
Density Problems Worksheet

* Density can be used to compare materials. In some cases it may be possible to use density to identify materials. Density can be used to predict if a substance will sink or float in water or other fluid as things will float on substances more dense than they are. The density of fresh water at room temperature is 1.0 g/ml, so anything denser than 1g/cm3 (or 1.0 g/ml) will sink in water.

* Density is defined as mass per unit volume. Another way of stating this as a formula is: D = M/V. Simple mathematical operations can be performed with this formula to easily calculate mass or volume if you know the other two as shown below:

D = M/V

D x V = M x V (multiply both sides by V and cancel)


So, M = DV 

Thus, since M = DV,

M = DV (divide both sides by D and cancel)


So, V = M/D

* The units for mass are grams. The abbreviation for grams is g. The units for volume are milliliters or cubic centimeters. The abbreviation for milliliter is ml and for cubic centimeter is cm3 or, sometimes, cc. ONE MILLILITER EQUALS ONE CUBIC CENTIMETER! The units for density are g/ml for liquids, or g/cm3 for solids (pronounced grams per milliliter or grams per cubic centimeter respectively).

Find the answers to each of the following problems.

For each calculation show your work by:

a. writing down the formula

b. substituting the numbers for the letters

c. giving the answer with the proper units

1 a. What are the units for mass? ________

b. What are the two units we use for volume? ________ ________

c. What are the two units for density? ________ ________

2. What is the density of a turkey statue which has a volume of 35cm3 and a mass of 280 grams?



3. What is the density of a pokemon which has a mass of 360 grams and a volume of 80 milliliters?


4. a) A stinky green liquid had a density of 1.0032g/ml. What is the volume of a kilogram of this liquid?

b) Would this liquid float on or sink in water at room temperature? Explain.

5. Find the density of a 20 ml sample of industrial sludge whose mass is 180 grams.


6. H2O is a unique material; it is most dense at 4(C. What is the state of water when it is most dense (solid, liquid or gas)? ________

7. What is the density of a fungus extract which has a mass of 52.5 grams and a volume of 17ml?




8. Find the density of a 1.48-gram Jerusalem cricket that displaces 5 ml. of water when dunked into a cup.




9. What is the density of a material if its mass is 46 grams and its volume is 46 milliliters? What is this material (probably)?




10. Find the density of a 65-gram meatball whose volume is 32 cm3.

11. Explain why ice floats on water.

12. Explain why organic tofu sinks in water.

13. What is the volume of a lollipop whose density is 1.5g/ cm3 and whose mass is 82.5grams?

14. Find the mass of a purple plastic porcupine with a density of 1.25g/ cm3 and takes up 8 cm3 of space?

15. An old shoe was thrown into a barrel that had two eco-friendly liquids in it. The liquids had separated into layers much like salad dressing can. After sloshing around for a few moments, the shoe ended up between the layers of liquids. Explain why the shoe did not float on the top liquid or sink into the bottom.

16. Explain why you think fish can so easily stay in the middle of a lake without floating or sinking.


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