c

7. ANS: B DIF: L1 OBJ: 16.12 STO: 5.b

8. ANS: B DIF: L1 OBJ: 16.1 STO: 5.b

9. ANS: B d

10. ANS: D DIF: L1 OBJ: 16.12 STO: 5.b

11. ANS: D DIF: L2 OBJ: 16.10 STO: 5.b

12. ANS: A DIF: L1 OBJ: 14.1

13. ANS: C DIF: L1 OBJ: 16.8 STO: 5.d

14. ANS: A DIF: L1 OBJ: 14.6 STO: 3.a

15. ANS: B DIF: L1 OBJ: 15.8 STO: 3.a, 5.d

16. ANS: B DIF: L2 OBJ: 16.4 STO: 5.d

17. ANS: C DIF: L1 OBJ: 15.8 STO: 5.d

18. ANS: B DIF: L1 OBJ: 16.4 STO: 5.b, 5.d

19. ANS: B DIF: L2 OBJ: 21.2 STO: 6.b

20. ANS: D DIF: L1 OBJ: 21.2 STO: 6.c

21. ANS: D DIF: L1 OBJ: 16.9 STO: 5.b

22. ANS: B DIF: L1 OBJ: 14.3 STO: 3.a

23. ANS: B DIF: L2 OBJ: 16.7 STO: 5.b

24. ANS: A DIF: L2 OBJ: 14.5 STO: 3.a, 3.b, 3.c

25. ANS: C DIF: L1 OBJ: 14.5 STO: 3.a

26. ANS: B DIF: L1 OBJ: 15.5 STO: 5.d

27. ANS: D DIF: L1 OBJ: 15.7 STO: 5.d

28. ANS: D DIF: L1 OBJ: 14.2

29. ANS: A DIF: L1 OBJ: 15.6 STO: 5.d

30. ANS: D DIF: L2 OBJ: 15.5 STO: 5.d

31. ANS: D DIF: L1 OBJ: 15.3 STO: 5.d

32. ANS: D DIF: L1 OBJ: 15.2 STO: 5.d

33. ANS: B DIF: L1 OBJ: 16.10 STO: 5.b

34. ANS: C DIF: L1 OBJ: 15.3 STO: 5.d

35. ANS: D DIF: L1 OBJ: 15.8 STO: 5.d

36. ANS: A DIF: L1 OBJ: 14.4 STO: 3.a

37. ANS: C DIF: L2 OBJ: 21.15

38. ANS: C DIF: L1 OBJ: 21.1 STO: 6.a, 6.b

39. ANS: D DIF: L1 OBJ: 15.1 STO: 5.d

40. ANS: B DIF: L2 OBJ: 21.9 STO: 6.c

41. ANS: B DIF: L2 OBJ: 15.2 STO: 5.d

42. ANS: D DIF: L1 OBJ: 15.9 STO: 7.a

43. ANS: B DIF: L1 OBJ: 21.15

44. ANS: A DIF: L1 OBJ: 15.2

45. ANS: A DIF: L1 OBJ: 15.5 STO: 5.d

46. ANS: B DIF: L1 OBJ: 15.9 STO: 7.a

47. ANS: A DIF: L1 OBJ: 16.1 STO: 5.b

48. ANS: C DIF: L2 OBJ: 21.14

49. ANS: A DIF: L1 OBJ: 21.7 STO: 6.b

50. ANS: D DIF: L1 OBJ: 15.4 STO: 5.d

51. ANS: C DIF: L1 OBJ: 16.12 STO: 5.b, 5.d

52. ANS: C DIF: L1 OBJ: 16.2 STO: 5.b, 5.d

53. ANS: D DIF: L2 OBJ: 21.13 STO: 4.d, 6.c, 6.d

54. ANS: A DIF: L1 OBJ: 16.8 STO: 5.b, 5.d

55. ANS: D DIF: L2 OBJ: 16.12 STO: 5.b

56. ANS: C DIF: L1 OBJ: 21.6 STO: 6.c

57. ANS: B DIF: L1 OBJ: 21.7 STO: 6.b

58. ANS: C DIF: L1 OBJ: 15.8 STO: 5.d

59. ANS: D DIF: L1 OBJ: 21.10 STO: 6.b

60. ANS: A DIF: L1 OBJ: 14.2


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