IMPORTANT: The individual who picks up the section’s ...

[pic] Annual Report Template

I. Section/SIG Name: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

II. Councilor/Chair (SIG only) Contact Information

Name ______Alice Curran, DMD, MS_____________________________________

(include degree titles)

Title _____Associate Professor___Department _____Diagnostic Sciences_____

Institution Name: _University of North Carolina School of Dentistry______________

Phone: ___919 966-2747_____ Fax: _____919 966-0705_________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________________

III. 2007-2008 Section/SIG Activities

Describe section/SIG activities and projects during the past year. Take this opportunity to highlight innovative activities and projects. Note projects with a national scope and/or collaborative work with other sections, organizations, and institutions.

A. List the Section/SIG activities:

• Newsletter (either electronic or print): yes/no

o Frequency: Bi-annual as part of the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Newsletter; we have our own column that is attached below.

• Community of Interest: established or on-going No

• Project Pool Submission: yes/no

• Project Pool Submission funded: yes/no

o If yes: Title:

• Meetings/programs:

o Regional: yes/no

▪ Collaboration with:

o National: yes/no

▪ Collaboration with: The American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

o ADEA Annual Session

▪ Collaboration with: Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology

B. What reflects the best example of your Section/SIG activities? Our annual program

IV. Membership and Attendance

Access the section membership list and reference the “Members’ Forum Attendance Roster” provided in the section/SIG information packet to report the following:

A. Total membership for the section as of March 2008. 806

B. Total attendance at the section’s 2008 Members’ Forum. 17

V. Section Structure

A. List current contact information for the Section/SIG officer.

COUNCILOR 1st Term 2nd Term Beginning Term Date __March 2006___

(Section Only)

Name _____Alice E. Curran, DMD, MS____________________________

(include degree titles)

Title ____Associate Professor__ Department ____Diagnostic Sciences________

Institution Name : University of North Carolina _______

Phone: ____919 966-2747______ Fax: ___919 966-0705____

Email: _alice_curran@dentistry.unc.edu____________________________________________

Chair: Jerry E. Bouquot, DDS, MSD

Department of Diagnostic Sciences, Room 3.094b

University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston

6516 M.D. Anderson Boulevard

Houston, TX 77030

Tel: (713) 500-4406

Fax: (713) 500-4416

Chair-elect: Sara C. Gordon, DDS, MSc, FRCD(C)

Director of Oral Pathology Graduate Studies

Department of Oral Medicine & Diagnostic Sciences (MC 838)

University of Illinois at Chicago

College of Dentistry

801 South Paulina Street

Chicago, IL 60612-7213

Tel: (312) 996-7480

Fax: (312) 355-2688

Secretary: Terry R. Dean, DMD

Assistant Professor

Department of Allied Health


Western Kentucky University

1906 College Heights Blvd. #11032

Bowling Green, KY 42101-1032


B. Describe section structure—other than the four officers—if one exists. Provide information about regional, national, and international networks. If deemed appropriate: list additional contact information for reference. None

VI. Financial Status

Each year prior to the Annual Session, ADEA compiles a list of all corporations, organizations, and foundations that support ADEA activities and programs for publication in the House of Delegates Manual. This compilation is the basis for honoring these sponsors at the Annual Session. This information related to section activities is gathered from your section annual report. If the section receives no external financial support, note “N/A.” Include the following information:

A. Current Section Balance: $4995.74

B. Organizations (and contact persons) providing financial support for section activities None

C. Purpose of the support (program, reception, newsletter, etc.), number of participants and recipients, and other details

D. The type of funding: donation or gifts-in-kind, and amount of funding. None

VII. Meeting Minutes (copy/paste Word document into the field)

2008 ADEA Annual Meeting, Dallas

Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Section

Business Meeting, March 30, 2008

 Officers: Chair, Kurt Summersgill; Vice Chair, Jerry Bouquot; Secretary, Sara Gordon; Councilor, Alice Curran

 Meeting called to order: 12:35 pm

 Present: Jerry Bouquot (University of Texas, Houston), William Carpenter (University of the Pacific), Alice Curran (University of North Carolina), Terry Dean (Western Kentucky University), Allan Dovigi (Midwestern University), Michael Finkelstein (University of Iowa), George Gallagher (Boston University), Sara Gordon (University of Illinois), Denis Lynch (Marquette University), Valerie Murrah (University of North Carolina), Kristina Okolisan-Mulligan (University of Detroit Mercy), John Sauk (University of Louisville), Carol Stewart (University of Florida), Jeff Stewart (Oregon Health and Science University), Kurt Summersgill (University of Pittsburgh), Lane Thomsen (Loma Linda University), Craig Whitt (University of Missouri – Kansas City).

 Pre-meeting program: The section presented a program conjointly with Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology entitled “Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology and Pathology for the Millennial Learner” featuring speakers Jerry Bouquot (University of Texas, Houston), John Brand (University of Nebraska), Jim Geist (University of Detroit Mercy), and John Valenza (University of Texas, Houston). The program was attended by about 50 people and was very well received.

Chair’s Report:

 Chair Kurt Summersgill opened the meeting with a welcome, and presented last year’s minutes, which were accepted as earlier distributed. Additional items included the following:

 The Listserv is finally functioning as a means of informing members about section events.

• The digital conversion of Dr. Gil Lilly’s teaching slides has been halted due to concerns about photo quality. Dr Finkelstein will concentrate on collecting new incoming cases.

• A section interim meeting was held at the AAOMP annual meeting in Kansas City. The luncheon was hosted by AAOMP, and was well-attended. The current officers will determine the value of another interim meeting/luncheon, paid for by the section.

 Councilor’s Report:

 Councilor Alice Curran presented the following information:


• The Council of Sections met on Saturday March 29 from 12-4 PM. Chair Lily Garcia announced that there were over 1775 members registered for the Annual Session, which is a record high for attendance.


• The Committee for Competencies for the New Dentist announced that the competencies have been completed. Input from Communities of Interest has been solicited for the past 3 years. In addition, each dental specialty association was contacted and asked to comment on the competencies. All the specialty organizations except the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology responded. It was assumed that their lack of response was because there were no comments. All suggestions that were received have been incorporated into the document. The document will be voted on in the form of a Resolution at the House of Delegates on Wednesday. The next step is the development of Foundation Knowledge that will support the Competencies. A Task Force on Foundation Knowledge will be organized. Each Section will be asked to review the competencies and develop a list of pertinent skills and information needed for each competency. Section Officers will be responsible for soliciting input from section members. Jeff Stewart from AAOMP will be a member of the Task Force.


• The Council of Sections has been asked to develop a plan to enhance participation of members in Section activities. ADEA is willing to fund any section that would like to conduct a survey of its members to learn what they want from their Section membership. It was suggested that each individual ADEA member declare a primary Section so that members would not receive multiple surveys. Increasing member participation will be a topic at the Fall Meeting.


• Med-Ed Portal is a collaborative effort between ADEA and the American Association of Medical Colleges. It is an on-line publishing venue for teaching material such as syllabi and course manuals. Material submitted to Med-Ed Portal will be peer-reviewed so that publications may be counted as scholarly activity and considered in P&T.  At next year’s meeting in Phoenix, there will be a session for P&T committee members to learn more about this publishing opportunity. It also was announced the JDE is being reviewed for Impact Factor.


• The Project Pool has over $70K. One project on Tobacco Cessation has been completed. Two new projects have been funded. There will a poster on Monday afternoon that describes the Project Pool process. Members interested in learning how to apply for project pool funding are encouraged to attend. Information also is available on the ADEA website.


• Announcements included that Judy Skelton was in need of judges for student posters on Monday and that Baylor College of Dentistry was hosting a tour and dinner buffet Monday evening. The Fall Meeting will be held on October 22-25 in Philadelphia. All Section Officers are welcome to attend.


Vice Chair’s Report:


Vice Chair Jerry Bouquot congratulated member Valerie Murrah for completing her quest to complete a marathon in all 50 states. He stated that he is planning to update which now receives 2.7 million hits a year. The 2005 WHO Workshop on Precancer has now been published and concludes that lichen planus is not a precancer.

 Program for 2008:

By tradition, the new Vice Chair is responsible for the section program. Incoming Vice Chair Sara Gordon proposed that next year’s program focus on The Head and Neck Examination: What are the standards of care and how do we teach it. This would dovetail with member concerns that the head and neck examination be well represented in the Foundation Knowledge document being developed for ADEA. She suggested that we meet jointly with another section and members agreed with this. Proposals for sections to meet with included The Organization of Teachers of Oral Diagnosis (OTOD), and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. She will pursue these suggestions.

 Elections: In accordance with the By-Laws, Dr. Bouquot became Chair and Dr. Gordon became Vice Chair. Dr. Terry Dean’s name was placed in nomination for Secretary. He was elected unanimously. Dr. Curran continues as Councilor.

 Meeting adjourned: 1:16 pm

Minutes reported: Sara Gordon


AAOMP Newsletter Columns for 2007-08

2008 Newsletter:

Oral Path and Radiology Ponder Millennial Learner at ADEA

The Millennial Learner likes to learn by doing and collaborating, according to the joint section program of Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology at the recent ADEA meeting in Dallas.

The program, which had over 50 attendees, had a lively introduction by oral radiologist John Brand, who characterized students born after about 1982 as multi-taskers who need to be actively engaged to capture their attention. John Valenza discussed the electronic patient record as a teaching tool for these students. AAOMP members Jerry Bouquot and Jim Geist presented clinical cases that illustrate effective teaching strategies for the millennial learner.

At the Section on Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology meeting following the program, members discussed new competencies for the graduating dentist that were adopted by ADEA’s House of Delegates later in the week. Beginning in about 2 months, all sections will help develop the accompanying Foundation Knowledge document, a process that should take about 2 years, according to section councilor Alice Curran. AAOMP members will be solicited for input on this document in a number of forums that will be conducted. Members approved Section Secretary Sara Gordon’s suggestion that next year’s Section Program should attempt to define the parameters of the head and neck screening examination for the graduating dentist and dental hygienist.

Dr Curran introduced members to the MedEdPortal, a peer-reviewed online service that allows participants to share their educational ideas with others while retaining copyright.

Next year’s ADEA meeting will be held March 14-18 in Phoenix.

PAGE 7 American Academy of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology


The ADEA Section on Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology will hold its Interim Meeting

at the upcoming AAOMP Meeting in Kansas City. This luncheon meeting is open

to all active members of the Section. The luncheon will be Tuesday, May 8 at noon.

The Section on Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology now has 384 registered members.

All members attending the AAOMP meeting are encouraged to attend and become

involved in Section activities.

At the meeting in New Orleans in March, the Section presented a program by Dr. Kurt

Summersgill and Dr. Sara Gordon, entitled “Innovation and Fun Teaching Pathology”.

They presented ways to add interest and enthusiasm to classroom activities (for both

students and faculty) by using Web resources, mnemonics, vocabulary-centered crossword

puzzles, a Jeopardy-style game, word roots, abbreviations, and the tasty CPC

(Cookie Pathological Conferences), which were developed by Cynthia Kleinegger.

At the Section business meeting following the Program, Dr. John Brand of the American

Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology invited the Section to co-sponsor

a joint program with the Section on Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology at the Annual

Meeting in Dallas in March 2008. The program will focus on educational issues common

to the two specialties.

OMP Section officers for 2007-2008 are Dr. Kurt Summersgill (University of Pittsburgh)

Chair) and Dr. Jerry Bouquot (University of Texas, Houston) Vice-Chair. Dr. Sara Gordon

(University of Illinois at Chicago) was elected Secretary. Dr. Alice Curran (University

of North Carolina) continues in her term as Councilor.

VIII. Additional Comments or Suggestions to the Administrative Board

Provide feedback to the COS Admin Board about section concerns, comments, or suggestions.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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